Friday, 2024-04-05

kevkomorning 05:49
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/zed: Fix broken list concatenation in horizon role
kevko^^ mnasiadka, bbezak, frickler 06:07
kevkothanks 06:07
mnasiadkakevko: bbezak is off, just added +2 - just merge it (it's a backport, it doesn't matter you're the author)06:17
mnasiadkakevko: but let's wait for zuul - let's hope it doesn't fail on 2.1206:18
frickler+1 to the let's wait on zuul, if it works fine, I can approve06:25
mnasiadkaok then - time is ticking now for the kolla release - we have ~3 months at maximum, but would prefer to get there sooner than later07:44
mnasiadkafor kolla needs to go in07:45
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: use inovex/prometheus-libvirt-exporter
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: use inovex/prometheus-libvirt-exporter
SvenKieskewould also be nice to get some reviews from cores on my list on the kolla whiteboard, should I crosspost here again? I asked for three weeks for reviews now, I think, and only mnasiadka took a look (thanks!)08:01
SvenKieskemnasiadka: is that 2.15 in the toolbox commit a typo? I'm not sure I'm understanding the commit message08:03
mnasiadkaSvenKieske: no, rocky linux does not support 2.16, because it requires newer python08:04
SvenKieskeah, well that would have been information for the commit message or something08:04
mnasiadkawe could think about installing newer python in rocky08:04
mnasiadkamaybe I'll try, but not today08:04
SvenKieskeif you do a commit message saying "bump ansible-core to 2.16" and your commit then bumps it to 2.15 for rpm, don't you expect questions?08:05
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: kolla-toolbox: Bump ansible-core to 2.16
SvenKieskeunfortunate that the inovex exporter is not backwards compatible :( but at least it exists :)08:07
SvenKieskemhm, I guess it would not hurt to completely go the "pip install" route to provide a uniform environment even for the python base version? (regarding rocky linux). ansible-core had some surprisingly broken differences in behaviour in the last few releases imho08:13
SvenKieskewould be nice to align that in a next step, no?08:13
mnasiadkaYeah, I'll follow up - but probably in a week or so - next week I'm on business trip in Washington DC08:14
SvenKieskeoh nice, that's quite a ride08:16
SvenKieskeI guess aligned versions will save us some headaches later on - hopefully.08:16
SvenKieskemnasiadka: just tested in a fresh rocky container (rocky 9.3): default python version is 3.9 but you can just install "dnf install python3.11" but you have to call it via "python3.11" binary then08:39
mnasiadkayeah, that's the plan, but needs some rework on more than one line in the Dockerfile08:39
mnasiadkaand I would prefer testing that in kolla-ansible extensively in case anything fails08:40
SvenKieskeI don't use it myself, but maybe someone could review this swift fixes with regards to keystone auth? seems fairly straight forward:
SvenKieskeand of course the old topic of ovn-exporter:
SvenKieskemnasiadka: btw I started working on refactoring the prometheus scrap_config, is a little bit tricky, because we have differing variable and job names..08:52
SvenKieskewould honestly be easier - I think - to template this with jsonnet instead of jinja, but I don't know if that would be okay, would introduce another tool again :-/08:53
SvenKieskeI guess I try jinja first, will need some manual if checks I guess, but should be fine08:54
mnasiadkawe have every template in jinja2, that's ansible choice, let's not introduce something against the stream09:04
SvenKieskeyeah sure, jsonnet has some usage in the prometheus community to automate templating, whatever. I already thought I would get that answer :)09:06
SvenKieskemhm, this is the second or third time CI says to me upgrade job is failing in "" but the log file does end in a successful test and just stops there?
SvenKieskeis that a bug, a random CI failure?09:10
SvenKieskeI'll file a bug and collect some evidence :)09:11
SvenKieskenice, now launchpad is throwing error pages at me as well09:12
mnasiadkaSvenKieske: - this one09:15
mnasiadka(it was test-core-openstack after :D09:15
mnasiadkacirros kernel panic09:16
SvenKieskebut that is "test-core-openstack-upgrade" not "test-core-openstack" like zuul says? weird.09:17
SvenKieskeat least the launchpad loading failure is persistent if you try to report a new bug. reported that bug over on libera irc..09:17
SvenKieskethey are working on it09:26
SvenKieskethanks for the pointer, should've looked at the next log file I suppose.09:27
mnasiadkawould be probably good to fix the names a bit09:27
mnasiadkabut I would still probably think about moving most of the stuff to ansible09:27
SvenKieskemhm question regarding the kernel crash: are we using centrally managed (like versions selected etc) cirros images or do we do that on our own?09:28
SvenKieskeI can't remember having seen a definition of a cirros version in our code, at least, but that doesn't mean that much :D09:28
mnasiadkawe use cirros images released by cirros team on github and just pin to a version09:29
SvenKieskeah we do09:29
SvenKieskeat least there is a version default set, but it's two years old?09:31
SvenKieskedoesn't seem to be set anywhere else09:32
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: bump cirros version
mnasiadkawell, 0.6.2 seems to have a newer kernel09:33
SvenKieskea patch doesn't hurt ^^ let's see if it breaks09:34
SvenKieskethese are only very minor kernel bumps09:36
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: Add deployment of fwaas
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: horizon/neutron: Add FWaaS plugin
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: test s3api with keystone auth
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: opensearch: Add /api/status unauthenticated access
SvenKieskethanks for the further feedback in ovn-exporter, some good questions raised, will investigate if we can get away with only deploying to nb/sb ovn hosts.10:11
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: OpenSearch TLS
opendevreviewJake Hutchinson proposed openstack/kayobe master: Register baremetal compute nodes in Ironic
opendevreviewRoman KrĨek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Performance: use filters for servicel dicts
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add ovn-exporter
opendevreviewWinicius Allan Bezerra da Silva proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Change the default ceph_nova_user in globals
greatgatsby_hoping someone can offer some troubleshooting advise.  Upgraded from yoga to zed, VMs no longer getting IPs via DHCP.  I've figured out the qdhcp namespace and IP on the controller, and the tuntap and qbr on the compute.  Did a packet capture on tap interface, can see the DHCP request going out with no response.  `ip -s link show dev tap<foo>` only has RX bytes, no TX bytes. 18:29

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