Sunday, 2021-11-14

jingvarEugenMayer: I use Victoria, maybe something are changed in other releases05:58
EugenMayerjingvar overall it seems to be practice to use fairly old openstack releases in production. e... heard rocky more then once here, also stein, both EOL / unmaintained (if those docs are correct)09:27
EugenMayerVitoria is less then 6 month to probably be unmaintained09:27
EugenMayerAnyway the inventory might has changed, i'am not sure09:27
jingvarthere are several things, first of all Redhat :) I think a lof of people uses RDO and used Openstack release depend on it14:20
EugenMayerjingvar yes seen that. I actually would have also gone with centos8 if there would not have been the sstorm in regards of stream and all the backlash with new forks15:02
EugenMayerjingvar but AFAIK rdo is not kolla-ansible but an own deployment automation, is it? i'am not sure since the redhat docs def. are using containers, looks like it is at least kolla based, if not just wrapping it.15:03
EugenMayerjingvar but AFAIK rdo was on wallaby, already having a dev version of xena on stream. The point is, RDO will no longer support centos8, stream is the new goto. I'am not sure this will be what most people decided to used centos for15:04
jingvarwhat about RHOSP15:34
jingvarwhat is an enterprise product -  set of versions openstack services and support - and guaranties that it will works  15:38
EugenMayernot sure, that is the enterprise full supported (paid) variant. TBH did not seen it yet. But the RH enterprise grades are out of my budges. I do not have the needs for the benefits so the expenses pay off (for us)15:38
EugenMayerAre there, currently, any efforts to make life with the container encapsulation a little easier by offering wrapper binaries or aliases like
EugenMayerso one can actually run ovn-nbctl show on the host without knowing which container needs to be used for that. It is quiet a non-obvious hurdle for starters to understand which container does what15:40
jingvaras iI understand Victora 15:41
EugenMayernever heard of Mirantis/MOS yet15:41
EugenMayerwell it is openstack witk k8s15:41
EugenMayeri do not like all this bundling - way to much opinion, way to old tech15:42
jingvarwe talked about  why people use  old releases15:43
EugenMayere.g. for k8s we use rke2 with terraform, the ingress/storage parts are then deployed with terraform. Up and read on prod and lab with one command using vanilla stuff15:43
EugenMayeryeah, get it. It's the all-in-one bundle15:43
EugenMayer'a stack that has been revised and certified to work'15:43
EugenMayerwith the pros and cons - got it15:43
EugenMayeri guess MOS will be kops vanilla k8s15:45
jingvartalking about containers there one main point - Lifecycle management15:46
jingvarstoled from a Redhat doc15:49
jingvarand a little bit adopted to Kolla15:49
jingvarEXTERNAL_ID=$(ssh ctl01 "sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-remote  " | awk -F: '{print $2}')15:50
jingvarexport NBDB=tcp:${EXTERNAL_ID}:664115:50
jingvarexport SBDB=tcp:${EXTERNAL_ID}:664215:50
jingvaralias ovn-sbctl="ssh ctl01 \"sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-sbctl --db=$SBDB $@\""15:50
jingvaralias ovn-nbctl="ssh ctl01 \"sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-nbctl --db=$NBDB $@\""15:50
jingvaralias ovn-trace="ssh ctl01 \"sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-trace --db=$SBDB $@\""15:50
jingvarand now you can run from kayobe host simple -  ovn-sbctl show (for example)15:51
EugenMayeryes redhat does that, but kolla does not16:05
EugenMayerand yes that is exactly what i do, just with an alias16:06
EugenMayeri do this for computes for virsh and nova (while the latter is not needed, i install novaclient on deployer and run it from there)16:06
EugenMayerwe also developed a little helper to backup VMs with a schedule and something that automatically checks the backups and throws an notice into mattermost if something went wrong using `nova backup`16:07
EugenMayersomething like 'backup all instances if they are not blacklisted, use a daily and weekly schedule/rotation and ensure they have been actually created". Yet fairly naive, but planned to be done in go if you continue with all this16:08
EugenMayerjingvar you do not need to export the NBDB - you can instead use the ovn_nb_db / ovn_sb_db16:11
jingvarmay be16:12
EugenMayerit works, i'am using it all the time. Works for the sb and nb16:15
EugenMayerare you using OVN? Thought you are using OVS only yet. Sorry maybe i confused it16:20
jingvarI just installed OVN and start learining16:21
jingvarhow looks you variant of the commnad16:22
EugenMayerwell i need to debug the flow with ovn since out of a reason my provider_lan is not working in the lab, eventhough the setup is done via terraform and is basically 100% except the provider lan subnet. Really odd16:22
EugenMayercannot share all the bin wrappers, they are in a chef cookbook, but the one i have public, those 3 are here
EugenMayerso ovn_sb for sbctl / trace and ovn_nb for nbctl16:24
EugenMayernova_compute for nova and nova_libvirt for virsh16:24
jingvaras I remmeber when HA is enabled and active sb/nb moves there need to define url to db16:25
EugenMayerprobably, i do not have HA here so that might be the point16:32

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