Wednesday, 2021-07-28

opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [manila] Drop tenant_id templating from v2 endpoint
*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau07:02
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: [WIP] config: allow to set group for user
haerwufor kevko and his haclient stuff07:29
haerwuhi mnasiadka kevko 08:14
kevkohaerwu: good morning :) 08:14
haerwukevko: 09:28 < opendevreview> Marcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: [WIP] config: allow to set group for user
haerwukevko: check will it help you with haclient stuff08:15
kevkohaerwu: i just wanted to implement it :P 08:15
kevkohaerwu: will try .. btw ..i've added info to bugreport where is a problem with hacluster08:16
kevkohave you seen already ? 08:16
haerwukevko: ah, sorry then for being too fast.08:16
haerwuin a middle of writing something for my blog08:16
kevkohaerwu: check last comment ..08:16
kevkohaerwu: there is a diff of users debian-source and second is debian-binary 08:17
kevkohaerwu: maybe we should also add tcpdump and messagebus to base image to avoid similar issue in future 08:18
kevkoi mean users 08:18
haerwuwhy not08:18
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: test barbican logging
haerwumgoddard: present?08:59
haerwuanyway found09:00
mgoddardhaerwu: hi09:06
haerwumgoddard: is term 'short people' fine in English?09:07
mgoddardhaerwu: for people who are short?09:08
haerwuIt is good to have own space for living. I can alter it in any way I want.09:10
haerwuWithout checking will it be useful for short people.09:10
haerwuwriting blog post09:11
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Add hacluster system user in haclient group
kevkohaerwu: << maybe it would be nice to define also home directory ? or do you think better is to edit user in kolla_start for every image ? 09:15
haerwukevko: feel free to edit my WIP patch to drop both WIP and test1 entry09:15
haerwukevko: I think that it can be expanded once we are at it.09:15
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix various exporter tiny issues such as:
kevkohaerwu: it's not big problem i think ...but if you've checked diff between hacluster_pacemaker and masakari_hostmonitor can see there are differences in home directories ..and it's because start strict is amending masakari user for example (if i am correct and remember well)09:17
kevko^^ in LP 09:18
haerwukevko: if defining one homedir will improve situation then go for it?09:18
kevkohaerwu: The group `haclient' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting. << 09:42
haerwukevko: look at 109706aa8b26f6f915e1cadae89de8135c3b68bf commit and do similar stuff for groups?09:45
kevkohaerwu: yeah, just looking ..09:46
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Add hacluster system user in haclient group
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: base/deb: bump 'system' groups limit beyond Kolla ones
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kolla failed: Add boto3 as s3 dependency for Glance container
opendevreviewIvan Halomi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: WIP: Adding support of podman deployment
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: nova: Use cinder user for Ceph
kevkohaerwu: wondering if script for useradd  should be changed and set every home to /var/lib/{username}10:41
kevkohaerwu: and add option to override if needed10:41
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Fix capitalisation of Ansible task name
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kayobe master: seed: Allow disabling of SNAT configuration
opendevreviewLin PeiWen proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Delete haproxy_single_service_listen.cfg.j2 template
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/victoria: Fix prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter container.
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: [WIP] config: allow to set group for user
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: base/deb: bump 'system' groups limit beyond Kolla ones
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Add some system users to fix user uuid inconsistencies
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: [WIP] config: Set default home to /var/lib/{user}
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: [WIP] config: Set default home to /var/lib/{user}
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: base/deb: bump 'system' groups limit beyond Kolla ones
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Add some system users to fix user uuid inconsistencies
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix variable names in Octavia documentation
opendevreviewLin PeiWen proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Delete haproxy_single_service_listen.cfg.j2 template
kevkohaerwu: could you check that reviews ? 12:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/ussuri: Fix missing templating block for kolla-toolbox.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/victoria: Fix missing templating block for kolla-toolbox.
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix variable names in Octavia documentation
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: Fix variable names in Octavia documentation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: Fix missing templating block for kolla-toolbox.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: Add boto3 as s3 dependency for Glance container
opendevreviewSkylar Tristan Kelty proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix Manila deploy when non-default name used
opendevreviewSkylar Tristan Kelty proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix Manila deploy when non-default name used
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kayobe master: dnf: add metalink argument to custom dnf repository
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: Use ansible_facts to reference facts
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add twentyFiveGigE to port descriptions in inspector rules
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: docs: Add information on tuning Ansible
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: Use ansible_facts to reference facts
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/ussuri: docs: Add information on tuning Ansible
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/ussuri: Use ansible_facts to reference facts
opendevreviewLin PeiWen proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Delete haproxy_single_service_listen.cfg.j2 template
kevkoit seems grafana oss repo is broken :( 13:33
parallaxkevko: it's not - but I think infra mirrors has the error cached 14:05
parallaxI just built it successfully
parallaxUbuntu works too14:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Remove stale DIB_DISABLE_KERNEL_CLEANUP references
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Fix capitalisation of Ansible task name
mgoddard#startmeeting kolla15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 28 15:00:59 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mgoddard. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'15:00
mgoddard#topic rollcall15:01
mgoddardmgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi bbezak parallax Fl1nt15:04
mgoddard^ meeting time15:04
mgoddard#topic agenda15:07
mgoddard* Roll-call15:07
mgoddard* Agenda15:07
mgoddard* Announcements15:07
mgoddard* Review action items from the last meeting15:07
mgoddard* CI status15:07
mgoddard* Release tasks15:07
mgoddard* Xena cycle planning15:07
mgoddard** Xena feature prioritisation
mgoddard* Kolla operator pain points
mgoddard* Open discussion15:07
mgoddard#topic announcements15:07
mgoddardNone from me15:07
mgoddardAnyone else?15:07
mgoddard#topic Review action items from the last meeting15:08
mgoddardNone, but I have proposed some stable releases which was a recent action15:09
mgoddard#topic CI status15:09
mgoddardI've seen a few networking issues recently15:09
mgoddardI think intermittent15:09
mgoddardAre there any other issues?15:10
parallaxGrafana is still causing issues, probably depending on CI vendor 15:10
yoctozeptoyou mean on infra mirrors?15:11
parallaxSome mirrors might still have the erroneous package metadata cached while others don't15:11
yoctozeptocould be15:11
parallaxyoctozepto: yeah - I'm wasn't sure whom to talk to about it15:11
yoctozeptoit could also be CDN issue15:11
parallaxupstream problem is already resolved15:11
haerwuiirc there is no cache for grafana15:12
yoctozeptoyeah, but I mean often it is that some upstream CDN is flaky and some mirrors rely on it (as some mirrors are just caching proxies)15:12
haerwuor is it?15:12
yoctozeptohave not checked, relying on parallax here15:12
parallaxI'm just saying building it works on my machine :) In CI - intermittent15:13
mgoddard#topic Release tasks15:14
mgoddardI don't think we have anything this week15:15
mgoddard(yay, merged)15:16
mgoddardcurrently we are R-1015:16
mgoddardso binary xena in 2 weeks time15:16
mgoddarddo we have any more TODOs/cleanup left?15:16
yoctozeptono idea, I'm still lagging behind15:17
mgoddarddoes anyone want to check what we've done and what's left?15:17
mgoddardtough crowd15:18
mgoddard#topic Xena feature prioritisation15:19
mgoddardI extracted patches from gerrit, and put them into a sheet15:19
mgoddardI went through and assigned a Type to each15:20
mgoddardso now we can filter for features, bugfixes, etc15:20
mgoddardfor kayobe, we went through together and assigned some patches to Xena, and gave them a numeric priority15:21
mgoddardthen they can be ordered and put into the whiteboard for reviewers15:21
yoctozeptoit's missing one thing15:21
yoctozeptothe actual project15:21
mgoddardsee tabs at the bottom15:22
yoctozeptoah, I see tabs15:22
mgoddardI'm not sure that a community-wide priority makes sense for kolla15:22
mgoddardbut what we could do is allow people to register interest to15:23
haerwuI think that we can identify quick/trivial changes and get them in to get list shorter15:23
mgoddard1. contribute15:23
mgoddard2. review15:23
mgoddard3. use15:23
yoctozeptointeresting approach15:23
mgoddardultimately resulting in a system where contributors can get reviewers to sign up to review their code15:24
yoctozeptonow only need to support payments in bitcoin :-)15:24
mgoddarda big downside is that this is a snapshot, and not easily updated for new patches15:24
mgoddardbut it only took a couple of hours, and it could be done manually from there to add new features to a list15:25
mgoddardI suppose the ultimate aim is to allow us to focus on reviewing important patches15:26
mgoddardrather than being gerrit email event driven15:26
mgoddardor small patch dopamine driven15:26
mgoddardif anyone has ideas of how to use this data to help, I'm listening15:27
yoctozeptoyeah, we are looking for oxytocin here15:27
yoctozeptowell, it could make sense to propose an overlay system on gerrit to better manage these efforts15:28
yoctozeptothis looks like the first (manual) PoC on that15:28
jovial`Could you make the script you used to generte it smarter so that priorities, etc. were preserved on update?15:28
yoctozeptomhm, that would be a good progress forward15:28
yoctozeptowe can wire something simple up with sqlite15:28
yoctozeptoor even just json-file-based database15:29
yoctozeptothat would be easiest15:29
haerwuwhat is wrong with using RP+1/RP+2 for marking trivial/important patches?15:29
yoctozeptohaerwu: it doesn't really give enough info15:29
mgoddardhow do we decide which are important?15:29
mgoddardgerrit doesn't do a lot to help us here15:30
parallaxBugs have their priority15:30
yoctozeptoit would be cool to have this flow15:30
yoctozeptochange comes in -> gets assigned a type -> gets assigned the priority (or left for discussion on that) -> gets reviewed thoroughly15:31
mgoddardany solution that is itself feature sized would probably negate this work :)15:31
haerwuwe have hashtags in gerrit15:31
mgoddardonly the author can set them15:31
yoctozeptomayhaps that can be fixed?15:32
yoctozeptoI'll ask on opendev15:33
mnasiadkaI'm not convinced that managing that in a spreadsheet instead of using Gerrit custom labels/topics/commit message ,,metadata'' will help with anything, but I'm listening ;)15:33
mgoddardthe problem is that gerrit does not provide a suitable value to configure15:34
haerwuyoctozepto: thanks15:34
mnasiadkaCan't we do custom labels?15:34
mgoddardgerrit would be ideal, since it could be queried15:34
yoctozeptohashtags would solve our problem15:34
yoctozeptowith custom views etc.15:34
yoctozeptomnasiadka: labels are numeric; hell no, I don't want +2 for bugfix :-)15:34
haerwu suggests option for it15:34
mnasiadkayoctozepto: you can set that +2 is CI, +1 is something else, and so on15:35
yoctozepto17:34:58 <clarkb> yoctozepto: it can be. Zuul and Ironic have done this. I think we might consider allowing it across the server though?15:35
mnasiadkawell, we can just raise a change to allow it in kolla projects?15:35
mnasiadkabefore it gets done across the server...15:35
haerwuyoctozepto: cool ;)15:36
yoctozeptomnasiadka: yeah, /me on it15:36
mgoddardsounds good15:36
yoctozeptoteamwork ftw :-)15:36
mgoddardstill, I think it is the wrong part of the problem to focus on15:36
yoctozeptook, elaborate 15:37
mgoddardI'm trying to fill the vacuum left by not having priorities15:37
mgoddarda limitation of those priorities was that many did not get implemented15:37
yoctozeptowell, we can manage tags in the spreadsheet instead15:38
yoctozeptotopics too15:38
mgoddardso I'm suggesting we look instead at what has been proposed already15:38
mgoddardor at least what someone has promised to propose15:38
mgoddardbut the question then is how to we prioritise them15:38
mgoddardsince we have many more patches being proposed than we can review15:39
mgoddardwe need to make better use of our time, and focus on the 'right' patches15:39
haerwu#cleanup #drop #trivial as things we want to get once and forget15:39
yoctozepto17:39:18 <mgoddard> we need to make better use of our time, and focus on the 'right' patches15:40
yoctozeptoI could not agree more15:40
mgoddardand perhaps create some feedback between contributors and available review bandwidth15:40
mnasiadkahow do we get from what we have today, to tidied and properly tagged patches? :)15:41
opendevreviewSkylar Tristan Kelty proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Update Manila deploy steps for Wallaby
mgoddardI might not have made it clear - the spreadsheet is just a tool. I expected (pre-hashtags) the outcome to be a YAML-ish list in the whiteboard15:41
mnasiadkawhy not a Gerrit dashboard with categorized entries?15:43
mgoddardthat would be nice15:43
mgoddardwhat categories would be useful?15:43
haerwucleanup, trivial, drop, new feature, ci fix, maintaince (with better word for is as I always forget how to write it)?15:44
jovial`#priority-high, #priority-medium, #priority-low?15:44
mgoddardwe would need a patch triage system to make this work15:44
haerwujovial`: that's handled by RP15:44
yoctozeptohaerwu: and backport by backport candidate15:45
haerwuyoctozepto: "#to-backport #victoria #bugfix"15:45
mnasiadkavictoria is a branch, that gets into stable backports category in Gerrit dashboard and is easy to find without hashtags15:46
jovial`If you let anyone edit the hashtags is there a danger of vandalism?15:46
yoctozeptojovial`: I only allow cores15:46
mnasiadkaI think we should only let cores edit hashtags15:46
yoctozeptomnasiadka: yup, my thoughts exactly15:47
mnasiadkaso, can somebody summarise what we can't set today? backports and priority is possible now15:47
haerwuI have a fix for Victoria. So I send patch to master, add '#victoria #bugfix', set BC+2 and give bug# in commit15:47
yoctozeptomnasiadka: kind, but that is easily solvable with standardised hashtags15:47
yoctozeptowhich we will be able to modify now15:48
haerwuonce it in master, I backport to W and V with same hashtags15:48
mnasiadkayoctozepto: agreed15:48
haerwuand V gets BC-215:48
mnasiadkawonder if hashtags are copied on cherry pick ;)15:48
haerwucan be added by core15:48
yoctozeptohaerwu: that makes sense to me15:48
yoctozeptomnasiadka: yeah, need to check, I think they are15:48
mnasiadkaSo let's define some basic ones we start with, and add additional ones on the way?15:48
yoctozeptomnasiadka: +++15:49
mgoddardbefore we go and add a bunch of extra admin to an already stretche team...15:49
mnasiadkaI can play with Gerrit dashboard15:49
mgoddard... use cases15:49
yoctozeptoand document the official tags15:49
mnasiadkayeah, in contributor guide15:49
yoctozeptoso the tags are...15:50
mgoddardif we start from the queries we think would actually be useful15:50
mgoddardwe can work backwards to hashtags15:50
mgoddardbut there is also the question of how to decide which hashtags to apply to a patch15:50
mgoddardif the main goal is to tag important patches to focus on, how do we decide which are important?15:50
mnasiadkathose related to ,,priority features'' we want to implement in the cycle?15:51
haerwuI think that we will go with tagging patches as we review them too15:51
mnasiadkaand those that unbreak CI, as always - for a starter15:51
mgoddardand how do we decide what those are?15:51
mnasiadkamgoddard: that's very interesting question :)15:51
mgoddardI suppose if we had a #feature tag it would be easier to find features15:52
yoctozeptoyes, feature is a must15:52
mgoddardand easier to rank them15:52
yoctozeptowe can also have a specialised one15:52
mnasiadkayes, but it's also easy to find them today if they have bp/something in topic15:52
yoctozeptofor features being our priorities15:52
yoctozeptojust that :-)15:52
mnasiadka#priority-feature ? :)15:52
mgoddardhow about this15:52
yoctozeptoyeah, something like that15:52
mnasiadkaor just #feature with RP+215:52
mgoddarda feature is a priority for a release if two cores agree to review it15:53
mgoddardthis is one of the problems I'd like to solve15:53
yoctozeptoand then we need a system to collect who agrees to overview the work15:53
mgoddardI think it's not too hard15:54
mgoddardwe document the proces15:54
yoctozeptocores as hashtags anyone?15:54
mgoddardpatch author or interested party drives the process to become prioritised15:54
* yoctozepto worried about getting overtagged15:54
mgoddardwe agree as a team at meetings that criteria are met, and add the tag15:55
yoctozeptomgoddard: I mean change owners can set tags freely15:55
yoctozeptowe need a system of punishments then15:56
yoctozepto1 month of no core reviews for abuses15:56
mgoddardit's not the end of the world if it gets abused15:56
mgoddardsomeone might review a patch15:56
yoctozeptoyeah, I'm just laughing here15:56
yoctozeptoI think it really is sensible15:56
mgoddardof course, a future PTL may throw it out15:57
yoctozeptoI think mnasiadka likes what we design15:57
mgoddardthere's some nice feedback involved15:58
mgoddardcontributor proposes patch15:58
mgoddardnobody signs up to review15:58
mgoddardhmm, maybe I need some karma15:58
mgoddardthey do some reviews15:58
mgoddard2 cores sign up15:58
mgoddardpatch lands15:59
yoctozeptowell, contributors joining our meetings would be cool as well15:59
yoctozeptooh my, we ate up the whole meeting15:59
mgoddardbut also it may help reviewers focus on patches they signed up for, and not keep contributors hanging15:59
yoctozeptohow did THAT happen15:59
mgoddardthere is one more topic16:00
mgoddard#topic Kolla operator pain points16:00
mgoddardThis is being mooted as a potential Y cycle priority16:00
mgoddardOperator pain points16:00
mgoddardwe would need to decide on 1-216:01
mgoddardif anyone has suggestions, please add them to the linked etherpad 16:01
yoctozeptoneed to ask less-internal operators I guess?16:01
mgoddardwe can review next week16:01
mgoddardsure, I could resurrect the kolla-klub mailing list16:02
mnasiadkawe shouldn't be writing what are operators pain points :)16:02
mgoddard#action mgoddard email kolla-klubbers & openstack-discuss about pain points16:02
mgoddardmnasiadka: you're not an operator?16:02
mgoddardbut yes, I see your point16:02
yoctozeptoI think mnasiadka has a similar stance to mine; we understand the internals and can adapt easily16:03
mnasiadkamgoddard: I'm a special type of an operator, that pushes a patch 15 minutes after finding a pain point :)16:03
mgoddardif only they were all like mnasiadka 16:03
mgoddardanyway, time's up16:03
mgoddardthanks all16:03
yoctozeptothanks mgoddard16:03
mnasiadkaideal world doesn't exist and we wol16:03
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 28 16:03:38 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:03
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mnasiadkawe wouldn't be needed :)16:03
mnasiadkathanks for the meeting!16:03
haerwuthis was great meeting16:03
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Debian/Ubuntu: handle APT keys in proper way
yoctozeptomnasiadka: yeah, we can't make kolla-ansible perfect or else we would be risking being obsolete!16:04
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: drop leftovers of RHEL support
haerwuI would love to get rid of both ;D16:04
yoctozeptoI can abandon them for you16:07
haerwubtw - how to run requirements-check on local system?16:08
yoctozeptohmm, that might be tricky16:10
yoctozeptoneed to check how it works in the requirements repo16:10
haerwugot it16:13
haerwufetch openstack/requirements, pip install it, use playbooks/files/*py script16:14
haerwuERROR: Requirement for package PrettyTable excludes a version not excluded in the global list.16:20
haerwu  Local settings : {'<0.8'}16:20
haerwu  Global settings: set()16:20
haerwuok, time to send patch for it16:20
haerwu  Unexpected     : {'<0.8'}16:20
*** rpittau is now known as rpittau|afk16:21
haerwucommit 09b8c864b4656b7a58210d75e54457452aaaecc516:23
haerwuAuthor: Stephen Finucane <>16:23
haerwuDate:   Wed Feb 10 17:58:41 2021 +000016:23
haerwu    Remove cap on PrettyTable16:23
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: test-requirements: remove cap on PrettyTable
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Update code to Jinja 3.0 style
haerwuand this on top. should now pass requirements-check16:26
haerwuAuthor: OpenStack Proposal Bot <>16:27
haerwuDate:   Tue Dec 19 01:20:33 2017 +000016:27
haerwulong time since we got bot on requirements16:27
haerwuwas it disabled or sth?16:28
yoctozeptohaerwu: no idea really16:28
haerwulooks like it. does not touch projects16:29
haerwuyoctozepto: +2
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: Add boto3 as s3 dependency for Glance container
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/victoria: Add boto3 as s3 dependency for Glance container
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla stable/ussuri: Add boto3 as s3 dependency for Glance container
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Delete haproxy_single_service_listen.cfg.j2 template
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: manila: add glance section in manila-share.conf
yoctozeptohaerwu: left a comment17:54
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: test-requirements: remove cap on PrettyTable
haerwuyoctozepto: fixed18:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: Add masakari-dashboard to debian binary horizon image
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: Improve offline build scenario.
yoctozeptohaerwu: have you checked if we even use it?18:11
haerwuI plan to check more reqs18:13
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: [DNM] remove not needed requirements
haerwuCI test18:28
haerwuhalf of entries in test-requirements dropped18:29
* haerwu out18:29
haerwunext step: bump to versions in openstack/requirements:master ;d18:35
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Use merge_configs and merge_yaml to generate custom config
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix variable names in Octavia documentation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: Fix variable names in Octavia documentation
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use more RMQ flags for less busy wait
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [CI] Slimmer RMQ
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: Reduce RabbitMQ busy waiting, lowering CPU load
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: Reduce RabbitMQ busy waiting, lowering CPU load
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/ussuri: Reduce RabbitMQ busy waiting, lowering CPU load
opendevreviewDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: DNM: Test ara 1.5.7rc2 with kolla-ansible

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