Wednesday, 2023-01-11

opendevreviewEbbex proposed openstack/kayobe master: Limit interface names to 15 characters
opendevreviewEbbex proposed openstack/ansible-collection-kolla master: baremetal: improve task output readability
mnasiadkafrickler: I guess so09:35
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: CI: drop kolla_python_version from Ubuntu jobs
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: CI: drop kolla_python_version from Ubuntu jobs
hrwmnasiadka: zuul dislikes you today10:11
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: CI: drop kolla_python_version from Ubuntu jobs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: Remove install_type command line argument in Antelope cycle
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: CI: CentOS/Rocky: revert Delorean repo url at the end
guesswhat[m]hello, why is not possible to set cinder as glance`s backend out of the box? i guess with custom config it would work, but what is the reasoning behind this? just not implemented in ansible kolla ? thanks11:25
hrwguesswhat[m]: possible that it is just not implemented11:31
hrwcommit a6831e945f8fe6bee2281ab18c1af3d57dff316711:32
hrwAuthor: Jeffrey Zhang <>11:32
hrwDate:   Fri Jul 7 16:56:10 2017 +080011:32
hrw    Support cinder backend for glance11:32
hrw    Change-Id: I32de4c37f531a3d22bf80e1eca6635631e48984211:32
hrw    Closes-Bug: #170284211:32
mnasiadkahrw: I hate those colons in zuul yaml :)11:33
hrwguesswhat[m]: if you have enable_cinder then it should be enabled as glance backend.11:34
hrwguesswhat[m]: kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/glance/defaults/main.yml line 20811:34
hrwguesswhat[m]: note: I never deployed multimachine cloud11:34
guesswhat[m]hrw: see this, there is not cinder in template 11:45
guesswhat[m]it will probably configure cinder as backend via glance_store_backends, but default_backend will be always everyhing except cinder, cuz there is condition missing for cinder11:48
hrwguesswhat[m]: can you create and send patch for it? Maybe no one deployed that way before so we lack it.11:53
mnasiadkaguesswhat[m]: contributions welcome11:53
hrwguesswhat[m]: is what you need?11:54
mnasiadkaI think we should have glance_backend_cinder for finer grained control12:01
hrwand who knows - maybe a way to tell which really needs to be default. in case someone has more then 'file' one12:09
guesswhat[m]I was always tempted to contribute, but honestly.. the lifecycle of contribution itself is a hell ... 12:10
opendevreviewEbbex proposed openstack/kayobe master: Limit interface names to 15 characters
opendevreviewJack Hodgkiss proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Stop firewalld config during kolla genconfig
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: CI: drop kolla_python_version from Ubuntu jobs
hrwmnasiadka: meeting today?13:50
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Use merge_configs and merge_yaml to generate Kolla custom config
mnasiadka#startmeeting kolla14:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 11 14:02:14 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'14:02
mnasiadka#topic rollcall14:02
mnasiadkamgoddard mnasiadka hrw  bbezak frickler kevko14:03
kevkosorry, i have meeting with customer :( 14:04
mnasiadka#topic agenda14:04
mnasiadka* CI status14:04
mnasiadka* Release tasks14:04
mnasiadka* Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month)14:04
mnasiadka* Current cycle planning14:04
mnasiadka* Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:04
mnasiadka* Open discussion14:04
mnasiadka#topic CI Status14:04
mnasiadkakevko: no problems14:04
mnasiadkaI think the CI is overall green, seen some aarch64 debian build failures, but as usual the grafana repo was down14:05
mnasiadkaMaybe we should think about mirroring the grafana repo in opendev as a counter measure?14:05
mnasiadka(the issue shows up from time to time)14:05
mnasiadkaI'll try asking on #opendev14:06
bbezakKayobe CI should be fixed after hrw: change got merged, and periodics would build images tomorrow14:06
mnasiadkaah right14:06
mnasiadkathanks bbezak 14:06
mnasiadka#topic Release tasks14:07
mnasiadkaToday is R-1014:07
mnasiadkabbezak: all R-17 tasks done or in progress, right?14:08
mnasiadka#topic Current cycle planning14:09
mnasiadkaSo, I think Zed release stuff is nearly behind us - we should start reviewing the changes that have been dragging along for long time14:10
mnasiadkawhich are Let's Encrypt and systemd/podman14:10
mnasiadka(for kolla/kolla-ansible)14:10
mnasiadkaare there any volunteers?14:10
fricklerand skyline14:10
fricklerI intend to do that and systemd14:10
mmalchukwill try with LE and systemd14:12
mnasiadkaok, thanks for that14:13
mnasiadkaI'm working on RL9 backports to Yoga, so not really have time now to look into these14:13
scottsolI have in Kayobe that I would like to get over the line if any Kayobe cores find any spare review capacity (I understand there is not much!)14:13
mnasiadkawell, you have one +214:14
mnasiadkabbezak: got time to have a look?14:14
mnasiadkaok, I'll try as well, but can't promise14:17
mnasiadkaNo additional agenda today14:17
mnasiadka#topic Open discussion14:17
ebbexI'm interested in bringing networkmanager down to earlier releases.14:17
ebbex(And to EL8 aswell.)14:18
mmalchukIMHO we need to revert it14:19
mmalchukwe drop the ability to override keys via standard kolla mechanism14:19
mnasiadkaebbex: once NM support gets merged in ansible-role-os-interfaces it probably is not a huge change, so I guess we could14:19
mnasiadkammalchuk: please raise a bug and comment on the change14:20
ebbexmnasiadka: you mean this ?14:20
mmalchukthis didn't bring any new feature nor fix an issue. but create the new one it airgaped envs14:20
bbezakebbex: makes sense - we would need to make sure that ansible-role-os-interfaces have feature parity with network scripts, probably follow up to
mnasiadkaebbex: yup14:21
mmalchukmnasiadka how can I describe in bug difficult to override in airgaped envs? 14:21
mnasiadkammalchuk: provide an example what you want to do?14:21
bbezakebbex: we need to check that within kayobe CI as well, I can take a look at that later this week14:21
ebbexI rewrote the bouncer there, should be "mostly" on parity with existing network-scripts. (Works for me anyway.)14:22
mmalchukwill try14:22
ebbexbbezak: thanks :)14:22
mnasiadkaIt's only in master, so I would prefer to analyse if it needs a followup or a revert14:22
bbezakebbex: yeah, I mean the custom routes, last time I checked it wasn't in the templates14:23
bbezakfor NM14:23
ebbexwhat are custom_routes vs "just" routes?14:23
mnasiadkaI think bbezak means route tables14:24
bbezakto be able to use
ebbexbbezak: thanks for the link , I'll see if I can write something up during the week for that :)14:26
bbezakebbex: thx!14:26
ebbexI also made some discoveries this weekend, submittet a bunch of patches, mostly fixing small trivial stuff.14:27
mnasiadkasaw that, will try to have a look14:28
ebbexAnd one I'm not sure which way to go with, interfaces with '-' (dash) in the names.14:28
ebbexBut I'll post one approach, and we can probably discuss that there.14:29
ebbex(on gerrit that is)14:30
mmalchukebbex sorry for delay on replys, will answer asap14:31
ebbexmmalchuk: np :)14:31
mmalchukbut it realy work, and fix the issue14:31
mmalchukwill try to describe it14:31
ebbexmmalchuk: it looked like something better handled in ansible-role-interfaces, but I could be wrong so I need to understand the problem a bit better :)14:33
mnasiadkaok, let's finish for today14:33
mnasiadkaThanks for coming14:33
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 11 14:33:58 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:33
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mmalchukmnasiadka thx14:34
mmalchukebbex no, this is complex issue14:34
ebbexmnasiadka: thanks14:34
mmalchukebbex in centos the issue in leftovers not cleaned well, in ubuntu the bug in systemd14:35
mmalchukboth the follow up archtecture how bifrost configures network and then how ansible try to change it14:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Add support for Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (22.04) LTS
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Use merge_configs and merge_yaml to generate Kolla custom config
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Use merge_configs and merge_yaml to generate Kolla custom config

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