Friday, 2016-10-14

kfox1111I even managed to get rid of all of the, install ceph on the compute nodes, copy config file, copy ceph keyring, etc.00:00
kfox1111have a daemonset for rbd. :)00:00
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kfox1111and a configmap/secret for the rest. k8s can then deploy it where needed rather then having to do it manually.00:01
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severionwell, one thing to check out...00:05
severionthis just got released, and it really fits well for this project actually...00:05
severion(one incoming).00:05
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severioni see this being adopted into kubernetes proper fact, i'm in complete support of the effort00:06
severionvery cool stuff (sorry name flipped over when i changed wifi networks)00:07
severionone sec...00:07
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kfox1111hmmm. interesting. I'll have to look closer at this. :)00:08
kfox1111been keeping a close eye on helm too.00:11
v1k0d3ni'm a massive fan of helm.00:12
v1k0d3nthis might help00:12
v1k0d3nhelm is native, and charts are currently in incubation (as i'm sure you know).00:12
v1k0d3nanway...talked with a good friend of mine at dies. i think we're going to do containerize parts of our infra in charts...00:13
v1k0d3nthis way, people can deploy via helm. that's a huge win and makes things pretty easy.00:13
v1k0d3nwell...see....i'm trying to figure out how that would all fit.00:13
v1k0d3nwhat if kolla built, created charts, and then kolla-kube was deployed via the charts?00:14
kfox1111yeah... we should all talk... :)00:14
v1k0d3nthat adds a lot of CI/CD capabilities that kolla alone doesn't solve.00:14
kfox1111from what I've seen, I'm not sure helm charts by themselves are totally flexilbe to handle everything kolla-kubernetes needs. but00:14
kfox1111the package management part and the multiinstance thing is awesome.00:14
v1k0d3nwell, if there's something missing...let's work on that, and fix it upstream in kubernetes/helm.00:15
v1k0d3nwe're totally on board with fixing this.00:15
kfox1111so I was kind of thinking I might try and prototype having kolla-kubernetes "build/compile" a helm chart repository.00:15
v1k0d3nok, i'm very interested in that.00:16
v1k0d3nare you going to be at the summit?00:16
v1k0d3ncan we bring that up as a discussion point for kolla-kube?00:16
kfox1111so you checkout kolla-kubernetes, run build, and it pops out a chart repo.00:16
kfox1111I'm missing this one. :(00:16
v1k0d3n^^ yes, that's good00:16
v1k0d3nnot the missing part :)00:16
v1k0d3nyeah, i remember you saying that. man, that sucks!00:16
v1k0d3nwish you were00:16
v1k0d3nwant to sync up on a call with our team and ryan before teh summit then?00:17
v1k0d3nso we can present this idea?00:17
kfox1111yeah. would love to.00:17
kfox1111one of the things kolla-kubernetes really lacks is multinstance support.00:17
v1k0d3nmaybe you/ryan/i can sync up as a smaller group, and discuss...and then bring up to a larger audience.00:17
kfox1111for my production system, I need multiple rabbits and multiple mariadb clusters.00:17
kfox1111helm I think would handle that awesomely. :)00:18
v1k0d3nyeah, we need to talk about this.00:18
v1k0d3nhelm is now part of kuberetes...00:18
v1k0d3nso the discussion should happen.00:18
kfox1111add sbezverk_ too.00:18
kfox1111the other thing,00:18
v1k0d3nword. i'll reach out to ryan tomorrow about this.00:18
kfox1111I have that kolla-kubernetes-toolbox to make it easy to start going. I'm going to work on getting that into kolla-kubernetes repo proper.00:18
kfox1111I was also thinking it should go in the main helm repo.00:19
v1k0d3nso we can make this happen. needs to enter incubation period though.00:19
kfox1111you could then easily launch all the kolla-kubernetes tools all at once, and then use that to bootstrap all the rest.00:19
* kfox1111 nods00:19
v1k0d3ni can talk to the folks at deis about this though. see what we can do to make this effort successful.00:19
kfox1111that woudl be cool. :)00:20
v1k0d3nwe just containerized MaaS today too...we want to use that as our pre-infra BMaaS for kubernetes.00:20
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v1k0d3ni want this as part of a seed host, an aio kubernetes node that starts the kick-off of the entire BM infra...00:20
kfox1111this ubuntu's maas?00:20
v1k0d3nit's rough...working on the ENV items tomorrow and through next week...00:21
v1k0d3nso MaaS would be part of the initial seed start everything else.00:21
v1k0d3njust boot up, OS and Kubernetes is installed...labeled, and added to the cluster.00:22
v1k0d3nthen daemonsets follow, etc.00:22
kfox1111I've kind of avoided maas so far, as I do a lot of non ubuntu stuff and haven't heard that it works well outside of ubuntu.00:22
kfox1111what I was thinking for long term:00:22
v1k0d3nwe're looking at other things too...just have MaaS exp right now. i'm suggesting that we look at RackHD too...along with CoreOS Ignition.00:23
kfox1111launch minikube, helm install kolla-kubernetes toolbox, and enter it.00:23
kfox1111run script that stands up an all in one ironic cloud in the minikube.00:23
awiddersheimwhere do things log now?00:23
kfox1111add a few bare metal nodes to that ironic. use it to launch them. they join the ironic cloud.00:23
awiddersheimtrying to look at keepalived logs00:23
awiddersheimbut not seeing a volume mapped00:24
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kfox1111should be able to remove the seed at that point, as the bare metal is then self hosting the cluster.00:24
v1k0d3nwould you loose your ironic cluster management if you blow away the seed host?00:24
kfox1111the bare metal would be running k8s, and when the seed goes away, it would just relaunch the services on the bare metal.00:24
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v1k0d3ni'd be ok with that, we just need a way to keep the bare metal management after removing the seed host/container00:25
jascott1awiddersheim on the node you might try /var/log/upstart00:25
kfox1111yeah. :)00:25
v1k0d3ngood stuff!00:25
v1k0d3nyeah we sould definitely sync up.00:25
kfox1111last I tried the ironic python agent, it would let you keep a bare metal node working after a reboot.00:25
v1k0d3ni'll reach out to ryan tomorrow. this is good stuff!00:25
kfox1111so if the intalled image had a k8s cluster working in it, it should work fine after reboot.00:25
awiddersheimjascott1 I'm on centos00:26
awiddersheimnot seeing that00:26
v1k0d3nkfox1111: let me know if we can help with some of that effort.00:26
kfox1111yeah. that would be cool. :)00:26
v1k0d3nwe have a lab we're currently working on these sorts of ideas on.00:26
v1k0d3ncould possible collaborate.00:26
kfox1111I have not had much chacne to play with kolla's ironic containers yet.00:26
kfox1111one of the things on my todo list.00:26
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v1k0d3nanyway...gotta catch dinner with the wife. :) she's sitting next to me, reading facebook, and politics started to come up.00:27
v1k0d3ntime to get out of here! lol00:27
kfox1111if we can get a prototype of that working, the rest I think will be easy.00:27
kfox1111k. have a good one. :)00:27
v1k0d3nsounds good. great convo kfox1111. have a good night man!00:27
kfox1111yup. we'll talk more later. :)00:27
kfox1111good night. :)00:27
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duonghqmorning guys00:30
duonghqsdake_ can you reproduce rabbitmq bug easily?00:32
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sdake_duonghq it was user error00:33
sdake_that is why rc2 is tagged00:33
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jascott1awiddersheim can you do docker logs <containerid> ?00:33
awiddersheimyeah that gives me nothing00:33
awiddersheimfor the keepalived container00:33
awiddersheimand no logs anywhere that I can find00:33
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duonghqsdake_ understood00:34
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duonghqwonder why rc2 is tagged when read the morning news00:34
jascott1awiddersheim then nothing in k8s dashboard logs then I guess00:35
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awiddersheimnot using k800:35
awiddersheimjust docker on hw00:35
kfox1111 /var/log/kolla/*/*00:35
awiddersheimin the container00:36
awiddersheimor the host?00:36
awiddersheimthat is empty in keepalived00:36
sdake_duonghq we have 10 rc3 bugs00:37
sdake_thats our lst rc00:37
sdake_if you want to fix a bug there - huge :)00:37
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awiddersheimI don't know if keepalived is even making logs00:39
awiddersheimat all00:39
kfox1111you might have to tweak the config file to add more logging.00:41
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kfox1111at least on my box, it doesn't look like its got any explicit logging stuff in it.00:42
kfox1111hmm.. just a quick google search says it goes through syslog.00:43
kfox1111which I'm not sure works very well in containers.00:43
kfox1111might try --log-console ?00:44
kfox1111oh. looks like its aready specified. same as -l00:45
kfox1111so nothing in docker logs for the container?00:45
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Revert "Build source from Newton rather then Master"
awiddersheimit's almost like my container00:50
awiddersheimisn't actually running keepalive00:50
awiddersheimat all00:50
awiddersheimI'm not seeing the pid00:50
awiddersheimor anything in the process list00:50
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awiddersheimbut if I log into the container00:52
inc0awiddersheim, I don't have context00:52
awiddersheimI can start keepalived manually00:52
inc0mind bringing me up to speed?00:52
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awiddersheimlet me back up00:52
awiddersheimjust tried deploying a fresh rc2 setup00:52
awiddersheimit got to brinigng up keepalived00:53
awiddersheimand wait for the vip but the vip never showed up00:53
awiddersheimI noticed in chat you recommended to someone else that this might need changing00:53
awiddersheimI have a feeling I might need to do the same but as I started to try to verify00:53
awiddersheimlike.... I'm not getting any logs back from my container00:54
awiddersheimfor keepalived00:54
awiddersheimdoesn't even really seem like keepalived is running00:54
awiddersheimwhen I log into the container00:54
awiddersheimthe /run/ isn't even there00:54
inc0awiddersheim, so my solution applies if you have multiple keepalived running00:54
awiddersheimand /var/log/kolla is empty00:54
inc0but docker logs should show that00:54
inc0docker logs keepalived is empty?00:55
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awiddersheimI don't know if like... heka or something else is eating them up00:55
awiddersheimwe have another cluster running but that is kind of like00:55
awiddersheima red herring or whatever for the fact that I can't even see logs00:55
awiddersheimone thing lead to another I guess and I'm more concerned about not seeing logs00:56
awiddersheimand will figure out the other thing later00:56
awiddersheimbut yeah it's almost like keepalived isn't even running00:56
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awiddersheimin the container00:56
inc0no, docker logs are there00:56
awiddersheimI have same issue with haproxy container00:57
inc0check out syslog if docker daemon itself isn't crying for life00:57
awiddersheimdocker logs <foo>00:57
inc0seems like docker having issues00:57
awiddersheimshows nothing00:57
inc0syslog might have something00:57
jascott1where do logs that would be in /var/log/upstart go on centos?00:57
jascott1oh wait you arent using k8s sorry00:58
awiddersheimthe /var/log/messages didn't have much00:59
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awiddersheimbut I restarted docker00:59
awiddersheimand can see things now00:59
awiddersheimI didn't comb through the syslog stuff though00:59
inc0jascott1, centos doesn't use upstart:)00:59
awiddersheimso might be something in there I"m not seeing00:59
jascott1correct but where would those logs be?00:59
jascott1sorry doesnt matter as awiddersheim said hes not using k8s01:00
jascott1i noticed k8s logs to /v/l/upstart on ubuntu 1401:00
inc0jascott1, /var/log/messages on centos01:00
inc0or /var/log/syslog on buntu 1601:01
jascott1thx good to know01:01
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sbezverk_inc0: could you please remove your -2 from fluentd PS :-) since master is opened for business01:03
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inc0sbezverk_, would you be so kind to provide me a link?:)01:05
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sbezverk_inc0: sure thing:
inc0here you go01:11
inc0I'll review it later on01:11
inc0hows the fencing going?01:11
sbezverk_inc0: well it is working. but Kevin sent tons of comments, so going through them..01:12
sbezverk_my cluster died after so many reboots01:13
sbezverk_so I am rebuilding it01:13
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awiddersheiminc0: this is still.. like super wierd01:22
awiddersheimit's like...01:22
awiddersheimthe keepalived container01:22
awiddersheimdoesn't actually run keepalived01:22
awiddersheimwhen I start it01:22
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awiddersheimdoes ansible need to do anything to kick that off01:22
awiddersheimseems like the container has all the things it would need01:22
inc0not really01:22
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awiddersheimshould I see the keepalived process?01:24
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awiddersheimin ps?01:24
inc0well, from inside docker01:24
inc0docker exec -it keepalived ps aux01:24
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awiddersheimI have nothing :(01:25
awiddersheimexcept kolla_start01:25
awiddersheimand sleep01:25
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/kolla: Deprecate auth_plugin option
inc0something seems to be seriously wrong01:26
inc0try to do full rebuild01:26
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awiddersheimah ok01:27
awiddersheimI see it01:27
awiddersheimit's waiting01:27
awiddersheimfor heka socket :(01:27
inc0and heka?01:27
inc0what about heka>01:27
awiddersheimit's a new install ummm01:28
awiddersheimI only have haproxy01:28
awiddersheimand keepalived containers01:28
awiddersheimand it bombed after that01:28
dupengfeiHi, I found a K8s problem:The sky-dns service will failure for a period, and automatic recovery after 20 seconds, who knows it?01:29
awiddersheimthat is the part I"m talking about but01:29
awiddersheimI guess on initial startup01:29
awiddersheimI dont' know.... I never got a heka container01:30
awiddersheimI'll need to dig into that01:30
inc0awiddersheim, so docker ps doesnt show heka?01:32
inc0how about docker ps -a01:33
awiddersheimno but01:35
awiddersheimI tracked it down01:35
awiddersheimsomething dumb specific to me01:35
awiddersheimwhere the common kolla role wasn't running01:35
awiddersheimthat would put heka there01:35
inc0ah yeah01:35
inc0common rolle has to be there01:35
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: add kibana to precheck
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duonghqsdake: about the heka replacement, the snap is snap-telemetry from intelsdi?02:10
Jeffrey4l_inc0, what PTG is?02:10
inc0Jeffrey4l_, this is this new mini summit idea02:11
inc0Project Team Gathering02:11
inc0smaller than summit02:11
inc0I'm not super happy with what it's turing out to be02:11
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inc0but we'll see, first one happends in Feb in Atlanta02:11
Jeffrey4l_we have 4 summit now per year ;(02:12
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inc0yeah, and I don't think that's gonna be good02:12
inc0but everyone discusses that02:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove default values from conf file
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sdakeJeffrey4l_ wee wont have midcycles anymore i thin is the theory02:27
sdakeJeffrey4l_  so 3 summits a year02:27
duonghqsdake: the snap you mentioned as Heka replacement is snap telemetry?02:31
sdakeduonghq inc0 mentioned snap - i know nothingabout snap02:32
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duonghqsdake: sorry, I'll ask him later02:32
sdakeJeffrey4l_ the part of ptgs that sucks for us is alot of our contribs are international02:32
sdakeand two events a year is easier then three02:33
Jeffrey4l_yes. it will take lots of energy.02:33
sdakeJeffrey4l_ ptg is where we will get the work done02:33
sdakeJeffrey4l_ whereas there will be ops sessions and cross sesssiosn workshops at the main summit02:33
sdakecross proejct sessions that is02:34
zhubingbingI think we should have a good survey of how to replace the Heka02:34
sdakeJeffrey4l_ it looks like almost every container has a named volume02:43
Jeffrey4l_yes. they are not stateless02:44
sdakei think for new containers we dont have to do naything02:44
sdakefor old ocntianers we hve to do something02:45
Jeffrey4l_uid/gid issue?02:45
Jeffrey4l_hmm  tbh only upgrade from mitaka to newton need change owner/group02:46
Jeffrey4l_but my fix change owner always02:46
sdakeJeffrey4l_ your fix was for one container02:48
sdakewe need for many02:48
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Jeffrey4l_sdake, yes. i need fix others before rc302:48
sdakeJeffrey4l_ are you going to do that or we splitting it up02:48
sdakewhatever is most effecient02:49
sdaketo get the bugs we have outstnading fixed02:49
Jeffrey4l_sdake,   split it up please. it is hard for me to fix all containers.02:49
Jeffrey4l_feel free to pick one to fix.02:49
Jeffrey4l_since we have newton branch now. we need fix it in master and backport it to newton branch.02:50
Jeffrey4l_so how can we track this?  using bug? or simple etherpad? sdake02:50
sdakeJeffrey4l_ etherpad - i'll record the full work itmes - i think there are mor e then those 402:51
sdakeJeffrey4l_ can you confirm
openstackLaunchpad bug 1632905 in kolla "heat bootstrap failed" [Critical,Triaged]02:51
sdakeJeffrey4l_ i can replicate it multiple times02:51
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sdakeheat is enabled by default02:51
sdakeJeffrey4l_ by confirm i mean replicate02:52
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Jeffrey4l_sdake, i deployed heat yesterday. do not found such issue.02:52
sdakei attempted to confirm today02:53
openstackLaunchpad bug 1625648 in kolla "horizon login fails with TLS enabled" [Critical,Triaged]02:53
sdakebut fell asleep at the keyboard02:53
sdakesuper tired02:53
sdakeJeffrey4l_ perhaps it was an image pull problem02:53
Jeffrey4l_got some sleep first ;)02:53
sdakei did for about 4 hours today02:53
sdakenow i'm awake02:53
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Jeffrey4l_sdake, maybe.02:53
sdakeand 4-6 hrs last night02:54
Jeffrey4l_i can confirm this on your node. it u do not using them now.02:54
sdakego ahead02:54
sdakei wa s using destroy02:55
sdakebut was not aware of the destroy images flag02:55
sdakethis is a new workflow02:55
Jeffrey4l_sdake, yep. it is a feature undocumented.02:55
sdakewhich is why i got tripped up in this02:55
sdakei thinkd eploy should pull02:55
sdakepull is documented but the flag is not02:55
sdakeand the deploy behavior is not02:56
sdakeit used to not behave in that way02:56
sdakeit being kolla02:56
sdakeit would alwaysp ull on deploy02:56
sdakethere was at one point a pull strategy variable02:57
sdakeor something like that02:57
sdakei feature removed for what I think is not good reason02:57
sdakebut it is what it is02:57
sdakelets fix the problems we have at present02:57
Jeffrey4l_hmm. pull on deploy may case other issue. 1. takes more time  2. it may trigger upgrade when image in registry and on node are not the same02:58
sdakeJeffrey4l_ i see02:58
Jeffrey4l_pull strategy variable during deploy is a better solution02:59
Jeffrey4l_usually, i run pull before deploy.03:00
Jeffrey4l_fyi, destroy openstack and try to re-deploy on your nodes sdake03:00
sdakeJeffrey4l_ do whatevero u need03:02
Jeffrey4l_sdake, so the heat issue is tiggerred by simple deploy right?03:02
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sdakealthough i may have pulled already new images03:03
sdakei dont recall03:03
sdakeif its an old image problem then we can mark it invalid03:03
Jeffrey4l_ok. we will get the answer in few minutes.03:03
sdakeone less problem to worry about :)03:03
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duonghqsdake: does the doc fix need trivialfix tag?03:11
sdakeduonghq nope03:11
sdakeduonghq if it hs one its ok03:11
sdakeduonghq but not required03:11
sdakethe only things really requireing a bug id are thigns tobe backported03:12
duonghqsdake: ok03:12
duonghqsdake: I mean trivialfix tag, not bug id03:12
sdakeits nice to have a bug record as well if its a long lived bug03:12
sdakeya docs are not backported03:12
sdakeso no need for bug id03:12
sdakethat could change in future03:13
sdake(the backporting part of things)03:13
sdakeso tired03:14
sdakeneed more minerals03:14
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duonghqsdake: you are mentioning bug id, I mention TrivialFix, iirc 2 things do not presents together03:14
duonghqsdake: oh or a nap?03:14
sdakeduonghq nah i woke up from nap an hour or two ago03:14
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sdakeduonghq I don't know that we really need trivialfix anymore tbh03:15
sdakeduonghq these are things to be sorted out in barcelona03:15
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duonghqya, I don't go to Barcelona, :(03:15
sdakeright but we will have decision from there going forward03:16
sdake(I hope)03:16
duonghqmany decision need to make about coding/committing convention?03:16
sdakefor now use existing process03:17
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix docs formatting error
sdakeduonghq we have good process in place already03:17
sdakebut i think it can be finetuned03:17
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sdakei'd like us to use a spec repo for example03:17
sdakewith only 2 +2 votes required03:17
sdakewhere a core reviewer can ask for a rollcall vote on tehe spec if necessary03:17
sdakei'd like us to stop using trivialfix for changes03:18
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sdakeand instead either ue bugs where it makes sense or use nothing03:18
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sdake(or launchpad blueprint ids)03:18
sdakebasically optimizing the process03:19
sdakethe reason we need bug ids is only for backports03:19
sdakeat a different time in the project we needed bug ids for a different reason03:19
sdake(to show we were doing real work and had real problems to attract devs)03:19
sdakeagain thoe long lived issues, still like to see those tracked in bugs03:20
sdakeso people cn fix them over time03:20
sdakesometimes it takes us months to fix a bug03:20
sdakeand the bug may be serious03:20
sdakeJeffrey4l_ you will nee dto reeanble heat in my env btw :)03:21
sdakeduonghq but its really up to what the core team decides :)03:21
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: add magnum  to precheck
duonghqstill cannot understand docs gate passed but when I do tox -e docs, it failed03:22
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Jeffrey4l_sdake, already done. heat works fine.03:22
sdakeduonghq not sure on that one03:23
sdakeJeffrey4l_ cool03:23
sdakeJeffrey4l_ one less bug :)03:23
sdakecan you mark it invalid in launchpad03:23
sdakeand explain the old images - need a kolla-ansible pull03:23
sdakewe will probably want to document that deploy doesn't pull images at some point03:24
sdakepull new images that is03:24
Jeffrey4l_yes. the point need be feature out is: deploy won't pull latest image.03:24
Jeffrey4l_and upgrade don't, too.03:24
sdakeupgrade doesn't either?03:25
sdakeif you put 3.0.1 in it should03:25
sdakeand i htink it does s;)03:25
Jeffrey4l_when using the different image tag, deploy/upgrade will pull image because it not exist locally.03:25
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sdakesu prs03:39
sdakesup rstarmer03:39
rstarmerhey sdake :)03:40
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openstackgerritJustin Scott proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add workflow for cinder
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sdakeJeffrey4l_ re
openstackLaunchpad bug 1626958 in kolla "neutron_server not working when lbaas enabled" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Swapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap)04:09
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Jeffrey4l_sdake, yep04:11
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sdakeJeffrey4l_ th eissue there is that lbaas has an enable line in the config file04:25
sdakeyet if you enable it - bad things happen04:25
sdakei almost brought it into rc304:25
sdakebjolo wants iti in rc304:26
sdakei think the customization thing is a hacky workaround04:26
sdakefor this particular problem04:26
sdakewhat we wwant to be careful of though is that we don't create a spiral effect here04:26
sdakeof having to includ every plugin in every container04:26
Jeffrey4l_sdake, but lots of thing work like that. like horizon plugins, horizon-lbaas-ui04:27
sdakehorizon plguins have enable_plugin_z?04:27
sdakein the config file04:27
sdakeor horizon-lbaas-ui?04:27
Jeffrey4l_sdake, no.04:27
sdakeright, that is wher the issue is04:28
sdakecustomizations are great, but if somethign doens't work out of the box without reubilding - seems like a problem04:28
sdakeand enable_lbass = crater04:28
Jeffrey4l_vpnaas have the same issue with lbaas.04:29
sdakethese two casess are the onl ones i tcan think of04:29
sdakeright i know04:29
Jeffrey4l_another solution is using legacy plugin mech in kolla.  and neutron-server-plugin-xxxx in file.04:30
sdakethat still requires rebuilding04:30
Jeffrey4l_we can add it in default.04:30
sdakei see04:31
sdakethat sounds pretty good04:31
sdakealthough the containers would work standalone04:31
sdakewithout the magic04:31
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Prechecks fail if using separate api interface
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bjolomorning all07:04
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla: Add watcher checking to port_checks.yml
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix keystone upgrade permission issue
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Jeffrey4l_bjolo, morning. when you testing the reconfigure, did u enable ssh pipline feature?07:21
bjolobelieve i did07:22
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla: Add watcher checking to port_checks.yml
bjolojust checked, i have pipelining = True in ansible.cfg07:24
bjoloare you going to the summit Jeffrey4l_ ?07:25
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, yep.07:25
Jeffrey4l_what about u? will be there right?07:25
bjoloim hoping i will go, still trying to piece it together the schedule with my family. I have small kids and a career wife so it is challenging :)07:26
bjoloneed a lot of babysitter help :)07:26
bjoloif i go, i will only be there wednesday lunch to friday afternoon07:27
bjololooking forward to meeting you in that case :)07:27
Jeffrey4l_roger ;)07:27
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix glance upgrade permission issue
bjoloJeffrey4l_, what are all these permission issues all about?07:31
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, check the commit message here
Jeffrey4l_the uid/gid in image from  mitaka to newton  may different.07:32
bjoloah ok gotcha07:32
Jeffrey4l_so we have lots of service to be fixed now.
bjoloi bet07:33
Jeffrey4l_feel free to take one ;)07:34
bjolojust need to add permissions part to the templates right?07:36
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Jeffrey4l_yes. simple easy.07:36
bjoloi have a question how to search gerrit.07:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1631944 in kolla "cron container fails to start. missing sahara.conf" [Undecided,New]07:36
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla: Add watcher checking to port_checks.yml
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, what do u want to search?07:37
bjoloi believe i say a PS fly by the other day to fix this bugg, but i cannot find it in gerrit07:37
Jeffrey4l_you can search the commit message or subject.07:37
bjololinking back to the discussion about lbaas, i think this should be fixed in newton as well07:38
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, re search: check the search methods
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, yep. should be fixed.07:38
bjoloah thanks07:39
bjoloi.e. the link to the documentation07:39
bjolotrying to troubleshoot my TLS issue07:41
Jeffrey4l_cool. tbh, i never deployed tls env07:41
bjoloseems like people can not reproduce it, and for me it is consistent but i cannot find the error. drives me nuts :)07:41
Jeffrey4l_hmm. i can try it. will give u some feedback.07:42
Jeffrey4l_did u have bug id now?07:42
bjoloone sec07:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1625648 in kolla "horizon login fails with TLS enabled" [Critical,Triaged]07:42
bjoloso to refrase07:43
bjolodeploy w/o TLS works just fine07:43
Jeffrey4l_i will try tls now.07:44
bjolothen i do a destroy, enable TLS, and deploy07:44
bjoloCLI works, but not horizon07:44
bjoloi know my certificate is fine07:45
bjoloi have also tried with a selfsigned, but that does not work either07:45
Jeffrey4l_seems like some configuration issue. not certificate.07:45
bjolounfortunately, logging in HA proxy is not working too well07:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1626938 in kolla "haproxy logging not working" [Undecided,New]07:46
bjolobut nevermind haproxy loggin, since we are removing heka for ocata that wont be fixed07:46
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bjoloJeffrey4l_, i saw that the newton branch is created now07:53
Jeffrey4l_bjolo, yes. rc3 is also tagged.07:53
Jeffrey4l_sorry rc207:53
bjoloi suppose that is what i should be using when testing now right?07:54
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Jeffrey4l_yes. stop using master, it is O now. lots of thing is merged into master.07:55
bjologotcha :)07:55
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duonghqanybody got Unable to connect to the server: Forbidden when run kolla-k8s toolbox using minikube07:57
bjoloi guess we should change the tag on master to 4.0.0  in globals.yml then :)07:59
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix keystone upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Add watcher checking to port_checks.yml
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove unneeded blank lines
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: add magnum  to precheck
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix glance upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: move sys.exit out of try finally block in file
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openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla: Reorder the interface/network checks.
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: 11
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix horizon upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix haproxy upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix keepalived  upgrade permission issue
berendtnewton branch is available, this means we can move forward with patches for ocata, right?09:34
wznoinskberendt: whatever is merged to master now is ocata already as of 1pm CET yesterday09:35
berendtwznoinsk thanks, then i can remove some of my -209:35
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix heat upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix mariadb upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix elasticsearch upgrade permission issue
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openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Mariadb performance tuning
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Move demos and dev directory into a new contrib directory
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Support HiPE (High-Performance Erlang) in RabbitMQ image
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Reorder the interface/network checks.
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Prechecks fail if using separate api interface
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: add kibana to precheck
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janemcould anyone explain when to use 'kolla-ansible upgrade' and 'kolla-ansible reconfigure' ?11:25
berendtjanem reconfigure when you changed something in your configuration files, upgrade when you want to deployer newer docker images11:26
janemlike, I forgot to enable cinder, and did enable ceph.. so could I just edit that in the globals.yml and run reconfigure?11:26
berendtjanem when you want to deploy cinder you want to use the deploy command11:26
mliimamorning guys11:26
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janemberendt: ok, so how does that work with a already deployed stack?11:27
janemberendt: it will just leave what is running alone?11:27
berendtdeploy followed by reconfigure11:27
janemberendt: 10-411:27
berendtreconfigure only needed when the new service needs to be integrated into an already deployed service11:27
janemberendt: got it, thanks!11:28
janemberendt: so upgrade would be if i changed openstack version in the global.yml ?11:29
berendtyou do not have to change the openstack version, when you want to deploy newer docker images you have to bump the version in globals.yaml and kolla-build.conf11:30
berendtthen rebuild all image, then run upgrade11:30
janemberendt: I see.11:30
berendtthis way the specified version of images will be deployed11:30
berendti do this from time to time to rollout newer ubuntu packages but without changing the used openstack packages11:31
janemberendt: ok, but now i tried to deploy cinder, changed globals.yml , ran deploy and then reconfigure.. but Volumes does not show in Horizon..11:35
janemam I missing something?11:35
berendtmaybe you have to manually restart horizon because of some caching11:36
berendtis cinder working at all?11:36
janemberendt: no, when I create a volume with cli I get error11:38
janemon the volume11:38
berendtcheck the logs...11:38
janemberendt: cinder-scheduler says 'No valid host was found'11:41
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berendtthat can be caused by many..11:43
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Update Manila Guide
janemberendt: it's no biggie, its a new deployment, can just try and redeploy, but thought it would be nice to figure it out11:45
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janemberendt: I did enable ceph initially .. that might cause some confusement?11:46
janemberendt: enabeling ceph before cinder I mean11:46
berendtplay around with it and document it, last time i deployed cinder after the initial deployment it just worked for me11:46
berendtthis should not be a probem, cinder only uses ceph as storage backend11:46
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add guide for HNAS backend for Manila
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix keepalived  upgrade permission issue
sbezverk_morning, anybody could run "openstack catalog list" and paste it for me?12:36
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix ceilometer idempotent
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Update Manila Guide
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openstackgerritsean mooney proposed openstack/kolla: updates sources.list and apt prefereses filename to match dockerfile.
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duonghqevening guys13:15
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sdake_morning peeps13:28
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix glance upgrade permission issue
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inc0good morning13:33
inc0sdake_, pbourke other cores please take a look
sdake_i see jeffrey4l was busy lsat night13:38
inc0we need to ack these patches, fill the gaps (nova, mariadb any other) and also make backports13:38
inc0all before 18th13:38
inc0so let's get busy:)13:39
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Jeffrey4l_feel free to take one in
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add guide for HNAS backend for Manila
inc0Jeffrey4l_, logs are issue too right?13:40
inc0kolla_logs volume13:41
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fixing cinder v1 and v2 endpoints
Jeffrey4l_inc0, yep. all named volume matter13:41
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add guide for HNAS backend for Manila
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix Stale namespace removal issue
Jeffrey4l_inc0 sdake_ pbourke sbezverk_ , above ^^ one need more eyes and test too.13:45
inc0yeah this change is scary13:45
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ 6am dude, give me an hour to get rolling13:45
sdake_ya scray because laurge13:45
inc0no, scary because we don't know what might happen13:45
sdake_and scary because we dont know what we need in run13:45
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sdake_but it must be done13:46
inc0it's not that large, it's just scary13:46
Jeffrey4l_we dont know what we need in run  <-- yes.13:46
sdake_so lets answer what we need in run13:46
sdake_that makess the patch less scary13:46
sdake_and esay to confirm13:46
inc0Jeffrey4l_, can we create some prothesis for Newton tho13:46
inc0that 100% won't break anything13:46
sdake_inc0 i don't understand your proposal13:47
inc0and fix it correctly in Ocata13:47
Jeffrey4l_what prothesis is?13:47
sdake_inc0 you mean like some kind of conditional logic?13:47
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ it means a fake body part13:47
inc0yeah, workaround13:47
Jeffrey4l_np. this is the only way to fix.13:47
Jeffrey4l_no workaround.13:47
inc0duh ok13:47
jmccarthyHi all o/13:47
sdake_ya no workaround13:47
sdake_so we need to make damn sure we map what is needed in /run13:48
Jeffrey4l_i saw this bug more than half year.13:48
sdake_and make that available13:48
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ ack - it is crucial too13:48
Jeffrey4l_it is critical and no other workaround.13:48
sdake_not being able to delete routers is a huge problem13:48
inc0but neutron is most affected right?13:48
Jeffrey4l_i also hope this can be backport to mitaka branch. ;(13:48
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ yes on backport13:49
inc0can we separate neutron to another patchset and prioritize it?13:49
Jeffrey4l_one the namespace matter. so neutron, yes.13:49
Jeffrey4l_inc0, no.13:49
wznoinskis only for 'fix' patches or general candidates for backporting?13:49
Jeffrey4l_the root cause is: you mount both /run and /run/netns in docker. ( no matter which container mount it)13:49
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ inc0 makes a good point13:49
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ what other containers beyond neutron are affected at present13:50
Jeffrey4l_if you mount /run in keystone and mount /run/netns in neutron, it will trigger this issue too.13:50
inc0so we need to remove all mount /run13:50
inc0it would be good to somehow figure out which projects use /run13:51
Jeffrey4l_ removed all /run  ( at least i grep /run:/run got nothing after the PS )13:51
inc0let's do git blame on every /run mount to see context in which it was added13:51
inc0and test case this patchset enabled13:52
inc0brb need to grab food and coffiee, then I'll get to it13:52
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Jeffrey4l_tbh, git blame should got nothing. it won't tell us what really is the service use in /run.13:52
sdake_i have some deep expertise in why things use run and why they dont13:53
sdake_get me a list of what uses run in the ehterpad and i'll add some commentary13:53
sdake_lets map it in etherpad13:53
Jeffrey4l_ok. i will prepare the list.13:54
Jeffrey4l_wait for a moment.13:54
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Jeffrey4l_sdake_, check this
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ i will do after i warm up and get done with morning emergencies internally13:57
Jeffrey4l_ ok. cool13:58
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janemIm getting a Ceph Health warning: too many PGs per OSD (576 > max 300)14:02
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janemsomething I should worry about?14:03
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Jeffrey4l_janem, no. it won't cause big issue. and if you have a large cluster, this warning will disappear.14:04
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janemJeffrey4l_: its an all-in-one14:05
sdakejanem no that is just  a warning14:05
Jeffrey4l_janem,  why u have three, this warning will disappear.14:05
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla: Remove indentation from l3_agent.ini.j2
janemJeffrey4l_: why I have three?14:06
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Jeffrey4l_hmm. you need more osds.14:06
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Jeffrey4l_the PGs / number of osd  will < 30014:07
Jeffrey4l_this is how ceph works.14:07
janemwell, I'm not experienced with Ceph, and this is an all-in-one.. and the disk used for ceph is a 4*1TB raid 10 drive...14:08
sbezverk_Jeffrey4l_ about that run PS, I think remving /run will break iscsi14:09
sdakejanem afor aio ceph specific steps must be followed14:09
janemI guess raid under ceph is generally not recomended(?)14:09
sdakejanem di dyou follow those?14:09
Jeffrey4l_what exact /run/xxx folder iscsi need?14:09
sdakeiscsi needs a mulligan sbezverk_14:09
jmccarthyIs there a test for neutron and dvr ? I could not get this to work ..14:09
Jeffrey4l_sbezverk_, we have  we can make comment on it.14:09
janemsdake: yes... added config for ceph with default and max set to 114:10
janemsdake: if thats what you mean..14:10
janemsdake: everything is working as expected.. just saw this warning I mentioned..14:11
sbezverk_Jeffrey4l_: iscsid creates socker and pid file right in /run14:14
sbezverk_oops, I meant socket and pid files.14:14
jmccarthyIf anyone has a minute to check out that'd be great :)14:14
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Jeffrey4l_sbezverk_, does pid file matter?14:15
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Jeffrey4l_sbezverk_, and i do not find the socket file in /run . what the full path of the socket file?14:16
sbezverk_Jeffrey4l_: iscsiadm which is called by nova-compute check is iscsid is up and running, I do not know all its internals, but it uses /run for figuring it out..14:16
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Jeffrey4l_hmm. if it really use like that. we need figure out some workaround. we must drop the use of /run.14:19
sdakesbezverk_ it uses a filel somewhere in /run14:21
sdakewe need to find out which file14:21
Jeffrey4l_hmm i think iscsiadm talk with iscsid through /sys file.14:22
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sbezverk_Jeffrey4l_: I do not have kolla running, but the best way would be to give it a spin without /run and see.. I doubt it will work.. but I might be wrong..14:23
Jeffrey4l_ok. i may be try that later.14:23
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix glance upgrade permission issue
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sdakeJeffrey4l_ before we get too far down this path:
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Check api_interface instead of network_interface
Jeffrey4l_sdake, yes it is wrong.14:56
Jeffrey4l_actually, horizon is no need to touch. all the logs are own by root.14:56
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/kolla: Consistently set sys path when using local tools
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix ceilometer idempotent
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix keystone upgrade permission issue
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pbourkebjolo: long shot, any chance this would help?
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ this patch looks worng too
sdake_folks - stop merging the upgrading patches until we are sure they are right :)15:31
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inc0sdake_, whats wrong about it?15:32
inc0ahh, ks being root?15:32
sdake_ /var/log/kolla should not have permissions changed15:32
inc0you sure tho?15:32
sdake_or it needs special handling15:32
sdake_i am not sure15:32
inc0I was thinking about it, and it might actually need it15:32
sdake_Jeffrey4l_ indicated earlier horizon patch was wrong15:32
sdake_the log file needs changing15:33
inc0horizon doesn't need changing as it's running root15:33
inc0that's different15:33
sdake_not sure on the entire directory15:33
sdake_well i didn't think of horizon as running as root and that was not my objection :)15:33
sdake_here is the deal - if every upgrade goes around chowning /var/log/kolla to its own id15:33
sdake_does that really make any sense?15:34
sdake_it needs to obviously chown /var/log/kolla/service15:34
sdake_and the files therein15:34
inc0or do GID writable and create kolla group in base15:34
inc0and we do add group kolla in base15:36
sdake_kolla group already created in base15:36
sdake_we use this all over the place15:36
sdake_i think gid should chane on this file not owner15:36
inc0so what we need to ensure is that chown is there for gid sync15:36
sdake_i think Jeffrey4l_ agreed15:36
inc0yeah ownership is different,. but we don't really have good owner there15:36
sdake_on this file/on this directory (/var/log/kolla)15:36
pbourkeplease put -workflow on them if they're not tested15:37
pbourkeotherwise I generally give benefit of the doubt15:37
sdake_pbourke understood15:37
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sdake_i didn't submit patches :)15:37
inc0ok, I guess it doesn't really matter, we don't need to chown anything in /var/log/kolla15:38
inc0we might15:38
inc0as files exists15:38
sdake_ /var/log/kolla/service15:38
inc0so we will change owner but as long as files are gid-writable it's actually good change15:38
sdake_if gids move around (which they do) v/ar/log/kolla gid needs change at runtime15:39
sdake_build time is not good enough15:39
inc0so the change is good15:39
sdake_[07:54:40]  <sdake>Jeffrey4l_ before we get too far down this path:
sdake_[07:55:18] papacz ( joined the channel15:40
sdake_[07:55:52]  <openstackgerrit>Vladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Check api_interface instead of network_interface
sdake_[07:56:02]  <Jeffrey4l_>sdake, yes it is wrong.15:40
sdake_[07:56:29]  <Jeffrey4l_>actually, horizon is no need to touch. all the logs are own by root.15:40
sdake_i guess Jeffrey4l_ wass talking about the fact that horizon was owned by root15:40
sdake_rather then the real point that /var/log/kolla is unnecessary or inaccurate in that change15:40
inc0ls -la of /var/log/kolla in horizon shows something like that:15:42
inc0from inside nova it's mostly nova user15:43
sdake_ya thats because the uids dont match up15:43
inc0what I'm saying is  horizon user owns nova dir15:43
inc0in nova dir nova user owns nova dir15:44
sdake_(in horizon container)15:44
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sdake_yes this is because of inconsistent uids15:44
sdake_this is why chowning /var/lib/kolla is not an ideal solution :)15:44
inc0docker will create uset with same uid/gid15:44
sdake_  /var/log/kolla/nova - sure15:44
inc0nova uid == horizon uid15:44
inc0which means this problem becomes much easier15:45
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inc0we don't need to care about containers that doesn't create users as part of package install15:45
inc0that means this issue is in rabbitmq and mariadb15:45
sdake_dont look at /var/log  - think about /var/lib instead15:45
inc0and I think that's it15:45
sdake_ /var/log i a wierd case15:45
inc0so here's thing15:46
sdake_but the patches as is are wrong15:46
inc0if you do useradd nova today and same thing tomorrow15:46
inc0it will have same uid I think15:46
sdake_that is no tt he case15:46
sdake_unless uids are hardcoded15:46
inc0you sure?15:46
sdake_a 1 day lapse - ya same thing15:46
sdake_a 6 month lapse - maybe not same thing15:46
sdake_the problems are in /var/lib/* not /var/log15:47
inc0horizon gets uid 100015:47
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sdake_but /var/log needs addressing15:47
inc0which seems awfully specific to me15:47
sdake_ya - centos counts from 1k down15:47
sdake_on *random* assignments15:47
inc0I'm running ubuntu15:47
sdake_ubuntu counts from 100 up on random assignments15:47
inc0and yet horizon gets 100015:48
sdake_ok - so perhaps horizon has a hardcode uid15:48
sdake_or are you looking at from source build?15:48
inc0nova has uid 100015:48
sdake_ya your looking at from source15:49
inc0this is source, I'll build binary and we'll see15:49
sdake_binary may have hardcodes15:49
sdake_its typical of distros to hardcode uids for network facing services15:49
openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Check api_interface instead of network_interface
sdake_the problem is - if you look at the 2.0.3 images, nova is not 100015:49
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sdake_14.04 counts from 100 up15:49
sdake_16.04 counts from 1k to something else :)15:50
sdake_inconsistent uids15:50
sdake_upgrade crater15:50
sdake_same problem15:50
sdake_build 2.0.3 and inspect that :)15:50
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inc0same thing15:51
sdake_moment switchign networks15:52
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sdakeinc0: ->
sdakehas anyone tried ubuntu upgrade?15:55
sdakethat should probably be step 1 here15:55
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sdakeanything with state needs fixing15:57
sdakebut /var/log/kolla is not something that needs changing imo15:57
sdakeyet is changed in all of Jeffrey4l_ 's patchsets15:57
sdake /var/log/kolla/service needs changing15:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove indentation from l3_agent.ini.j2
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inc0sdake, it needs changig16:03
inc0to ensure kolla gid16:03
sdakeinc0 fair enough16:03
sdakeinc0 but not the UID16:03
inc0we need an uid16:03
inc0regardless which one16:03
inc0I don't think changing whole dir will matter16:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Move demos and dev directory into a new contrib directory
inc0dir will be gid writable and service is changed too16:04
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla: Check api_interface instead of network_interface
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use sudo to create loop device on gate nodes
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla: Ansible config for nova-serialproxy console
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix glance upgrade permission issue
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v1k0d3nhey rhallisey, kfox1111 and i were talking a bit last night about that repo i worked on for vagrant kubernetes. wanted to get your thoughts and have you try it out.16:30
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla: Port prechecks only for enabled services
v1k0d3nit could be useful for multi-node kube development for kolla-kube.16:30
v1k0d3ncould be used as a submodule16:30
kfox1111yeah. I think so. :) Would like to see vagrent be optional. and see centos support too.16:31
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v1k0d3nyeah, kfox1111 i have a request out here to this repo...
v1k0d3nsubmodule works really well for "optional" repos like a vagrant environment.16:33
kfox1111upvoted. :)16:33
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rhalliseyv1k0d3n, +116:34
kfox1111v1k0d3n: do you know if the helm mariadb charts are planned to go clustered any time soon?16:37
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sbezverk_kfox1111: need you check this
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add guide for HNAS backend for Manila
kfox1111 looks like there is a slight race in the gate...16:40
kfox1111detaching != in-use....16:40
kfox1111so it transitions from in-use -> detaching -> available...16:40
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kfox1111sbezverk_: this is starting to highlight we really need a defaults.yml or something. as anyone who's coppied kolla-kubernetes.yaml before this change will be broken after it.16:42
kfox1111looks good to me though.16:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Update Manila Guide
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jascott1sbezverk_ thanks for the corrections on the cinder and neutron workflows. I bet you can tell Im shooting in the dark :)16:47
kfox1111v1k0d3n: know of a good tool to docker pull a set of images, do yum upgrade /apt-get upgrade in them, and trigger something if they have packages to update?16:49
kfox1111I've been tempated to write something several times now but haven't gotten around to it yet.16:49
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla: Fix mariadb upgrade permission issue
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sbezverk_jascott1: no worries, more you play with it more you learn :-)16:53
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otavioJeffrey4l_: the needs to be merged on master and newton16:59
otaviosdake_: o/16:59
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sdake_otavio that bug has been triaged17:33
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v1k0d3nkfox1111: not that i can think of off the top of my head...(thinking)17:38
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v1k0d3nkfox1111: not sure about the mariadb charts either.17:38
v1k0d3nman, i'm useless today :) lol17:38
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla: Fix nova  upgrade permission issue
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kfox1111v1k0d3n: no worries. I think those are the top two issues on my k8s list. been working twoards solving them for a while.17:42
kfox1111I think k8s will have something really impressive on their hands if they can make those work out of the box trivally.17:42
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kfox1111uh... how is the gate check working with ceph... the admin key upload portion isn't there anymore....17:50
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix stale namespace removal issue
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sbezverk_kfox1111: so is it a PS issue or something related just to gate?17:55
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Add guide for HNAS backend for Manila
otaviosdake_: but the issue is still happening on mitaka and newton18:01
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kfox1111sbezverk_: a gate issue. there is a slight race in that there's an extra state a cinder volume could go in, and it fails if it ever sees that state. its a quick state though, so I never cought it in my testing.18:02
kfox1111usually I just saw in-use -> available.  but it goes in-use -> detaching -> available. but mostly its so quick only you notice in-use -> available.18:03
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otavioIs there someone working on Trove support?18:05
mnasiadkablueprints say yes -
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: ansible: swift: Fix swift-object-expirer restart loop
otaviozhubingbing: I noticed there is a minor issue still pending for the trove bp to be merged. Are you looking at it? Is there something we can help with?18:12
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openstackgerritOtavio Salvador proposed openstack/kolla: ansible: swift: Fix swift-object-expirer restart loop
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix minor ceph transition state issue with the gate
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kfox1111sbezverk_: I think that patch might fix the gate random failure. if so, we should merge it real quick and rebase your one on it so we can test.18:23
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sbezverk_kfox1111: done18:39
sbezverk_will rebase when it gets merged18:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix minor ceph transition state issue with the gate
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fixing cinder v1 and v2 endpoints
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kfox1111the cloud app echosystem will never progress until "apps" stop doing stuff like this:
kfox1111cool, a really easy to deploy owncloud.19:06
kfox1111oh, but if you dig in, no data is ever saved. completely ephemeral. :/19:06
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kfox1111ah. in the docs it says to start hacking up the yaml scripts to make it persistant. Not easy to use for newbies. :/19:09
kfox1111that really needs to be templated.19:09
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severionkfox1111: you're working on a lot of the gating for kolla-kube, right?19:12
severioncrap...just realized my name failed over sec (brb)19:13
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kfox1111wb. :)19:13
v1k0d3nok, better...19:13
v1k0d3nso, soon...i would probably like to get our CI/CD owner involved...his team works on our current CI/CD pipeline, etc. he may be able to contribute/help and offer some ideas on what we experience today; what we'd like to fix "tomorrow".19:14
kfox1111awesome. :)19:15
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inc0hey, I'm back19:19
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Add guide for Hitachi NAS Platform Driver for Manila
mark-casey1kfox1111: ping19:25
kfox1111mark-casey1: hi19:26
mark-casey1Hi there. Do you know if K8s resource restrictions lie to containers regarding for example how much RAM is in the system, or at some point just start denying processes' allocations even though something like 'free' would show free RAM?19:27
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mark-casey1kfox1111: ah ok found it fwiw. For RAM, resource limit gets passed to 'docker run' as --memory but 'free' doesn't consider cgroups and would show host memory anyway19:41
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kfox1111mark-casey1: I think the scheduler avoids scheduling to nodes that are too full.20:03
kfox1111I don't know if there's a way to set an overcommit though. I'd assume there would be.20:03
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sdake_otavio if it is a problem for newton and mitaka it hould go in teh backport queue too20:05
mark-casey1kfox1111: cool thanks!20:07
kfox1111uh.. the gate looks to have failed on a nova bug?
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Revert "Build source from Newton rather then Master"
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Revert "Move RDO to Newton branches"
otaviosdake_: I made the cherry-pick requests20:25
sdake_otavio needs to be in the bug tracker as well20:25
sdake_otavio link to the bug pls?20:25
otaviosdake_: I think it updated the bug20:26
otaviosdake_: it seems so20:26
sdake_yar -  still needs to be in bugtracker ;)20:26
sdake_link and i'll show you what i mean20:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1630425 in kolla "swift_object_expirer container keeps restarting" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Otavio Salvador (otavio-ossystems)20:28
sdake_otavio look at this page:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1630425 in kolla newton "swift_object_expirer container keeps restarting" [High,In progress]20:29
otaviosdake_: yes20:30
sdake_refresh it - this is the part i was tlaking about20:30
otaviosdake_: ok but how I add other branches?20:31
sdake_are you in the kolla-drivers group?20:31
sdake_if so you cn click "target to series"20:31
sdake_if not i can add you20:31
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sdake_kolla-drivers group does bug triage/backport planning etc20:32
otaviosdake_: I am not20:32
sdake_otavio launchpad id is?20:32
otaviosdake_: otavio-ossystems20:32
otaviosdake_: btw I am working on trove bp. Most items are fixed now20:33
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sdake_otavio note we only backport high and critical bugs - not features20:36
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otaviosdake_: I see20:45
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otaviosdake_: I noticed you sent PS to move to O branches20:45
sdake_you mean move to master branch20:46
otaviosdake_: yes20:46
sdake_our end of releease looks like this20:46
sdake_submit two patches one for source one for binary to move to newton -> branch newton -> revert patches submitted to previous master (that is now newton)20:47
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Trivial change to test gate
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sbezverk_kfox1111: are you going to ack cinder fix?21:22
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kfox1111sbezverk_: I'm still testing. I think it may have actually failed the test. but not sure...21:25
kfox1111I fired off another vanilla gate check to compare it against.21:26
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sbezverk_kfox1111: I do not think so, if PS would cause any damage then services would not be working since endpoints were not created properly21:26
kfox1111sbezverk_: it may be more subtile then that... it may be some misconfiguration where nova is expecting a v1 or a v2 endpoint or something, and it worked before but not enough changed in the ps, and it actually gets nova to do the wrong thing breaking the tests.21:27
kfox1111we'll see in a couple more minutes.21:28
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imcsk8flaper87: are you around?22:14
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kfox1111hmm.... does quemu place any sockets under /var/log/libvirt?23:00
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Trivial change to test gate
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