Wednesday, 2025-03-05

tafkamaxHi, I am trying to build my own version of kolla-ansible and the pbr is so restrictive. I am having an issue where the pbr version finder finds an invalid version. packaging.version.InvalidVersion: Invalid version: ''09:02
tafkamaxI don't have a tag with that kind of name.09:03
tafkamaxwhere can it come from?09:03
tafkamaxlike if i specified version in the setup.cfg can pbr go down the git history and find those references and go AWOL with invalid version? Although I have not found that specific version to be specified as such in setup.cfg, but we tested some other variants.09:08
tafkamaxLike... (full message at <>)09:14
tafkamaxif i just do git tag -a  pbr will ignore it?09:14
opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Enable ML2/OVN by default
tafkamaxHuh seems the error happens only at my gitlab CI09:42
tafkamaxbuilding locally using python -m build works09:42
tafkamaxRunning the git tag --list shows it in the CI.... (full message at <>)09:48
tafkamaxbut trying to delete it from the remote does not work: git push --delete origin 19.0.0-1.test-dev09:49
tafkamaxerror: unable to delete '19.0.0-1.test-dev': remote ref does not exist09:49
tafkamaxHuh seems there was a rouge tag10:01
tafkamaxgit push origin :refs/tags/19.0.0-1.test-dev helped10:01
tafkamaxok maybe that wasnt enough10:03
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix Redis Sentinel authentication for octavia's jobboard HA
tafkamaxnvm it was gitlab using fetch instead of clone10:05
tafkamax  variables:10:05
tafkamax    GIT_STRATEGY: clone10:05
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix Redis Sentinel authentication for octavia's jobboard HA
kevkotafkamax: pbr is creating its own version if tag is not found 10:08
kevkotafkamax: it's crating version with +1 addition and + dev and + n where n is number of commits above the last tagged version 10:08
kevkotafkamax: you probably want to use PEP440 local version with +tafkamax1 for example ...similar as debian packaging if i am right ...this is not implemented ...and i have a patch somewhere for PBR to be able to do this 10:09
tafkamaxYeah, currently my idea is to use latest tag for the release we are running e.g. 19.3.0 and then whatever small fixes or changes we have for our own env we do 19.3.90, but the issue at hand was that my colleague or maybe me pushed a faulty tag and gitlab-ci used fetch instead of clone, so it never got removed in the CI.10:20
tafkamaxBut it would be nice for like 19.3.0.<whatever>1 10:21
tafkamaxWhat is the recommended ansible or ansible-core version for kolla-ansible?
tafkamaxBetween 6 and 8 seems rather old...10:25
tafkamaxSeems it might be outdated, is the current between ansible 8 and 9 or core 2.15 and 2.16 ?10:29
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/2024.1: Replace pause with chronyc waitsync in ntp sync
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add Redis as caching backend for Ceilometer
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewKamil Madac proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix error log 'Corosync communication is failed' in masakari
tafkamaxI am deploying kolla-ansible from an user account at the ansible controller. Is there a way to specify -K option for post-deploy13:08
tafkamaxso I can create the /etc/openstack folder?13:08
tafkamaxShould it skip the /etc/openstack folder creation If I have specified my own configdir ?13:28
tafkamaxCurrently it will create /etc/openstack folder on post-deploy no matter what, eventhough no data is added there.13:29
tafkamaxBecause I specify my own configdir13:29
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/2024.1: Bump Michael.Rigart.Interfaces version to 1.15.3
opendevreviewMarek Buch proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Assign labels to kolla volumes
sara-khHello everyone14:10
sara-khOur company utilizes Kolla-Ansible for installing Swift, and now after hearing the recent announcement regarding Swift's deprecation, we are actively seeking an alternative solution.14:11
sara-khI've been investigating and I've found that the Swift roll needs to be modernized.14:12
sara-khI suppose I should hope for a resolution to this issue:
sara-kh Is that correct?14:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/2024.2: Bump Michael.Rigart.Interfaces version to 1.15.3

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