Wednesday, 2020-04-15

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openstackgerritJames Kirsch proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for encrypting glance/heat api
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openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/stein: Fix kolla_source_version value
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openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/train: Fix kolla_source_version value
openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/stein: Fix kolla_source_version value
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openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Custom haproxy script for monitoring galera
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cosmicsoundugly morning here06:43
cosmicsoundjust found out i cant seem to be able to run reconfigure or anything06:43
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cosmicsoundany suggestion is welcomed06:44
andreincosmicsound: looks like public key authentication is misconfigured on that server. can you log in via ssh manually?06:46
cosmicsoundthis is a one server only06:47
andreinwhat does your inventory look like?06:47
andreinHi everyone, yesterday I've tried to add a few new compute servers that I've provisioned via bifrost. The issue is, my old servers have their networking configured using team devices, while the old servers are configured using bond devices (cloud-init only supports bonding). I thought, ok, I'll just set network_interface and neutron_external_interface using hostvars in the inventory, but to my surprise it06:48
andreindidn't work.06:48
andreincosmicsound: add ansible_connection=local06:49
cosmicsoundthi8ng is06:50
cosmicsoundit worked util yesterday just great06:50
cosmicsoundwith this config06:51
cosmicsoundweird now works06:52
cosmicsoundanyhow i still do not realise why it does not work and it stopped suddenly06:52
andreinso, just to confirm, when logged in as root, ssh root@compute-1 should work without a password06:54
cosmicsoundi always runned it from root06:54
cosmicsoundand worked without any issues06:55
cosmicsounduntil now06:55
andreinthat's odd, i have no idea why that would happen06:55
andreinyoctozepto: ping06:55
andreinyoctozepto: if you have a few minutes, I'd like to talk to you about
openstackLaunchpad bug 1864803 in kolla-ansible "Docs: clarify network config (globals.yml confusing text)" [Medium,Triaged]06:55
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hrw needs some love and help07:27
patchbotpatch 718714 - kolla-ansible - CI: do not build images on aarch64 - 7 patch sets07:27
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openstackgerritzhangmeng proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for encrypting cinder api.
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andreinmgoddard: ping!07:33
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mnasiadkaandrein: it's 08:40 in UK, give him time to wake up :)07:40
andreinmnasiadka: :) I guess I'm just too high on caffeine :)07:41
hrwlooks like ubunut/aarch64 builds again. ceph issue sorted07:44
hrwandrein: do some running to burn it. room->kitchen->room. repeat nth times07:45
andreinhrw: it's actually yesterday's caffeine, must've been up until 4 am or something. I resisted the urge to ping people then, though. they should feel lucky :)07:46
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openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Custom haproxy script for monitoring galera
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openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/train: Fix kolla_source_version value
openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/stein: Fix kolla_source_version value
openstackgerritzhangmeng proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for encrypting cinder api.
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mgoddardandrein: o/08:13
andreinmgoddard: morning!08:14
andreinmgoddard: any thoughts on handling this issue?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1864803 in kolla-ansible "Docs: clarify network config (globals.yml confusing text)" [Medium,Triaged]08:14
andreinI'm willing to put in the work to get it fixed, but I need some guidance :)08:15
mgoddardandrein: simple answer: you have to either use globals.yml or host_vars/group_vars08:16
openstackgerritzhangmeng proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for encrypting cinder api.
mgoddardandrein: globals.yml always beats host_vars08:16
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andreinthe issue is that we can't use group_vars in inventory because they're always overridden by the group_vars in the playbook08:17
mgoddardandrein: playbook group_vars beats inventory group_vars08:18
mgoddardexcept, any group beats 'all'08:18
mgoddardso if your hosts were in another group, e.g. 'control/compute'08:18
mgoddardyou could use inventory/group_vars/control08:18
mgoddardit's a bit of a nightmare, I've always thought inventory should beat playbook, but ansible disagrees08:19
andreinyeah, I feel the same way... was totally confused last night because of this08:19
mgoddardandrein: if you think the docs/globals.yml could be more clear about this (I'm sure they could), feel free to propose an update08:21
andreinwhat do you think about removing the network stuff from group_vars/all.yml and moving them to role defaults?08:22
andreinthat would allow overriding the values from inventory group_vars/all.yml08:23
andreinsince role defaults have very low precedence08:23
yoctozeptomgoddard, andrein: would probably make sense to have that configurable in ansible (the precedence)08:26
yoctozeptothat said, globals.yml act like all.yml08:26
yoctozeptoso it's not all lost08:26
yoctozeptoand morning folks ;D08:26
mgoddardyoctozepto: precedence is configurable, but recommending that seems dangerous08:27
yoctozeptomgoddard: inventory over playbook is?08:27
mgoddardyoctozepto: globals.yml takes highest precedence, so it's not the same08:27
yoctozeptoI must've slept that over08:27
yoctozeptomgoddard: yeah, I meant in this particular case08:27
yoctozeptowhen one wants to force their config on all the hosts08:27
yoctozeptowell, it makes it non-overridable per group08:28
mgoddardyeah I looked into it because kayobe has a similar issue08:28
mgoddardor per-host08:28
yoctozeptodeprecate ansible?08:28
yoctozeptoyeah, indeed08:28
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mgoddardandrein: role defaults would be annoying because we'd have to duplicate the default for every role where it's required08:29
cosmicsound2020-04-15T08:20:49.273727Z qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied _do_build_and_run_instance /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/compute/
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andreinthis looks interesting08:30
mgoddardandrein: most environments should have a relevant non-all group that you could use to get a higher precedence08:30
mgoddardandrein: yeah, largely committed to memory :D08:30
mgoddardyeah, that was the config option I mentioned to yoctozepto. You could change that, but it's quite invasive and non-standard so I don't think we'd want to recommend it08:31
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mgoddardinventory/group_vars/control is the way to go08:32
andreinmgoddard: In my case, the old hosts are in multiple groups, that's why I just wanted to override the all group08:32
mgoddardadd a new group containing all the old groups08:32
mgoddardor a file per group08:33
hrwmgoddard, yoctozepto: - any suggestions/reviews? improvements?08:34
patchbotpatch 718714 - kolla-ansible - CI: do not build images on aarch64 - 7 patch sets08:34
andreinmgoddard: how do you feel about removing
andreinI think this would fix my immediate issue08:35
mgoddardandrein: I feel it would be wrong08:35
andreinand globals.yaml already has those defined08:35
mgoddardthat's how we define our defaults08:35
mgoddardglobals.yml is commented out by default08:35
andreinah, right08:36
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mgoddardandrein: do you understand how to make it work?08:39
openstackgerritRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: do not build images on aarch64
andreinmgoddard: yep, I'm giving it a go now08:40
andreinI'll take a stab at updating the docs also08:40
yoctozeptoah, I read the new comment in that bug report, sorry for misleading advice, mgoddard group suggestions are valid (TM)08:40
mgoddardandrein: great, thanks08:41
yoctozeptoa stab or a few :-)08:41
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mnasiadkayoctozepto: the OVN change is only waiting for you :)08:45
yoctozeptomnasiadka: I'm glad! :D a review is hereby promised for today :-)08:45
cosmicsoundanyone anything on this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1681461 in kolla "Instance fails to boot: Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chason Chan (chen-xing)08:49
cosmicsoundi seem to have also this issue08:50
yoctozeptooh what an oldie09:00
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openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: gnocchi: install missing python3-wheel package
hrwwith this patch we should have ubuntu/aarch64 working09:03
hrwin kolla09:05
openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: Add mariadb_clustercheck image
hrwfor k-a I do not plan to add !debian CI09:05
openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Custom haproxy script for monitoring galera
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Remove support for CentOS 7
hrwcomments sorted09:08
hrwgave RP+1 to this patch09:11
hrwwe need to get rid of c7 before ussuri release09:11
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: Remove support for CentOS 7
hrwmgoddard: zuul jobs read ansible/* vars file at all?09:26
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: CentOS 8: enable elasticsearch and kibana images
mgoddardhrw: nope09:26
hrwmgoddard: then your hint in is weird09:27
patchbotpatch 718714 - kolla-ansible - CI: do not build images on aarch64 - 8 patch sets09:27
mgoddardhrw: I'm suggesting that you set openstack_tag_suffix based on docker_image_tag_suffix09:27
hrwmgoddard: still have to set it twice anyway as we need it in two blocks09:28
mgoddardhrw: set_fact is persistent09:29
hrwmgoddard: ok, so will move it to start of file to make sure it gets global ;d09:29
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: do not build images on aarch64
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: Remove support for CentOS 7
hrwI have 22 open patches now. feels far too many ;D09:33
mgoddardhrw: sure09:33
mgoddardyoctozepto: centos7 removal - let's rip this plaster off09:34
hrwmgoddard: checking your elk patch on aarch6409:34
hrwhave to get centos8 image for aarch64 into zuul09:34
yoctozeptomgoddard: yeah, let's remove c709:35
hrw'max-servers: 0' looks funny09:38
yoctozeptohrw: 0 waste policy in its prime time09:40
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openstackgerritPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe-config stable/queens: Synchronise configuration with stable/queens Kayobe
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Deprecate rabbitmq_hipe_compile
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openstackgerritFabian Zimmermann proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Don't enforce metadata-api to run on dhcp-agents
openstackgerritScott Solkhon proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Support Neutron policy file in both .json and .yaml format
cosmicsoundTraceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/conductor/", line 651, in build_instances raise exception.MaxRetriesExceeded(reason=msg) nova.exception.MaxRetriesExceeded: Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance11:15
cosmicsoundanyone seen this before?11:15
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devfazcosmicsound: well, I would check the nova-conductor, nova-sheduler or placement-api logs to see why nova didnt find a suitable host.11:18
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: do not build images on aarch64
kevinzmgoddard: hrw: Thanks for the review of I am a bit curious about put the parameters into config override, do we have some demo for this?11:25
patchbotpatch 719702 - kolla-ansible - Make nums_pcie_ports as a paratem - 1 patch set11:25
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: do not build images on aarch64
cosmicsound2020-04-15 11:24:57.327 6 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [req-0cac0116-ba20-4674-8c9f-e0323d1fdcb8 - - - - -] CMD "ceph df --format=json --id nova --conf /etc/ceph/ceph.conf" returned: 0 in 0.214s execute /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/
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hrwthx mgoddard11:33
mgoddardhrw: when you say elasticsearch and kibana not available for !x86, do you mean just CentOS 8?11:33
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devfazcosmicsound: I think you should try your luck in #openstack - I think here are mostly kolla-dev-guys11:34
kevinzmgoddard: aha, thanks, use it quite often actually :-D11:34
hrwmgoddard: yes11:35
hrwmgoddard: your patch enabled them for centos811:35
mgoddardhrw: ok. we have them in unbuildable images11:35
hrwmgoddard: your patch dropped them from c8 without adding c8-aarch64 c8-ppc64le11:36
mgoddardhrw: I'll remove the repo from base11:36
hrwmgoddard: thx11:36
mgoddardalso rebased on C7 drop11:38
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: gnocchi: install missing python3-wheel package
hrwadded note11:46
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: CentOS 8: enable elasticsearch and kibana images
mnasiadkayoctozepto, mgoddard: Got somewhere with clustercheck served by xinetd, which checks Galera status - and haproxy checks this service - would appreciate some thoughts if this is something we want to implement (tripleo and OSA use the same approach) -
cosmicsoundif centos 7 is dropped means 8 is fully on?12:10
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hrwcosmicsound: c8 is enabled for quite a while12:20
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: add Debian source upgrade job on AArch64
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla stable/train: Add elasticsearch6 and kibana6 images
cosmicsoundwell it seems today unlucky day12:31
cosmicsoundnova stopped working due to some kvm crap12:32
cosmicsoundand now no machines will even start12:32
cosmicsoundTraceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/conductor/", line 651, in build_instances raise exception.MaxRetriesExceeded(reason=msg) nova.exception.MaxRetriesExceeded: Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance12:32
cosmicsoundwhat are right permissions for /dev/kvm ?12:32
cosmicsoundon compute host12:32
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: CentOS 8: Switch last mentions of yum to dnf
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Support Neutron policy file in both .json and .yaml format
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe stable/rocky: Switch to stackhpc fork of resmo.ntp
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe-config stable/queens: Synchronise configuration with stable/queens Kayobe
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe-config master: Add pip_proxy variable to pip.yml
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openstackgerritScott Solkhon proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Support Neutron policy file in both .json and .yaml format
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hrwyoctozepto, mnasiadka: is trivial in a need of +w+2 ;D13:42
patchbotpatch 720159 - kolla - gnocchi: install missing python3-wheel package - 2 patch sets13:42
mnasiadkaagain non-x86 quirks? approved :)13:43
hrwmnasiadka: in parallel world is done right...13:45
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: do not build images on aarch64
kplanthrw: in that same world, python ignores whitespace13:54
hrwkplant: you mean Pythonscript13:54
mnasiadkahrw: how do I migrate to this parallel world? ;)13:56
hrwmnasiadka: ;d13:56
hrwmay be late for meeting14:02
hrwhave two meetings at same time again14:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: Remove support for CentOS 7
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mgoddard^ so long CentOS 7, nice to know you14:06
kplantis there going to be a stable/train-c8 branch?14:07
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mgoddardkplant: nope, it's all in stable/train14:09
kplantso i guess i shouldn't do a git pull on my c7 machines14:10
kplantor is c7 support going to remain in stable/train ?'14:11
cosmicsoundnow everyday something new14:15
cosmicsoundit seems glance is rejecting images with --protected on14:17
cosmicsoundis that normal behaviour?14:17
kplantnope, that's what i set on all of mine14:18
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mgoddardkplant: train supports both 7 and 814:26
kplantnice! is c8 fully supported in stable/train?14:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: Fix glance-api privsep errors
kplantthat would give me a good excuse to update some hosts14:28
mgoddardkplant: it's almost there. Still testing the migration process, but a greenfield should mostly work14:28
kplantah okay, i'll wait for the migration process to be ironed out. let me know if there's any testing i can do in my lab to help14:29
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mgoddardmgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi14:52
mgoddard^ meeting in 1014:52
* hrw -> bluejeans14:52
yoctozeptohrw -> khakijeans14:55
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla stable/train: CentOS 8: Add rabbitmq-3.7.24 image (CentOS 7 only)
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mgoddard#startmeeting kolla15:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Apr 15 15:01:01 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mgoddard. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'15:01
mgoddard#topic rollcall15:01
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yoctozeptoreal crowds15:01
mgoddard#topic agenda15:03
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mgoddard* Roll-call15:04
mgoddard* Announcements15:04
mgoddard* Review action items from last meeting15:04
mgoddard* CI status15:04
mgoddard* Kolla Klub
mgoddard* Ussuri release planning (kayobe)15:04
mgoddard* Ussuri release planning (kolla & kolla ansible)15:04
mgoddard* Virtual PTG15:04
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mgoddard* Train release planning (centos 8)15:04
mgoddard#topic announcements15:04
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mgoddard#info OpenStack now in feature freeze15:04
mgoddard#info Kolla feature freeze: Apr 27 - May 0115:05
mgoddardso ~2 weeks to get those features in15:05
mgoddardAny others15:05
mgoddard#topic Review action items from last meeting15:06
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mgoddardmgoddard to create a google doc for kolla klub meeting agenda and notes15:06
mgoddardmgoddard to send reminder to ML about tomorrow's meeting15:06
mgoddardBoth done15:06
yoctozeptooh boy he did15:06
mgoddard#topic CI status15:06
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mgoddardI think we're pretty green15:06
mgoddardstill the issue with horizon slowness, but no longer blocking CI15:07
mgoddardpriteau: how is kayobe CI now?15:07
priteauGreen like my lawn!15:07
yoctozeptodoes etherpad work for you?15:07
mgoddardpriteau: I thought you had decking? :)15:08
yoctozeptogets me only 'loading'15:08
priteauyoctozepto: nope, doesn't work for me15:08
yoctozeptopriteau: ack, eh15:08
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mgoddardseems I have a cached copy15:08
osmanlicilegidown for me too15:08
yoctozeptomgoddard: yeah, I refreshed, regretting now ;p15:08
mgoddardcan't updated15:08
mgoddardok, we're blind15:09
mgoddard#topic Kolla Klub
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mgoddardThanks to those who joined the call, hopefully it was useful15:09
osmanlicilegiIt was a good start15:10
mgoddard#action mgoddard to prepare project update for kolla klub15:10
born2bakeHi, I ve re-deployed kolla, any reason why creation of vm instances are failing due to 2020-04-15T15:07:11.496343Z qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied ?15:10
yoctozeptoborn2bake: in a meeting now :-)15:10
hrwborn2bake: be back in ~1h15:11
yoctozeptoborn2bake: and looks like this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1681461 in kolla "Instance fails to boot: Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chason Chan (chen-xing)15:11
yoctozeptomgoddard: let's move on15:11
mgoddardyoctozepto: if only we could15:11
mgoddardKolla team will discuss ways to gather and maintain operator information, reporting back next time.15:11
yoctozeptomgoddard: ah, sorry15:12
mgoddardso, what do we track, and how do we track it?15:12
mgoddardit was not a rhetorical question :)15:13
yoctozeptomgoddard: haha15:13
yoctozeptomgoddard: the basics for sure15:14
yoctozeptomgoddard: are we doing this in doc?15:14
mgoddardnot now15:14
mgoddardin IRC now15:14
mgoddardwell what are our options for tracking?15:14
mgoddardgoogle doc15:15
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yoctozeptomgoddard: something doodle-like?15:15
mgoddardisn't that for scheduling?15:15
yoctozeptomgoddard: yeah, that's why I added '-like'15:16
mgoddardI don't see how it's related15:16
yoctozeptosomething more organized one can tick they use binary/source centos/ubuntu15:16
yoctozeptowhich services15:16
osmanlicilegimaybe we should extend it like a poll to get technical specs for the clouds they operate.15:16
yoctozeptois ceph deployed too15:16
yoctozeptoyes, I meant a poll15:17
mnasiadkaceph begone15:17
yoctozeptodoodle is a poll for scheduling15:17
osmanlicilegiI now imagine a tool like debian's popularity-contest15:17
yoctozeptooh yeah15:17
yoctozeptobut we don't need it automatic for the moment15:17
osmanlicilegiit should be optional15:18
yoctozeptothere are some folks probably willing to spend a few minutes to do the poll15:18
yoctozeptosure, very good idea in the long run15:18
yoctozepto#action osmanlicilegi to adapt popularity-contest for kolla needs15:18
mgoddardI see. I was thinking it would be more freeform, but maybe not15:18
osmanlicilegiyoctozepto: got it :]15:19
yoctozeptoit should include something freeform sure15:19
yoctozeptobut basics should be easily countable15:19
mgoddardthat kind of thing?15:19
yoctozeptomgoddard: YES! :D15:20
mnasiadkaI'll probably be unpopular, but google forms?15:20
mgoddardat what point are we just duplicating the openstack user survey?15:20
mnasiadkaat every15:20
yoctozeptothey don't ask kolla specifics?15:20
priteauEtherpad is back up15:21
yoctozeptopriteau: yay! :D15:21
braultHI There, could someone take a look at the following failure: in relation to the following patch: ?15:22
patchbotpatch 717697 - kolla (stable/train) - add dpdk_telemetry and logparser for C8, use cento... - 5 patch sets15:22
mgoddardhi brault, we're currently in a meeting15:22
mgoddarddoes anyone want to take an action to look into this?15:23
yoctozeptomgoddard: you mean dpdk telemetry?15:23
mgoddardno, the poll/survey/database15:24
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yoctozeptoI wished I could but can't promise15:24
yoctozeptoreally nobody better?15:24
osmanlicilegiI will take it15:25
yoctozeptothanks! :D15:25
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mgoddardthanks osmanlicilegi15:25
osmanlicilegiI'm not well with polls but will try to create something for a start15:25
mnasiadkaMaybe it would be possible to reuse the openstack user survey framework? to not duplicate things? and store data in weird places?15:25
mgoddard#action osmanlicilegi to look into kolla klub survey/poll15:25
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osmanlicilegiwe can improve later15:25
mgoddardmnasiadka: that's true15:25
mgoddardI would suggest for this week osmanlicilegi just looks into available tools, including that used for openstack survey15:26
osmanlicilegigot it15:26
yoctozeptogo get them, osmanlicilegi!15:26
priteauThe only surveys I enjoyed taking were implemented with Typeform15:27
mgoddard#topic Ussuri release planning (kayobe)15:27
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priteauAnd I've created a couple of Typeform surveys, it's easy enough to use15:27
mgoddardgood info pierre15:27
osmanlicileginoted typeform15:27
osmanlicilegithanks priteau15:27
mgoddardok, kayobe15:28
mgoddardwe have a couple of weeks before freeze15:28
jovial[m]anything we can squeeze in?15:29
priteauHave we decided a freeze date for kayobe?15:29
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mgoddardsame as kolla15:29
priteauAh, I thought we were trailing from kolla15:30
mgoddardmnasiadka: you going to update ?15:30
patchbotpatch 709689 - kayobe - Add framework to deploy user-defined containers on... - 11 patch sets15:30
mgoddardwe have previously trailed, but have been trying to catch up15:30
mnasiadkamgoddard: yes, will do - had other errands to run15:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: nova-compute: add ndctl to expose NVDIMMs to guests
mgoddardno doubt we'll trail a little but hopefully not much15:30
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priteauWe can probably merge a good chunk of these.15:32
priteauLots of small features / bug fixes15:32
mgoddardquite a few patches open, would be nice to get them moving15:32
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mgoddardI will go through and add RP+1 to some to focus attention15:32
mgoddardanything else for kayobe?15:33
mgoddard#topic Ussuri release planning (kolla & kolla ansible)15:33
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priteaumgoddard: Nothing else from me15:34
mgoddardok, crunch time15:34
mgoddardlooking at, L18715:34
mgoddardmnasiadka: contributor & PTL docs need an update, although it's not affected by feature freezr15:35
mnasiadkamgoddard: on my list15:35
mnasiadkamgoddard: what about docker healthchecks for kolla-ansible - are we going to push it this time, or not?15:36
hrwmnasiadka: I thought that we merged that...15:36
mgoddardmnasiadka: I'm up for merging it if it gets reviews15:36
mnasiadkahrw: Kolla part - sure15:37
osmanlicileginot yet but we should15:37
mnasiadkamgoddard: - I'll rebase it and do RP+1 - let's see if it gets reviews.15:37
patchbotpatch 676389 - kolla-ansible - Use Docker healthchecks for core services - 49 patch sets15:37
yoctozeptowhat do they give us apart from being there? :-) I'm for merging because kolla part merged but really...15:37
mnasiadkaah, and incorporate hrw's comments15:37
mnasiadkayoctozepto: well, that's only meaningful for an operator to understand if something is wrong :)15:38
yoctozeptomnasiadka: it's wrong when it's not worky!15:38
mnasiadkayoctozepto: and healthcheck says "not worky!"15:38
mgoddardI guess if you were monitoring the container state15:38
mgoddardyou could alert on it15:38
mnasiadkayeah, another idea is to do monitoring and alerting15:38
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mnasiadkaI would say let's merge it - it doesn't hurt anybody - maybe we'll find some good way to integrate it with monasca alerting or something similar15:39
mnasiadkaI mean of course after reviews :)15:39
mnasiadkawill rebase soon and ask for reviews15:39
yoctozeptomnasiadka: yeah, I'm in15:39
yoctozeptofirst ovn though, more important, today, I remember15:40
hrwussuri release... I want to get aarch64 CI for centos8/debian/ubuntu. which now is outside of kolla. for k-a still 2 patches for CI so can have debian/source train->ussuri checks15:40
mgoddardjust going down the list...15:40
mgoddard[kolla ansible] performance improvements15:40
mgoddardwe merged something for fact caching15:40
mgoddardit's a start15:40
hrwand then just some tweaks here and there as usual15:40
yoctozeptoyay :D15:40
mgoddardprobably needs some docs on ansible tuning15:40
yoctozeptowe so performant <315:40
mgoddard[kolla ansible] Nova cells v215:40
mgoddardI can't see us getting to this, I'll mark it pushed to V15:41
yoctozeptoyeah, it's been a tough cycle :/15:41
mgoddard[kolla ansible] TLS everywhere15:41
mgoddardwe merged keystone15:41
mgoddardthere are patches for heat, glance, cinder15:42
yoctozeptoI guess it's doable for the core15:42
mgoddardgeneralfuzz: if you have patches for other services, would be great to see them15:42
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mgoddard[kolla ansible] More host-level commands (day 2 ops)15:43
mgoddardAdd a new compute host to /etc/hosts15:43
mgoddardseems we no longer need this as much with the live migration fix15:43
scottsolrestart would still be nice to have15:44
mgoddardscottsol: true15:44
mgoddard[kolla] infra images15:45
mgoddardpushing to V15:45
mgoddard[kolla-ansible] Capture Docker logs15:45
yoctozeptomgoddard: unless you run tls because then you need up-to-date name resolution15:45
yoctozeptothat said, then you probably should rely on dns...15:45
mgoddard[kolla ansible] OVN support15:46
mgoddardhas 1x +215:46
yoctozeptoOVN doing great15:46
yoctozeptoI think it will get another one, it was close to mine before15:46
mgoddardoven ready15:46
mgoddard[kolla ansible] Ansible lint15:46
mgoddardseems we got quite close to this?15:47
yoctozeptoit lies somewhere15:47
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mgoddardmost of the 'other things' didn't get done15:49
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mgoddardyoctozepto: any thoughts on ?15:50
patchbotpatch 699445 - kolla-ansible - Add Ansible group check to prechecks - 4 patch sets15:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: gnocchi: install missing python3-wheel package
mnasiadkamgoddard: for ansible-lint I'll check the status of required changes to make it pass and ping you & yoctozepto tomorrow15:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix Designate not to use etcd coordination backend
mgoddardmnasiadka: cool15:50
mgoddardit's not critical - not really a feature :)15:50
yoctozeptomgoddard: was it missing only full coverage afair?15:51
yoctozeptothat precheck I mean15:51
mgoddardyoctozepto: I picked some bad examples in my testing that it couldn't handle15:51
yoctozeptomgoddard: oh well, but it's not making anything worse, right?15:52
yoctozeptosend mnasiadka at it, and I will re-review later too15:52
mgoddardstill a couple of loose ends for CentOS 8 too, will try to tidy up soon15:53
mgoddard#topic Virtual PTG15:53
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hrwseveral teams started mentioning vptg15:54
mgoddardJune 1 - 515:54
mgoddardI haven't read the latest email about it15:54
mgoddardbut it will be nice to do our PTG at the same time as everyone else again15:55
hrwand I have proper mic now ;D15:55
osmanlicilegiwe will miss donald duck :]15:56
hrwbut also know how to switch webcam one from 'Donald Duck' to 'quite normal, sometimes in a bucket'15:56
mgoddardI think we'll need to decide how many sessions we want15:56
hrw works good15:57
hrwmgoddard: kolla, kolla-ansible, kayobe, klub?15:57
mgoddardsomething like that15:57
mgoddardklub is probably separate?15:57
hrwI can provide zoom without time limit with potential recording15:57
mgoddardof course klub members welcome to join in15:58
mgoddardthat would be good15:58
mgoddardalthough I think both previous PTGs we tried zoom then switched to meet15:58
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi, hrw: I hardly survived last donald duck session, it was too funny ;D15:58
osmanlicilegimeet is simple as it seems I think15:59
hrwI use zoom 3 times per week with 3-23 people at same time.15:59
yoctozeptomgoddard: what was the issue?15:59
yoctozeptomgoddard: with zoom15:59
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mgoddard#action mgoddard to read PTG emails and request slots15:59
hrwosmanlicilegi: I am out if gmeet is in use15:59
mgoddardcan't remember15:59
hrwosmanlicilegi: it does not work on my desktop15:59
yoctozeptowell, except with hrw, gmeet works best, but it is not usable by Chinese folks16:00
mgoddardquick final topic16:00
mgoddard#topic Train release planning (centos 8)16:00
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mgoddardWho added it?16:00
hrwI did16:00
yoctozeptooh why16:00
hrwas we had ussuri release planning in there I would like to see some train release as we have it finally working with c816:00
yoctozeptomakes sense16:01
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hrwso we can say 'pip install kolla==9.train.version' and you are free to go16:01
hrwinstead of 'fetch head of stable/train'16:02
hrwwe have kolla stable/* in stable situation so let release stein/train16:02
mgoddardacceptance criteria at the bottom of
patchbotpatch 717807 - kolla (stable/train) - Add docs and release note for CentOS 8 - 1 patch set16:03
mgoddardand need to switch from delorean to centos-release-openstack-train16:03
yoctozepto^ this16:03
yoctozeptoalso, binary seems brokish16:03
yoctozeptomaybe due to delorean16:03
mgoddardanyone want to pick up delorean?16:04
hrwcan do16:04
mgoddard#action hrw to switch kolla centos 8 train from delorean to centos-release-openstack-train16:05
mgoddard(if it exists)16:05
mgoddard(if not, badger RDO)16:05
mgoddardok, we're over time16:05
mgoddardthanks y'all16:06
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Apr 15 16:06:12 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:06
openstackMinutes (text):
osmanlicilegithanks folks16:07
kplanthey mgoddard, i just tried to run prechecks on stable/train and got an error message that "centos release core version 7.7 is not supported. supported release are: 8"16:07
yoctozeptothanks mgoddard16:07
mgoddardkplant: ooh16:07
kplanti'm totally cleaning this machine out and trying again16:07
kplantbut that's scary16:07
mgoddardkplant: although I think that means you're using master16:07
kplantnah i specifically did a `git checkout stable/train`16:07
kplantbut i'm trying it again to eliminate layer 8 as a problem16:08
yoctozeptoit's always layer nine16:08
mgoddardkplant: did you pip install?16:08
kplantthat's true for me... charter16:08
kplantmgoddard: nah, git16:08
yoctozeptomagical weave16:08
mgoddardkplant: pip install16:08
yoctozeptopip install .16:09
hrwmgoddard: asked on #rdo for ETA16:09
mgoddardthanks r3ap3r16:09
mgoddardsorry, hrw16:09
kplantoh you mean pip install ./kolla and pip install ./kolla-ansible16:09
kplantyeah i do that16:09
kplanti thought you meant from pypi16:09
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kplanti just finished cleaning this machine out and rebuilding, going to bootstrap,prechecks again16:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla stable/train: Add docs and release note for CentOS 8
kplantugh, now i just get yelled at about python sdk versions16:20
kplantbut i think that's beyond the OS check16:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe stable/train: CentOS 8: Support DNF
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe master: Update documentation for release tasks
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe master: Docs: Configure firewall to allow testing of baremetal
r3ap3rmgoddard: ;D16:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe master: CentOS 8: seed VM & bifrost
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openstackgerritJames Kirsch proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for encrypting glance/heat api
kplantmgoddard, yoctozepto: i'm going to call that a false alarm16:47
kplanti think i did something out of order to get bits of master in my machine16:47
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* hrw out16:53
openstackgerritXing Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove task for adding octavia to admin project
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openstackgerritXing Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove task for adding octavia to admin project
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born2bake:/ redeployed kolla twice and still getting  2020-04-15T17:20:42.843861Z qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied :/17:21
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yoctozeptoborn2bake: well, that's good sign; it means we can debug!17:24
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yoctozeptowhat distro is that, which flavour binary/source, which release17:25
yoctozeptohow base os was installed (e.g. maas, cloud image, ISO installation - which variant)17:25
born2bakea6b6b1939295        kolla/ubuntu-source-nova-libvirt:train17:25
yoctozeptofor this we would need a lot of details as so far it was futile to reproduce17:25
born2bakeubuntu 18.04, bare metal host, aio, 64gb ram, 16cpu17:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe master: Prevent openrc files from using wrong OS_CACERT value
braultAny chance someone could take a look at the following failure: in relation to the following patch: ?17:27
patchbotpatch 717697 - kolla (stable/train) - add dpdk_telemetry and logparser for C8, use cento... - 5 patch sets17:27
yoctozeptoINFO:kolla.common.utils.cinder-volume:error: db5 error(-30986) from dbcursor->c_put: BDB0075 DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found17:28
yoctozeptoINFO:kolla.common.utils.cinder-volume:error: error(-30986) adding header #366 record17:28
yoctozeptoINFO:kolla.common.utils.cinder-volume:error: python3-pbr-5.4.3-2.el8.noarch: install failed17:28
yoctozeptoso it's something wrong with the package17:28
born2bakerestarted libvirt container, 1 vm started, 2nd vm failed with kvm perms17:28
yoctozeptoeither upstream (rdo) or mirror17:28
yoctozeptoor bug in dnf/rpm, who knows17:29
yoctozeptobrault: tried rerunning?17:29
yoctozeptoissue recheck17:29
yoctozeptoborn2bake: oh, that is interesting17:29
yoctozeptoso after the restart17:29
yoctozeptoit got to boot one instance17:29
yoctozeptoand then it failed17:29
born2bakejust one17:29
yoctozeptowithout any change inbetween17:29
yoctozeptowell, it's an art to make software block itself :-)17:30
r3ap3rmgoddard: Good afternoon, I was told by a coworker it is common courtesy that if you come across a bug submitted by a Dev and the fix suggested actually does work that you should comment on the bug report that it did resolve the issue. I did so for this bug: but if you do not want or need that, feel free to let me know and I won't do it again. :-)17:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1864181 in kolla-ansible ussuri "Monasca deployment fails due to invalid variable monasca_log_dir" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Mark Goddard (mgoddard)17:30
cosmicsoundTASK [gnocchi : Running gnocchi bootstrap container]17:30
cosmicsoundanyone has any idea why it could hang on this always?17:31
born2bakeI thought maybe it might cause I built amphora image on the same host machine and ran sudo chmod 0644 /boot/vmlinuz*17:31
braultyoctozepto, i'll have to defer to someone else here. @mrunge may be?17:31
born2bakefollowing that guide
yoctozeptor3ap3r: I don't know about others, but I like it; thanks17:32
yoctozeptobrault: oh, you can just leave a comment with lone 'recheck' to make it happen17:33
yoctozeptoborn2bake: that does not sound related at all17:33
r3ap3ryoctozepto: yes sir.17:34
born2bakeshould I try other release17:36
braultyoctozepto, thx, looks like mgoddard did that this PM; Thx mgoddard17:37
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cosmicsound this is why the gnocchi is not bootstrappign17:55
cosmicsoundwas working earlier17:55
cosmicsoundno idea what could had changed meanwhile17:55
yoctozeptoborn2bake: is it repeatable? in that if you restart libvirt again you can spawn yet another instance?17:56
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yoctozeptomnasiadka, mgoddard: ovn is going in; did a fairly thorough review, found some minor issues, see my comment, thanks for this; mnasiadka for doing, mgoddard for his thorough review ;-)17:57
cosmicsoundok there is a bug with external ceph and default value of gnocchi17:58
cosmicsoundor not like bug, yet the statement is not valid in newer versions since ceph cannot be enabled by default.17:59
cosmicsound#gnocchi_backend_storage: "{{ 'ceph' if enable_ceph|bool else 'file' }}"17:59
born2bakeyoctozepto not sure yet, i am deploying centos source now18:04
yoctozeptocosmicsound: on master?18:20
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born2bakeyoctozepto in centos:source I got - 2020-04-15 18:43:46.871+0000: 111446: error : virCapabilitiesDomainDataLookupInternal:750 : invalid argument: could not find capabilities for domaintype=kvm18:44
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andreinmgoddard: are you still around?19:17
mgoddardthanks for verifying the fix r3ap3r19:25
mgoddardyoctozepto: yvw :)19:26
mgoddardandrein: I'm around now, you?19:26
r3ap3rmgoddard: np. :-)19:29
andreinmgoddard: I barely had time to work on this the whole day, just started. I've removed the network stuff from globals and tried to add everything as hostvars for now, and it passed prechecks19:31
andreinthis being the vars thinghy we talked about this morning19:31
mgoddardandrein: great, hopefully it will work for you now19:31
andreinI had another idea for handling this in kolla-ansible, inspired by kubespray. they ship the group vars with the sample inventory
andreinthey don't use playbook group_vars/host_vars at all19:34
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kayobe stable/train: CentOS 8: seed VM & bifrost
andrein(as a kubespray user, i have to say that it feels a lot more natural than what kolla-ansible is currently doing)19:35
andreinwhat do you think about this option?19:35
mgoddardandrein: that's possible. The problem is that they need to get updated with each release, or even more frequently as we make changes. Keeping them with code is easier19:36
mgoddardandrein: we already get problems when people forget to update their inventory file, and that rarely changes19:36
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andreinI see19:37
mgoddardandrein: also, if you make changes to those variables and so do we upstream, merging the two will be a nightmare19:37
andreinwell, i kinda agree on that one, most kubespray upgrades went smooth, but I remember a few when inventory changed significantly :)19:40
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andreinlooks like it's passing prechecks, but failing on deplloy19:46
andreini think api_interface isn't set properly for that host?19:48
andreinI'm no ansible guru, but I think api_interface is first set to network_interface (eth0) then network_interface is set to the value from inventory host_vars (vlan2119) and api_interface is still set to eth0 :(19:51
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andreinmgoddard: if the assumption above is true and I'm reading the variable precedence docs correctly, I can't just override network_interface from host_vars/group_vars, I have to override all the extra vars that are inferred from network_interface20:01
andreinthis is starting to look very clunky :-/20:01
andreintried overriding from group_vars, same error20:03
andreindoesn't seem to work even if I remove the variables from the playbook group_vars. caching issue?20:08
andreinhmm, reverted everything, cleared cache, it looks like it's working20:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: OVN Support
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openstackgerritPedro Henrique Pereira Martins proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add suport to OpenID Connect Authentication flow
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