Wednesday, 2022-11-30

opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: ovn: Change NB/SB connection setup to allow usage of inactivity probe
hrw - anyone for second +2?11:20
hrwdocs update11:20
hrw is another worth merging. mnasiadka frickler mgoddard 11:36
mnasiadkadidn't we fix something similar in the past in Kolla?11:38
hrwread commit message11:46
mnasiadkaah, custom plugins now11:47
mnasiadkalet it be11:48
hrwit does not hurt to have it and fixes for someone11:48
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kolla master failed: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
mnasiadkamgoddard mnasiadka hrw yoctozepto bbezak parallax Fl1nt frickler adrian-a kevko - meeting now14:00
fricklerjinx, I was about to ask ;)14:01
mnasiadka#startmeeting kolla14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 30 14:01:10 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'14:01
mnasiadka#topic rollcall14:01
mnasiadka#topic agenda14:03
mnasiadka* Review action items from the last meeting14:03
mnasiadka* CI status14:03
mnasiadka* Release tasks14:03
mnasiadka* Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month)14:03
mnasiadka* Current cycle planning14:03
mnasiadka* Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:03
mnasiadka* Open discussion14:03
mnasiadka#topic Review action items from the last meeting14:03
mnasiadka#topic CI status14:04
mnasiadkaWhiteboard says green14:04
mnasiadka#topic Release tasks14:04
hrwwe have telegraf failed on el914:05
mnasiadkaoh - what happened?14:05
hrwexternal repo issue14:05
hrw14:07 < opendevreview> Verification of a change to openstack/kolla master failed: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
hrwthis change14:05
hrwprobably recheck solve the problem, not looked yet14:05
hrwmmalchuk did recheck14:05
mnasiadkaSo, let's check the road to kolla/kolla-ansible rc114:06
mmalchukrocky9 jobs failed again(14:06
fricklerdo we have no-empty-recheck policy, too?14:06
thelounge44is skyline still candidate for zed release? 14:06
mnasiadkafrickler: we do, but it's sometimes hard to follow14:06
mnasiadkabasically - let's not do bare rechecks and remind other developers in Kolla reviews to not do them14:07
hrwthelounge44: week ago it was postponed iirc14:07
fricklerjust mentioning the failed job at least shouldn't be too difficult14:07
mnasiadkaso - opensearch - thanks for reviews, I think we're on a good way - I'll update today and call for reviews once again14:07
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Run validate-config at the end of deploy
thelounge44hrw: the release was postponed, or skyline PR ? 14:08
mnasiadkaskyline - I don't know if we have capacity to review and get it merged this cycle14:08
mnasiadkaI remember kevko was unhappy after testing out skyline14:08
thelounge44ah, too bad14:09
thelounge44i would like to see skyline in zed release tho14:09
hrwcore team shrinked during Zed ;(14:09
mnasiadkaHe's offline, but you can get in touch with him to understand what are his concerns14:09
mnasiadkaif we'll have two cores happy to merge the patches before cutting rc1 - then I guess we're good to add it14:10
mnasiadkasecond thing - systemd14:10
mnasiadkaI did some reviews to podman related patches, I did test out the systemd one - basically looks ok14:10
mnasiadkaBut I don't know if we're happy to merge it last minute14:11
mnasiadkaDo we postpone it to early Antelope and merge it there (and keep an eye on failures)?14:12
mnasiadkawell, CI failures mainly14:12
mnasiadkafrickler: opinion?14:13
fricklerlikely that is the safest way, yes14:13
mnasiadkathe same second, nice ;)14:13
mnasiadka#agreed to postpone systemd to first days of Antelope cycle, merge it then and monitor CI failures throughout the cycle14:13
mnasiadkaso, what's left from priorities14:14
fricklerI have a question about that timing, rc1 is when zed will be branched, right? when will final zed release happen then?14:14
mnasiadkakolla whiteboard says that for kolla we have opensearch (nearly done), tweaks to upper constraints (not done), pipenv/poetry (not done)14:15
mnasiadkaso not bad, one out of three14:15
frickleror phrased differently: is the deadline in two weeks for rc1 or for final?14:15
mnasiadkafrickler: yes, rc1 is when branching is done, final should be soon afterwards after we're happy - usually a week or two behind14:15
mnasiadkaso basically let's merge opensearch and branch14:16
mnasiadkaall four kolla-ansible priorities have been postponed to Antelope14:16
fricklero.k. but systemd would then wait until after final?14:17
mnasiadkasystemd/podman, secure rbac, let's encrypt and modernising swift role14:17
hrwmnasiadka: do we have patches for u-c and pipenv/poetry at all? if not then maybe it is far too late for them?14:17
mnasiadkaI think so, we usually merge new stuff after final stable14:17
mnasiadkahrw: yes, it's too late, I'm just summarising if there's anything we HAVE TO do ;)14:18
mnasiadkaok, now Kayobe14:18
mnasiadkabbezak Rocky Linux 9 - when can we merge it, and why not now :)14:18
bbezaksoon :). RL 9.1 and CS9 works fine now - as far as overcloud job is concerned, however NM role needs to be polished and one feature needs to be added. Ongoing with ebbex14:20
mnasiadkaWe have two weeks until the deadline - will you make it? :)14:21
bbezakthat is probable, yes ;)/14:22
mnasiadkahrw: rocky is failing, because we have 9.114:22
mgoddardI'll look at the NM patch again today14:22
mnasiadkahrw: and pretty name does not match14:22
hrwmnasiadka: simple patch and done?14:22
mnasiadkaany volunteer to fix it?14:23
mnasiadkaoh well, I'll do it myself then14:23
hrwwill do14:23
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: rocky: update pretty name to match 9.1
mnasiadkaok then, seems like we have a way towards branching soon14:25
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: base: Rocky Linux 9.1 was released
mnasiadkalol, I'll abandon mine14:25
mnasiadka#topic Current cycle planning14:25
hrwdropped already14:25
mnasiadkaI'll update the Kolla whiteboard with Antelope priorities14:26
hrwrestored mine14:26
mnasiadkaand we'll start mentioning them on weekly meetings after we branch14:26
mmalchukmnasiadka maybe need to support 9.x ?14:27
mnasiadkaIt might be, but it can be a follow up later - let's just fix the CI now14:27
mnasiadka#topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:27
hrw is telegraf bug we are blocked by14:27
mnasiadkaOnly systemd patchset is there - and we decided to postpone it14:28
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
mnasiadka#topic Open discussion14:28
mnasiadkaOk, any open topics for today?14:28
ramona-beermann[m]I have one question: Is it possible that someone can review this PR?
mnasiadkacommented, I'll keep an eye on it14:31
ramona-beermann[m]Only if anyone has time. Maybe a discussion is needed if this fits for all, or someone have other opinions14:31
ramona-beermann[m]There is a second one from me for development:
mnasiadkaany core or non-core volunteer to review it? would be nice if  somebody fresh could take a look and tell us if it helps :)14:32
mnasiadkaravlew: up for it?14:32
mnasiadkaor anybody else, anyway - let's make that better - maybe we can more people be interested if that's written easier :)14:34
fricklerI'll also revisit, but would be nice to see other feedback first14:34
mnasiadkaramona-beermann[m]: thanks for working on this14:34
hrwramona-beermann[m]: +1 and comment14:34
mmalchukwill take a look14:34
ramona-beermann[m]mnasiadka: your welcome :)14:35
mnasiadkaany other open topics?14:36
mmalchukmy reviews in Kayobe14:36
mmalchukanyone please14:37
mnasiadkamgoddard: any idea if you or anyone else can have a look?14:38
ramona-beermann[m]My +1 wouldn't help or?14:40
hrwramona-beermann[m]: and +1 on other one14:41
mnasiadkaWell +1 always helps, a constructive review helps even more :)14:41
ramona-beermann[m]hrw: thanks a lot14:41
mnasiadkaok then, let's finish for today - thanks for coming :)14:42
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 30 14:42:25 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:42
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fricklerthx mnasiadka o/14:42
ramona-beermann[m]thx o/14:43
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Replace ElasticSearch and Kibana with OpenSearch
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Replace ElasticSearch and Kibana with OpenSearch
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Replace ElasticSearch and Kibana with OpenSearch
mnasiadkaok, should be good now14:49
fricklerhrw: mnasiadka: can we mark telegraf unbuildable to unblock rocky? doesn't make much sense to mark rocky nv to merge a rocky fix16:20
SvenKieskeanyone in here experiencing haproxy layer 4 check timeouts on the octavia api deployed via kolla-ansible? so far I do not find much information in system/service logs, nothing looks suspicious.16:30
hrwfrickler: yes, please16:42
mnasiadkafrickler: yup17:01
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: base: Rocky Linux 9.1 was released
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: base: Rocky Linux 9.1 was released
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: base: Rocky Linux 9.1 was released
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
hrwINFO:kolla.common.utils.telegraf:Successfully tagged haerwu/telegraf:rocky19:58
hrwtelegraf sorted out19:58
*** Guest305 is now known as atmark21:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: base: Rocky Linux 9.1 was released
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/yoga: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/xena: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: Fix plugin builds with sources using type=git
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: base: add support for all Rocky Linux 9.x minor releases

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