Wednesday, 2022-05-25

kevkomorning \o/04:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: genpwd: handle lack of password file nicer
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/yoga: ovn: add network group to neutron-ovn-metadata-agent
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: ovn: add network group to neutron-ovn-metadata-agent
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: ovn: add network group to neutron-ovn-metadata-agent
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: ovn: add network group to neutron-ovn-metadata-agent
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: veryWIP: Move to Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: veryWIP: Move to Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/yoga: genpwd: handle lack of password file nicer
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: genpwd: handle lack of password file nicer
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: genpwd: handle lack of password file nicer
bkranendonkhi all, how to achieve different (storage) config per AZ in kolla-ansible? just be defining an extra globals.yml file?07:12
mnasiadkabkranendonk: well, you can have AZ per host or per backend, I think you need to override cinder.conf with your changes - we don't have a simple variable for setting that.07:20
bkranendonkmnasiadka: thought so, thank you07:23
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Use yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
hrwERROR! the role 'openstack.kolla.baremetal' was not found in /home/marcin/.virtualenvs/kolla/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles:/home/marcin/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles:/home/marcin/.virtualenvs/kolla/share/kolla-ansible/ansible08:17
hrwhm. one more step ;D08:18
hrwprechecks could check for network_interface before doing more stuff08:34
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: veryWIP: Move to Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [WIP] Do not use a different port for Keystone admin endpoint
hrwnew stuff for prechecks: do  neutron_external_interface network_interface exist10:32
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla stable/yoga: Bump up Alertmanager version
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla stable/victoria: Bump up Alertmanager version
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Control Masakari monitors deploy
hrwyoctozepto: hm. cirros 0.5.1 booted fine on test machine (cs8 host, debian containers)12:26
hrwlooks like I will have to do debian-on-debian tests12:30
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe master: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
yoctozeptohrw: host kernel issue?13:04
hrwyoctozepto: isntalling Debian now13:04
yoctozeptoin fact, you can ask infra to hold an infra node for you13:04
yoctozeptothis way you will test the "right: environment13:05
hrwyoctozepto: I learnt how to order machine in Red Hat lab ;D13:06
mnasiadkaAfter all these years in Red Hat? :)13:06
hrwfew clicks, 10 minutes of waiting and hw waits with fresh install13:07
hrwmnasiadka: for last years I used Linaro machines. But lab had to change and person handling hw is on pto13:07
mnasiadkaoh boy, it's meeting day13:08
mnasiadkaAnd I thought 4 hours of being on call is enough for today ;)13:08
frickleralso it's towel day13:09
hrwyoctozepto: also did deployment for first time in ~two years13:14
yoctozeptofrickler: towel day?13:38
mnasiadkamgoddard mnasiadka hrw yoctozepto bbezak parallax Fl1nt frickler adrian-a - meeting in 1013:50
*** mat_fechner is now known as matfechner13:57
yoctozeptofrickler: interesting13:59
mnasiadka#startmeeting kolla14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 25 14:00:20 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'14:00
mnasiadka#topic rollcall14:00
mnasiadka#topic agenda14:02
mnasiadka* Announcements14:02
mnasiadka* Review action items from the last meeting14:02
mnasiadka* CI status14:02
mnasiadka* Release tasks14:02
mnasiadka* Current cycle planning14:02
mnasiadka* Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:02
mnasiadka* Open discussion14:02
mnasiadka#topic Announcements14:02
yoctozeptomgoddard is back14:03
mnasiadkaKolla has a Forum session on the upcoming Summit (I think it's on Wed)14:03
mnasiadkaI'll create an etherpad for planning - and I invite all people to join ;-)14:03
mnasiadkayoctozepto: mgoddard is off today IIRC :)14:04
fricklerwill there be remote access?14:04
mnasiadka#topic Review action items from the last meeting14:04
hrwis forum only for attendees or remote as well?14:04
mnasiadkaI can create a google meet meeting and send out on the list14:04
mnasiadkawith a link to the etherpad14:05
mnasiadkabut there will be no A/V in the room14:05
yoctozeptothough I will be not available most likely14:05
mnasiadkaso it's only my laptop as A/V equipment :)14:05
mnasiadkaI'll do it anyway.14:05
mnasiadkalast meeting items14:05
mnasiadkalet's see14:05
mnasiadkafrickler update grafana dashboard14:05
mnasiadkafrickler: how are you with this?14:05
fricklerstill not there, but I pushed it to the top of my list now14:05
mnasiadkaok then14:06
mnasiadka#action frickler update grafana dashboard14:06
mnasiadka#topic CI status14:06
mnasiadkahow's the CI? bleeding red? green as grass?14:06
fricklerthat was a fun weekend14:06
yoctozeptogreen now14:06
hrwaarch64 broken in master14:06
yoctozeptobroken everywhere14:07
mnasiadkaok, x86 green, aarch broken14:07
fricklerkayobe was stiil broken when I last looked and blocking collection things14:07
yoctozeptoand we are green because of the weekend effort14:07
hrw lists xena and wallaby as fine14:07
yoctozeptoah yes, kayobe sad14:07
mnasiadkaI think priteau is trying to fix kayobe master CI14:07
mnasiadkato pin requirements to use yoga instead of master14:07
hrwv/w/x fine, y/m broken14:08
mnasiadkafor now14:08
mnasiadkauntil we'll get to RL914:08
mmalchuk can be merged14:08
hrw#action hrw to look for aarch64 failures in yoga/master14:08
hrwmnasiadka: ^^14:08
mnasiadkaok then, fantastic14:08
mnasiadka#topic Release tasks14:09
hrwmnasiadka: only chair can #commands so you have to repeat to make it saved14:09
mnasiadkaIt's R-19 week14:09
mnasiadka#action hrw to look for aarch64 failures in yoga/master14:09
mnasiadkaYoga final releases are out14:10
mnasiadkaThere was this point on the PTG of automating point releases for stable branches14:11
mnasiadkaBut there is no obvious automation out there to do it14:11
mnasiadkaSo we're sort of stuck with doing that manually, like every month or something14:11
fricklerthere is some release tooling14:12
fricklerI added some comments on the ptg pad I think14:12
fricklerbut you have to run the script manually and then submit the patch14:12
mnasiadkaIt would be nice to add it to the weekly meeting page in the docs, so we don't forget - and maybe a Kolla Whiteboard line when was it done last time14:13
mnasiadkaYeah, found that oneliner ;)14:13
fricklerack, I can prepare that14:13
fricklerbeginning of each month would match with next meeting14:14
mnasiadka#action frickler add a mention of doing monthly point releases for stable branches in kolla meetings docs page14:14
mnasiadkaAnybody can propose the releases, just me or mgoddard need to approve it14:15
mnasiadkaProbably we could use more release liasons with this process so SHPC unavailability doesn't block it ;-)14:15
mnasiadka#action mnasiadka add more release liasons14:16
mnasiadka#topic Current cycle planning14:16
mnasiadkayoctozepto mentioned Let's encrypt is on top of his review list - how is it going?14:16
yoctozeptostill on top14:16
mnasiadkaok then14:16
yoctozeptolet's discuss in a week14:17
hrw (certbot -> lego) would be nice to have14:17
hrwit builds on cs9 contrary to certbot14:17
mnasiadkaI've spent some time on trying to built Ubuntu 22.04 images - TL;DR - fluentd is broken, collectd-core has been removed from repo (so telegraf and collectd are unbuildable), mariadb is currently from Ubuntu repos, because MariaDB folks failed to build packages for latest 10.6 point release14:18
mnasiadkaso basically we need to wait for fluentd to shape up14:18
hrwsimilar for cs9 - no fluentd, no elk, no grafana14:18
mnasiadkaI opened an issue in fluent builder around packages being built, let's see how many years do we need to wait14:18
hrwmnasiadka: the good part is that they need to do same work for both cs9 and 22.0414:19
hrwmove to newer ruby, openssl3 etc14:19
mnasiadkaI think we have the priorities covered14:20
mnasiadkayoctozepto: I think after LE - the next is podman?14:20
fricklerI plan to look at podman too14:20
fricklerand hopefully a colleague of mine, matfechner, can also get involved14:21
mnasiadkalego is merging14:21
mhinerSo for starters, we decided to use podman-py after all14:22
hrwmnasiadka: cool14:22
mnasiadkaI'll add my haproxy fqdn based frontend patches to the list on the whiteboard14:22
mnasiadkaif anybody wants to review ;-)14:22
mhinerthe previous solution using ansible modules didn't work14:22
mhineralso can you take a look at systed patchset?14:23
mhinerfrom our poit of view it's finished and we would like some feedback on it14:23
fricklercan we have a common topic for those patches?14:24
mnasiadkayoctozepto: I guess that's for you and mgoddard 14:24
yoctozeptomnasiadka: and frickler I hope14:24
mnasiadkacommon topic and a link on the whiteboard (L392)14:24
yoctozeptoyes, let's collect them14:24
yoctozeptoas the old adage says14:24
yoctozeptogotta catch 'em all14:24
mnasiadkaanyway, let's move on :)14:25
mnasiadka#topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:25
yoctozeptomnasiadka: czy już wszystkie masz? czy już masz? musimy ocalić świat14:25
mnasiadkaPTG - virtual, in person or mixed? (frickler)14:25
mnasiadkaI would very much like to see a commitment to do our PTGs virtual, forever. Arguments:14:25
mnasiadkaClimate crisis14:25
mnasiadkaInclusiveness for people not able to travel for various reasons (kids, money, health, visa, ...)14:25
mnasiadkaThese also would not be mitigated by a mixed (in person with remote participation)14:25
mnasiadkayoctozepto agrees with the above, though he is open to having a meeting in-person with no strict agenda14:25
hrwwould love to attend PTG in person but without half of cores it would be sitting next to laptop anyway14:26
mnasiadkaWell, I think mixed makes sense - some people are going to be physically on the PTG for other projects, and some people for obvious reasons are going to stay home14:26
frickleryeah, another kind of virtualization topic14:26
fricklermixed is difficult14:26
hrwalso budget can be an issue - where next ptg takes place?14:26
mnasiadkaColumbus, Ohio14:27
fricklerbecause it prioritized in-person attendance still14:27
hrwUSA. mixed or virtual for most then14:27
hrwI highly doubt that my manager will say "here is 3k USD for you"14:27
fricklermy suggestion would be to do virtual session(s) outside the in-person PTG timeframe14:28
fricklerto avoid conflict14:28
fricklerIMO the last PTGs worked very well14:29
mnasiadkaTrue, let's see how this topic evolves.14:29
fricklerand I'd also like to show the foundation that the way they are handling this isn't supported by the community14:30
mnasiadkaKubecon in Detroit is week before PTG, so some people might be there as well.14:30
fricklerbut we don't need to decide right now14:30
fricklerI just wanted to discuss early so not everyone says "oh we already booked everything"14:31
hrwonce they try to force in-person ptg the projects will start considering leaving openinfra14:31
mnasiadkaI think they never forced that, but I was on one ,,mixed'' Kolla PTG in Denver14:32
yoctozeptohrw: they can't "force" it tbh14:32
hrwI was in Dublin. nice experience but not quite something I need to repeat14:32
mnasiadkaanyway, let's move on - we know what are our feelings about PTG, remote works out quite well14:33
mnasiadkaBut we can't force somebody to not be physically there and connect with us ;-)14:34
yoctozeptothe truth has been spoken14:34
mnasiadka(yoctozepto) CentOS Stream 8 fate, cf.
yoctozeptoare we still testing it?14:35
yoctozeptocan we drop it from master CI?14:35
hrwonce we move to master 14:35
hrwas we use yoga still14:35
yoctozeptois that the common understanding?14:36
yoctozeptoi'm ok with it, though ready to drop now14:36
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Replace Certbot with Lego for Let's Encrypt container
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Add ability to override repos
mnasiadkaDropping now - I think it's useful for merging bugs and backports - and making sure we don't break CentOS?14:37
yoctozeptoyes, probably easier this way now14:37
mmalchukops... sorry14:37
mmalchuktrying to solve conflicts14:38
mnasiadkaok then, so once CS9 images are buildable - we'll get rid of CS814:38
fricklermmalchuk: np, its our fault using this channel for meetings, not yours ;)14:38
hrwmnasiadka: once we move to master, we get rid of CS8 from CI. nevermind of CS9 state.14:38
mnasiadka(yoctozepto) Use kolla-toolbox for clients in CI14:39
mnasiadkathis is related to CentOS Stream 8 fate and future-proofing as it avoids us doing clients installations (fewer things to fail)14:39
mnasiadkathis is also related to avoiding the use of u-c for kolla projects - clients would be the last bastion where this would have been used14:39
yoctozeptofrickler: or keeping the bot in it ;-)14:39
yoctozeptoyes, what's your opinion about that?14:39
yoctozeptowe install clients ad-hoc each time14:39
yoctozeptomaybe reusing kolla-toolbox for CI testing would be nicer14:39
mnasiadkaI think I'm all in, less installations in CI, less places where it breaks.14:39
yoctozeptofewer* places14:40
mnasiadkayeah, fewer14:40
hrw+1 for it as we have them in k-t anyway14:40
yoctozeptosorry, bad habits14:40
yoctozeptowe might be missing some clients14:40
yoctozeptowe can install them though and have better coverage14:40
yoctozeptomaybe we come up with some interesting 2nd-day actions14:40
mnasiadkano worries, my brain feels like it's Friday evening (too much apocalypse-like issues on customers for these two days)14:40
yoctozeptooh my, ack14:41
mnasiadkaok then, direction approved ;)14:41
mnasiadka(m.hiner): Podman & Systemd status review14:42
mnasiadkaI think we discussed that already14:42
mnasiadkaAnything to add?14:42
mhinerI just want to add that the whole podman patchset is now outdated as we are reworking it14:43
hrwmhiner: add comment to patch?14:43
mnasiadkachange it's status to work in progress14:43
fricklermhiner: so are you reworking 816724, too?14:44
mhinerno, that is final for now14:44
mnasiadkamhiner: just for patches that you're still working on - mark their status as in progress in Gerrit14:45
fricklero.k., anything we can help you with for the reworking?14:45
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Adding support of podman deployment (WIP)
halomivathere is functionality in podman-py missing14:47
yoctozeptolet's document what is missing14:47
halomivafor podman exec API call and we are kinda depend on it if we don't want to do it with some workaround14:47
halomivait should be in late stages of development
fricklerdid you test with that patch already?14:49
halomivanot yet 14:49
halomivaand there is also other issue with volumes but it can be done with mounts instead14:50
frickleris there an upstream issue for that, too?14:50
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: veryWIP: Move to Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
mnasiadkaOk, let's move on - time is ticking ;-)14:53
mnasiadka#topic Open discussion14:53
mnasiadkaAnyone wants to discuss anything?14:53
hrwwho goes to Summit?14:53
yoctozeptonot me14:54
mmalchuknot me14:54
hrwasked who goes, not who does not :D14:54
mnasiadkaI'm going14:54
mmalchukshould we enable hacluster together with masakari?14:54
mnasiadkafrickler: ?14:54
rockeyI am, so would be fun meeting you guys which is attending :)14:54
yoctozeptomnasiadka: others from shpc?14:55
hrwI can drive to berlin for one afternoon. return train on ~21:3014:55
hrwon tuesday or wednesday14:55
mnasiadkayoctozepto: yeah, around 8-10 people14:55
mnasiadkaok then, I guess that's it - thanks for coming!14:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 25 14:57:15 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:57
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
yoctozeptothanks mnasiadka 14:57
* yoctozepto off14:57
frickleryou ignored mmalchuk, I don't know an answer to that question14:57
hrwfrickler: I will need to hold aarch64 instance once kolla-ansible-debian-source-aarch64 fails again. cannot reproduce it locally14:58
mmalchukadd new switches14:58
mmalchukshould we enable when hostmonitors enabled?14:58
fricklerhrw: should I set up a hold right now or are you still checking?14:58
mnasiadkammalchuk: I think the best person to talk about Masakari is yoctozepto - try to get a hold of him when he's back...14:59
hrwfrickler: how exactly it works? you setup hold, job is run and then it is not cleaned?14:59
mmalchukcould You please review
fricklerhrw: yes. needs the job to fail as a trigger.15:00
fricklerwe can specify a review or just hold the next failing job on any patch15:00
hrwfrickler: ok. please setup hold on (master or yoga) for kolla-ansible-debian-source-aarch64 job15:03
hrwmmalchuk: I like putting it inside of blocks. new syntax feels overkill.15:03
hrwmmalchuk: I would rather replace repos.yaml file15:04
hrwmmalchuk: or add --with-repos-yaml argument15:04
mnasiadkahrw: +1 - let's just add an option to override repos.yaml by putting it in /etc/kolla/ or something like that15:06
fricklerhrw: on kolla-ansible I assume? (not sure whether it runs on kolla, too)15:06
hrwfrickler: it runs on both kolla and kolla-ansible15:06
fricklerhrw: I need to specify the project, though15:07
hrwkolla then15:07
mmalchukhrw: we need it in dockerfiles not outside, so not much overkill15:11
fricklerhrw: hold set up, should catch one of the two jobs that are currently running, whichever fails first15:11
hrwfrickler: cool15:11
hrwmmalchuk: each time I see **var I have bad feelings15:12
mmalchukunderstand but how to deal with kayobe for example15:12
mmalchukin my case I'll add an var inside kolla.yml to override repos thats all15:13
hrwok, never used kayobe15:14
mmalchukso we need to think wider)15:14
mnasiadkammalchuk: then you need a feature in kolla, and a patch to kayobe to use it ;-)15:15
mmalchukkayobe already deal with blocks in kolla well15:15
mmalchuk# Dict mapping Jinja2 block names in kolla's Docker images to their contents.15:17
mmalchukkolla_build_blocks: {}15:17
* hrw out15:19
hrwfrickler: will look at it tomorrow. can you msg me ID for use on #opendev in case I talk with someone while you are away?15:20
fricklerhrw: can you leave me your ssh public key? then I can set things up already15:21
hrwfrickler: gerrit has them.15:21
hrwfrickler: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHscARn+4FoM2/j+eb85Y9217qmisQkwrctE/2+h9DlB hrw@puchatek.local15:21
hrwfrickler: unless you need RSA one15:22
fricklernot sure one can pull from gerrit like from github. that one's fine, thx15:22
* hrw out15:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Use yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
yankcrimeanyone know if it's possible to introduce additional properties like disk i/o quotas to a flavor and have it take effect for existing vms?17:29
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/xena: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/wallaby: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Use yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewLEDUC Florian proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add a variable to set availability zone name.
opendevreviewLEDUC Florian proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add a variable to set availability zone name.
opendevreviewLEDUC Florian proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add a variable to set availability zone name.
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Use Yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/yoga: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/xena: Use Yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/wallaby: Use Yoga upper constraints to avoid Python version conflict
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/xena: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/wallaby: Fix forgotten hacluster regexp for image build

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