Monday, 2025-03-17

opendevreviewMatt Anson proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix RabbitMQ version check logic
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: ansible-lint: Make roles passable with shared profile
mnasiadkafrickler, yuval : I believe the current neutron issues are this:
fricklermnasiadka: yes, I just saw that in the neutron bug report, too. not sure how we could easily work around that, though, except essentially stopping all testing :(08:04
mnasiadkafrickler: I guess we could switch to OVN by default, if somebody has time to work on ;-)08:05
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Fix openstack-tox-docs job
frickleryeah, that would still imply giving up on all OVS testing. but then I'm only running OVN downstream, so I likely wouldn't object too hard. I'm going to nag neutron folks a bit, too08:07
priteauGood morning. Hopefully the patch above fixes CI.08:08
frickleroh, more failures? great08:09
priteauThe docs job was migrated to Noble last week by gmann 08:10
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla master: [DNM] Test doc build
fricklerpriteau: yes, I know, I just had missed that failure amoung all the others08:12
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
mnasiadkafrickler: let's say the others are more visible ;-)08:16
priteauSuccess! Please review
mnasiadkapriteau: other jobs probably won't pass until Neutron fixes dhcp08:17
yuvalgot it, Thanks08:41
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: Test Neutron DHCP eventlet drop revert
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
mnasiadkafrickler: What is interesting, the k-a jobs started failing miserably yesterday -
fricklermnasiadka: well Friday evening first, but yes. I haven't found anything merged in neutron at that time that looks related09:58
fricklerbut also nothing merged in kolla/k-a09:58
mnasiadkayes, but that DHCP change was from 1st of March09:59
mnasiadkawe would see that sooner09:59
mnasiadkaNothing in oslo.service09:59
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: DNM: Try to switch to 2025.1 sources
mnasiadkalet's try this10:04
priteauCould it be caused by
priteauIt merged late on Friday10:12
fricklermnasiadka: looks like the revert-test patch is still failing the same way :(10:13
mnasiadkathat's not the patch that is causing it10:13
mnasiadkalooking through gerrit for anything that is relevant, but can't find anything10:13
priteauLooking at Zuul builds, it was working with neutron-dhcp-agent version but failing with neutron-dhcp-agent version
priteauIt think that could fit with the IPv6 patch?10:14
fricklerpriteau: I had skipped that patch based on the commit message, but timing would match and it does indeed touch dhcp agent code10:15
priteauCan we test a revert?10:18
mnasiadkafrickler: do you have time testing the revert?10:19
priteauIt is being backported to Dalmatian too:
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: Test Neutron DHCP eventlet drop revert
frickler^^ testing combination of both reverts now, just in case10:21
mnasiadkaneed to drop out for an hour10:22
frickleractually I have a held node now, testing there might be faster, let me see10:24
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
mnasiadkafrickler: does that mean devstack runs without ipv6? ;-)12:35
fricklerfrickler: there are also IPv6 jobs, but by default yes12:37
fricklerbut also part of the issue seems to be that the metadata address isn't available in kolla in the dhcp container12:38
frickleror maybe some bind-nonlocal flag missing?12:41
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
priteauThe issue seems to show up when IPv6 is enabled in Linux, but there are no IPv6 Neutron subnets. Maybe Neutron CI disables IPv6 when not used?12:45
fricklerhmm, that would sound like a surprise to me12:58
mnasiadkahmm, maybe the problem is in docker and podman - we'd need to assign that address first to the host, to make it available to the container13:02
mnasiadkawell, we run the dhcp agent in privileged mode, so that should work13:12
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: Test Neutron DHCP fix
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
fricklerseems there's also something wrong with our ipv6 job, though I can't see why the pull would fail because of that change
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: debian: Use Dalmatian extrepo release
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: mariadb: Use mysql_query instead of command
fricklerwell the pull fails because we didn't build the image we need. seems we need to add prometheus to the default list, since ipv6 doesn't have any scenario tag17:46
mnasiadkafrickler: I think a colleague of mine did some work with that, will find that tomorrow18:16
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: Test Neutron DHCP fix
mnasiadkafrickler: that should do it for testing19:16
mnasiadkafrickler: ipv6 jobs passing now20:09
fricklerthx, will take a closer look tomorrow21:08
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix docs rendering errors.

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