Sunday, 2025-03-09

mnasiadkafrickler, kevko : in the PTG week I will be in Auckland, New Zealand - do we want to meet 7am UTC (which is 9am CET) or should we move the Kolla PTG to some other week - maybe closer to the Kolla delayed release time?00:30
fricklermnasiadka: both options would be fine for me, actually preferred to the "usual" schedule by reducing overlap07:08
kevkomnasiadka: for me both ok ...13:11
kevkotafkamax: Sink is for low level DNS advertisment ... simply said ... sink is just watching ports and sending notification and create DNS record 14:11
kevkotafkamax: The ``designate-sink`` is an optional service which listens for event14:12
kevkonotifications, such as compute.instance.create.end, handlers are14:12
kevkoavailable for Nova and Neutron. Notification events can then be used14:12
kevkoto trigger record creation & deletion.14:12
kevkoas per doc ^^ 14:12
tafkamaxYup, that's why we are using sink.14:17
tafkamaxTo automatically create dns records for vm-s14:18
tafkamaxOne problem we have with floating IP-s is that after the initial floating ip assignment to the VM and then deleting the vm and using the floating ip the dns record is not updated14:30
tafkamaxIf the vm has a new name14:30
mnasiadkaThe Neutron DNS plugin will do the same, sink was useful when that was not an option - with sink you put a lot of strain on your rabbitmq14:37
kevkotafkamax: you can set dns name also for floating IP if you want 14:58
EugenMayer440180today i tried to restore an image/instance from glance, but it failed binding the instance network port. Right now, i cannot spawn any instance in that subnet, i always get an issue that the port cannot be bound: 17:58
*** bodgix3 is now known as bodgix18:36
EugenMayer440180using kolla 19.3.0 and openstack 2024.2 - any help is appritated19:09
fricklerwell the error message pretty clearly says: check neutron logs20:32

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