Sunday, 2024-05-12

*** parallax is now known as Guest601902:58
mohsenhello dear friends. I have an issue with utilizing fluentd to parse haproxy logs. fluentd can push all the logs generated by all the services of kolla ansible except haproxy and throws this warning in fluentd.log file:06:20
mohsen [warn]: #0 got incomplete line before first line from /var/log/kolla/haproxy/haproxy_latest.log: "{\"Payload\":\"May 12 09:34:21 haproxy[1030]: [12/May/2024:09:34:18.550] octavia_api_front octavia_api_back/vos-srv-tctr03 0/0/6/3104/3110 200 2954 - - ---- 10/1/0/0/0 0/0 \\\"GET /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers HTTP/1.1\\\"\",\"log_level\":\"info\",\"Hostname\":\"controller01\",\"programname\":\"haproxy\"}\n"06:20
mohsendo you have any idea what is wrong with it?06:20
mohsenI have deployed my openstack environment using kolla-ansible06:20

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