Friday, 2016-11-25

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duonghqmorning guys00:29
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v1k0d3nduonghq: morning to you :)00:58
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pronv1k0d3n: and what genconfig does?01:06
v1k0d3npron: what are you trying to do?01:09
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proni am trying to understand01:09
pronv1k0d3n: changing config like idk , adding ceph01:10
v1k0d3ngenconfig generates a config file01:10
v1k0d3nadding ceph is done in your inventory01:10
v1k0d3ngenconfig is not exactly needed01:10
pronand in globals.yaml01:10
pronso what does gencnfig and what are cases when its needed?01:11
v1k0d3nassuming you're getting doc from here: ?01:11
v1k0d3ngenconfig is most common when developing around kolla01:12
v1k0d3nthat's why i asked what you're trying to do. just trying to help based on what your goal is.01:12
pronv1k0d3n: oh i propably did not explain correctly01:13
proni am asking about this:   genconfig           Generate configuration files for enabled OpenStack services01:13
pronwich is ansible-kolla argument01:13
prondamn it is a little bit confusing tbh01:14
v1k0d3npron: i understand. it can get confusing.01:14
pronin general deploy should be all we need?01:14
v1k0d3nthere is the image building part, and two different types of deployments01:15
pronah well01:15
v1k0d3nyes, general deploy is typically all that is needed.01:15
pronbut i see reconfigure01:15
v1k0d3nso why i asked what you need is to determine if you're an operator or developer :)01:15
pronand post-deploy01:15
v1k0d3nthat helps me understand what you might need.01:15
pronatm i am heading to direction of operator01:16
pronbut i might need to actualy change stuff in future01:16
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v1k0d3nok. so it would help to see how things are done first, i am a test run?01:16
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pronyes ofc01:17
pronone of many01:17
v1k0d3njust to help don't even need to build images at all in order to get openstack deployed.01:17
v1k0d3nso if you're just trying to deploy, learn, and limit the amount of complexity to limit error...01:17
v1k0d3navoid the build process.01:17
v1k0d3njust for learn01:18
pronit was stright forward tho01:18
pronand it built some shit01:18
v1k0d3nit = what?01:18
pronidk w/e it builds ;D01:18
prondocker images01:18
pronbut i keep forgeting to enable local docker registry anyways :<01:19
pronso anyways atm i got confused by what to do after i change globals/inventory01:19
v1k0d3nare you deploying multi-node?01:19
pronatm yes trying to , in some other openstack enviroment01:20
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Pavopron I can give you a complete list of cmds that are needed for deployer node that is CentOS if you want01:22
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Pavoeverything that is needed from start to finish01:22
pronwell i kinda was able to deploy single node , and now from the same server i am doing multi01:23
proni had some challenges with network wich are fixed now01:23
pronso i am kinda fine in that department01:23
pronbut in general deploying first time is just part of the problem01:24
v1k0d3nPavo: thanks man, that's really helpful! :)01:24
proni want to kill an ddestory parts of it01:24
pronand then recover01:24
pronand also scale01:24
pronand test that somehow01:24
pronwell add more nodes01:24
Pavowith kolla-ansible?01:24
v1k0d3npron: when you say kill/destroy parts of it at scale?01:25
Pavoah ok01:25
pronand* scale01:25
proni want to test stuff that can happen =)01:25
pronand understand how to recover from that01:25
pronbefore i actulay use it for sometihing that i care about01:25
v1k0d3npron: are you working from a test plan?01:26
proni have some goels defined without any deadlines and without any dedicated time for that01:26
proneg figure out how to deploy and maintain openstack in test and then prouction01:27
pronif we get there01:27
pronsadly i usualy dont have more then few hours for that per week01:27
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v1k0d3nPavo: have a question for you...01:34
v1k0d3nhave you done much work with the Docekrfiles themselves?01:35
v1k0d3nmeaning, i created the template for each of them using the template only flag...but there are some missing artifacts that i believe end up getting built during ansible...01:35
v1k0d3nis that right01:35
Pavowhat do you mean?01:36
v1k0d3nlet me show you..01:37
v1k0d3nso i ran template-only for the docker build which turns the jinga templates to usable dockerfiles01:37
v1k0d3nends up into this:
v1k0d3nbut this isn't available:
v1k0d3nas you can tell here:
v1k0d3ni'm wondering where this archive comes in?01:38
Pavoone sec01:39
Pavolet me look at this01:39
v1k0d3nPavo: ok01:46
Pavoyeah I am not sure about the jinga stuff01:47
PavoI have done Dockerfiles and docker -compose stuff before01:48
v1k0d3nwell, i removed the jinga. i'm asking about the archive that's missing in the docker folders.01:48
Pavois that ASP?01:49
Pavothe /barbican-base-source01:49
prondo i understand correctly? i cant use ceph as swift backend with kolla yet?01:49
Pavosure you can01:50
PavoI use ceph as Cinder, Swift and Nova backend01:50
Pavoare you using RAID or single disk pron?01:51
Pavoon storage node01:51
pronoh it is more weird for me ;D, i am running kolla inside mirantis01:51
Pavoeww fuel01:51
v1k0d3noh boy01:51
pronno u didnt get me right01:52
v1k0d3nPavo: any thoughts on archive?01:52
proni created x amount of nodes in miranits openstack01:52
PavoI absolutely hate fuel, was the first thing I ever tried with OpenStack deployment went through so MANY headache01:52
pronand i am deploying kolla there01:52
pronPavo: yes i do hate fuel too01:52
Pavoit is so horribad01:52
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pronbut the plan is to remove mirantis and use kolla01:53
pronthen there will be singel disk volumes on cciss01:54
Pavousing Ubuntu?01:54
proni would prefer debian tho01:54
Pavohaven't done a Ubuntu deployment yet01:54
Pavobut CentOS works great01:54
v1k0d3ni don't think the type matters at all01:54
proni do have some hate inside me against rpm :P01:54
v1k0d3nthis is about the dockerfile container builds :)01:54
Pavowell some things are done with CentOS and something aren't, same goes for Ubuntu also as for Kolla01:55
v1k0d3noh...didn't see...this is about the deployment still. gotcha. sorry.01:55
Pavomore is done with CentOS than Ubuntu I believe01:55
pronbut its not worth to discuss that :P01:55
proni rely prefer debian over any other linux in most cases01:55
pronbut thas my own thing =)01:56
pronlast time what pissed me off was 512 meg requirement for centos installer01:57
Pavowell thats because of EFI01:57
Pavowhich you don't have to use01:58
Pavobut I hear ya, I feel the same towards ubuntu01:58
pronwell the xenial cloudimg looks okayish tho01:59
Pavojust an FYI on the Ceph though, every how many disk you have make sure to number them correctly before deploying01:59
Pavoexample is01:59
proni am using debian , historikaly as base linux system for stuff that is compiled01:59
Pavoyou have 3 disk that you are gonna use for ceph02:00
pronnever fails is relatively small, stable02:00
Pavoie  /dev/sdb /dev/sbc and /dev/sdd02:00
Pavothis is how you number them02:00
pronyou have to put labels on them02:00
Pavo parted /dev/sdb -s -- mklabel gpt mkpart KOLLA_CEPH_OSD_BOOTSTRAP 1 -102:00
Pavo parted /dev/sdc -s -- mklabel gpt mkpart KOLLA_CEPH_OSD_BOOTSTRAP 2 -102:01
pronoh i see02:01
Pavo parted /dev/sdd -s -- mklabel gpt mkpart KOLLA_CEPH_OSD_BOOTSTRAP 3 -102:01
prongood tip02:01
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Pavosee the numbers at the end02:01
Pavotrust me took me a week to figure that out02:01
pronshoould be added in docs as example with 3 disks :P02:01
Pavowas so pissed02:01
Pavototally agree02:01
proni did missunderstand this02:01
pronand i have done it wrong02:02
pronand was just about to start deploy ;=)02:02
pronu saved lots of my time i guess02:02
pronPavo: but wait i did mklabel gpt mkpart KOLLA_CEPH_OSD_BOOTSTRAP 1 -1 on all of my disks02:04
pronand this is what i see have happened on previous failed deploy02:04
Pavoand it worked?02:04
Pavobecause it failed for me using 1 for everything02:04
pronthis is what have happened02:05
pronother things didnt work02:05
proneeh the buffer is gone02:06
pronbut i will remake as you say now02:07
pronPavo: isnt that 1, 2, 3 start of partition?02:09
Pavothink its the labeling02:09
pronpay attention to Start02:10
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: NO_MERGE: TEST all tempest test
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pronhmm i dont see options for ceph as swift backend in globals02:32
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Pavohmm you are right I thought there was an option02:48
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sp_Jeffrey4l: what are the features that we are targeting in Pike release not in ocata cycle ?05:52
sp_Jeffrey4l: Please provide some info05:52
sp_Jeffrey4l: Just for the sake of knowledge05:54
sp_portdirect: ??05:56
sp_portdirect: any idea for above query05:57
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/kolla: Remove --include-header and --include-footer options
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/kolla: Remove --include-header and --include-footer parameter
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: NO_MERGE: TEST all tempest test
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Jeffrey4lsp_, still around?07:04
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sp_Jeffrey4l: Ye07:04
Jeffrey4lsorry i am no idea about P release ;(07:04
sp_Jeffrey4l: thanks for reply07:05
Jeffrey4lsp_, is this talked before?07:05
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portdirect_kollabot seen sp_08:55
kollabotsp_ was last seen in #openstack-kolla at Fri Nov 25 2016 07:05:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)08:55
sp_portdirect_: m here08:58
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openstackgerritwangwei proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add remove-garbage function in kolla-ansible
portdirect_sorry - left my self logged in overnight (hence no replys..) dont really have much input re pike cycle - for kolla or kolla-ansible I'm afraid09:00
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bjolokollabot seen mewald09:25
kollabotI haven't seen mewald around lately09:25
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix python3 compatibility in kolla_docker
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mliimamorning guys11:56
pbourkehey mliima12:01
mliimapbourke, \o12:02
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add tool to merge passwords during release upgrade
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egonzalez90pbourke around?13:09
egonzalez90are we forcing to use ansible 2.2?13:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1644828 in kolla-ansible "'check_mode' is not a valid attribute for a Task" [Undecided,New]13:11
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egonzalez90if not using ansible 2.2 deployment fails13:13
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portdirectany of the aic-helm crew about? Have a few questions13:34
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Show team and repo badges on README
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Show team and repo badges on README
kristian__who/where can I ask for nova support about this bug?13:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1642419 in kolla-ansible "GPU Passthrough isn't working" [Low,Confirmed]13:38
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/kolla: Show team and repo badges on README
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portdirectkristian__: the #openstack channel, or mailing list  would be the best bet, though I'ts going to be very quite for a few days as the USA/Canada is away for Thanksgiving13:55
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Allow nova_compute & nova_compute_ironic together
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kristian__portdirect: The same error on a full os reinstall14:06
kristian__definitely a problem with nova14:06
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add tool to merge passwords during release upgrade
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kristian__portdirect: going to build 4.0.0beta2 from master just for curiosity14:16
pbourkeegonzalez90: hi14:21
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egonzalez90pbourke, are we enforcing to use ansible 2.2?14:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1644828 in kolla-ansible "'check_mode' is not a valid attribute for a Task" [Undecided,New]14:38
egonzalez90if not using ansible 2.2 deployment fails14:38
pbourkeegonzalez90: oh oh14:38
pbourkethat's not good14:38
pbourkemight have to back out those patches14:39
egonzalez90thinks so,
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Revert "updating-deprecated-ansible-modules"
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pbourkeegonzalez90: thanks, glad it was only one PS, thought it might be more14:48
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Install neutron-fwaas plugin in neutron-base
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP Hierarchical approach for helm charts
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Add support Karbor on README.rst
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: NO_MERGE: TEST all tempest test
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add more options for cinder-backup.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Add trove role
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add more options for cinder-backup.
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openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Tacker NFV Ansible support
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openstackgerritshake.chen proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add karbor ansible role
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sean-k-mooneyo/ anyone about?18:04
sean-k-mooneyim going to head off in a minute but was courius. dose anyone know would it be easy to extend kollas keepalived containers to manage addtional ips on other interfaces18:06
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/kolla: Remove --include-header and --include-footer parameter
pronweird , after provisioning cant log into horizon22:17
pron( generated assowrds with that password gen )22:18
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SamYaplesean-k-mooney: you could override the entire keepalived.conf22:41
SamYaplesean-k-mooney: that would work22:41
SamYaplesean-k-mooney: but to _augment_ it dynamically, that ouwld be harder22:41
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