Monday, 2016-11-21

sdakecool - lots of peole have tried :)00:00
Pavodoesn't matter, if he doesn't reboot ARP would still show .25 being used00:00
sdakeour docs have a bunch of contribs00:00
v1k0d3nthinking as i'm doing this, so it's really clear for users...including the HA proxy and TLS docs.00:00
sdakethe reason ha proxy can be disabled at all is for third party hardware firewall usage00:00
sdakesuch as F500:00
Pavoprechecks would have failed00:00
sdakePavo roger00:01
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v1k0d3nmakes sense. definitely00:01
sdakev1k0d3n alot of people disable haproxy to workaorudn the "I dont' have a free IP in my network" problem00:01
sdakethen set the VIP to their host00:01
v1k0d3nsure, i get that.00:01
sdakethat works AIO00:02
sdakebut its wrong and should not be recommended00:02
v1k0d3nso auto set up bridge interfaces.00:02
v1k0d3neasy/good way to work around that and have a single nic box.00:02
v1k0d3ngreat for an AIO00:02
sdakeyup but then they go multinode or tls00:02
sdakeand bammo they are super confused00:02
v1k0d3ngets working, secures with TLS. win/win.00:02
Pavonot if you plan on using VLANs are provider networks00:02
v1k0d3nso set up bridges for multi-node.00:02
v1k0d3nwin win there too00:03
v1k0d3ngreat abstraction. doing it for docker anyway.00:03
v1k0d3nVLAN's work to though.00:03
v1k0d3nOSA does it. i do some crazy stuff for OSA00:03
v1k0d3nso server is up. working on globals.00:03
Pavoif you use 1 nic only for aio you have to have sub interfaces and the main NIC with no IP00:04
sdakeya - that just leads to trouble supporting this stuff making those recommendations pavo ;)00:04
v1k0d3nso internal (admin) nic is kolla_internal_vip_address:, right?00:04
sdakev1k0d3n your machine's ip is what?00:04
kollabot1traveling-circus/interfaces.j2 at master · v1k0d3n/traveling-circus · GitHub00:05
sdakethat will only work if you disable tls00:05
v1k0d3nmachine is
sdakeso do you want to run with tls?00:05
sdakeI'd recommendgetting aio going without tls first00:05
v1k0d3ni have two interfaces00:05
sdakewithout haproxy00:06
v1k0d3none without an IP, however it is on a subnet with a /2200:06
sdakerather with haproxy00:06
v1k0d3nthat is my "public"00:06
v1k0d3ncan we work through what the config should look like?00:06
sdakeyour big banging the config00:06
sdakebaby steps ;)00:06
v1k0d3nmy night is running out and i want to get a solid config according to what you guys are saying i need00:07
sdakebut if you want to big bang it we can do that00:07
v1k0d3ni understand.00:07
v1k0d3natom bomb00:07
v1k0d3ntrust you guys.00:07
v1k0d3nso anyway...globals00:07
v1k0d3nworking on that00:07
sdake#kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"00:07
sdakethis line should be .2500:07
Pavoso external vip should be an address out of
sdakepavo his dns doesn't resolve .400:08
Pavohe just said that was is "public"00:08
sdakehis dns only resolves .100:08
v1k0d3nsdake: my internal can resolve yes...00:08
v1k0d3ni want admin to be 70...00:08
v1k0d3n4 is external00:08
v1k0d3ni can make dns anything i want....i rule my own dns.00:08
v1k0d3ndns is my bizzatch at my home.00:08
sdakeok, well here is what you need00:09
sdakeyou need whatever resolves to to match that external VIP00:09
v1k0d3nPavo: internal is the 70.25?00:09
Pavov1k0d3n yeap00:09
v1k0d3nthis is getting too confusing.00:09
v1k0d3nand we're only dealing with 2 interfaes :)00:09
sdakewe could add more if you like ;)00:10
PavoI would recommend for ease of IDing use as external if its not being used00:10
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v1k0d3nPavo: so external is an address that i create on the 4.0/22 right?00:10
v1k0d3ncould be anything (which i will make .25 also.00:10
Pavojust easier to know that .25 on both networks point to horizon00:10
Pavov1k0d3n yeap00:10
v1k0d3nright. ... recap! :)00:11
v1k0d3nkolla_internal_vip_address: ""00:11
v1k0d3nenable_haproxy: "yes"00:11
v1k0d3nkolla_external_vip_address: ""00:11
sdakethat might work00:11
sdaketry prechecks00:11
Pavostill not done yet00:11
v1k0d3nhold on. i need fqdn00:11
Pavoyou have 2 more things to do00:11
v1k0d3nPavo: is that right?00:12
Pavoyeap add domain name to and uncomment the tld sections00:12
v1k0d3nso internal fqdn i want the (
v1k0d3nand then external i want (again...dns is my world. i own it!)00:12
PavoI always go IP address for internal stuff, but thats me00:13
PavoI am better to remeber numbers than names00:13
sdakepavo that skips tls00:13
Pavowhat skips tls?00:14
sdakegoing to hte internal vip00:14
kollabot1getting-closer-yo.yaml - Pastebin.com00:14
Pavono no I wasn't saying change it to a IP00:14
PavoI was just saying myself just types IPs instead of names when dealing with internal stuff00:14
v1k0d3nis that wrong?00:14
sdakewhat ip does resolve to?00:15
Pavolooks correct00:15
Pavostill not done though00:15
v1k0d3nsdake: i will make it resolve to (of course)00:15
v1k0d3nright. now uncomment tls and generate?00:15
sdakei'd recommend commenting out magnum and lbaas as well00:16
sdakeand any other stuff you turned on00:16
sdaketoo many variables to sort out with all the stuff turned on at once00:16
v1k0d3nok. so the point was to test magnum00:16
v1k0d3nand worked before.00:16
Pavoand I would recommend uncommenting #enable_central_logging: "no" and changing it to enable_central_logging: "yes"00:16
v1k0d3nbut we can troubleshoot that later i guess.00:16
Pavoso you can use kibana to TS00:16
v1k0d3ngreat call there.00:17
v1k0d3nnice catch...i missed it.00:17
sdakev1k0d3n then will begin your journey into setting up kibana ;-)00:17
sdaketook me about 8 hours to figure out00:17
v1k0d3noh, also...00:18
v1k0d3ndo i need openvswitch Pavo?00:18
v1k0d3ni noticed you had enabled on yours...i had disabled, but things were working....00:18
Pavowell I use ovs00:18
sdakev1k0d3n if its disabled, it defaults to on00:18
Pavobut its up to you00:18
sdakeovs = openvswitch00:18
v1k0d3nok...i thought so00:18
v1k0d3nanything else i may be missing?00:20
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v1k0d3nprechecks so far are ok00:21
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Pavonot that I can see00:21
v1k0d3nPavo: do you use magnum or know much about enabling it?00:22
v1k0d3ntaking sdake advice of not enabling for now...00:23
v1k0d3nbut want to use that along wiht at least LBaaS00:23
sdakemagnu mis a bit tricky because the data plane needs to be able to access the control plane for waitcoditions to work00:23
v1k0d3nso guys...ok to kolla-a pull and deploy?00:23
v1k0d3nmakes sense, but this is
sdakev1k0d3n networking is... complicated00:25
sdakeso yup give it a go00:25
v1k0d3nnetworking is always complicated.00:27
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PavoI haven't used magnum yet00:27
v1k0d3ni can't wait until someone wants to bring up scaling issues with flannel and kolla-k8s. :-/00:27
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v1k0d3nPavo: are you using heat?00:28
v1k0d3nor aodh?00:28
Pavowhats that?00:29
v1k0d3ndo you need heat + something else...or when you alarming or ceilometer?00:29
v1k0d3nsorry...that was messing. two incomplete thoughts!00:29
PavoI use heat, cinder, swift and ceph as the backend for those00:29
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v1k0d3nso 1. when services need two things (for insstance magnum needs barbican) do you need to have both installed or does the top item install both? may be a good q for sdake_00:30
v1k0d3nand 2. do you use alarming and ceilometer?00:30
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PavoI tried to use maruno but for some reason kolla doesn't add all the necessary things for it to be enabled in horizon after its been enabled in globals00:31
sdake_v1k0d3n 1. globls.yaml isn't smart enough to figure out its dependnecies00:31
sdake_v1k0d3n 2. i havne't used it persoanlly.  Jeffrey4l uses it often00:31
Pavov1k0d3n I use kibana for alarming00:31
sdake_Pavo yup we are aware of that, i think pbourke has some workarounds for that that he can share - but perhaps not00:32
Pavoyeah sdake_  you told me that once, haven't heard anything from pbourke yet00:32
sdake_Pavo did you msg him on the topic?00:32
Pavoonly in here00:32
sdake_try in the mornings, he is eu timezone00:32
Pavook if I m up early enough, I'm on leave for the next week lol00:33
sdake_sounds good ;)00:33
PavoI would love to start helping with updating docs also, "cough" sdake_  was gonna walk me through it one day00:34
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sdake_pavo ya sorry been busy with dayjob lately00:37
Pavono problem I understand that00:37
sdake_pavo and making the repo split happen00:37
v1k0d3nsdake_: are there some docs on ehat would be needed to get magnum working (if all these tests succeed)?00:39
sdake_v1k0d3n doubtful00:39
v1k0d3ni mean magnum docs aren't really going to cover the kolla parts exactly.00:39
v1k0d3nthis is what would be nice to have other teams contribute into kolla...00:39
sdake_kolla deploys as our upgstream recommends00:39
v1k0d3nthat way, they just write their own docs on how to get it going and contribute those docs to kolla.00:39
sdake_v1k0d3n been down that path, and we did have some success with it00:40
v1k0d3n"enable these items"00:40 worked for the summit.00:40
v1k0d3nso people are going to want to try what they see :)00:40
sdake_no, i mean it worked prior to the summit00:40
sdake_the challenge always comes in getting people to write docs00:40
sdake_they are happy to write the implementation :)00:40
v1k0d3nand recorded to have worked for the summit too.00:40 love guys...00:41
v1k0d3nat all00:41
v1k0d3nPavo and sdake_00:41
Pavodeploy without errors?00:41
sdake_need more details00:41
v1k0d3nPavo: no errors00:41
Pavoanything fail?00:41
v1k0d3nsdake_: need to know where to look00:41
v1k0d3nno failures at all guys.00:42
sdake_whats not working precisely?00:42
v1k0d3nlocalhost                  : ok=293  changed=126  unreachable=0    failed=000:42
Pavogo to the IP instead of the FQDN and see if you get self sign cert00:42
v1k0d3nsdake_: pretty simple really... = This site can’t be reached00:42
sdake_run kolla-ansible post-deploy00:42
sdake_this will create an in /etc/kolla00:42
v1k0d3n192.168.70.25 refused to connect.00:43
Pavotry to go to
v1k0d3nit redirects for sure...00:43
v1k0d3nthat works00:43
v1k0d3nbut still fails.00:43
Pavowhat fails?00:43
v1k0d3npage cannot be reached.00:43
Pavomake sure to clear your certs in your browser00:44
sdake_ok instead of  testing out horizon lets test out keystone00:44
sdake_run kolla-ansible post-deploy00:44
sdake_this will create in /etc/kolla00:44
sdake_copy to your machine your connecting from00:44
v1k0d3nso used a browser i have never even opened before...(once ever)00:44
v1k0d3nsame issue00:44
Pavodid you do systemctl disable firewalld00:45
Pavoand systemctl stop firewalld00:45
Pavobecause it sounds like a firewall issue to me00:46
v1k0d3nsdake_: where is hiding out again?00:46
v1k0d3nthere's no firewall on this host...00:46
Pavo in /etc/kolla00:46
v1k0d3nubuntu and it's disabled.00:46
v1k0d3nand what i'm going through is just a router. no firewall rules at play.00:47
v1k0d3nthere is no openrc file in /etc/kolla.00:47
sdake_did you run kolla-ansible post-deploy?00:47
v1k0d3nok sorry, got it.00:49
v1k0d3nendpoints seem ok00:49
v1k0d3nwhat do you want me to check out. soured openrc sdake_00:49
v1k0d3nPavo: 14.0400:50
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v1k0d3nno systemd and there is absolutely, positively no firewall running :)00:50
sdake_v1k0d3n run openstack user list00:50
Pavoyeah I never used ubuntu00:50
v1k0d3ni promise.00:50
v1k0d3nit was working before certs issue00:50
sdake_do you have this line in your file? export OS_CACERT=/Users/sdake/demo/haproxy-ca.crt00:50
v1k0d3nsdake_: ok one sec00:51
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sdake_haprxoy-ca.crt comes from /etc/kolla/certificates i believe00:51
v1k0d3nsdake_: no that is not in openrc file00:51
sdake_is the openrc file one you copied?00:51
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sdake_from /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh00:51
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v1k0d3nthat is the only file i have...from /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh00:52
v1k0d3nthat file. no mention of cert00:52
sdake_ok - looks like a bug in post-deploy00:52
sdake_add that line00:52
sdake_need to tell your client (openstack) what cert your using00:52
sdake_or tls will fail to validate00:53
Pavowait what?00:53
v1k0d3nok, added00:53
sdake_so openstack endpoint list should produce a list of endpoints...00:53
v1k0d3nbut wondering how this impacts web SSL to horizon?00:53
sdake_lets see if keystoen works first ;)00:54
sdake_keystone has its given name for a reason ;)00:54
v1k0d3nok. so what now?00:54
sdake_source admin-openrc.sh00:54
v1k0d3ndid it alreay00:54
sdake_then openstack endpoint list00:55
sdake_what happened?00:55
v1k0d3ndid that already too00:55
v1k0d3ngot the endpoints, just like i did before (said endpoints look good).00:55
sdake_try nova list00:55
Pavook can someone try again please00:55
sdake_doesnt work pavo00:56
v1k0d3nsdake_: ERROR (AttributeError): 'X509' object has no attribute '_x509'00:56
v1k0d3nPavo: no go man00:56
sdake_v1k0d3n try openstack instance list00:56
sdake_i think thats the command00:56
sdake_if not you will have to hunt for it00:56
sdake_openstack cli taking over, people stop maintaining their clients for the most part00:56
Pavogrrr I see you guys are getting forwarded00:57
v1k0d3n'openstack server list' produces 'X509' object has no attribute '_x509'00:57
Pavobut its wierd00:57
sdake_v1k0d3n try with --debug00:57
Pavook try it again sdake_00:58
v1k0d3nPavo: same thing00:58
v1k0d3nomg sdake_ tons of garbage man00:59
* sdake_ speculates pavo is secretly running a click spamming campain :)00:59
sdake_v1k0d3n good paste the garbage00:59
Pavono just TSing00:59
Pavoseriously look at this tcpdump00:59
kollabot119:58:37.918060 IP > - Pastebin.com01:00
Pavoport forwarding is working01:00
Pavobut for some reason its not working01:00
kollabot1nasty-error.txt - Pastebin.com01:00
v1k0d3nthink the x509 error gives a nice indication that it's certificate related?01:00
v1k0d3ni have no clue. this is frustrating.01:03
Pavodo you have a certificates folder in /etc/kolla?01:03
sdake_v1k0d3n pip show python-novaclient01:03
v1k0d3nPavo: yes.01:04
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kollabot1more.txt - Pastebin.com01:04
sdake_k, let me check which version i have - moment01:04
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v1k0d3nsomething is terribly wrong here...01:06
sdakev1k0d3n try openstack image list01:06
v1k0d3ni went to http....and it goes through intermit01:06
v1k0d3njust saying.01:06
Pavoshow us your globals again01:07
v1k0d3nsdake: all of them are ging an x509 error.01:07
sdakebut openstack endpoint list does not?01:07
sdakeso, that haproxy-ca.crt file is typically 700 and owned by root01:08
sdakeperhaps openstack client having trouble reading it01:08
kollabot1globals.yml - Pastebin.com01:08
sdaketry copying it somewhere else01:08
sdakedebug up the stack not down the stack ;)01:08
Pavothis could be an issue01:09
Pavo#kolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"01:09
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sdakepavo ya thats an issue01:09
sdakepavo actually i'm not sure that it is..01:09
sdakeanyway i'd like to take a look at this permissions idea first01:09
Pavo2 subnets can't be on same interface01:09
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Specify 'become' for only neccesary tasks (default roles)
kollabot1Gerrit Code Review01:09
sdakepavo right - run my internal and external on one subnet01:10
sdakeso that is a delta i have from the setup v1k0d3n is doing01:10
v1k0d3nPavo: those are two interfaces, two subnets though01:15
v1k0d3nem1 = 192.168.70.x/24 and em2 = 192.168.4.x/2201:15
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Pavoneutron_external_interface: "em2" can not have an IP on it01:16
v1k0d3nit doesn't01:16
Pavobut kolla_external_vip_address: "" will be put on em101:17
Pavoalso kolla_internal_vip_address: ""01:17
Pavowill be put on em101:17
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Pavobecause you have network_interface: "em1"01:17
Pavoneutron_external_interface: "em2" is used by neutron01:18
Pavonot anything else01:18
v1k0d3ni think this is exactly why kolla-ansible AIO should set up bridge interfaces.01:18
Pavolook at your interfaces I don't know the cmd in ubunti01:18
v1k0d3nyou have one ip...great...we configure the rest for you using bridges.01:18
Pavoin CentOS it is ip addr01:18
v1k0d3nPavo: em2 has no interface ip address01:18
PavoI give you an example in a moment01:19
v1k0d3nit's just up without an ip01:19
Pavoyeah but look at em101:19
Pavoit probably has 3 IPs01:19
v1k0d3nit is connected to a network lan segment with
Pavothe host IP and your internal vip and external vip01:19
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v1k0d3nno it only has 1 ip address01:19
v1k0d3nit has the 20 address...01:20
v1k0d3nand that's it01:20
Pavothen what has your internal and external vip because the globals show it should be on network_interface: "em1"01:20
v1k0d3nthis is something really strange here....honestly....01:20
sdakeya - config problem01:20
PavoI have never done a aio deployment before but thats how multinode works01:20
v1k0d3nif i got to or 25 or 4.25 or any of the dns names.01:21
v1k0d3nfirst time fails.01:21
sdakemultinode and aio work the same way pavo01:21
v1k0d3nremove the SSL (http://.....) it goes through.01:21
sdakev1k0d3n i'd be focused on why glance and nova don't work ;-)01:21
Pavoit adds internal and external to network interface unless you tell it to use a different interface for external by using kolla_external_vip_interface:01:21
v1k0d3nand on firefox i have literally blown everything away. cache, certs, etc.01:21
Pavodid you restart firefox after deleteing certs?01:22
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix network bw configuration for cloudkitty
kollabot1Gerrit Code Review01:24
v1k0d3nsdake: can you help me understand why just connecting to causes some of these issues?01:25
v1k0d3nPavo: yes01:25
sdakev1k0d3n 70.25 is your host, your not going through tls or haproxy01:26
sdakei told you what i think is causing the x509 cert error01:26
sdakefile permission read error on ca-cert.crt01:26
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Pavocan someone try again please01:27
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sdakesup DuncanT01:27
v1k0d3nPavo: same issue man. :-( sorry01:27
v1k0d3nsdake: so you think by changing permissions to root and 777 would fix it?01:28
v1k0d3nsorry, i missed that until now when i looked up and reread your statement.01:28
v1k0d3nwant me to tear down again and rebuild?01:29
sdakev1k0d3n so here is what i'd do01:29
sdakev1k0d3n sudo cp /etc/kolla/ca-cert.crt /home/v1k0d3n01:29
v1k0d3nand just fwiw....the host ip is .20....01:29
sdakethen change your to reference /home/v1k0d3n instead01:30
v1k0d3nhaproxy is handling requests for .25 (because we changed the ip, remember)?01:30
sdakethen change permissions on the to 700 owned by v1k0d3n01:30
sdakev1k0d3n this is problem with big bang deployments and debugging - too many variables01:30
sdaketrying to do one thing at a time here ;)01:30
v1k0d3nwe're only doing one thing at a time...we're doing TLS.01:30
v1k0d3ni can back off of TLS.01:31
v1k0d3nlet's remove TLS and redeploy.01:31
v1k0d3nwhat lines should i uncomment.01:31
sdakecurrrent paste?01:31
sdakeof globals.yml01:31
kollabot1globals.yml - Pastebin.com01:31
sdake(note you will need to reboot because our destroy is not smart enough to deal with vips)01:31
sdakebut reboot after the destroy :)01:32
v1k0d3nyeah that's fine. destroy.01:32
duonghqhi sdake01:32
v1k0d3nisn't there a way to clear containers and images too?01:32
sdakecomment line 29 9haproxy)01:32
sdakecomment line 42 (external_vip)address)01:32
sdakecomment line 48 (external_fqdn)01:32
sdakecomment line 90 (neutron_plugin_agent)01:33
sdakecomment line 106 (kolla_enable_tls_external)01:33
sdakecomment line 107 (kolla_external_fqdn_cert)01:34
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sdakecomment line 147 (enable_lbaas)01:34
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sdakecomment line 140 (enable_magnum)01:35
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sdakeI think that should get you an AIO without haproxy01:35
sdakelets see if that works ;)01:35
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sdakei just noticed a huge problem01:39
sdakeyour on ubuntu 14.04 as well?01:39
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sdakein that case, you want to run ubunbtu containers01:39
sdakeand probably source at that01:39
sdakebut that may or may not be the cause01:39
sdakebut lets fix that too01:39
Pavosdake try again please01:39
v1k0d3ni'm completely fine with this.01:39
v1k0d3njust adding more to the mix your point01:40
v1k0d3nPavo: no go again man01:40
sdakeline 15 should be ubuntu01:40
sdakeline 18 should be source01:40
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v1k0d3nsdake: does that mean that i need to build them locally now?01:40
sdakeit will pull them01:40
v1k0d3nbeen fetching upstream01:40
v1k0d3njust checking01:40
Pavowell access log is showing its allowed and letting it through01:40
sdakepretty sure ubuntu source is built01:40
v1k0d3none sec Pavo i can give you more if you give me a minute.01:41
v1k0d3na pcap01:41
Pavowhos IP is
v1k0d3nlet me get to a place where i'm fetching some containers or something first though01:41
Pavoand whos IP is
v1k0d3nfwiw Pavo i am 71.01:41
sdakeya ubuntu source 3.0.1 is on dockerhub01:42
Pavook ACl log is showing its getting there, so it has to be a TLS issue for me01:42
sdakeno idea which my ip is pavo01:42
sdakev1k0d3n cn you run pip show kolla as well pls01:44
kollabot1new-globals.yml - Pastebin.com01:44
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v1k0d3nto be fair...this was installed a day ago :)01:45
v1k0d3nso hope it's the new one :D01:45
sdakewell i missed commenting out line 12401:45
v1k0d3nsdake: more and more info01:45
kollabot1new.file.txt · GitHub01:45
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sdakenice - right version of kolla ;)01:46
v1k0d3nof course01:46
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v1k0d3nso want me to deploy?01:46
sdakecna you comment out line 12401:46
v1k0d3nalready did it.01:46
sdakethe enable_central_logigng01:46
v1k0d3nas you ask01:46
sdakeyup deploy01:47
sdakewhile thats thinking, might sa well remove that ca_cert line out of your admin-openrc01:47
sdakeand create a toally new shell that doesn't have CA_CERT in the environment01:47
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sdakev1k0d3n where is this cisco sit ethat has haproxy set to no, i'll ge tthat fixed01:52
v1k0d3nsdake: actually it's included in the globals.yaml for the mitaka cisco developer learning center OVA.01:53
v1k0d3ni think chris is that guys name?01:53
sdakehmm chris rings no bells01:54
sdakegot a link?01:54
sdakewhat is an OVA01:54
sdakestill leraning my way around this place01:54
v1k0d3nlet me search.......01:54
v1k0d3ntrying to help Pavo too with a pcap and running this.01:54
v1k0d3nit's a google search away01:54
sdakeok - we can do it later01:54
v1k0d3ni litterally have to google search for it every time01:54
Pavodon't worry about me, get yours fixed first01:55
PavoI can TS later01:55
sdakeok - i'll take a look at that later then01:55
v1k0d3ni actually hate these cisco links too (or how the person links things). every link is like inception that leads me right back to where i was.01:55
v1k0d3nuseful links only pleaes :)01:55
v1k0d3none link to where it's actually located iis helpful01:55
kollabot1OpenStack: Trying OpenStack Using Kolla | Cisco Communities01:56
sdakev1k0d3n lol01:56
sdakeahh chris ricker01:56
sdakedon't know why that didn't ring a bell01:56
sdakeya that thing is probably permanent ;)01:57
sdakesince its a blog post01:57
sdakenot sure i can get it fixed ;(01:57
v1k0d3nfix the OVA that he has uploaded ;)01:58
v1k0d3nthen all good01:58
sdakei think that ws like a learning project - not sure he even has it anymore01:59
v1k0d3nok sdake i can access
v1k0d3nback to the beginning01:59
sdakecool nova list works?01:59
v1k0d3noh yeah, he has it.01:59
sdakenot back to the beginning01:59
v1k0d3nsaid he was going to do more and more with it01:59
sdakecool - i'll shoot him an email :)01:59
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Update repo in documentation
kollabot1Gerrit Code Review01:59
sdakeso the reason your not back at the beginning is because your now running haproxy01:59
sdakewhich is a dramtic difference02:00
sdakei'd like to check out the basics of that - like does it work02:00
sdakeopenstack servers list02:00
sdakeopenstack image list02:00
sdakeopenstack endpoints list02:00
v1k0d3nnova list command works, but nothing there.02:00
sdakeit might be images02:00
sdakecool it should b eempty02:00
v1k0d3nyes, all works...not using cert so works.02:00
v1k0d3nso now what? back to the beginning.02:01
sdakeok, so now, lets change a couple things - can you give me a current paste02:01
v1k0d3n(which is good...working.02:01
v1k0d3nbtw Pavo you there?02:01
v1k0d3ni'm not gettting anything anymore. that address not even talking back on my end.02:01
v1k0d3ndst unreachable02:01
v1k0d3nsdake: of globals?02:02
sdakeyup of globals.yaml02:02
kollabot1new-globals.yml · GitHub02:03
v1k0d3ni'm going to keep using that for each output02:03
v1k0d3nfrom now on. pastebin was getting more. don't like it.02:03
sdakechange line 42 to
sdakeand make sure 26 is unused02:04
v1k0d3nsdake: huh?02:04
v1k0d3nyou mean
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sdake25 = internal 26 = external - same subnet02:04
Pavoyeah I am redeploying02:04
v1k0d3nremember....i have DNS pointing to .25 already. i want to keep dns as much intact as possible.02:04
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sdakeok 26 external 25 internal02:05
sdakerather 25 external, 26 internal02:05
sdakesorry tire d;)02:05
sdakeand watching 300 atm02:05
sdakethe key is on the same subnet02:06
sdakeso .7002:06
sdakeem1 = .70 right?02:06
v1k0d3nyes 70 subnet02:06
v1k0d3nalright, done.02:06
sdakesweet, so wht we are after is an AIO on one subnet ;)02:06
sdakewith TLS enabled02:06
v1k0d3nok. now what?02:07
sdake106 uncomment02:07
v1k0d3n106 and 107, correct?02:07
sdakejust 10602:07
v1k0d3nor does 107 assume location automatically?02:07
sdakeyup its a default02:07
v1k0d3njust checking02:07
sdakeno sense setting it twice ;)02:07
sdakethe idea of 107 is you may have certificates that you paid good money for in a different location02:08
v1k0d3nwell, destroy *reboot* deploy??02:08
sdakeya sound sgood02:08
v1k0d3nalso...what about removing images? do we care?02:08
v1k0d3nor should i keep?02:09
v1k0d3ni would assume keepoing should be fine....02:09
v1k0d3nalso, no haproxy yet either...correct?02:09
sdakedon't remove images02:10
sdakedont change any haproxy settings02:10
sdakewe definately need haproxy ;)02:10
sdakejust change thos elines i mentioned02:10
sdakeand new paste - i'll verify before deploy if you like02:10
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Notification needed for searchlight
kollabot1Gerrit Code Review02:13
sdakeso onc ea long long time ago i worked at a linux co that did support02:14
sdakemy #1 question was this:02:14
kollabot1Sign Up | LinkedIn02:14
sdakefor those that are in the wayback machine ;-)02:15
sdakemy #1 question may have been "how do I setup xwindows"02:15
sdakei don't remember02:15
sdakethose two were tied probably :)02:15
sdake"how big should I make /var'02:16
sdakeuhh, as big as you need it?"02:16
sdakethat answer was always unsatisfiyign :)02:16
sdakelinux in 94 and whatnot  was painful02:17
sdakexwindows didn't just work out of the box02:17
v1k0d3nsdake: reason i ask about haproxy is because you had me disable it.02:18
Pavook just try ddi.hopto.org02:18
sdakewhen did I have you disable it?02:18
sdakeI had you comment out enable haproxy:yes02:18
sdakeor no02:18
sdakeor whatever it was02:18
sdakeit defaults to yes02:18
sdakev1k0d3n paste new globals and i'll dc it foryou02:18
sdakeour arrows will blot out the sun!02:19
sdakethen we will fight in the shade02:19
kollabot1new-globals.yml · GitHub02:19
Pavosdake anything at
sdakeso your dns resolves 25 to your external network name?02:20
sdakev1k0d3n you said 25 was special becaue its your dns hostname02:20
sdakeyou want that to be your external ip02:20
sdakeand the other your internal02:20
sdakeinternal is totally internal - has no dns name02:20
v1k0d3ni have dns set up for at 70.2502:20
sdakeok, cool, so swap around 26 and 25 in globals.yml02:21
v1k0d3ni have at 4.2502:21
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sdakeok, we will use galvatron for now02:21
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v1k0d3nand haproxy?02:21
v1k0d3ncommented. i guess default is to use02:22
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v1k0d3nPavo: no love man02:22
sdakehaproxy defaults to yes v1k0d3n02:22
PavoI think I know what the issue is02:22
PavoI see the request coming in02:22
sdakev1k0d3n so as the config stands, its enabling haproxy - so we are good to go once you move those ips around ;)02:22
Pavoand its hitting the server on those ports02:22
Pavobut nothing going back02:22
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Pavov1k0d3n try it one more time please02:24
* sdake sets up a ping bot for pavo ;)02:24
v1k0d3nPavo: changed this time at least...02:25
PavoI don't have ICMP forwarded02:25
v1k0d3nthis time completely times out with no reponce.02:25
v1k0d3nsure you don't have an async route issue going on?02:25
v1k0d3ni do that all the time.02:25
Pavoits possible02:25
v1k0d3nfrom this end...02:25
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v1k0d3nthat's what i looks to be.02:25
v1k0d3nit's going out and never returns.02:26
v1k0d3nno boomerang02:26
Pavocan you get to
v1k0d3nsdake: we forgot certs creation02:26
v1k0d3nso i need to destroy reboot02:26
sdakepavo yup that works02:26
v1k0d3nman...this is taking all freaking night.02:26
Pavothen it has to be my servers02:27
v1k0d3nsunday night...this isn't good02:27
sdakev1k0d3n oops sorry about that on the certs creation02:27
sdakeya need to destroy and reboot unfortunately and create certs02:27
Pavolooks like I am gonna complete reinstall OS on all02:27
sdakepavo its probbably not your servers ;)02:27
v1k0d3nthis needs to be so extremely clear in docs, and i highly suggest setting up bridge ports automatically for users who have a single interface for AIO02:27
sdakev1k0d3n ya its a challenge02:28
v1k0d3nthe OSA team learned from this, and this is one thing they do extremely well. AIO deployments, just work out of the box.02:28
sdakev1k0d3n we havne't eve ngot to the hard part yet02:28
v1k0d3nand that's how an AIO should be.02:28
sdakei evaled osad some time ago - 2015 i think and it took 8 days to install02:28
v1k0d3nAIO should be totally brainless. "i'm here to learn..."02:29
sdakeit is brainless ;)02:29
sdakeonce you do it once02:29
sdakei've done it hundreds of times unfortunately :(02:29
sdakethe doing it once part is hard02:30
sdakeand the docs are not ideal02:30
v1k0d3nOSA under 10 commands, with full TLS on a single interface. can we get kolla-ansible to that?02:30
sdakeunforutnately docs dont write themselves02:30
sdakeno idea on single interface02:30
sdakewe dont implement that at this time02:30
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v1k0d3ncould use an interface setup similar to this:
kollabot1traveling-circus/interfaces.j2 at master · v1k0d3n/traveling-circus · GitHub02:31
sdakeon multiple interface should be pip install - modify globals yam - kolla-ansible certificates - kolla-ansible deploy02:31
sdake4 commands02:31's not that at all.02:31
sdakev1k0d3n i dont do ubuntu so i dont know how to parse that file02:32
v1k0d3ncurrent docs are not simple for kolla yet.02:32
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v1k0d3ndefinitely not 4 command.02:32
sdakepreaching to choir02:32
sdakethey are actually as simple as they can be at present02:33
sdakefor the aio case ;)02:33
sdakeso where ya at - deploy - ?02:33
v1k0d3ni think they can be easier...just saying.02:34
sdakeright we know the docs need work02:34
sdakepeople do work on them02:34
sdakethe thing kolla lacks above all else is a professional information architect02:34
v1k0d3nthis is more than docs in this case.02:34
sdakethat is, someone that can formulate our information in our brains into documentation02:35
sdakeits a rough gig, and not many people can tackle it02:35
sdakelana (docs ptl) had suggested she would see if she could this cycle02:35
v1k0d3nnot sure i can even touch that one.02:35
sdakeya - its hard project to do right :)02:37
sdakei struggle focusing on it myself (the docs thing)02:37
sdakeosad has had that since the beginning02:38
sdakethat is why their docs rock ;)02:38
v1k0d3nso TLS works to .25 but not to .2602:39
v1k0d3nprobably because of the resolution (assumption, without getting into sniffing out packets in this case).02:40
sdakeright v1k0d3n02:40
sdake.26 = internal network02:40
sdakeinternal network doesn't have tls02:40
sdakewe do not have intenral TLS02:40
v1k0d3nyou mean kolla in general?02:41
v1k0d3nor in our config?02:41
sdakekolla in general02:41
v1k0d3n(well my current config i mean).02:41
v1k0d3nok. good to know.02:41
sdakekolla doesn't use tls internally02:41
v1k0d3nso now what?02:41
sdakethe assupmtion being that network is secure02:41
sdakethis would caus e adouble tls hit on each connection02:42
sdakewe have debated adding it02:42
sdakebut it makes thins more complicated for not alot of gain02:42
sdakeok so nwo you have my network setup02:42
sdakei'll tell you waht i do02:42
sdakeand what I htink your going to have to do02:42
sdakeI have a wireless router02:42
sdakeI use the DMZ port  forwrading feature to forward each external port on my dyndns to my external networks VIP02:43
v1k0d3nwell, hold on...02:43
sdakee.g. in yoru case I would point my port forwards for to 0.2502:43
v1k0d3ni'm telling you what i need.02:43
sdakei'm explaining my setup02:44
sdakeso - tls does work :)02:44
v1k0d3ni need to use the subnet for my hosts and external access.02:44
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sdakeyou want to share neutron with your external vip?02:44
v1k0d3nno, i'm asking how i need to set up if i want to allow access to hosts on that external subnet of 192.168.4.x/22.02:45
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v1k0d3nso those hosts are going to have 1 to 1 mappings to external. that net is my public float range.02:46
v1k0d3ni'm so far away from what i originally had that i don't know where i need to go now. i'm confused because we drilled back so far without looking at what i had or the intention.02:46
sdakeopenstack doesn't work that way02:46
v1k0d3nthat doesn't make sense.02:47
sdakehae you got htis model to deploy some where else?02:47
sdakehere is the problem - neutron totally takes over em202:47
v1k0d3ni can't argue the architecture. i'm telling what i need.02:47
sdakeem2 = .402:47
sdakeem2 = right, .402:48
v1k0d3nwe can't tell people "that's not how openstack works". we will lose users.02:48
sdakeyou are putting an external VIP in your neutorn network02:48
sdakei am not a netowrking expert02:49
v1k0d3nright now i have to get back to what i had...02:49
sdakeits a struggle for me to get neutron working at all :)02:49
sdakeyou have tls working02:49
v1k0d3nwhich was working minus the TLS.02:49
sdakethats more then what you had before02:49
sdakeoh gotcha02:49
sdakewell, if your willing to wait02:49
v1k0d3nthe most important askpect is how the network worked.02:49
sdakecan hae a cat consult with your tomororw who is a networking expert02:50
sdakeits possible i'm wrong02:50
v1k0d3n192.168.4.x/22 was my external pool. was my openstack horizon interface and API access.02:50
sdakehe wrote part of the tls implementation02:50
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v1k0d3nthat's what i want...but i want TLS on that 4 link...because....well....that just makes sense. that's where user traffic is going...02:50
sdakeok, well thats what you got now02:50's not what have.02:51
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sdakeok so 70.25 is what you want as your openstack horizon interface?02:51
sdakeI thought it was 4.25?02:52
sdakewhat you have now is 70.25 as your openstack interface - with tls02:52
v1k0d3nwell, i'm really confused.02:52
v1k0d3nso i want users to access horizon, and manage instances over .4.x/2202:52
v1k0d3nthat needs TLS.02:53
sdakeand you want to have a float in that ssame network?02:53
v1k0d3nbut internally, i need to mnage things too right?02:53
sdakedefine "manage instances"02:53
v1k0d3ni guess i'm confused because OSA i can put anything where i want...anywhere. TLS everywhere. all good.02:53
sdakedo you mean connect to instances ?02:53
v1k0d3nand frankly...TLS needs to be anywhere and everywhere for security reasons.02:54
v1k0d3neven if it's still neesd to be locked down.02:54
sdakeso do you mea nconnect to instances?02:54
v1k0d3nwe don't have architecture diagrams for kolla, is that right?02:54
sdakethat is incorrect02:54
v1k0d3noh ok02:54
sdakealthough i'm not sure where the ones i drew went02:55
v1k0d3none sec...let me try to find.02:55
sdakeso maybe lsot forever02:55
v1k0d3nhaha this is confusing.02:55
sdakei had diagrams- gliffy cratered02:55
sdakeso - do you want to connect ot he machines on .4?02:55
sdakevia SSH02:55
v1k0d3nso sorry man. i'm trying to just get this working and move on to dev kolla-k8s. wanted to have an AIO to do some of that dev work though.02:56
sdakethe VMs you got running there02:56
v1k0d3ni want to understand the whole thing better. it's not exactly clear to me.02:56
v1k0d3ni have two nets....02:56
v1k0d3nso its not confusing.02:56
sdaketwo routed the internet networks?02:57
v1k0d3n192.168.70.x/24 that is private. that is where i want my administration API's. super secrets stuff i want to protect.02:57
v1k0d3nthat needs TLS. it's super secret.02:57
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v1k0d3nthen i have 192.168.4.x/2202:57
v1k0d3nthat is where my internet user traffic comes in over.02:57
v1k0d3nthey access their VM's over that net.02:58
v1k0d3nand there is an API that is available to them out there.02:58
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v1k0d3nagain, it needs to be's user auth.02:58
sdakehow do you connect traffic from .4.x to .70.x?02:58
v1k0d3nthere is a router for 4 and 7002:59
sdaketype of router?02:59
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v1k0d3nnot sure that really matters? but ubiquiti.03:00
sdakeok, so a hardware router?03:00
sdakeit matters a whole bunch03:00
sdakeyou see i dont have a router in my setup03:00
sdakeso your setup may be different becasue of the router03:00
v1k0d3nyes, very good hardware router03:00
sdakedave-mccowan is the dude to tlak to03:00
v1k0d3ngood for home nerds who want to spend too much on routers :)03:00
sdakehe is a networking pro, a security pro, and implemented parts of the tls in kolla03:01
sdakei'd like to hear what comes of that conversation - so i can teach others03:01
sdakeit really needs to be documented03:01
v1k0d3nwell, one thing worries me....03:01
v1k0d3nyou said that kolla can't support tls on two interfaces.03:01
sdakenot sure i said that03:02
v1k0d3ni'm so off track i don't know how to get back03:02
sdakei said we have no internal tls implemenation03:02
v1k0d3nlet me try and find my orig pastebin. that should help.03:03
sdakekeep a copy of what you got03:03
sdakeit will help you setup tls when dave-mccowan is about03:03
sdakesomething has to connect the exteranl VIP to the intenral VIP03:04
sdakethat something in my network si the fact that they are on the same network03:04
sdakeyou want to put the external vip on a different network which is also your provider network03:04
v1k0d3nso "internal" is what?03:04
sdakeinternal = management network03:04
v1k0d3nbut what rides on that...neutron?03:05
sdakeno, neutron rides on .403:05
sdakeneutron api neutron server of course run on .7003:05
sdakebut the neutron ips are doled out on .403:06
sdakeyou se ekeepalive puts an ip somewhere in that .4 range03:06
v1k0d3nok, that works. definitely need that in my case03:06
sdakewhereever you specify03:06
v1k0d3nso a flip of what i currently have.03:06
sdakeyour config is as i described above minsu the keepalived puts an ip somewhere on .403:07
v1k0d3nso the internal vip i would want on .70.2503:07
v1k0d3nand external i would want on 40.2503:07
sdake.4.25 you mean?03:07
v1k0d3nsorry yes03:07
sdakecool, so i think that may work - if your floating range is big enough - problem you have is you have no interface in your machine to bind a .4 address to03:08
v1k0d3ndo i need to have an external FQDN as well, i guess...correct?03:08
Pavoshouldn't api use loopback on aio deployments, seems like it would make it better03:08
sdakeya i run with external fqdn03:08
v1k0d3nwhat do you mean? that's where em2 is coming in.03:08
v1k0d3nlook at the config again. there are two interfaces.03:09
sdakeright, typically i leave em2 completely uncofugred03:09
sdakei dont understand ubuntu config files ufnortunately03:09
sdakewrong person to look at that :(03:09
sdakeif you configure em2 with a route and whatnot so it can find the router, and do its routing thing whatever the hell that is03:10
sdakeneutron implodes the em2 route03:10
sdakekeepalived's binding to the port fails03:10
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sdakeso i'm not sure how to get keepalived to bind to a .4 port on your machine03:10
sdakereally out of my area of expertise - not a netowrking expert03:11
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sdakedave-mccowan on other hand could tell you if it would work or not03:12
sdakedave-mccowan and if so what to do03:12
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sdakebut we can experiment if you like03:12
sdakev1k0d3n my understanding of openstack is this is why people use firewlal softwre- to forward stuff to an intenral TLS endpoint03:13
sdakerather hardware03:13
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sdakenight all03:28
sdakev1k0d3n hit up dave-mccowan in the morning - he can either get you going or tell you its not possible ;)03:28
v1k0d3nlater man03:28
sdakev1k0d3n i'm glad we confirmed tls works for you :)03:28
v1k0d3ni'm working these interfaces to do what i need03:28
sdakestep in right direction03:28
v1k0d3nactually it's not the way i need03:29
v1k0d3ngotta figure out.03:29
v1k0d3nor find the gap if there is one.03:29
sdakev1k0d3n thats a small victory atleast ;)03:29
v1k0d3nbut definitely have some ideas how to make an AIO possibly easier for folks.03:29
sdakecool that would be helpful03:30
sdakecncf gives projects 20k for documentation contractors03:31
sdakeper year03:31
sdakepretty sweet03:31
v1k0d3nhow does that work?03:32
sdakeon that note, i'm out :)03:32
sdakenot sure on the mechanics03:32
v1k0d3nmy wife is a tech writer...03:32
sdakeif she is looking for a gig, they are probably hiring in some way03:32
sdakebut i don't know for sure03:32
sdakei'm just getting involved in cncf - only been to one conference03:33
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v1k0d3ni hear ya03:33
v1k0d3ncool man03:34
v1k0d3nthanks for the help03:34
v1k0d3ndefinitely know more than i did...extremely happy for that!03:34
sdakeyup - this is how we learn03:34
sdakeon irc ;)03:34
sdakeeveyrone learns together - its pretty sweet03:34
sdakei expect other group chat tools are similar03:34
sdakei've leraned more by watching here then i've tought ;)03:35
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add octavia docker image
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Use tox to build gate images
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openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: use uuidutils instead of uuid.uuid4()
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zhubingbinghi sdake07:45
prameswar /msg NickServ identify pram@78007:47
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: test kolla-ansible branch
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: test for kolla
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: add panko role
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Jeffrey4lany core reviewer around? please ack which blocked kolla master.09:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Run init-once in kolla-ansible folder
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openstackgerritJavier Castillo Alcíbar proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix ceilometer not sending logs to heka
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openstackgerrithoward lee proposed openstack/kolla: Fix few typos in doc
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Use kolla_internal_vip_address for glance_api servers
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: fix ci gate
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Use tox to build gate images
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add octavia docker image
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hkominosHi guys. I am considering Kolla for a test deployment. Can you tell me if it will run on ARM ?11:35
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portdirecthkominos: dont think anyones tried that yet :)11:46
portdirecthkominos: but dont see any reason why it should'nt11:47
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mliimamorning guys11:49
portdirectmorning :)11:49
portdirectmliima: you core?11:50
mliimayes, i'm11:50
portdirectcool :) if you could have alook at this: I'm pretty keen to get it merged, as we can't sort out the thingas at the kolla end untill it is11:51
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portdirectI've just got zuul to have a look at it again11:51
mliimaportdirect, i'm waiting recheck11:53
portdirectmliima: cool, cheers man :)11:53
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sdake_morning pepeps12:00
egonzalez90morning sdake_12:01
portdirectsdake_: do you sleep or just recharge? ;) also morning all!12:03
sdake_uhh went to bed at 10pm last ngiht12:03
sdake_its 5am now12:03
sdake_dunno 6-7 hrs is good for me12:03
sdake_7 hrs is ideal12:03
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sdake_when i get 7 hrs i feel competley ready to go for the day12:04
sdake_6 hrs not as much12:04
sdake_5 hrs - grumpy :)12:04
sdake_how old are ya portdirect12:04
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sdake_when you get older you need less sleep12:04
sdake_i'm 4212:04
sdake_dave-mccowan rareo u in12:04
portdirect32 going on 14... though I know that one - I was doing the Mad Scientist schedule untill recently, though find 6 hours sorts me out atm.12:06
dave-mccowanhi sdake_12:06
sdake_dave-mccowan i've got a question relate to external tls12:06
sdake_actually it cme from someone doing a deployment12:06
sdake_do you ahve a moment for me to explain?12:06
sdake_they have a private network .70.z12:06
sdake_and a public network .4.z12:07
sdake_got distracted12:10
sdake_so on their public network they have their neturon network interface12:10
sdake_and intend to serve via a VIP and floating IP range users12:10
sdake_on the .4.z network12:10
sdake_they have two interfaces in their box12:10
sdake_and a real router connecting .70.z and .4.z12:11
sdake_not like some software route or something, but a real hardware router12:11
sdake_forgot the brand name12:11
sdake_does that model work?12:11
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sdake_dave-mccowan ^^12:14
sdake_actually it should because the controller nodes are different then the compute12:15
sdake_as long as the network node is differnet, i think haproxy would work properly12:16
sdake_egonzalez90 can i get acks on12:17
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sdake_reviews on the second ^^12:17
sdake_pbourke ^^12:17
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We are currently having capacity issues with our ubuntu-xenial nodes. We have addressed the issue but will be another few hours before new images have been uploaded to all cloud providers.12:19
dave-mccowansdake_ i'm thinking.  it doesn't seem like a great idea, but i'm still trying to work out why.12:20
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sdake_dave-mccowan why = neutron takes over the interface, so keepalived can not bind a vip on the .4 interface12:21
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sdake_since there is no .4 interface ever setup12:21
sdake_how else would someone connect to the external vip?12:22
sdake_via a third party hardware gateway?12:22
dave-mccowansdake_ there's a warning in globals.yaml comment not to assign an ip address on the neutron_external_interface.12:23
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dave-mccowansdake_ i think what you described has the kolla_external_vip_address on the same interface as the neutron_external_interface12:24
sdake_thats correct12:24
sdake_dave-mccowan i guess at issue is whre to put the external vip12:31
sdake_if we put it on the .70 net, how to access from the external network (which is .4)12:31
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dave-mccowansdake_  The goal seems to make sense: The kolla external vip needs to be routable from a public space.  The per-tenant neutron routers need a subnet that is routable from a public space.  I think the two need to be on separate subnets though.  if an operator is constrained to a /24, i think they could slice it into two subnets to make it work.12:41
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sdake_he has a /2212:42
dave-mccowanbritthouser would know12:42
sdake_dave-mccowan thanks a bunch12:43
sdake_dave-mccowan if v1k0d3n asks, i sent him your way, i'd tell him that one liner12:43
sdake_and point him at britt :)12:43
* dave-mccowan scrolling back. was he also asking for TLS on the internal network?12:44
sdake_pavo did say in linux you can't have two subnets on the same interface12:44
sdake_ye was indeed12:44
sdake_which we don't implement12:44
dave-mccowansdake_ yep12:45
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sdake_confirming pavo's assertion?12:45
sdake_i honestly dont know :)12:45
sdake_I guess I should get qualified in this area12:45
sdake_but it seems so pointless12:46
sdake_million people at cisco know networking way better then me12:46
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portdirectsdake_: you can have more than one subnet per interface12:49
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openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix network configuration for cloudkitty
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Add a section regarding share migration
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Add a section regarding share migration
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srwilkersgood morning everyone13:36
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Add a section regarding share migration
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inc0good morning14:04
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mliimamorning inc014:08
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v1k0d3nmorning all14:13
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sdakev1k0d3n sup14:17
sdaketlaked to dave-mccowan this morning14:17
sdakev1k0d3n he siad what you want may work - I think he siad you need to split up your /22 into two subnets14:17
sdakeone for the VIP14:17
sdakeand one for the floating network14:17
sdakeif I parsed him correctly14:18
sdakehe said britthouser would know for sure14:18
sdakesup inc014:18
sdakeinc0 say - re the plugins in ansible for roles14:18
sdakeinc0 did the ansible cats give positive feedback on the idea or what?14:18
inc0sdake, no feedback whatsoever14:18
sdakedidn't you present it in a meeting?14:19
sdakei thought you said it went well?14:19
inc0on meeting feedback was ok14:19
inc0asked me to make PR to start discussion14:19
sdakecool well thats where it  matters14:19
inc0PR is *crickets*14:19
sdakeso is your PR complete and high quality?14:19
inc0no, it's PoC14:19
inc0but I don't want to work on idea that's bad, so I'd love some feedback about general arch14:20
sdakeamybe thats why its crickets14:20
sdakedid you try asking on #ansible-devel?14:20
inc0not last week, too crazy14:20
inc0I'll come back to the topic when we'll solve immediate issues14:20
inc0like gates14:20
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sdakeright - good point14:21
sdakejust wondering where that work was :)14:21
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sdakelike what state it was in14:21
sdakeour repo split has consumed most eveyrone for a week or more14:21
sdakecan I get some reviews on this 1 liner:
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dave-mccowansdake v1k0d3n yea, i don't think you want your kolla_external_vip_address inside your neutron tenant router subnet, but if you split your address space into two subnets, you can put them both within your reserved /22.14:24
* sdake hates modifyign - always lots of comments :)14:25
sdakeinc0 mind weighing your thoughts on
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sdakeso i can get em all done at once14:25
sdakerhallisey mind weighing your thoughts on so i can get it done all at once14:25
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inc0sdake, what more do you need there?14:25
sdakeinc0 did you already leave a comment?14:26
sdakeinc0 just a review - so i dont have to go over it again and again :)14:26
inc0you remove docker dir from kolla-ansible14:26
inc0my comment was +214:26
sdakewrong review14:26
v1k0d3nsorry dave-mccowan just getting started...scrum meeting. one sec, i will read back14:26
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sdakeinc0 rhallisey ^14:27
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v1k0d3nso dave-mccowan i can create as many networks as i want. should i have three interfaces? i really just want external users to have access to horizon with TLS, and internal admins to also access horizon over a different link (with TLS) so i can split endpoint API's (admin vs what users need, nova claims, nuetron claims, etc).14:30
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v1k0d3ndave-mccowan i think sdake was saying something about TLS could only be on one interface because an "internal" interface was assumed to be trusted?14:32
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v1k0d3ni don't remember honestly...i most likely misunderstood that.14:32
dave-mccowanv1k0d3n so i guess there are two questions.  one about neutron managed subnets and one about admin interfaces?14:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove docker reference related to bandit from tox.ini
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v1k0d3ndave-mccowan: yes.14:34
v1k0d3nso here is what things look like on my end...14:34
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dave-mccowanv1k0d3n let's talk about the two things separately to make sure we don't confuse/conflate the two.14:35
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v1k0d3n192.168.4.0/22 << needs to be the "public" network.14:35
v1k0d3nas in addresses are handed out by that pool.14:35
dave-mccowanv1k0d3n so that's the neutron managed subnet?14:35
v1k0d3ni am just assigning those directly to the instances.14:35
britthouserSo the are assigned to instances, not any of the underlying servers or VIPs?14:37
v1k0d3non my "real" router....a ubiquiti edgerouter pro....i have a single interface (eth4) connected with a 4.1 address. neutron is connected via "flat" and hands out dhcp to instances on taht subnet.14:37
britthouserso this is technically called “provider” network14:38
v1k0d3nbritthouser: this is what i'm really trying to understand.14:38
v1k0d3nyes, that's provider...correct.14:38
v1k0d3n192.168.70.x is where admins connect to horizon.14:38
v1k0d3nendpoints to control users, ssh to the AIO host, etc.14:39
v1k0d3nmanagement traffic for admin.14:39
v1k0d3nif i need another interface...fine. but that's the setup currently.14:39
v1k0d3nif i need another interface for outside users, than fine. originally i was going to put them on provider, with SSL (my misunderstanding of course), but i was going to have outside users connect to 4.2514:40
britthouserso you’re trying do both of those subnets on the same networking interface?14:40
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sdakebritthouser yup - this is where I get stuck :)14:40
v1k0d3ni think that question is going to lead to confusion. these are separate interfaces.14:40
dave-mccowanv1k0d3n for server admin stuff (ssh) you need a real address on an interface.  for horizon connectivity you need a VIP address that keepalived and haproxy manages to you can load balance across controller nodes.14:40
v1k0d3ni'm not even sure how or where that idea came from sdake...i never mentioned they were same interface.14:41
sdakev1k0d3n em2  = neutron interface = your .4 network?14:41
sdakebritthouser thanks btw ;)14:42
v1k0d3nem2 is currently 4.x/22, correct.14:42
sdakebritthouser know ure busy with othe rthings14:42
britthousermy pleasure sdake. :smiley:14:42
sdakebritthouser rescue us in this scenario please ;)14:42
britthouserso you cn do it on the same physical interface, you’d just have to do some extra bridge setup on the host.  But it sounds like that is not the path you’re heading down?14:43
sdakebritthouser directions plz14:43
sdakev1k0d3n sounds like you need some extra brige setup, so sounds like it is possible14:44
sdakebritthouser note v1k0d3n is on ubuntu14:44
sdakebritthouser not sure if your familiar with their networking scripts on that platform14:44
v1k0d3nbritthouser i can do either. i suggested to sdake that for AIO hosts...just do these things by default and use bridging that users are in question in the future. similar to OSA.14:45
sdakebritthouser if not, a descripton would help ;)14:45
v1k0d3nOSA does a good job of this. "you have a single interface and you're new to the project....GREAT...let's set this up using bridging".14:45
sdakev1k0d3n i do not make up the entirety of the kolla community - this is somethign that should probablybe recordedi na blueprint14:45
britthouserI’m reading the scrollback, but still not 100% clear on the ask.  Can you restate real quick?14:45
inc0v1k0d3n, bridging part usually gets people lost in intial OSA14:46
sdakebritthouser how do you setup the bridge interfaces to support em2 = neutron = .4 = running vip = running horizon14:46
inc0it's really non-trivial to get bridging work14:46
sdakeya kolla as a project sort of punts on advanced networking configuration14:48
sdakei dont know if that is the right answer14:48
sdakebut thats what happens today14:48
britthouserSo lets start here: <>14:48
britthouserWhat you’re asking is that the “external” and the API be bridged together/14:49
sdakebritthouser keep in mind he is on an AIO install14:50
sdakebritthouser v1k0d3n also has two network interfaces14:50
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sdakethe two network interfaces are connected via a real hardware router14:50
sdakei think that diagram is cool, but thats a "real" deployment14:51
sdakethe diagram is how i'd setup openstack, but i'd have a seprate network for ceph14:51
sdakev1k0d3n so sbezverk_ is a super networking nerd14:52
britthouserYeah, but its a good starting point to talk about what networks are needed.  And then its just a matter of deciding which networks you want to combine on to the same interface14:52
sdakev1k0d3n i'm sure him and britt can get ou rolling :)14:52
britthouseri.e. where todo the host bridging14:52
britthouserso looking at that diagram, v1k0d3n, which two networks are you wanting to bridge together?14:53
sdakebritthouser end goal is running external TLS on .4 network14:53
sdakerunning internal haproxy on .7014:53
britthouserok so external TLS = .4 = API network14:53
sdakehaproxy needs an interface to bind its VIP to in the .4 network14:54
britthouserinternal haproxy = .70 = mgmt interface14:54
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sdakeunforutnately i think our api network and mgmt network are the same thing :)14:54
britthouserand then bridge the neutron network onto the API it sounds like, right?14:54
sdakein v1k0d3n's case, the API network is on .7014:55
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britthouserYeah I think in Kolla’s default config, the API/mgmt are not seperated.14:56
sdakethere is no mgmt interface14:56
britthouserbut is there a spoon? =P14:56
sdakeeverything binds to the api network14:57
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sdakewhich is typically em1 or eth014:57
sdakeor whatever other madness dbus spits out14:57
britthouseryup makes sense.14:57
britthouserand then em2/eth1 is for neutron tenant networks14:58
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britthouseri.e. “guest” in that diagram14:58
britthouserso is v1k0d3n wanting to have two subnets on kolla’s em1/eth0?14:59
sdakei think two on em214:59
sdakeone for external_VIP14:59
sdakeand oen for his floating range14:59
sdakeem1 = api network = insecure = hidden from outside world14:59
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britthouserjust keeping with the terminology from the diagram: em1 = mgmt network = insecure = hidden from outside world.15:00
britthouserand he wants to put API and external on the same network.15:00
britthouserthat is doable.15:00
britthouserby convention, the external interface is attached to a bridge named br-ex15:01
britthouserdoesn’t have to be named br-ex, but it almost always is15:01
sbezverk_britthouser: for AIO scenario that is what I always use15:02
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sbezverk_britthouser: I disable haproxy with keepalived and use management ip for all services, like horizon etc..15:03
britthouserdoes that answer the question v1k0d3n?15:04
sbezverk_all you need is to plug openstack external interface to br-ex, the rest works automgically15:05
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dave-mccowanbringing this to globals.yml, we could pick an address on br-ex to assign for kolla_external_vip_address and give br-ex as the interface for neutron_external_interface?15:09
dave-mccowanbritthouser ^^15:10
sdakesbezverk_ pls dont' reocommend haproxy for this scenario, v1k0d3n is using TLS (which demands haproxy)15:11
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sbezverk_sdake: I see, never used tls in AIO scenario15:11
v1k0d3nsorry guys dealing with something. be back in a min then i can answer some of these questions.15:11
sdakesbezverk_ it does work15:11
v1k0d3njust got pulled into something.15:11
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britthouserI think so dave-mccowan.15:12
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sdakesbezverk_ it being TLS15:15
dave-mccowanv1k0d3n for your other question, kolla doesn't implement an option for two horizon endpoints.  (that would be a good feature to add).  if you log into horizon as a an admin, you get the admin dashboard.  if you log into horizon as a project-admin, you get the project dashboard.  but, it's the same endpoint for both.15:15
sdakesbezverk_ the problem is haproxy provides the TLS encoding/decoding15:15
sdakesbezverk_ so if you turn off haproxy, enable_tls doesn't work ;)15:15
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sbezverk_sdake: I got it the first time ;-) you commented about it.. all I said that I just never used it in this scenario..15:19
sdakesbezverk_ roger15:20
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v1k0d3nok guys...catching up. sorry for the wait.15:30
v1k0d3nso in order... :)15:31
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v1k0d3ninc0: bridging can throw people off, but there are two great things about OSA...abstraction around the interfaces (make them do whatever you want with bridging), and OSA AIO is rock just works even with a single interface. we could take this page from their book for only the AIO scenario (at least i think it would help users get started, and less questions about AIO about external/internal V15:33
inc0yeah, I agree15:33
inc0but one difference is that in OSA you manually create bridges and whatnot15:34
inc0in Kolla it's Kolla15:34
inc0so we'd need to include brctl stuff to prerequirements15:34
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sdakeinc0 i think you missed this earlier where I said kolla sort of punts on advanced network config15:35
sdakeinc0 i remember settign up the osic cluster...15:35
sdakegetting bonding setup, getting vlans setup, all that stuff15:36
sdakekind of black magic15:36
inc0interface.vlantag works15:36
sdakei know it doess15:36
inc0yes, never gonna happen in Kolla15:36
inc0we don't bond/bridge/vlan-tag ifaces for you15:36
inc0neither is OSA tbh15:36
sdakeya just pointing out we punted in the past15:36
inc0Fuel is only deployment tool I know that kinda does that15:36
sdakewasn't making an argument for or against15:36
v1k0d3nok back, read through (well, tried to follow) most of it.15:37
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sdakeinc0 to me, it seems super tricky to get right15:37
inc0networking is hard15:37
sdakeinc0 i had thought the host setup could do this at some point15:37
inc0most of the time15:37
sdakeinc0 but networking is hard15:37
sdakejinx :)15:38
sdakeas my wife says "Your company didn't build their empire because networking was easy." :)15:38
inc0and keep in mind that we did really simple arch15:38
sdakeinc0 i think kolla's network arch meets the requirements??15:38
inc0depends on requirements15:39
v1k0d3nok. so15:39
inc0we still don't have calico15:39
inc0for exmaple15:39
v1k0d3nam i bridging here?15:39
inc0and v1k0d3n could say word or two about that part15:39
sdakebritthouser v1k0d3n is about15:39
inc0or VNF15:39
sdakedave-mccowan v1k0d3n is about if your available to assist15:39
inc0v1k0d3n, please explain me what you want to do15:39
v1k0d3noh for the love of god...VNF's.15:39
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v1k0d3nok, so looking at diagram britthouser and dave-mccowan...15:40
sdakev1k0d3n right one ping will do - it makes therir clients beep15:40
sdakev1k0d3n its meeting time at cisco unfortunately15:40
portdirectOVN is in progess -  Just waiting on stable repos from the guys upstrem then I whould be ablt to drop that :D15:41
sdakeUS/EMEA crossover15:41
sdakev1k0d3n all good due15:41
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sdakev1k0d3n most cos that have distributed teams reserve the hours of 7am-10am pst for meetings15:42
sdakebecause of the US/EMEA timezone crossover15:42
sdakeportdirect ovn is a replacement for ovs ?15:43
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sdakeinc0 calico is a replacement for ovs?15:43
inc0sdake, *totally* differet things15:43
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inc0both of time15:43
portdirectthat was the original idea i think, but not anymore15:43
sdakeportdirect right - that seemed like goal early on - where is it now?15:44
v1k0d3noh boy...15:44
v1k0d3nthis convo is going to get messy :)15:44
inc0yes, let's please not talk about these stuff at this moment15:44
inc0ovn, nfv, vnf15:45
inc0vn seems like favorite letters to some15:45
inc0f is close third15:45
britthouserdon’t forget nova has n and v as well.15:46
sean-k-mooneyi think marketing people just like adding the letter v to things15:46
v1k0d3nAVI Networks.15:47
v1k0d3nv and n15:47
britthouserdid we answer your question v1k0d3n?15:47
v1k0d3njust kidding. that;'s different though.15:47
inc0or rather, vnolla15:47
britthouservanilla - that should be the next SDN startup.15:47
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inc0v1k0d3n, sooo...again, what you were trying to achieve and had issues with15:48
inc0on networkign side?15:48
v1k0d3nok...i have two interfaces on an AIO host. 192.168.4.x/22 and 192.168.70.x/2415:48
sean-k-mooneysdake: re ovn it is a contoler that sits ontop of ovs and replaces the neutron agents15:48
v1k0d3ntell me what to do with them. :-/15:48
inc0one api interface another one neutron external15:49
v1k0d3ni came from OSA...where you could pretty much assign anything to anything.15:49
v1k0d3nso i'm not sued to having limitations15:49
v1k0d3nused to bridging interfaces.15:49
inc0on l2 you still have flat networking on well..flat network15:49
v1k0d3nnot sued. used :) totally different.15:49
v1k0d3nso the flat network is
v1k0d3nsince that is the provider network.15:50
inc0yeah, neutron_external_interface goes there15:50
v1k0d3nso that is "external".15:50
inc0consider this15:51
inc0if you create flat network15:51
inc0it will require dedicated interface15:52
v1k0d3nbefore we get too into the weeds.15:52
v1k0d3nthat's normal openstack, right?15:52
inc0that's neutron external interface15:52
inc0pretty much15:52
v1k0d3nsorry, juggling things and i'm trying to focus.15:52
v1k0d3nso does that get TLS?15:52
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inc0TLS is irrelevant on this front, this is networking for VMs15:53
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inc0TLS will be important there:
kollabotkolla/production-architecture-guide.rst at master · openstack/kolla · GitHub15:54
inc0has to exist on network node15:54
inc0defaults to api_iface15:54
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dave-mccowaninc0 just a warning the kolla "api_interface" really sits on the management network in the diagram, so conversations can get confusing due to that.15:58
inc0yeah, but other interfaces just defaults to this15:59
inc0you still can specify them15:59
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inc0dave-mccowan, so tbh this diagram is not entirely accurate when we're talking about secure deployment16:00
v1k0d3ndave-mccowan: i see 4 interfaces in there?16:00
v1k0d3nor 4 nets, is that right?16:01
britthouserwell that diagram comes from the security guide.....16:01
dave-mccowanv1k0d3n here's the "official" description of each
kollabotOpenStack Docs: Networking architecture16:02
sdakeinc0 i got v1k0d3n  setup with tls earlier16:05
sdakeinc0 the problem is the tls external endpoint is on the wrong network16:05
* inc0 making accurate network diagram16:06
sdakeinc0 to getit on the right network, i dont know how16:06
sdakeinc0 because em2 = neutron network = external VIP ip16:06
v1k0d3nsdake: that was single interface.16:08
v1k0d3nnow i need to add the provider i guess and that's it, right?16:08
sdakei don't know how to do what you want, britthouser probably does16:09
sdakeyou will probably have to create some bridges it sounds like16:10
v1k0d3nim getting so confused, i'll be honest16:11
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sdakev1k0d3n that is because you are doing something nobody has done before i suspect ;)16:12
sdakev1k0d3n i mean someone has probably done it, just not in this particular community16:12
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sdakev1k0d3n wait until youcn connect with britthouser16:13
kristian__Hi. Is someone here experienced with gpu passthrough on openstack kolla here that can help me? More info is here
openstackLaunchpad bug 1642419 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "GPU Passthrough isn't working" [Medium,New]16:13
kollabotBug #1642419 “GPU Passthrough isn't working” : Bugs : OpenStack Compute (nova)16:13
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sdakekristian__ did i catch an offer ther to test it on your server?16:15
sdakekristian__ i'm not entirely sure how to get that to run but willing to take a look if you have an env setup16:15
sdakemy servers dont have gpus16:15
kristian__sdake: If it would be possible you can try to set it up on my server16:16
sdakewhat do you need, public ssh key?16:16
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inc0sdake, dave-mccowan v1k0d3n
kollabotUntitled Diagram.html - Google Drive16:16
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portdirectsdake: i had a bit of a look yesterday and drew a blank - seems to be a libvirt issue of some sort, but i've not played with that shiz in ages :/16:17
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britthouserthey is realy fuzzy for some reason inc0 - I cant’ really read the words16:17
openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla: Install neutron-lbaas in neutron-server
kollabotGerrit Code Review16:18
inc0open it in draw.io16:18
kristian__portdirect we will see if it will work16:20
inc0 britthouser16:20
kollabotImgur: The most awesome images on the Internet16:20
portdirectkristian__: hopefully - be a great thing to get documented16:20
kristian__or update the docs16:21
openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Allow operators to use 'fallback mode' for Ceph disks
kollabotGerrit Code Review16:21
kristian__also how can I fix this if my quota is bigger than 40?16:21
kristian__Quota exceeded for cores: Requested 96, but already used 0 of 40 cores16:21
kristian__also I know but theoretically it should be possible16:21
kollabotOpenStack Docs: Manage Compute service quotas16:22
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dave-mccowaninc0 looks good.16:23
inc0as you can see only network nodes has any exposure to internet16:23
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inc0this is precisely why we run haproxy on network nodes16:23
kristian__portdirect: but that should be the same if I applied defaults from horizon or no?16:24
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inc0also I haven't add storage networking and trunked vlans there16:24
inc0but you get the general idea16:24
dave-mccowaninc0 and i've learned something.  i've always considered network node and controller node on the same server.  i didn't know kolla allowed them to be separate.16:24
portdirectkristian__: I dont really use horizon for any admin stuff - so not sure what you can do there. sorry16:25
Pavomorning everyone16:25
kristian__will try it from cli16:25
Pavook need someone to test and tell me if they can get to it please16:25
inc0dave-mccowan, you can modify nodes your services run on any way you like16:25
inc0Pavo, horizon looks good:)16:25
Pavook think I figured the issue out16:25
Pavoso when I use kolla external vip it doesn't go through16:26
Pavobut when I port forward to kolla internal vip it works16:26
Pavono firewalls or ACLs16:26
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Pavoso something is being configured wrong by kolla on external vip16:27
Pavoor the containers are being configured wrong for networking somehow16:27
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Pavobecause I can see people request when I am port forwarding to the external vip but nothing is going back to them16:28
inc0Pavo, soo...external vip should land on network node16:28
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inc0check if it's there16:28
Pavoyes it should16:28
inc0on correct interface16:28
inc0ip a should show it16:28
Pavothis is network/controller node16:29
kollabotPaste #589901 | LodgeIt!16:29
Pavokolla internal vip is, kolla external vip is
inc0ok, so IPs are correct16:29
PavoI have my external vip on interface eth416:29
inc0mind checking haproxy conf?16:30
inc0docker exec -it haproxy bash16:30
Pavook now?16:30
inc0cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg16:30
inc0we should have both endpoints configured there16:31
inc0for each service16:31
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inc0with TLS configuration on external16:31
kollabotPaste #589903 | LodgeIt!16:31
Pavono TLS yet16:31
Pavountil I figure this out then I will turn TLS on16:31
inc0well, check for example if you have keystone_external setup16:32
Pavodon't know what you mean by that16:32
kollabotkolla-ansible/haproxy.cfg.j2 at master · openstack/kolla-ansible · GitHub16:33
inc0I see some more magic done to Horizon16:34
Pavothis is my haproxy conf16:34
kollabotPaste #589903 | LodgeIt!16:34
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inc0192.168.3.3:80 <- is this right?16:35
Pavonot for external16:35
Pavoexternal is
inc0but for interlan?16:35
Pavothats API16:35
PavoOpenStack API is
Pavomanagement is
Pavoexternal is
inc0but your controller is 3.3 right?16:36
inc0so that should be fine16:36
inc0although that means your internal vip might be incorrect16:36
Pavofor openstack api yes controller/network node is
inc0internal vip address should be in api network16:37
inc0yeah, this is API endpoint16:37
PavoI thought it was for management access16:37
inc0we don't really touch your mgmt16:37
Pavohmmm ok16:37
Pavolet me reconfigure16:37
inc0so this will be address nova will talk to neutron with16:37
Pavoone sec16:37
inc0but I doubt it's an issue here16:38
inc0do ss -plant | grep 80 later plz16:38
Pavoon controller/network?16:38
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inc0check if there is stuff listening on
Pavodoesn't look like it16:39
kollabotPaste #589909 | LodgeIt!16:40
Pavowait there is16:40
kollabotPaste #589910 | LodgeIt!16:40
PavoI did a ss -plant | grep instead16:41
PavoLISTEN     0      128                       *:*                   users:(("haproxy",pid=19869,fd=23))16:41
inc0horizon is being listened on16:41
inc0check logs if you access
PavoI can access horizon on both and
inc0horizon access log should show something16:41
inc0ok so what was the issue?:)16:41
PavoI can only access horizon on internally16:42
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Pavonot when I port forward from outside16:42
Pavobut when I port forward from outside to I can access it16:42
Pavobeating my head around this16:43
Pavosee check this, try again16:43
PavoI have it port forwarding to
Pavocan you access it?16:44
inc0Pavo, try to add this line
kollabotkolla-ansible/haproxy.cfg.j2 at master · openstack/kolla-ansible · GitHub16:44
inc0to external endpoint declaration16:44
Pavoummm how would I do that?16:44
kollabotkolla-ansible/haproxy.cfg.j2 at master · openstack/kolla-ansible · GitHub16:46
inc0above this line in your kolla-ansible installation dir;)16:46
Pavoso add http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto above bind {{ kolla_external_vip_address }}:8016:47
Pavois that what you are wanting me to do inc0?16:48
inc0sorry, below this line16:48
inc0but otherwise yeah16:48
inc0and it probably doesn't matter above or below16:49
Pavoso.... add http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto below bind {{ kolla_external_vip_address }}:8016:49
Pavook done gonna reconfigure really quick16:49
Pavoshould I also change my internal vip to my 3.0network?16:50
Pavoor leave that right now to test this?16:50
inc0it should work either way16:50
Pavook one sec16:50
inc0but later yeah, I'd change that as well16:51
Pavoits running reconfigure16:51
Pavoreconfigure whould allow this change correct?16:52
PavoI shouldn't have to destory and edeploy?16:53
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Satya_anyone please traige
openstackLaunchpad bug 1642878 in kolla-ansible "RabbitMQ should communicate through a different network rather than api_network" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Satya Sanjibani Routray (satroutr)16:57
kollabotBug #1642878 “RabbitMQ should communicate through a different ne...” : Bugs : kolla-ansible16:57
Pavook inc0 done can you access
v1k0d3nso inc0 sdake any updates on what i need to do?16:59
v1k0d3ninc0: had a little issues looking at your digram.16:59
egonzalez90Pavo: I can't16:59
Pavook one sec lets switch port forward to internal vip and see if you can17:00
egonzalez90Connected to ( port 8017:00
egonzalez90but curl -vvv connects17:00
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Pavotry agai please17:00
egonzalez90but dont retrieve horizon17:00
inc0v1k0d3n, what issues?17:01
Pavook so that didn't work17:01
Pavolet me destroy, reboot and redeploy17:01
inc0Pavo, also play around this config17:01
inc0it seems like this is an issue17:01
inc0and check horizon logs17:01
Pavothe haproxy?17:02
egonzalez90can you access to keystone from external vip?17:02
inc0yeah, I'd bet17:02
sdakethis is BDWNF in 3.0.1:  [WARNING]: Unable to find '/etc/kolla/config/keystone/domains' in expected paths.17:02
Pavowhat does that mean sdake?17:03
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v1k0d3nsorry. my mornings are depressingly busy. so i wasn't able to follow along.17:09
britthouserso v1k0d3n -  looking that teh diagram inc0 sent.  The one difference if is you are doing provider instead of floating IP, right?17:10
britthouserSo if you did floating IP, you could use the same subnet for both your external VM acces and your external (TLS) API access, b/c they would both be on network node.17:11
v1k0d3nbritthouser: correct.17:11
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v1k0d3nin fact provider can be float in this case17:11
britthouserBut with provider networks, those go straight to compute node and by-pass the network node17:11
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britthouserso it seems like you’re only option left is to put both TLS and non TLS on same network.17:11
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britthouserdoes that make sense?17:12
v1k0d3nok, let's back up a second17:12
v1k0d3ni can add an interface17:12
v1k0d3nlet's say i have the most perfect amount of interfaces needed.17:12
v1k0d3ntypically openstack = 4, right?17:12
v1k0d3nnot including special cases like vxlan, etc.17:12
inc0more for storage;)17:13
v1k0d3nwell, yes.17:13
inc0well, what you want to do is to add TLS interface on node where haproxy lives17:13
inc0in short17:13
Pavooh btw I am getting this during deploy with 3.0.117:13
kollabotPaste #589914 | LodgeIt!17:13
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britthouserYeah if you can make your host look like the diagram, then all the better.17:14
inc0Pavo, mind adding bug to resolve this deprecation?17:14
Pavosure if you walk me through how to do a bug report17:15
PavoI know I'm sad17:15
britthouserif not, then you’l have to setup some bridging to combine segments. But not all segments combine, as we see with provider/API17:15
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kollabotBugs : kolla17:16
inc0top-right corner -> report a bug17:16
britthouserinc0 - we should really have that diagram in our guides.  The API networking living on network node is definitely more secure, but definitely nonstandard.17:16
rhalliseyhi kollabot17:16
inc0britthouser, agree, I'll extend it with storage networking and provider networks and upload it somewhere17:17
britthouserAnd if we can use the same network names as the security guide, I think it would be less confusing to people coming to kolla from other distros.17:17
britthousersounds great inc017:17
inc0britthouser, yeah but then we'd need to translate it to our nomenclature17:17
rhalliseysdake, you didn't give kollabot much brains17:17
Pavook think I did it right17:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1643633 in kolla "DEPRECATION WARNING during deployment" [Undecided,New]17:18
kollabotBug #1643633 “DEPRECATION WARNING during deployment” : Bugs : kolla17:18
sdakerhallisey that wasn't my doing :)17:18
inc0yup Pavo looks good17:18
inc0neither was mine17:18
inc0kollabot is something I found out myself today17:18
rhalliseykollabot, what is the answer to life, universe and everything?17:19
rhalliseythat's a bug..17:20
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jascott1kollabot wfa what is the answer to life the universe and everything?17:22
kollabotInput interpretation Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything17:22
kollabotResult 4217:22
kollabot(according to the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams)17:22
jascott1rhallisey if you say kollabot help it will pm you with commands17:23
Pavook redeployment done17:23
jascott1i dont think worlfram is listed but its 'wfa' prefix17:23
Pavobut still no access to external vip from outside17:23
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Pavoand now no access to internal vip from outside17:24
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Pavoinc0 how do I access horizon logs17:25
inc0 /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data17:25
rhalliseykollabot wfa hi17:25
kollabotInput interpretation Hello.17:25
kollabotResponse Hello, human.17:25
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Pavoinc0 /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/horizon/horizon-access.log is blank17:27
inc0ehh, always something:(17:28
Pavoand inc0 /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/horizon/horizon.log only shows this
kollabotPaste #589920 | LodgeIt!17:29
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Pavolol wtf is Dashboard with slug "developer" is not registered17:29
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove docker from kolla-ansible
kollabotGerrit Code Review17:47
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portdirectPavo: is horizon running for you?17:55
portdirectPavo: take it thats from source?17:55
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Pavodoing a redeployment atm because internal and external vips are not acting correct17:55
Pavonot that I know of I did a pip install kolla17:56
portdirectPavo: was refering to your developer bug - I'm staying out of your network issues - because there are much better kolla minds on it than mine :)17:56
sdakeso re //dev/shm17:56
Pavoah ok that is what ever version pip installs currently17:57
sdakeand a host bindmount17:57
sdakewe already host bindount /dev17:57
Pavothink its 3.0.117:57
sdakeis proper syntax /dev:/dev:shared17:57
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sdakeor /dev:/dev followed by /dev/shm:/dev/shm?17:57
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portdirectPavo: was meaning source images? not the version of kolla. sorry I wasn;t that clear with my original question.17:57
Pavono I build my images17:58
Pavowhich are 3.0.117:58
portdirectPavo: from source or packages? (as in do you use 'kolla-build --type binary' or 'kolla-build --type source', if you dont use an option i think it defaults to binary? )17:59
PavoI only do a kolla-build --registry deployer.local:4000 --push but I have a kolla-build.conf file that has install_type = rdo18:00
PavoI guess its binary portdirect18:01
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portdirectPavo: cheers - yeah that'll do a build with the rdo rpm's I sont think it should be a show stopper, but suggests that this file has been left in the packaging (i think):
kollabothorizon/ at stable/newton · openstack/horizon · GitHub18:08
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PavoI think the issue might be when using different interfaces for internal vip and external vip18:10
Pavogonna redeploy with on the same interface18:10
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kristian__portdirect: gonna try with 3.0.018:37
kristian__I think that worked18:38
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Pavook well having internal and external vips on same interface doesn't work18:46
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inc0Pavo, yeah I was wondering if it will work18:50
inc0both of them are in same network tho?18:50
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PavoI tried both ways, having on same net and having in different nets18:51
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Pavojust don't understand why it works if I port forward to internal vip and not when I port forward to external vip18:52
Pavojust doesn't make any sense18:52
Pavoat all18:52
kristian__gpu passthrough doesnt work on 3.0.0-3.0.2 :(18:55
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Pavokristian__ are you using a custom nova.conf file for pci passthrough?18:57
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Bico_FinoKolla is stable to run? I’m trying get up some ironic-xx containers with 3.0.1 and getting a lot of errors.19:05
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sdake_Bico_Fino use 3.0.1 pls19:15
sdake_ironic is not ready for bmaas19:15
sdake_Bico_Fino not ewe think bifrost is ready to go tho19:15
sdake_may have some usability problems19:16
sdake_who knows - if you use it and find any report bugs pls :)19:16
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Bico_FinoI’m getting some malformed config.js’s19:17
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sdake_in ironic bare metal?19:17
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sdake_or in bifrost?19:17
sdake_ya, that is a WIP19:17
sdake_people are working on it - but its far from done19:17
Bico_FinoAlso ironic-api19:18
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Bico_FinoThe idea is to run ironic-ui from Kolla19:20
Bico_FinoI already installed ironic-ui on horizon container.19:20
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove docker from kolla-ansible
kollabotGerrit Code Review19:32
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Pavook think I am getting closer20:06
Pavosomeone try and get to please20:06
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Pavolooks like its redirecting to localhost for some reason20:06
jascott1pavo no good20:07
inc0Pavo, tls error20:07
jascott1i didnt get tls20:07
jascott1i just got ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED20:07
Pavowehn i try from my phone I get redirected to https://localhost/ddi.hopto.org20:08
Pavofor unknown reason20:09
Pavoand that is using internal vip as port forwarding20:09
Pavoagain when I use external vip for port forwarding, nothing20:09
Pavokolla_external_vip_interface: is the interface that should be facing the internet correct?20:12
Pavoor the IP from kolla_external_vip_address: should be the IP that I am port forwarding to with port 443 correct?20:13
Pavois this correct?20:15
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Pavoor am I thinking of these settings the wrong way20:16
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inc0Pavo, well, yeah, but with port forwarding, I'm not quite sure how TLS works20:18
Pavoshould be no different20:18
Pavo443 is ssl which is what TLS is setting up20:18
Pavoand even without TLS just straight port 80 should go to the kolla external vip address with port forwarding20:19
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Pavobut for some reason when I have port forwarding going to external vip nothing from outside but when I port forward to internal vip it works from outside20:20
Pavowhich just doesn't make sense20:20
PavoI am literally about to punch my computer screen20:20
inc0Pavo, internal endpoint doesn't use TLS20:21
sdake_pavo tls may require some special magic to port forward20:21
sdake_pavo iirc it has something to do with ssl termination20:21
sdake_setting in your firewall20:22
inc0yeah, SSL doesn't hadnle super eaily20:22
Pavowould love to know what this "magic" is that is required20:22
sdake_pavo idk - depends on the router your using20:22
sdake_i'm using a netgear wrt and it handles my tls forwards correctly20:22
Pavobut without TLS normal port 80 should again be on the external vip interface20:23
sdake_lemme check the config20:23
sdake_see if anything comes up20:23
sdake_is it not?20:23
PavoI am using a Asus RT-AC68P with advancedtomato and everything else port forwarding is working perefectly for20:23
sdake_so your nova port forwards work?20:24
inc0Pavo, if you enable tls, haproxy will redirect :80 to :44320:24
inc0yeah, try using APIs with external endpoints as sdake suggests20:24
Pavosdake_ without TLS and port forward to my external vip no one can get to my stuff from outside, but if I port forward to my internal vip they can20:24
Pavowhat do you mean by using APIs external endpoints?20:25
sdake_define stuff - do you mean openstack endpoint list fails?20:25
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sdake_pavo the above is an openstack endpoint call ^^20:25
Pavohang on I'll show you20:25
Pavodestroying again and rebooting20:25
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Pavothen I will deploy without TLS20:26
sdake_nah keep tls on20:26
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Pavook then I will post my globals20:26
sdake_sounds good20:26
sdake_so port 80 and 443 are special ports20:26
sdake_if you ahve a wireless thingy connecting to the internet, it often has a "web management" feature20:27
sdake_the web management feature and port forwarding conflict20:27
sdake_since web management wants to run on port 8020:27
sdake_I port forward my horizon from 8000 to 443 internally20:27
PavoI have my web interface as port 808220:28
Pavofor wireless router20:28
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sdake_what about the wireless part?20:28
sdake_rather the tls part?20:28
Pavoonly allowing http on port 8082 from inside20:29
sdake_ok, pavo, lets focus on one thing20:29
sdake_and that is lets see if keystone works externally20:29
sdake_you can do it with or without tls20:29
sdake_use an external endpoint20:29
sdake_then we can go up the stack ;)20:29
Pavook hang on gotta redeploy20:29
* sdake_ having flashbacks of yesterday20:29
Pavoagree sdake_  lol20:30
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Pavohere is my globals sdake_  and inc0
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v1k0d3nportdirect_away: you there man?20:35
v1k0d3nwhen you get back...let me know.20:35
v1k0d3nhave some info for you.20:35
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inc0Pavo, let's try get external to work without SSL ok?20:37
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Pavook but that will require me to stop this deployment and reboot and redeploy again20:38
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Pavoso stop?20:38
Pavook destroying20:39
inc0let's get your port forwarding right before we move on20:39
inc0then we'll add tls without redeploying20:39
Pavoyeah just a reconfigure20:39
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Pavook this is my network layout20:43
kollabotGliffy Diagram | Kolla Stack20:43
Pavoinc0 sdake_  this is my globals without TLS20:46
kollabotPaste #589957 | LodgeIt!20:46
inc0looks good20:46
Pavothis is my port forwarding20:46
Pavonow redeploying without TLS20:46
Pavoone sec20:46
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sdake_pavo open a port forward for keystone plz20:51
Pavowhat port?20:52
sdake_to 5000 on your external ip20:52
sdake_wich looks to be 25020:52
Pavoso like this20:53
Pavodeployment almost done too20:53
Pavoits on Cinder20:53
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Pavohmm I might have to open ports up for all endpoints because (item={u'interface': u'public', u'url': u''20:55
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Pavowell maybe not, it should be using internal vip for all api communication right20:55
Pavook deployment done20:56
Pavoso inc0 sdake_  can you get to ddi.hopto.org20:56
sdake_pavo i need your admin-openrc.sh20:57
sdake_pavo bingo you do need to open up atleast keystone20:57
sdake_pavo and anything else you expect horizon to communicate with20:57
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sdake_pavo send me your to plz20:57
jascott1pavo i still cant access it20:58
sdake_on port 500020:58
Pavosdake_ sent20:58
sdake_how many engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?20:59
sdake_less then to setup a network ;-)20:59
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Pavoseriously it has to be something really really stupid because I am a network engineer21:00
Pavoand this should not be doing this21:00
Pavowhat do you get when you curl -vv ddi.hopto.org21:00
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sdake[14:00:45]  <sdake>pavo can you paste your OS_AUTH_URL line into email, cisco's firewall killed the link21:01
sdakerather into irc :)21:01
Pavolol ok21:01
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Pavowait that IP in that is my internal vip address21:01
Pavowhich I do not have port forwarded21:01
sdakeok i need your external ip address21:01
Pavoshould be
sdakepavo also please forward 3535721:02
Pavobut the port isn't 500021:02
Pavoyou got the username and password right in the email?21:03
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sdake35357 doesn't appear to be forwarding properly21:03
sdaketry curl 250:3535721:04
Pavotry again21:04
sdakesee if it responds internally21:04
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Pavochange the fort forward to internal vip21:04
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Pavonope I get connection refused internally21:05
Pavowhen I try to curl 3.250 which is internal vip it just hangs21:07
inc0horizon local works?21:12
inc0(including actually logging to it?)21:12
Pavoyeah but only when using external vip address21:13
Pavocan not access it from using internal vip address21:13
Pavoone sec21:14
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Pavo_brb gotta restart computer21:18
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sdakekristian__ so taking a look at your box i ahve two ideas21:25
sdakeeither we make /dev:/dev:shared21:25
kristian__ok Im listening21:25
sdakeor /dev and /dev/shm and bindmounts21:25
sdakeso its going to take two tries before i'm out of ideas :)21:26
sdakeafter this deploy finishes please do the config and run the test21:26
kristian__fortunetly I can redeploy in 5 min :D21:26
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Pavook I'm back21:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Install mkfs.vfat tool in ironic-conductor image
kollabotGerrit Code Review21:30
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kristian__sdake: going to launch21:32
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kristian__it will error out21:32
kristian__sdake: still the same cpuid error21:33
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sdakeok take 221:34
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sdakekristian__ need to make /dev shared just like /run is21:37
sdakelemme read docs moment21:37
sdakek rebooting21:41
kristian__I saw21:41
sdakeif this doesn't work we will need to wait for the cats in nova to diagnose those logs21:41
sdake[DEPRECATION WARNING]: always_run is deprecated. Use check_mode = no instead..21:43
sdakethat looks like trouble21:43
kristian__sdake: for me?21:44
sdakenah for others kristian__21:44
kristian__oh ok21:44
kristian__sdkade: deployed21:46
kristian__going to set it up21:46
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sdakemake sure to launch a normal instance too21:47
sdaketo make sure that part still works :)21:47
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kristian__gpu one will give the same error21:52
sdakeok out of ideas21:52
sdakenova team to the rescue hopefully21:52
kristian__normal works but gpu one will leave the same error21:53
sdakewell leave that shared in there21:53
sdakegot a link to the bug?21:54
kristian__are you going to contact openstack-nova team?21:54
sdakeyes via the bug21:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1642419 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "GPU Passthrough isn't working" [Medium,New]21:54
kollabotBug #1642419 “GPU Passthrough isn't working” : Bugs : OpenStack Compute (nova)21:54
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portdirect_sdake/kristian__: you guys been talking offline? had an idea but dont want to rehash ground you've already been over.22:03
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kristian__portdirect_ go on22:04
portdirect_I've got no real experience with apparmour - but have you checked that out in this case?22:05
kristian__log in to my server with those same creds I gave you yesterday22:05
portdirect_2 mins22:06
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jascott1kollabot seen v1k0d3n22:10
kollabotv1k0d3n was last seen in #openstack-kolla at Mon Nov 21 2016 20:35:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)22:10
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v1k0d3nwhat;'s wth teh recent kollabot stuff.22:11
jascott1my contribution ;)22:11
jascott1since slack didnt work out so far thought we might stuff some of that functionality into a bot22:12
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jascott1v1k0d3n should I be able to install anyting from the aic repo?22:12
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jascott1i was creating glance to get a feel of the implementation but dont know how to get mariadb up22:13
v1k0d3nah, ok...gotcha.22:13
v1k0d3njascott1: which stuff were you looking at?22:13
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v1k0d3noh the helm stuff?22:13
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v1k0d3nso we're currently curating a few helm charts along with some other folks who have been working on stackanetes previously to get a PoC going.22:15
v1k0d3neventually we want to use for a PoC, which is non-opinionated like the SAP stuff....and then we want to clean up and hand over to kolla for the parts that are useful.22:16
v1k0d3ninc0: said he wanted to see a PoC, so we offered.22:16
v1k0d3nthing is...people are working on helm anyway. i thought we'd break this work up, but apparently not.22:16
v1k0d3nthis was all when there were discussions after discussions about init vs entrypoint vs operators....22:17
v1k0d3nwe have a hard date of jan 1 to show to our internal teams.22:17
v1k0d3nwe need this working, and sharing completely out in the clear.22:17
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sbezverk_v1k0d3n: I can share helm chart for openvswitch and vswitchd working already ;-)22:18
sbezverk_btw vswitch uses entrypoint container to wait for ovs db scoket..22:19
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jascott1v1k0d3n so should I be able to install db?22:21
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sdake_v1k0d3n rather then doing a huge helm code dump, best practice is to do one component at a time22:23
v1k0d3nsbezverk_:  that would be awesome.22:23
v1k0d3nfor PoC?22:23
sdake_ya even for a poc22:23
sdake_just pick out one22:23
v1k0d3njascott1: you should be able to install the db i believe...22:23
sdake_there is a whole slew of helm charts that need work22:23
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v1k0d3nwell, we need compoents to talk to each other. meaning, create a multi-app helm deployment, and for our part....showing how a developer of "nova" would for instance make changes to nova which would then change the container, which would change helm, and then redeploy into k8s.22:25
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v1k0d3nwe have a massive open source openstack development team.22:25
jascott1v1k0d3n thanks... I tried to install but it just keeps running db seed job. Will look into it.22:26
Pavook I have being port forwarded to can anyone get to it?22:26
jascott1pavo no worky for me22:27
Pavoyeah nvm forgot I have to deploy again lol22:27
Pavoif this doesn't work then there is something seriously wrong with either my router or how kolla is assigning these addresses22:28
Pavoand I don't think its my router because my other port forwarding is working on a different machine22:28
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Pavoie ....
Pavowhich should go to my Gogs server22:29
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jascott1pavo that one worked22:33
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portdirect_v1k0d3n: you mentioned getting some docs of your dev env up - if you have anything (I can deal with mega rough :) ) it would be great - I'd like to work from the other end from sbezverk_ and kfox1111 and get the db/keystone running (unless you already have) so we can build up from there.22:51
jascott1v1k0d3n: FYI w/ mariadb seed log-> urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error23:02
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v1k0d3nsorry guys. was away. one sec.23:22
* v1k0d3n reading23:22
v1k0d3nportdirect_away: are you talking about the helm bits?23:23
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portdirect__think I found what your working on at aic-helm ?23:25
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Pavook think I am just gonna give up on this23:30
Pavoanyone try
Pavothis is straight up BS23:32
Bico_Finodon’t open Pavo23:32
Pavoport forwarding is working23:32
PavoACCEPT IN=vlan2 OUT=br0 SRC= DST= LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=8408 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=52894 DPT=80 SEQ=3388183135 ACK=0 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 OPT (020405B4010303050101080A30B755870000000004020000)23:32
Pavothats is from the router logs23:34
Pavoso you can see its allowing it and its going to the correct ip and port23:34
Bico_Finomaybe the return?23:35
Pavoits NAT shouldn't matter on return23:36
Pavook gonna turn the swith into a dummy switch, maybe its vlans issue23:39
Pavowhich I can not see how but who knows23:39
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