Monday, 2025-02-24

opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix the issue in nova-libvirt when hostname != fqdn
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: [DNM] Test kayobe-overcloud-upgrade-slurp-rocky9
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: [DNM] Test kayobe-overcloud-upgrade-slurp-rocky9
bluemoon90I am trying to deploy kolla for a testing env basically all our deployment currently running on OSA project, this is the first time we are trying kolla, and we are stuck badly for many days with no proper resolution the playbooks faling with ubale to add compute node to cluster, I saw few bug reports without much solution need some advice 13:51
bluemoon90"remoteDispatchAuthSaslInit:3748 : authentication failed: authentication failed"13:51
bluemoon90its from libvirt container log some SASL failure , same with compute docker container with long execption error13:52
bluemoon90resulting in nova_compute container not starting at all13:52
bluemoon90please note I have tried without certs as well without any success , just  tried with certs this time with failure as well 18.5.0 is the tag I am running13:57
bluemoon90docker exec -it nova_libvirt virsh list this command works as well from hypervisor14:00
opendevreviewJack Hodgkiss proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add support for making `Bifrost` optional
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add rally role
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally
yuvalthis patch is ready for re-review: (passed the zuul)14:21
kevkoyuval: hmm, there are another reviews for another drivers to be added to cinder  ... we had a discussion lastly that this can be somehow reimplemented to some generic function so it will be not dependent on type of a driver 14:35
r-krcekbluemoon90: Could you provide little more info like: inventory, globals.yml and possibly the command you are running to add the compute host? Also, it might be a longshot, but maybe this bug could be related?
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add oslo.messaging Queue Manager
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Allow ignoring missing containers in service-stop
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Rabbitmq: enable quorum for transient queues
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: rabbitmq: Add support for using stream queues for fanout
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Don't allow quorum queues to be disabled
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Upgrade RabbitMQ docs for the Epoxy release
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add rally role
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally
bluemoon90@r-krcek I am not sure is the same bug , I have not used --limit in my command , command I am using kolla-ansible deploy -i inventory all nodes are baremetal not using venv in python also hyp nodes running ceph as well all running  debian12 OS deployed with pxe 15:12
bluemoon90networking also done with multiple vlans for each and every networking15:13
bluemoon90r-krcek: We just need to test this for magnum, for OSA it is very difficult task on version upgrade so we are just cheking the alternatives15:16
bluemoon90Sorry forgot inventory :
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: [DNM] Test kayobe-overcloud-upgrade-slurp-rocky9
bluemoon90the rest are default i just copied multinode file15:25
yuvalbluemoon90: maybe this can help:
bluemoon90yuval: Well I have not generated hosts file manually its created with kolla-ansible bootstrap  so hostname -s == hostname -f in my setup, I have no idea why hostname causes this issue. 16:06
bluemoon90virNetSASLSessionServerStep:600 : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -20 (SASL(-13):  user not found: unable to canonify user and get auxprops Also why this error in libvirt , i believe nova is the default user created, or is not added to docker I am not sure16:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/2024.2: Replace pause with chronyc waitsync in ntp sync
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add rally role
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe stable/2024.1: Support forcing time synchronisation
opendevreviewMatt Anson proposed openstack/kayobe master: Allow to continue when some hosts are unreachable
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add rally role
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add rally role
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add oslo.messaging Queue Manager
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Allow ignoring missing containers in service-stop
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Rabbitmq: enable quorum for transient queues
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: rabbitmq: Add support for using stream queues for fanout
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Don't allow quorum queues to be disabled
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Upgrade RabbitMQ docs for the Epoxy release
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Try to test via rally

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