Sunday, 2023-08-20

tafkamaxHi I have a question regarding kolla-ansible13:06
tafkamaxHow do you properly build it for storage in pypi? Well my plan is not pypi, but a gitlab pypi repository.13:07
tafkamaxThe docs say with pip you can install it easily from master, but how does one package it for pypi? I already went through the route of poetry only to find out uses pbr which uses setup.cfg and so on which is not compatible with poetry. Then I tried pip install build and tried python build, which created a dist/ folder with seemingly nice amount of pkgs. Then when I pushed that to my private pypi repo and installed it in a13:10
tafkamaxvenv it kind of errored out. I also tried to do a python build, that created the build/ folder which can be seen also in the .gitignore, which seems to be way it is built currently, but the build result seemed weird with only lib folder and something else, not too much content. 13:10
tafkamaxI have tried again with official 16.1.0 release and it seems it is related to pyenv. 13:38
tafkamaxbash: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token str' bash: -c: line 1: import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0])+"."+str(sys.version_info[1]))'13:38
tafkamaxi am getting this error when running kolla-ansible command, which seems to indicated that pyenv tries to run the kolla-ansible entrypoint file as bash13:39
tafkamaxwell thats not nice...13:39
tafkamaxNvm got it working. It seems this error appears when ansible is not installed.16:53

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