Sunday, 2021-10-24

EugenMayerhello- does those docs apply to kolla - or in other words, is openstack-ansible "kolla" or not?13:05
EugenMayerI assume openstack-ansible might be similar, but in the end kolla runs in containers, openstack-ansible us a direct installation. But both provision via ansible (that is the similarity, but different projects?)13:06
EugenMayerMaybe the docs for networking overview i look for are rahter
EugenMayerwhen intially deploying kolla on my prodcution environment, i'am no longer sure hot to understand "network_interface". With my lab, all nodes had the same interface names, this is no longer true for my production setup. While i have a managment network and "provider lan network", the inteface name per node vary from "ens9s0, en8s0, ens18" - how is that setting in globals.yaml is to be understood - should i insert the 14:23
EugenMayerinteface name on the deployer and it will then be auto-detected per controller/compute node, which inteface offers the same network?14:23
EugenMayeri guess to redefine the interface names for each compute / controll node i use "Host and group variables" as described in I use this for network_interface, and also the neutron_external_interface: "eth2,eth3" map and all this, right?15:54
jingvarusually controllers have the same hardware configuration16:39
jingvarI use 2 compute node types with interface naming like enp197s0f1 and eth516:43
jingvarayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/compute_ucs_gold/network-interfaces:external_interface: enp3s016:46
jingvarkayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/controllers/network-interfaces:external_interface: bond016:46
jingvarkayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/compute_ucs/network-interfaces:external_interface: eth216:46
EugenMayeryeah i finally understood this from the docs17:06
EugenMayercontrollers and computes are equal, but not always equal with the predictable network names17:07
EugenMayerhow do you store group vars within the installed kolla-ansible installation?17:10
EugenMayeri sse you are using group_vars/controllers/ format17:10
EugenMayeris there any way to see what the applied configuration for each host ist?17:10
EugenMayeri installed kolla under /opt/kolla and not sure where the inventory actually is17:15
EugenMayeri found /opt/kolla/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory but that is just the template i guess17:16
kevkokolla-ansible -i /whatever/path/you/have/inventory/located17:16
EugenMayerthen i have my own "/opt/kolla/multinode" but where to create my custom inventory for varas?17:16
kevkoEugenMayer: ./ansible/inventory/multinode < 17:17
EugenMayerok so the entire "inventory" in my case is /opt/kolla/multinode17:18
EugenMayerso to add the folder like inventory i just add more -i /custom/path/inventory to the calls?17:18
kevkowell kolla-ansible is standard ansible 17:18
kevkoso if you are not defining inventory, ansible by default is looking it in /home/  ...etc..17:19
EugenMayerwell i'am rather the chef-guy, using ansible for laptop/desktop deployments only, so not as bullet proof, esp. for those big deployments with kolla17:19
EugenMayerok i read the ansible docs then17:19
EugenMayerhave a nice evening17:20
EugenMayerkevko, thanks for the other day with the finding about the ip/interface, it really helped me finding the cause and getting the stack up. I was not able to thank you prior, i was MIA that evening and you were not online a couple of days17:20
jingvarkayobe-config/etc/kolla/inventory/overcloud/host_vars/ "enp3s0"18:16
jingvarkayobe-config/etc/kolla/inventory/overcloud/host_vars/ "eth2"18:16
jingvarkayobe render it's config and place rendered files for kolla-ansible18:17
EugenMayerjingvar, it seems, somehow that e.g. [control:vars] are not picked up when defined in `multinode` is interestingly not picked up. When using folder based group_vars it is working, but only if i pick the entire folder as the inventory, so `kollab-ansible -i /mnt/config` (here i have multinode and group_vars/ located). If i use -i /mnt/config -i /opt/kollab/multinode i will not picked up either18:32
EugenMayerthats how that config folder looks like
EugenMayeri see that my bridges configureed in are not part of the controller / compute nodes. How do i check that br-kwlan is actually bridged to eth1 e.g.?18:58

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