Saturday, 2025-03-15

opendevreviewZhoneym proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Limit bcrypt version to !=4.3.2,>=3.0.0 for compatibility
hamidlotfi_Hi Community,10:11
hamidlotfi_In version 2024.1, in various deployment environments, both virtual and bare metal, when executing the MariaDB backup command:10:11
hamidlotfi_`kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/multinode mariadb_backup`10:11
hamidlotfi_ I receive this error:10:11
hamidlotfi_[00] 2025-03-15 13:31:23 Error: Unsupported server version: '10.11.10-MariaDB-ubu2204-log'.10:11
hamidlotfi_", "stderr_lines": ["INFO:__main__:Loading config file at /var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json", "INFO:__main__:Validating config file", "INFO:__main__:Kolla config strategy set to: COPY_ALWAYS", "INFO:__main__:Copying /etc/mysql/my.cnf to /etc/kolla/defaults/etc/mysql/my.cnf", "INFO:__main__:Copying permissions from /etc/mysql/my.cnf onto /etc/kolla/defaults/etc/mysql/my.cnf", "INFO:__main__:Copying service 10:11
hamidlotfi_configuration files", "INFO:__main__:Deleting /etc/mysql/my.cnf", "INFO:__main__:Copying /var/lib/kolla/config_files/my.cnf to /etc/mysql/my.cnf", "INFO:__main__:Setting permission for /etc/mysql/my.cnf", "INFO:__main__:Writing out command to execute", "INFO:__main__:Setting permission for /var/log/kolla/mariadb", "INFO:__main__:Setting permission for /backup", "[00] 2025-03-15 13:31:23 Connecting to MariaDB server 10:11
hamidlotfi_host:, user: backup_shard_0, password: set, port: 3306, socket: not set", "[00] 2025-03-15 13:31:23 Error: Unsupported server version: '10.11.10-MariaDB-ubu2204-log'."], "stdout": "Taking a full backup10:11
hamidlotfi_", "stdout_lines": ["Taking a full backup"]}`10:11
hamidlotfi_And I resolve this error with this change:10:12
hamidlotfi_please review.10:12
simondodsleyAny core fancy reviewing this patch that has been waiting for 6 months?

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