Wednesday, 2023-06-14

opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for multiple ceph files
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for multiple ceph files
kevkoSvenKieske: are u satisfied now ? ^^^08:19
SvenKieskekevko: currently in a meeting, will check soon(TM)08:20
kevkoSvenKieske: ok, thanks 08:21
kevkomorning 08:21
mmalchukfolks, please review
mmalchukcores, please merge
SvenKieskekevko: done (still having trouble mapping your IRC nick to your name :D )09:11
kevkohaha :D 09:12
kevkommalchuk: yesterday i didn't have a time ...09:16
kevkobut what about rabbitmq ? 09:16
SvenKieskeoh a debian dev as well, nice.09:16
SvenKieskethe repo situation is really not great :(09:17
mmalchukkevko I remember, you said in private chat) so "the one who I know" is you)09:17
kevkoi used to build all deb packages and upload to debian ... and that was very good when kolla supported builds with deb packages ...09:17
kevkoit was super easy to patch bugs ...for now it is unnecessary09:18
mmalchukremember... but the time passed and we don't have binary images)09:19
kevkoi know :D 09:19
mmalchuklets solve issue with rabbitmq09:19
kevkowell, 25 erlang is missing ..09:19
mmalchukcan you help with?09:19
kevkoyeah ..09:19
mmalchukwhy it absent?09:20
kevkothere is only two options how to fix 09:20
kevkocontact ppa.launchpad rabbitmq maintainers and ask him to reupload 25 erlang 09:20
kevkoor bump erlang and rabbitmq (currently failing for upgrade jobs ) .... 09:20
kevkoor switch erlang repository to something different where erlang 25 is 09:20
kevkoit can be also mistake from their side  - i don't know 09:21
mmalchuki'm ok for bump, beacause we can't move to github09:21
kevkobut we need erlang-base_25.3.2.2-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1_arm64.deb    << but for 20.04 and 22.04 ....etc etc etc09:22
kevkobtw, only ubuntu is failing ? 09:22
kevkoor everything ? 09:22
mmalchukdebian afik too09:22
mmalchukbut maybe I'm wrong09:22
SvenKieskeshouldn't all deb based stuff fail? we do have the same sources configured, no? <- this might be totally wrong09:23
mmalchuklets see repos.yaml09:24
mmalchukdebian also uses
mmalchukso both ubunt/debian failed09:26
hrwyay for 3rdparty repos09:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/zed: Fix passwords.yml permissions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/yoga: Fix passwords.yml permissions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/2023.1: Fix passwords.yml permissions
kevkothis works  << it's based on official deb packaging from salsa09:34
kevkoverified yesterday 09:34
ramona-beermann[m]You need to add the official Repos of Erlang and RabbitMQ than it works.09:34
hrwramona-beermann[m]: on aarch64 too?09:34
mmalchukkevko it don't contain arm09:34
ramona-beermann[m]We only use x86_6409:35
hrwramona-beermann[m]: you maybe. project supports both archs09:35
mmalchukcool. let switch?09:35
kevkoand what about build all just for this version and host somewhere ? :/ 09:35
hrwkevko: feel free09:36
kevkowell, i can build it ...but not for aarch6409:36
hrwkevko: then what's the point?09:37
ramona-beermann[m]But feel free to test it with my solution on arch64. I dont have the ability to test it.
kevkohrw: for now i don't have a time ..but hope i will find some during the day ...for now i 've sent an email to rabbitmq maintainers with question to repload erlang 25* for other ubuntu versions not only for 18.04  as it is now 09:42
SvenKieskethat github says: "For every  [Erlang] release series, only the latest minor series is supported."09:44
SvenKieskeI mean this link:
SvenKieskeso, this would still be a problem if we want to pin a specific patch level, afaik this was done in the past, sometimes.09:45
* SvenKieske is thinking about the meaning of "supported" here.09:46
SvenKieskekevko: I see you already mailed the repo maintainers, thanks!09:50
guesswhat[m]Any idea how to setup Octavia in All-in-one setup, there is requirement for another interface for Octavia Controller09:50
SvenKieskeguesswhat: build a virtual bridge with maybe a dummy interface? not sure if that works in all-in-one setup09:51
mmalchukguesswhat[m] dummy interface didn't help?09:51
hrwramona-beermann[m]: use base_apt_keys/base_remote_apt_keys instead of fetching repo keys using curl directly09:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: Fix passwords.yml permissions
kevko()[root@builder /]# apt-cache policy erlang-base09:57
kevko  Installed: 1:
kevko  Candidate: 1:
kevko  Version table:09:57
kevko     1:26.0.1-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu22.04.1 50009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:26.0.1-1 50009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko *** 1: 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status09:57
kevko     1: 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:25.3.2-1 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:25.2.3-1 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:25.1.2-1 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:25.0.4-1 100009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1: 50009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1: 50009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1: 50009:57
kevko        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:24.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1 50009:57
kevko        500 mirror:// jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko        500 mirror:// jammy-security/main amd64 Packages09:57
kevko     1:24.2.1+dfsg-1 50009:57
kevko        500 mirror:// jammy/main amd64 Packages09:57
guesswhat[m]mmalchuk, SvenKieske: that would be the solution, thanks09:58
hrwramona-beermann[m]: and your solution is x86-64 only:09:58
hrwErr:6 jammy/main arm64 Packages09:58
hrw  404  Not Found [IP: 443]09:58
guesswhat[m]Btw, do I need still two network interfaces for all-in-one setup  ? 09:59
hrwerlang/rabbitmq was always PITA.10:04
kevkohrw why we are not using distro stable packages ? 10:08
kevkoa round, flat Middle Eastern bread that is often filled with meat, peppers, etc., to make a sandwich   also called pita bread 10:09
hrwkevko: also 'Pain In The Ass' when written in capital letters.10:16
hrwkevko: because they are at different version in each distro?10:16
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix rabbitmq image build
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix rabbitmq image build
kevko^^ hrw, let's see ...10:18
hrwErr:6 jammy/main arm64 Packages11:58 < hrw> Err:6 jammy/main arm64 Packages10:18
kevkobut i am afreaid that aarch64 will be missing ..10:18
hrw11:58 < hrw>   404  Not Found [IP: 443]10:18
hrwalready checked10:18
kevkoa :(10:18
kevkocan u build it separately ? 10:18
kevkoi don't have a machine for build it 10:19
hrwkevko: create ppa?10:19
kevkonever done before :P 10:20
kevkoyou've build before ... 10:21
kevko# erlang repo - aarch64 only10:21
kevko#deb ./10:21
hrwkevko: that was ages ago10:22
kevkoi know :D 10:22
hrwand we scrapped long time ago10:22
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix Venus containers built from correct branch
hrwkevko: reviewed your change10:31
hrwbookworm enablement does not look that bad:11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:fluentd Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:influxdb Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:mariadb-base Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:mariadb-clustercheck Failed with status: matched11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:mariadb-server Failed with status: matched11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:neutron-mlnx-agent Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:openvswitch-netcontrold Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:proxysql Failed with status: error11:00
hrwERROR:kolla.common.utils:telegraf Failed with status: error11:00
hrwwill take some time as fluentd, mariadb, erlang need to be built against openssl 311:04
fricklercan you all please go back to using paste.o.o for multiline things?11:08
kevko8paste.o.o ? 11:08
kevko8what is it 11:09 or it's the standard way of posting longer texts in openstack channels11:09
kevko8aaa ..ok11:09
*** kevko8 is now known as kevko11:10
hrwfluentd can be solved by use of ubuntu/jammy package11:29
guesswhat[m]Any idea if possible to use cpu_mode=host-passthrough via propery in openstack flavor create API ?  I want to enable nested virtualization per Guest, not globaly for KVM host. Thanks11:30
hrwsame with influxdb11:30
hrwguesswhat[m]: iirc it is global in nova11:31
mmalchukguesswhat[m] this is part of the libvirt configuration, it can't be per guest, only per host.11:32
hrwmnasiadka: updated to cover how things are with move to Debian bookworm (on kolla side)11:36
hrwanyway kolla cannot move to bookworm due to CI being totally not ready for it11:37
guesswhat[m]hrw mmalchuk ty, I saw docs, but should be possible to override Libvirt XML per guest, but that proly not the possible via property arg in flavour api11:45
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Revert "neutron-mlnx-agent: pin pyzmq at 21.*"
mmalchuknot possible in nova11:46
mmalchukguesswhat[m] 11:46
guesswhat[m]mmalchuk: but I can probably enable it, create guest, disable it, right ?11:48
hrwfolks: was Kolla Antelope released already or not yet?11:49
hrwstable/2023.1 exists so I assume 'yes'11:50
mmalchukguesswhat[m] manually sure. you can always edit the xml for any domain, but this information can be lost11:51
guesswhat[m]mmalchuk: like overridden by some "process" ?11:52
mmalchukguesswhat[m] anyway to allow some guest to use nested virtualisation you should enable it in the kernel - this is global per host anyway)11:52
guesswhat[m]yes, I know11:53
mmalchukguesswhat[m] like 'virsh edit-xml ...'11:53
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: base: switch to new Grafana key
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Revert "neutron-mlnx-agent: pin pyzmq at 21.*"
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: base: install adduser on Debian/Ubuntu
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: base: Debian 12 uses new APT sources file
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: config: switch OpenStack release back to master
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: WIP: Move to Debian 12 'bookworm'
hrwwith on top it builds quite nice12:08
hrwstill not ready but closer12:09
mmalchukhrw thanks for
mmalchukfolks +RP ^ this should be landed asap12:36
hrwmmalchuk: without it does not make sense ;d12:36
hrwmmalchuk: bumped RP12:37
mmalchukhrw it make sense for Venus at least)12:37
mmalchukanyway thanks12:37
mmalchukhrw kolla CI all red, all your changes wouldn't pass12:48
mmalchukalso, we have many node_failures in arm64 jobs12:50
SvenKieskeanyone: about PTG; I find it very hard to follow what's going on when. the etherpad links for the "schedule" of the ptg to,  but I don't find anything there regarding kolla? can't the dates maybe also be added just as plaintext to the etherpad, if dates exists? how can one participate remotely (is it even possible)? just reading up on the etherpad, a lot of text..12:54
hrwmmalchuk: those changes would not pass CI anyway as CI lacks bookworm mirrors etc.12:54
kevkoanyone for +2 here >
bbezakkolla meeting in 5 mgoddard mnasiadka hrw  bbezak frickler kevko SvenKieske mmalchuk12:56
hrwmmalchuk: live. CI mirrors are ~full12:56
SvenKieskeyeah, something is wrong with CI in general it seems? the promote pipelines of the password fixes errored, e.g.
mmalchukkevko i'll give you virtual +212:57
hrwSvenKieske: iirc PTG was in March...12:58
SvenKieskethere's IO errors in rsync:
SvenKieskeah, that was before I switched employment. but still, I feel links to schedules should just work, especially for past events, as they don't tend to change.12:59
fricklerthere's a "PTG" ongoing at the summit in vancouver. kolla doesn't participate there. it is an in-person event, remote access is not being cared about13:00
bbezak#startmeeting kolla13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun 14 13:00:24 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bbezak. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'13:00
bbezak#topic rollcall13:00
fricklerand /me is surprised, I'd assumed we'd skip this one, too. but well, I'm here13:00
bbezakI recon we can chat about pressing issues, even when some of us are in vancouver sleeping :)13:01
mmalchukfrickler only mnasiadka skip this meeting as he said13:01
bbezak#topic agenda13:02
bbezak* Roll-call13:02
bbezak* Agenda13:02
bbezak* Announcements13:02
bbezak* Review action items from the last meeting13:02
bbezak* CI status13:02
bbezak* Release tasks13:02
bbezak* Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month)13:02
bbezak* Current cycle planning13:02
bbezak* Additional agenda (from whiteboard)13:02
bbezak* Open discussion13:02
bbezakI don't have much too say about announcements and review actions items from the last meeting13:04
bbezaklet's go to the CI status then13:04
bbezak#topic CI status13:04
mmalchukrabbitmq issue the main thing13:05
hrwjust do upgrade to 3.12/2613:05
frickler3.12.0? very courageous13:05
SvenKieskeas said above, there seem to be new IO issues, see e.g.
mmalchukfrickler why?13:05
fricklerand not very feasible for stable branches13:05
fricklerbecause .0 is like "alpha" release13:06
mmalchuktommorow it would be .113:06
hrwfrickler: that's why master first?13:06
mmalchuklets pin .*13:06
hrwrabbitmq/erlang was always a problem13:07
fricklerso maybe for master, ok, but that doesn't handle stable branches and upgrade tests13:07
bbezakyeah, surely stable branches cannot go with 3.12.013:08
mmalchukas mnasiadka said we a firefighters) so wi will fix it again and again13:08
kevkoArnaud Cogoluègnes replied regarding rabbitmq 13:08
hrwI do not have hours assigned to kolla anymore so will ignore rmq this time13:08
hrwkevko: url?13:08
SvenKieskesure, there are, especially for upgrades, quite some preconditions mentioned in the 3.12 release notes, before you can upgrade from 3.11; don't know if we meet them13:08
fricklerprobably in moderation still13:09
kevkoit is not in mail archive ..but check openstack discuss ..he is suggesting to switch to cloudsmith ..i am preparing email that we already replaced this repo 13:09
fricklerso what about arm then?13:09
mmalchukpostpone ?13:10
hrwsometimes I wonder when kolla team get tired enough and remove whole aarch64 support and then start cutting distros13:10
mmalchukfix x86_64 first?13:10
bbezakSvenKieske: those IO issues looks like zuul issues, maybe it is a case for #opendev channel ?13:10
kevkohrw: +1 :D13:10
mmalchuk+1 lol13:10
SvenKieskebbezak: yeah, was wondering the same; I'll post them there13:11
bbezakSvenKieske: thx13:11
* SvenKieske has the impression that there simply does not exist a stable, available mirror for all past erlang/rmq releases, regardless the architecture.13:13
bbezakthat would a bummer :)13:14
mmalchukit exists but lack of aarch6413:14
bbezakand a bit crazy13:14
hrwSvenKieske: exactly13:14
mmalchuk#opendev sleeps with vancouver)13:15
SvenKieskemmalchuk: I dunno, I mean we get the suggestion to use cloudsmith, but we just disabled that because it was broken, no? where is that magic mirror that doesn't remove past patch releases ?13:15
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Bump proxysql version
mmalchukSvenKieske we have many suggestions but not choose right)13:16
hrwSvenKieske: we have 3 distros and two architectures. and 5-6 distro versions.13:17
fricklerso the only solution: build erlang+rmq from source within a container?13:17
hrwSvenKieske: covering it for rmq/erlang is painful13:17
SvenKieskeso, fix x86_64 first, or what? fine with me; afaik I don't know of any arm prod systems, but that doesn't mean a lot.13:17
SvenKieskehrw: sure; I know :)13:17
mmalchukfrickler built from source? kidding?13:18
* hrw off - other duties13:18
bbezaksomebody contacted ppa admins?13:18
bbezakthx hrw13:18
SvenKieskefrickler: that sounds at least somewhat viable, though I never build anything in the erlang space.13:18
kevkobut mail not archived because of message size ... probably my picture of company in footer ? :/13:18
mmalchuklets drop the arm and one problem solved13:19
SvenKieskethe less nuclear option maybe would be to contact ppa admins and ask if we can help maintain that. as I understood it was "just" a matter of a package being dropped. co maintaining is certainly less a burden than rebuilding everything ourselves?13:20
kevko  << communication13:20
bbezakpretty big decision for that meeting I'd say :), let's not rush it and drop support for now13:20
kevkoSvenKieske do you have arm64 hosts to build ? 13:20
bbezakso according to them everything is fine? kevko13:21
bbezak"network glitch"13:21
SvenKieskeI mean when I look at the link posted by bbezak everything looks fine? did someone retry the download?13:22
SvenKieskemaybe that stuff was affected by the aws us-east-1 outage yesterday(?)13:22
SvenKieskedunno where cloudsmith hosts13:22
kevkowe are using because armd64 ...but they removed 25* there is only 26* ... when you switch to cloudsmith's ok ...but no support for arm6413:22
SvenKieskekevko: ah thanks for correcting me; I mixed those repos up (we switch too often :D )13:23
mmalchuklets vote for temp swtitch to cloudsmith? until we fix arm13:23
SvenKieskesounds reasonable from my newbie perspective *shrugs*13:24
kevkoLaunchpad PPA only provides the most recent release of Erlang 25.3.x. Cloudsmith and its mirror currently provides the most recent patch release in the following Erlang series:13:24
kevkowe definitely remove and replace ppa repository 13:25
kevkobecause it looks like only maintain latest erlang versions 13:26
SvenKieske"The Cloudsmith repository has a monthly traffic quota that can be exhausted"13:26
mmalchukIMHO Cloudsmith is the best place. then we can talk how to build/sync arm repos and add it later13:26
kevkothat's the reason why i used the mirros ...13:26
kevkoThe Cloudsmith repository has a monthly traffic quota that can be exhausted. For this reason, examples below use a Cloudsmith repository mirror. All packages in the mirror repository are signed using the same signing key.13:26
kevkoin my patch 13:27
SvenKieskeyeah, sounds also reasonable13:27
kevkoThe logs above mentioned both Cloudsmith and PPA, use one or the other, not both.13:28
kevkoPPA makes only the latest built version available, in this case, 26.0. This is something we don't control with PPA.13:28
kevko^^ he replied 6 minutes ago 13:28
mmalchukno matter wich repo, I mean Cloudsmith - lest be a mirror13:28
bbezakso cloudsmith looks better in that regard surely13:29
bbezaktough case indeed. In any case I would rather have fixed stable branches for x86 for now. master can use 26. On the other hand divergence between master and stable branches is not wise in the longer run13:31
mmalchukas I understand we don't want 2613:32
mmalchukeven master use 25 from cloudsmith mirror13:32
bbezaknot in stable branches, until it is proven to be stable and working upgrade13:33
kevkowe should use cloudsmith for amd64 and something different for amr6413:33
kevkowhat about this
bbezaklooks like it is a way to go13:34
kevkothis should work 13:34
bbezakno jammy arm there?13:35
kevkonope 13:35
mmalchukdebian only13:36
bbezak  erlang:13:37
bbezak    url: ""13:37
bbezak    suite: "focal"13:37
bbezak    component: "main"13:37
bbezak    gpg_key: "erlang-ppa.gpg"13:37
bbezakthat is current setting13:37
SvenKieskemaybe the debian packages "Just work" on jammy? (who am I kidding, but one can hope)13:37
kevkohmm we can use debian repo ...but worse is that yammy is based on bookworm if i am correct and bookworm is missing 13:37
bbezakexactly my point13:37
bbezakcan you test it kevko ?13:37
bbezakin change that is13:37
kevkoin past hrw built and hosted erlang on his server ..but he already dropped ...13:38
kevkomaybe we can ask him to build again ? :P 13:38
kevkowell, i don't have arm host i can't :D 13:39
kevko*can't test13:39
bbezakI mean those erlang-solutions.com13:39
kevkoi don't have arm64 13:39
bbezakwell I guess in CI it is fine13:39
kevkowhich job is for arm64 ? 13:40
bbezakkolla-build-debian-aarch64, 13:42
bbezakand then kolla-ansible-debian-aarch6413:42
bbezakit has failed in your change13:42
kevkoyeah i know :D 13:42
bbezakok I think we have something to test on. Use stable 25 1.11 from Cloudsmith for amd64, and try maybe those erlang-solutions for arm in the meantime if possible13:44
bbezakok, let's move on. we can continue this discussion on IRC and in the change13:44
bbezakif that's ok for you13:45
bbezak#topic Release tasks13:45
bbezakwe need to do switchover master branch from antelope, I saw some changes from hrw. I'll try to look into that later this week if nobody have a time to do so13:46
mmalchuklets merge
mmalchukit has +213:47
mmalchukno matter that CI failed so)13:48
kevkowell, i thought that it will pass and second +2 is needed 13:48
fricklerwhat about the rocky failure? is that also from rmq repo?13:48
kevkoi will reset my voe13:48
bbezakit is bifrost13:49
bbezakthat failed in rocky13:49
kevkofrickler: rocky repo should use different repo for erlang ..but didn't check ..ppa is used only for debubtu13:49
fricklerso more CI issues13:49
fricklerepel install failure13:50
fricklermight just be unstable?13:50
bbezakit might, gpg error13:50
bbezaklet's recheck it then, let's see13:51
bbezakok, let's go further13:51
bbezak#topic Current cycle planning13:52
bbezakI assume bookworm, that hrw is working on13:52
bbezakanyone has a case to discuss within this topic?13:54
kevkonope, i will follow hrw changes and will help if it will be needed 13:54
bbezakthx kevko13:54
bbezak#topic Open discussion13:54
mmalchukplease review and merge backports:
bbezakwill do mmalchuk13:55
mmalchukand there lack of Kayobe reviews again13:55
mmalchukplease these two at least13:55
bbezakwill try to look into that13:56
kevkobbezak i've added you as reviewer for my patch ..can u check ?
mmalchukshould we backport?13:57
mmalchuky, x, w13:57
mmalchukIMHO we need to13:58
bbezakif it's not breaking anything I don't think it is an issue13:58
mmalchukmaybe you right13:59
kevkoi think this is not breaking anything 13:59
mmalchukbut it can be cacouse service_name==service_type in most cases13:59
mmalchukbut if we face the issue like Cyborg?13:59
SvenKieskeI can maybe at least review some of that stuff, as we either way wanted to add more service token stuff in light of the last cve.13:59
mmalchukservice tokens - the different problem14:00
mmalchukthis is about access rules14:01
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Bump proxysql version
SvenKieskeah okay, I just skimmed it14:01
bbezakif you feel that it is a big problem just propose backports, if it is not breaking current deployments14:02
bbezakok I think we can conclude for today, thx for joining and good talk14:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun 14 14:02:55 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mmalchukthanks bbezak 14:03
mmalchukkevko see kolla-ansible-debian-upgrade passed14:04
mmalchukmy patch шт кудфtion chan with yours14:05
hrwkevko: getting bookworm ready would involve: CI mirrors, Zuul jobs (base and kolla ones), CI Wheels cache.14:05
mmalchukmy patch in relation chain with yours14:05
hrwkevko: and this means discussions with #opendev infra folks. Which I wont do this time14:06
kevkoi suppose because you don't have time, have you ? 14:07
mmalchukthey said kafs - what is it?14:08
hrwkevko: someone else in kolla needs to learn that stuff14:08
mmalchukkolla ansible file system ?14:08
kevkohrw: where is the teacher ? :P14:09
hrwkevko: in 'git log'14:09
hrwkevko: and in gerrit14:09
hrwkevko: Mr Gerrit would be your primary teacher even14:09
kevkoi can try it ...give me few keywords to find 14:09
kevkobullseye for example ? 14:09
hrwkevko: yeah. and
kevkookay 14:11
* kevko is going, bye bye 14:19
greatgatsbyI think some of the meeting that just occurred was reference a rabbitmq bug that seems to be in the most recent yoga image?  We've hit this in our cluster, and I'm wondering if there's any recommendations right now?  14:22
kevkogreatgatsby: check history of discussion 14:23
SvenKieskehrw: maybe I can learn that stuff, at least we have afaik some interest in more debian support (looking at frickler)14:25
greatgatsbykevko: I followed all the discussion regarding how openstack-kolla will build/create rabbitmq images going forward, but don't see anything specific to this current bug.  Does that mean rabbitmq is simply broken until a new image yoga/latest image is released?14:25
greatgatsbythanks for any suggestions, much appreciated14:25
kevkodebian 4ever 14:26
kevkogreatgatsby: did you check this ? 14:26
kevkogreatgatsby: build your own rabbitmq with this patch ..but this is not solution for arm6414:27
greatgatsbykevko: thanks a lot! 14:27
SvenKieskekevko: I'm not sure you and greatgatsby are really talking about the same bug..14:33
greatgatsbyyeah sorry, we're facing an issue where rabbitmq is crashes on startup14:35
SvenKieskegreatgatsby: can you post the crash output somewhere? I have an idea that it might be already fixed, but don't kow if it's the same issue14:36
SvenKieskebest case you have a launchpad bug :)14:36
greatgatsbyfor sure, one sec, just trying to find it, thanks again14:36
SvenKieskee.g. there was this faulty precheck fixed recently:
kevkoaah, sorry i thought you are talking about above bug 14:38
SvenKieskegreatgatsby: which rabbitmq version are you running? also 3.9.29 (are you the same person)?14:42
SvenKieskedid you maybe try to upgrade to a newer version, or did this version worked for you in the past? it really should not crash.14:43
greatgatsbyI'm not one of the people in that ticket.  We recently pulled/upgraded all new yoga images.  Rabbitmq version seems to be 3.9.29-1 (from dpkg)14:44
greatgatsbywe're using the ubuntu based images14:45
guesswhat[m]Question, is possible to configure reserved host memory for Nova? Cloudstack does this
guesswhat[m]For critical services running on the same KVM host, this can be helpful in All-in-one scenario14:46
guesswhat[m]it is, reserved_host_memory_mb14:47
SvenKieskegreatgatsby: it might be helpful to add your datapoint to the bugreport though. it seems ubuntu maintainers of rabbitmq are already aware of it and maybe working on it?14:48
greatgatsbySvenKieske: I think someone on my team is contributing to that issue.  Thanks again for the help, we'll continue to monitor that ticket.14:49
kevkoguesswhat[m]: yeah of course ...i am doing the same in my env ...just use merge config 14:49
SvenKieskeguesswhat[m]: sure, afaik that's just a config line and afaik kolla already sets this to some reasonable default14:49
kevkoplace your nova compute config to /e/tc/kolla/config/nova.conf14:49
kevkoor better nova-compute.conf14:49
SvenKieskegreatgatsby: cool, if you can you could try different rmq versions, maybe that fixes stuff. newer versions are in general more stable, but might depend on your deployment.14:50
kevkoSvenKieske: you mean reasonable default is 0 ? :D 14:50
guesswhat[m]Thanks, one more question, anyone did some 2FA setup for Keystone?  Is for example Google Authenticator implemented, looking for docs, but I am little bit confused14:50
kevkoSvenKieske: ansible/roles/nova-cell/templates/nova.conf.j2:reserved_host_memory_mb = 014:50
kevko:D 14:50
SvenKieskekevko: mhm, damn, then I'm misremembering and we set these ourselves to something reasonable.14:51
kevkoSvenKieske: haha yeah 14:51
SvenKieskemight be worthwhile to compute a reasonable default based on host facts14:51
kevkobut everything what can be changed should be changed via /etc/kolla/config/service.conf and kolla-ansible will merge this 14:52
* SvenKieske can't imagine a scenario where you don't want to reserver some memory for the host14:52
SvenKieskeyeah, what kevko says^^14:52
guesswhat[m]Is possible to enable https proto for external endpoint when using enable_haproxy: no and kolla_internal_vip_address=kolla_external_vip_address ?15:01
guesswhat[m]kolla_enable_tls_external requires additional VIP, which does not make sense for all-in-one setup15:02
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: remove unnecessary comments
guesswhat[m]kolla_external_vip_address and kolla_internal_vip_address must not be the same when only one network has TLS enabled15:09
guesswhat[m]okey, then just tell me how to force proto to https and I will use external reverse proxy with TLS offloading15:10
guesswhat[m]is {{ external_protocol }} = https solution for me?15:12
guesswhat[m]oh, its proly {{ public_protocol }} = https15:24
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: config: switch OpenStack release back to master
mmalchukcores, please merge rabbitmq fix
mnasiadkaIt's failing for ARM, so it's a no go17:39
mnasiadkahrw: have some cycles to have a look? ^^17:43
mmalchukwe discus to solve the x86_64 right now, then kevo will try to fix arm18:00
mmalchukand yes, stable branches should fail also18:00
mmalchukthis is dependency problem with erlang an rabbitmq18:01
mnasiadkahrw: didn't you build erlang in copr?18:01
mnasiadkammalchuk: If we would disable the arm jobs in CI - I can agree to that, but running them every time and fail is at least a drama18:02
mmalchuk+1 to disable until we solve the issue18:03
mnasiadkahrw: sorry, didn't wake up yet - copr is for centos ;-)18:03
mmalchukkevko ?18:03
hrwmnasiadka: my way is to go back to /2 patch and do rmq 3.12 on erlang 26. but that's only good for master18:07
kevkoyes ? 18:07
mnasiadkadid we raise an issue for this in ?18:08
* hrw off18:08
kevkohrw: check my patch revision 1 .... i've tried 3.12 and 26 ..upgrade jobs failed 18:08
kevkobut maybe it was some different issue ....18:08
kevkomnasiadka: no,  but i am communicating with them from morning ...they are not going to build ...18:08
hrwkevko: upgrade fail because stable/* are broken withour 3.12/2618:08
kevkothat repository is only for latest erlang 18:08
kevkohrw: ah, ok 18:09
mnasiadkakevko: previous_release is zed, so nothing weird that upgrade jobs failed to do a skip level upgrade18:09
kevkoso, i would say that easiest way will be just to update rmq18:09
hrwkevko: we had a moment when we synced up on 3.11/25 in master and some of stable/ ones18:09
kevkomnasiadka but all passed 18:09
mnasiadkakevko: you said upgrade jobs failed?18:09
hrwkevko: so now it would be 3.12/26 on master, stable/a, stable/z, stable/whatever-with-3.1118:10
hrwhave to go, sorry18:10
mnasiadkaanyway, did we raise an issue?18:10
mnasiadkaor only a mail to the mailing list?18:10
mnasiadkaso please raise it, so we can track it properly18:10
mnasiadkaI'm off for over a week and we go chaos monkey style, I like it18:11
kevkoi like it too :) 18:11
mnasiadkawell, basically it seems like we're screwed18:50
mnasiadkaarm jobs are voting - so we need to disable them18:51
timminsHi there - apols if this is an idiotic question! How come the following reviewed/merged commit isn't present in the corresponding git repo/branch?
fricklerthat commit is right there, no idea what they were looking at
guesswhat[m]Anyone using Skyline, domain in login form is empty and it does not allow login without domain filled in. Thanks20:07
guesswhat[m]Probably bug ?20:15
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix rabbitmq image build
mnasiadkaguesswhat[m]: seems so21:30
mnasiadkahrw, kevko: it seems that also hrw's copr only has erlang 26 - can we get back 25? :D22:00
mnasiadkawell actually erlang is here: - I guess we could use it instead of copr22:18
opendevreviewJuan Pablo Suazo proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Configures the tap-as-a-service neutron plugin

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