Thursday, 2016-09-01

kfox1111sdake: +1 for a heat template.00:01
kfox1111that would be awesome. :)00:01
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larskssdake: howdy.00:05
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sdakelarsks thanks for coming00:05
sdakelarsks hated to summon yu like that, but was curious, do you still maintian the kubernetes heat template that an be used standalone?00:05
larsksNoooooooopity nope!00:06
larsksHaven't looked at it in a while, actually...00:06
sdakedo you hve a link to your repo ?00:06
sdakerather can you provide one00:06
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sdakekfox1111 another optoin is magnum - they do a decent job of maintaining their heat teplate for kubernetes00:19
sdakei dont know what state its in at present00:19
jrich523whats the clean up/removal command?00:20
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sdakejrich523 destroy00:21
sdakekolla-ansible destroy00:21
larskssdake: sorry, distracted by local conversation.  Let me grab that link...00:21
sdakejrich523 that only works on mster though00:21
sdakelarsks cool thansk00:21
larsksLike I said, haven't touched that in *ages*00:21
sdakekfox1111 ^^00:21
jrich523yeah no go on this version00:21
jrich523do i just blow away the containers?00:21
sdakelarsks roger - i think between that and magnum, kfox1111 can sort it out00:21
sdakejrich523 single node?00:22
sdakejrich523 is there a cleanup-containers tool in /usr/share/kolla00:22
sdakeor /usr/local/share/kolla?00:22
jrich523/usr/share i think, but i'll check, thanks00:22
sdakerun cleanup-containers -f00:22
sdakethen run cleanup-host00:22
sdakemake sure to back up /etc ;)00:22
sdakejrich523 a reboot in between can sometimes be hepful00:23
sdakelarks how rht treating you00:23
sdakelong time no chat00:23
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jrich523yeah i've rebooted, maybe i'll try that again... was having rabbit issues, now marie is timing out...00:23
jrich523also i've noticed there are some tricks to getting this setup on vmware workstation, explains some of the much earlier problems :)00:24
sdakejrich523 we have a solution for that problem but its going throug hthe gate now00:24
jrich523oh cool00:24
jrich523well i'll likely rebuild again, in a couple of days00:25
jrich523i will be masterful at this in no time!00:25
jrich523i did the PIP install, looks like the tools arent there (Either location)00:26
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sdakejrich523 ok clone repo00:31
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sdakejrich523 we need to fix those tools so they are put in the pip archive00:31
sdakegit clone
jrich523im sure its on the list :)00:31
sdakecd kolla00:31
sdaketools/cleanup-containers -f00:31
sdakemaek sure not ot overwrite yur existing dir00:32
jrich523yeah i'll clone it in to my home00:32
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jrich523ugh, well that fixed the marie db issue, but now im back to the rabbit issue00:35
sdakejrich523 we typically expect people to deploy over nad over to gt a  feel for how oll works00:35
jrich523which im starting to think i've had before, howeveer dont have a clue what i did to resolve it :-/00:35
jrich523oh im doing that00:35
sdakewhich rabbit issue00:35
jrich523well the error is fairly worthless, but...00:35
jrich523failed: [localhost] => (item=localhost) => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["getent", "ahostsv4", "base"], "delta": "0:00:01.654630", "end": "2016-08-31 17:34:45.360238", "item": "localhost", "rc": 2, "start": "2016-08-31 17:34:43.705608", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}00:35
jrich523 [rabbitmq | Check if all rabbit hostnames are resolvable]00:35
sdakedo you ony have ipv6 configuredd?00:36
sdakeis your hostname in etc/hosts?00:36
jrich523hmm i dont think so, but let me double check00:36
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jrich523its using localhost (Based on the task data)00:36
duonghqjrich525: every related host name should in /etc/hosts00:36
sdakejrich523 hostname still must be in /etc/hosts00:36
sdakerun gtent ahostsv4 base00:36
jrich523hmm well dns works00:36
sdakeon your base os00:36
jrich523hmm dont seem to have gtent?00:37
sdakeyum search getent00:37
jrich523you missed an e, but, it returns nothing00:37
jrich523also it looks like ipv6 is there00:38
sdakeya its supposed to return your host name :)00:38
sdakebut do you hae na ipv4 address?00:38
jrich523oh crap00:38
jrich523i think i know why now...00:38
jrich523base was the name i used for the template i created00:38
sdakedo share00:38
jrich523which... wont resolve :)00:38
sdakewhich teplat exactly?00:39
sdake(template an overloaded term in our architecture)00:39
jrich523it sure is00:39
jrich523just a vm template for centos700:39
jrich523so i can build nodes quickly00:39
jrich523also less space required since they are linked clones00:40
sdakegot it00:40
sdakedeploying on virtual machines bound to be painful00:40
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sdakezhubingbing sup dude00:43
sdakezhubingbing yo uhave alot of work on your plate between now and sept 15th :)00:43
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zhubingbingI am now in a hurry00:44
sdakeyou hae plenty of time i think00:44
sdakebarbican seems most pressing00:44
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zhubingbingi see00:45
jrich523its super painful, but im getting close :)00:46
duonghqsdake: did you clear out all bugs?00:47
sdakeduonghq no not yet00:47
sdakeduonghq i haven't taggedthe releae00:47
duonghqsdake: the release is tagged after rc1 or next few days?00:47
sdakeduonghq mailinglist has full explination00:48
sdakecheck for last msg from me00:48
duonghqah, ok00:49
jrich523that fixed it... damn it00:49
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sdakegood to hear :)00:50
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duonghqhi kbaegis00:52
kbaegisWell, pidgin is definitely different than adium :)00:52
duonghqIs the Horizon running now?00:52
jrich523mine is :D00:52
kbaegisduonghq: Yeah.  The patch they proposed didn't work out for me00:52
kbaegisBut basically removing the profiler from sites did it00:53
zhubingbingwho can help see,Gate error is a good strange00:53
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duonghqah, deploy failed, interresting00:53
zhubingbingIt looks like the nova is wrong.00:55
duonghqoh, novncproxy broke00:57
zhubingbingping coolsvap00:58
zhubingbinghelp recheck00:59
duonghqzhubingbing: he is not here right now00:59
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sdakeanyone can recheck01:00
sdakejust type "recheck" into the comment box and click post01:00
zhubingbingi try01:01
sdakezhubingbing the job timed out01:01
sdakesee the 1 hour 2 minutes thing01:01
sdakeour gate jobs have a 60 minute timer on them01:02
sdakegating is running slow because openstack-infra is at capacity01:03
sdakeor over possibly ;)01:03
zhubingbingOh, I see01:04
duonghqfor my ps #link
duonghqgiven sdake and other PTL comment01:04
zhubingbingI always thought I was a problem01:04
sdakezhubingbing huh?01:05
sdakezhubingbing somteimes patches are broken01:05
sdakesometimes gate is broken01:05
sdakesometimes both01:05
sdakesometimes inra is over capacity01:05
zhubingbing- -ok01:05
duonghqso I think there is should be pre-deploy step for setting up user, group01:05
duonghqmy idea is the ssh user do not need to be the config owner user, it should be in this group only01:06
duonghqbut if the group is add in ansible's play time, the ssh user is not have the group01:06
zhubingbingI have been tested in the local environment, before uploading01:06
duonghqso I need another ssh session, mean that another step01:07
duonghqand for remove become in every config task, I still need a finalize task in every config playbook to fix owner and group of config file01:08
zhubingbingrecheck , no response01:08
sdakeduonghq sounds like a special inventory file for setting up the local bulid node01:08
sdakeand a special playbook01:08
sdakezhubingbing recheck takes awhile01:08
sdakeprobably 4-5 hours with current pace of infra01:08
sdakeyou can see status at zuul.openstack.org01:09
duonghqsdake: I do not get you idea, I think it is need only for target node?01:09
sdakeduonghq oh i see wht you mean01:09
sdakeduonghq is the issue you want  to setup the deploy node first01:09
sdakeand then the deployoment targts second?01:10
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duonghqsdake: the deploy node do not need many setup, imo01:10
duonghqassume that image building is in other node01:10
duonghqthe deploy node only use ansible to deploy Kolla01:11
sdakeduonghq makes sense01:14
sdakeduonghq i htink that all belongs in the baremetal setup then01:14
sdakeor is that not possible?01:14
duonghqsdake: I saw, so I think it is need to factor out general task to other role than in baremetal01:15
sdakewhich general task01:15
duonghqleave it in baremetal is somewhat misleading01:15
duonghqat least to me01:15
sdakeits called "bootstrap"01:16
sdakethat is what yur doing - bootstrapping the servers01:16
duonghqfor the kolla-ansible tool, I agree, the only confuse is the playbook is placed in baremetal role01:16
duonghqkolla-ansible bootstrap-server is totally fine01:17
duonghqjust the playbook placement01:17
sdakeso you suggest a different role then bremetal01:17
sdakesuch as bootstrap?01:17
duonghqI suggest different role, same level with baremetal01:17
duonghqlike the precheck one01:17
duonghqsomething likes "bootstrap" role01:18
sdakeduonghq - you can get a refrence of this log by clicking in the subject on "IRC channel is logged @01:18
sdakethe link is here:01:18
sdakei'd suggest putting that in whtever work your referencing01:19
sdakeso people can reference it01:19
duonghqthank sdake01:20
duonghqbut, it's should be another bp or just stick into my bp?01:20
duonghqI prefer new bp: bootstrap bp (even it's only goal is factor out sean-k-mooney work),01:21
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v1k0d3nhey kfox1111 sorry late, grabbed some dinner.01:25
v1k0d3nsure, i'd actually like to work on some of the docs...i learn the most that way.01:25
v1k0d3nbut dev is probably pretty high with summit soon01:26
sdakev1k0d3n i think kfox1111 bounced fo the day01:26
sdakev1k0d3n ryan ha a review in teh queue for docs changes01:26
sdakev1k0d3n you could alway review it and provide feedback01:26
sdakethe docs need more love01:26
v1k0d3nlarsks: man, it's been a while! anything i can help with? (sorry catching up from earlier messages).01:27
* sdake needs some anestaphine rom the medlock01:27
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Add option ceilometer_database_type for ceilometer
sdakev1k0d3n review.openstack.org01:32
sdakelog in01:32
sdakeset watched projects to kolla and kolla-kubernetes01:32
sdakethen click "my->review" iirc01:32
sdakeor my watched i think01:32
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sdaketime to take wife out  to birthday dinner01:53
zhubingbingsnake happy birthday01:55
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zhubingbingEnjoy the birthday dinner01:56
sdakeits her birthday02:00
v1k0d3nsounds good. thanks sdake i'll get on it in the morning. have fun wtih the wife!02:02
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add Cinder api and scheduler components
duonghqsdake: have a good time ;)02:04
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larsksv1k0d3n: hey! :) just passing through on sdake's request...02:14
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duonghqzhubingbing: I made it02:20
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duonghqinc0, sean-k-mooney: in case you can read this message: the "get real node ip" task still fail, due to 'dict object' has no attribute 'baremetal_nic', don't known which Ansible version do you use?03:10
duonghqzhubingbing: are you there?03:10
duonghqhave you tried the bootstrap-servers?03:11
duonghqkolla-ansible bootstrap-servers03:11
mark-caseyduonghq: I'm pretty sure you have to configure baremetal_nic. It's for Bifrost03:11
duonghqthe get real node ip work?03:11
duonghqhmm, I expected it can get value from baremetal/default03:12
duonghqcan  you take a look at ansible/roles/baremetal/defaults/main.yml03:12
mark-caseyI think it specifies a nic on the deploy host not on the nodes03:12
duonghqbut does it should have a default value?03:14
duonghqapi_interface is reasonable choice?03:14
duonghqrephrase: if the playbook cannot get value from defaults, so why it is placed here?03:14
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add Barbican container dockerfile
mark-caseyduonghq: hmm. I'm not sure why you don't have a default. it looks like there is a default in defaults03:28
duonghqI mean this one mark-casey03:29
duonghqbut the playbook cannot get this value03:29
duonghqdue to Ansible natural03:29
duonghqdon't know why everybody can use it03:29
duonghqmark-casey: You can see explanation here:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1618381 in kolla "Baremetal playbook append_to_etc_hosts variable error" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Duong Ha-Quang (duonghq)03:30
duonghqit's about how hostvars work03:31
* duonghq going to take a lunch for awhile, hope that somebody has good idea about this case03:34
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: repair gnocchi  dockerfile
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openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
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openstackgerritMd Nadeem proposed openstack/kolla: Added Ansible playbook for congress deploy
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zhubingbingping Mathias05:17
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openstackgerritMd Nadeem proposed openstack/kolla: Update doc for congress
zhubingbingping Mathias05:25
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sdakehey folks05:27
sdakezhubingbing mathias is mewald05:27
zhubingbingping mewald05:28
sdakezhubingbing shouldn'tnaked ping imo05:28
sdakeping mewald subject works better05:28
sdakeunless its personal in nature05:28
sdakethen nakid pingis fine in y book ;)05:28
mewaldmorning guys05:31
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: repair gnocchi  dockerfile
sdakehey mewald05:32
mewaldzhubingbing: I read your mail. You're welcome to support my patches. I'll be leaving for vacation on Friday so we need to get going :)05:32
sdakewe made  decision today to keep your blueprint in the releae05:32
mewaldsdake: cool!05:32
sdakethe deadline is Spet 15 not aug 1505:32
mewaldyeah though so ;)05:32
sdakesorry aobut that05:32
sdakebut as sept 1 rolls around i'll start to kick things out of the release05:33
mewaldI need people to review you know, I would like to have it merged already05:33
zhubingbingI try to finish it today.05:33
sdakemewald roger - i've sked the core team to focus on our blueprints for review05:33
sdakethe rc1 blueprints thatis05:33
mewaldnice! let's do it05:33
sdakemewald also wehave two new core reviewers05:33
mewaldmy focus is on influxdb-role (346449) and telegraf-role (346448) patches now. Once they're accepted it makes sense to worry about grafana. Otherwise I'll be rebasing most of my time05:35
zhubingbingmewled ,I will make some changes on your basis.05:36
mewaldsdake: problem with the gate failing for telegraf is that there is no centos image for influxdb. I only developed for ubuntu05:36
zhubingbingi can fixed it05:36
mewaldzhubingbing: you submit patches for centos?05:37
zhubingbingubuntu and centos05:37
zhubingbingevery thing05:38
sdakemewald there is an exception liston the buids in the test gate05:39
sdakewe eliminate failed builds for binary in some cases05:39
sdakemoment - link coming05:39
sdakemewald is there a different choice then infuxdb?05:41
sdakeinfluxdb has no clustering support05:41
sdakethey are an opencore model company05:41
mewaldsdake: I think it can work like this
sdakemewald i think logn term that model wont work05:43
sdakebecause influxdb co has said no open source implementation of influxdb will be available05:43
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sdakei think zhubingbing had a link on it05:44
sdakelets go with it for now, and we can rework in the future if needed05:45
mewaldhmm, atm I don't see a lot of other options I could help with. I mean that Gnocchi thing: the other guy from the team posted on our mailing list it wouldnt perform. Graphite is a lot worse in performance in my experience and about clustering I dont know05:45
sdakebut i'd start looking for an alternatie05:45
mewaldok we have to keep that in mind05:45
sdakenot concerne dwith performance as much as ha05:45
mewaldreally? for monitoring? imho performance data may be lost, no problem05:46
sdakei've been drinking05:46
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sdakeso judgement off :)05:46
mewald:D cheers05:46
sdakemewald you mentioned vacation05:47
sdakewhen will ou return?05:47
mewaldSept 19th05:47
mewaldso what's required for the patches now? implement centos support or add an exception for the tests to have everything green and shiny in Gerrit?05:49
mewaldif we need centos support now, we need further patches for already merged stuff05:49
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sdakemewald centos source support is required06:02
sdakecentos binary support is not required06:02
sdakeexception list for binary builds is acceptable06:02
sdakesept 19th - we may have ot remove this from rc1 then06:03
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sdakehey egonzalez9006:03
mewalddepends on how many review I get today and tomorrow ;)06:03
egonzalez90morning sdake06:03
sdakemewald another optoin is for someone to take over your work06:03
sdakewhile your out06:03
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sdakesup coolsvap06:08
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coolsvapsdake: hey06:08
coolsvapsdake: moving the bugs to o-106:09
sdakemewald we made that decision without knowledge ofyur impending pto06:09
mewaldsdake: somebody else taking over is fine with me06:09
sdakemewald would you be kind enough to state on the mailing list a link to the blueprint and when you depart for pto and return, and sk for someone to take it over then?06:09
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sdakemewald maybe someon will bite :)06:10
sdakecoolsvap which bugs?06:10
coolsvapthe ones i sent you yesterday06:10
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coolsvapsdake: we need to do some serious documentation06:12
coolsvapthere are around 15 doc bus06:12
sdakecoolsvap pretty sure we have a pla nin place for that06:14
coolsvapthese are mostly docimpact bugs06:15
coolsvapa reminder is required imo06:15
sdakeyup lets keep the reminder in place06:15
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sdake(i.e. the bugs)06:16
coolsvapi think can be moved06:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1613292 in kolla mitaka "Failed to open some config files: /etc/ironic/ironic.conf" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Waldemar Znoinski (wznoinsk)06:16
sdakebut kick them to ocata06:16
coolsvapall doc bugs?06:16
sdakei think so06:16
coolsvapsdake: alright06:16
sdakeeven though docs are high priority06:16
coolsvapmdnadeem: congress dockerfiles merged?06:16
sdakewe need to fix bugs in the software first06:16
coolsvapsdake: will do and will send a mail on list06:17
coolsvapfor reminder06:17
sdakecoolsvap mail related to docs?06:17
sdakecoolsvap at midcycle we had a pretty well thought out docs session06:17
sdakecoolsvap the problem is we can't gte all the core team in the same place at the same time to hash over the docs design06:17
sdakewe hae not yet designed our documentation06:18
sdakealthough ryan is working on it06:18
coolsvapsdake: the doc bugs i am talking about is not about design06:18
sdakecoolsvap you misunderstand me06:18
sdakewhat I mean is desinging documentation is an engineering taask06:18
coolsvapwe need people to write docs corresponding to docimpact they wrote in commit messages for things06:19
coolsvapwe can update and move things around during design06:19
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coolsvapsdake: i agree, yes design is engineering task06:20
coolsvapbut what i want is docimpact bugs and the engineering task saperated06:21
sdakecoool email sounds good there06:21
coolsvapwhen you say you need documentation for some stuff you have added/updated06:21
sdakemaybe you can tag the bugs with docimpact06:21
sdakeso peopel can find them more easily06:21
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openstackgerritTakashi Sogabe proposed openstack/kolla: Keepalived leaves VIP on the host in case of accidental removal.
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
coolsvapyes i will06:21
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sdakei dont really like docimpact at all06:21
sdakei think docs should go in with the code personally06:21
coolsvapadd the documentation, if it need design update, person responsible will take care of it or contact you06:22
sdakebut a battle or a different day06:22
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added telegraf role
sdakemewald1 fwiw gate going slow06:22
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added telegraf role
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added telegraf role
mewald1I just added the exceptions for centos binary06:27
mdnadeemcoolsvap, yes06:28
coolsvapmdnadeem: in n-3, i cannot see as part of bp/bugs06:29
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sdakecoolsvap we moed some features around06:32
sdakebut if congress is ready to go might as well move it into rc106:33
sdakecoolsvap it was part of our triage the blueprints day in our team meeting.06:33
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coolsvapsdake: yeah i missed update for congress thanks mdnadeem06:35
mdnadeemsdake, coolsvap ,
coolsvapsdake: should we move the needs code review bps and in progress bugs to rc1?06:36
sdakeyes plese06:37
sdakethe release hs been submitted06:37
sdakei'd do it but out of steam for the day06:37
sdakebeen long and laoriosu :)06:37
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coolsvapsdake: done now n-3 looks good06:53
egonzalez90zhubingbing, ping06:53
sdakecoolsvap nice06:54
sdakecoolsvap was congress part of milestone 3?06:55
coolsvapcontainers are part of rc106:55
sdakewhat about playbooksk?06:55
sdakei want to keep  the feature creep in rc1 to a minimum06:56
sdakewe have alot of work to do on the bug front06:56
sdakecoolsvap all i see or congress is a containe in rc1, what about the playbooks - where is that blueprint?06:58
coolsvapcongress container + playbooks in a single bp06:58
coolsvapsdake: ^^06:58
coolsvapthats what i was also confused about06:58
coolsvapafaics, it looks in good shape, haven't seen in detail06:59
coolsvapcan be part of rc106:59
* coolsvap brb lunch06:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: add deploy-servers command
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add gnocchi ansible role
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: implement Ansible rally role
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: implement Ansible rally role
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mewald1zhubingbing: you are doing rally? nice! in case you look at tempest too: The container is broken imho07:36
zhubingbingtempest ubuntu ?07:37
zhubingbingtempest ubuntu or cents binary?07:37
mewald1something is wrong with dependencies of python modules or so07:39
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mewald1Is good enough now regarding the testing stuff?07:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Update doc for congress
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
zhubingbinghi  i have change influxdb07:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: replace baremetal_nic with api_interface
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add Barbican container dockerfile
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openstackgerritYao Lu proposed openstack/kolla: delete virtual bridge artifacts when cleaning hosts
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added grafana container
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add Barbican container dockerfile
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix service_type of mistral endpoint
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added grafana container
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sdakesubmitted for 3 fb 15 wr, 1 half day contributor meetup08:11
sdakeJeffrey4l ^^08:11
sdakecoolsvap ^^08:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix using filter() to meet python2,3
sdakeegonzalez90 ^^08:11
sdakeand anyone else that may cre ;)08:12
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coolsvapsdake: looks good08:12
sdakewarning we wont et all tht pce08:12
duonghqcoolsvap: can you review it:
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add gnocchi ansible role
sdakei asked for fb's ahead of workroom sessions and priority on half day contributor meetup on friday faternon08:13
sdakeso we can shift wr sessions into the half day contributor meetup if needed08:13
coolsvapsdake: need your view on
coolsvapsdake: yea frm past experience we need more time for some sessions and move things into contributors meetup08:14
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sdakecoolsvap view made available08:16
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duonghqcoolsvap: ping08:21
coolsvapduonghq: pong08:21
duonghqcan you review this:
coolsvapduonghq: on it08:22
duonghqthank coolsvap08:27
duonghqJeffrey4l: ping08:27
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added grafana role
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added telegraf role
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added grafana container
mewald1holy crap, hope I did the rebase of right … so many notifications xD08:38
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add neutron-vpnaas-agent container
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: repair gnocchi  dockerfile
sdakemewald1 looks ok to me - but i'm beat and need to hit the rack08:56
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openstackgerritNguyen Phuong An proposed openstack/kolla: Ensure doesn't use LOG.warn
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed openstack/kolla: Check volume group exists for Cinder in prechecks
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add neutron-vpnaas-agent container
sdakepbourke did you want to have that discussion about the releae process now?09:06
pbourkesdake: sure why not09:06
wznoinskcoolsvap: would the merged patchset be enough to mark it as done in newton?09:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1585955 in kolla " add support for non-default database_port in kolla/ansible" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Waldemar Znoinski (wznoinsk)09:07
sdakethere is a repository called
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed openstack/kolla: Add guidelines on adding a new service
sdakeif you take a look in there, there is a directory called deliverables09:07
sdakefor us to release a milestone or rc, the release liason (in this csae, me) submits a change like:
sdakethe release team has pretty much automated everything09:09
sdakeonce a workflow occurs on the patch, the release is tagged and pushed to pip etc09:09
sdakewe also release z streams every 45 days09:09
sdakea z stream = x.y.z 1.1.2 2=x09:09
sdake2=z i mean09:09
sdakewe have z streams due next week for 1.2.3 and 2.0.309:10
sdakein order to facilitate the backport process from mster to the stable releases, we use launchpad to trrack the status of the bug09:10
sdakemewald1 i need ot hit the rack09:11
sdakebut i'll grab all the material i can scour off my disks and send to you tomorrow morning09:11
sdakeif its in msater, we use the target to series feature of launchpad09:12
sdakeopenstack relesae team mechanics integrate with launchad to tell us which bugs are fixedi n a zstream and which ones re not fixed09:12
sdakewe find this information via launchpad09:13
sdakefor example:
sdakewe are behind on backports09:14
sdakeas you can see from that milestone list for 1.1.309:14
pbourkesdake: so that seems ok so far, but doesn't address why we need to enforce a bug for every feature09:14
sdakeby using launchpd, we can esily see what needs to be backported09:14
sdakewe dont need da bug for every feature09:15
sdakeonly things thta need bckports09:15
pbourkestarting to make more sense :)09:15
sdakei thought this was pretty clear but apparenty not :(09:15
sdakei f its a blueprint its typicl to use the bluerpint tracking which is also integrated with launchpad09:16
sdakeopenstack s a whole is going to bugs only for features and deprecating the blueprint model09:16
sdakehow that effects what we currently do, no idea09:17
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add neutron-vpnaas-agent container
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Integrate neutron-vpnaas-agent into the neutron Ansible role
sdakethe reason we want to track patches in a blueprint is to help do what we did today in our team meeting - triage status of blueprints09:17
sdakethis is why we have work items09:18
sdakeso we can compare work item list to patch set09:18
sdakeand make a determination if the blueprint has met its definition of done09:18
sdakepbourke i need to hit the rack - would you mind posting a link to this irc discussion on the thread09:19
berendtcan somebody review, one +2 missing, small change09:19
pbourkewill do, thanks sdake09:19
berendtsame for
sdakepbourke any questions about all that?09:21
pbourkesdake: dont think so09:21
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sdakeI did want to understandd daviey's idea of using change ids to track backports09:21
pbourkesdake: how does reno fit in09:21
pbourkesdake: does release teams tools publish those somewhere?09:22
coolsvapwznoinsk: The merged changed adde in comment #1 is the same which created this documentation bug. This bug needs documentation update.09:22
sdakereno is a tool for publishing release notes09:22
sdakeyes moment09:22
sdakesee mitaka:
berendtcan somebody approve ? i changed series and target to occata09:23
pbourkesdake: cool09:24
duonghqcan somebody review this:
coolsvapberendt: one question related to added in comment09:25
sdakesee current:
pbourkesdake: we can probably update the guidelines then as follows:09:26
coolsvapberendt: did you create a blueprint for ansible-cloudkitty?09:26
pbourkesdake: trivial bugfix = add TrivialFix09:26
pbourkesdake: non trivial bugfix *or* backport: needs bug id09:26
pbourkesdake: feature that does not need backport: no tags necessary09:26
sdakepbourke i'd like to continue using blueprints for the 3rd line you posted09:27
coolsvapsdake: ++09:27
pbourkemakes sense09:27
coolsvapi was going to say the same09:27
sdakepbourke there is also another consideration09:28
sdakeif an operator reports a bug09:28
sdakewe should usse tha tbug id even if its trivial09:28
sdakepbourke what we need really is a policy document09:29
pbourkesdake: agree09:29
sdakeas was previously suggested on the ml09:29
sdakei keep meaning to get to that09:29
sdakeas soon as fire #999999 is put out09:29
sdakewe dont have a whole lot of policies09:30
sdakei think a project runs best when it uses as little process as is necessaray to make the mechanics work09:30
sdakemy fire availability is only 6 9s :)09:31
sdakefire-fighting that is09:31
sdakeif you look at neutron for e.g. they have a great policy document09:32
sdakebut they have a much mor ecomplex project to deal with09:32
sdake3x as many contributors09:32
sdake3x as many reviewers09:32
sdakebut i dont htink we need to go bonkers on the policy document09:33
berendtcoolsvap i am not sure about a 2nd blueprint because i think nobody will implement the binary type for the docker images until rc109:34
sdakeberendt that is ok - binray typically trials source09:35
coolsvapberendt: we need one for ansible as well09:35
berendtcoolsvap so always 1 bp for docker and 1 bp for ansible?09:36
coolsvapberendt: not necessarily09:36
sdakeberendt we are operating this way becaue we are planningto split the repositories09:36
coolsvapansible review seems is not active for long09:36
sdakeso there will in the future be separte launchpads - one or ansible one for docker containers09:37
coolsvapwhich mostly will be bumped to o-109:37
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add cloudkitty containers for type source
DavieyUgh, lots of scrollback09:38
sdakeDaviey its my magnum opus about our process09:38
sdakebut i'm going to bed09:38
sdakefeel free to hash on the ml :)09:38
sdakei'll read in morning09:38
berendtcoolsvap yes, i am waiting for gnocchi until i continue the ansible part09:38
berendtcoolsvap i renamed the existing blueprint to cloudkitty-docker and created (needs approval)09:40
coolsvapberendt: cool09:40
berendtcoolsvap i set milestone to occata-1 and series to occata for cloudkitty ansible and will change cloudkitty-docker to newton-rc1 and newton. that's correct?09:40
coolsvapberendt: yeah09:42
berendtcoolsvap done09:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Install neutron-lbaas-dashboard from source in horizon container
openstackgerritYao Lu proposed openstack/kolla: delete virtual bridge artifacts when cleaning hosts
berendtcoolsvap can you have a look at at the moment i am not sure why deploy_aio tries to download images from
coolsvapberendt: sure but in half n hour or so09:50
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zhubingbingwhy deploy gate error09:54
sdakeberendt looking moment09:55
berendtcoolsvap no rush..09:57
zhubingbingsdake can you look sahara role and dockerfile09:57
sdakezhubingbing going to bed09:58
sdakeberendt the issue is the profile your buliding09:58
duonghqnight sdake09:58
sdakezhubingbing would like to hep - but 3am and need to protect my sleep :)09:58
zhubingbing- -09:58
sdakeberendt ping pbourke - he can get you going on the profiel stuff09:58
berendtsdake go to bed :) i will check this later in more detail09:58
sdakeberendt note - i doubt we can enable heat and horizon in the gate because of memory concerns09:59
berendtsdake hmm. that's bad.09:59
sdakecan't compose a sentence09:59
sdakeya 8gig ram09:59
sdakewe need to break our gate jobs into seprate gates for arious thigns09:59
sdakei wish we could get 16 gig vms09:59
sdakethat woudl solve alot of stuf for us10:00
sdakei am going to havea look at multinode gating next cycle10:00
sdakeand see if I can get it running in such a way as to have 2 nodes to deploy across10:00
openstackgerritNguyen Phuong An proposed openstack/kolla: TrivialFix: Ensure doesn't use LOG.warn
sdake1 compute and 1  controller10:00
sdakewith 8gb of ram we can deploy a whole lot of controller10:01
sdakeits when we launch a nova vm the system implodes10:01
sdakewith 8gb and heat10:01
sdakehet has a lot of threads10:01
sdakehorizon is probably safe to enable10:01
sdakenight all :)10:01
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Enable deployment of horizon in tools/
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add neutron-vpnaas-agent container
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Add neutron-vpnaas-agent container
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla: Remove fedora from Dockerfile templates
openstackgerritnarasimha18sv proposed openstack/kolla: Updating ironic configurations in nova.conf
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use six.StringIO
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Add ansible raw task note, add apt-get update
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/kolla: Deprecate old auth parameters of ironic in nova.conf
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Added Ansible playbook for congress deploy
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Use a local docker image namespace in gate
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: ip tool to the toolbox
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inc0good morning13:57
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kfox1111inc0: can we get this through quickly?
kfox1111I was reallly surprised neither ip or ifconfig was in kolla-toolbox14:01
inc0hmm...hold on I think I've seen this in base lately tho14:01
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inc0 hmm14:02
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inc0this is only for several distros and in openstack-base14:03
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inc0which toolbox doesn't inherit from afair14:03
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inc0maybe it's worth to install it in base image14:03
sbezverkkfox1111: if it is not too early for you ;-) with last comments14:03
inc0but my question is14:03
inc0ah, well k8s will need it14:04
inc0as it's not net=host everywhere14:04
kfox1111inc0: either base image or toolbox works for me. but its broken right now for some reason.14:05
kfox1111sbezverk: let me double check the serviceName thing... I thought it had to be unique.14:05
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sbezverkkfox1111: nova uses the same approach14:07
kfox1111$(petname).$(governing service domain), where the governing service is defined by the serviceName field on the Pet Set.14:07
kfox1111and since the petname is the petset name with index, that should be unique.14:08
kfox1111yeah. that should work.14:08
kfox1111ok. loos good. :)14:09
sbezverkplesae act accordingle ;-) I want to get my hands on cinder volume14:09
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kfox1111I just got nova-compute in container talking to libvirt on the raw host.14:10
kfox1111will document how to do that...14:11
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: ip tool to the toolbox
inc0kfox1111, I'd put it in base tbh, make sure to include info that this is needed for kolla-k8s and since kolla-k8s doesn't use net=host, you can't do stuff from outside of container14:12
inc0but move it to base, I'm sure it will come in handy in other places too14:13
rhalliseysbezverk, what do you think about an in cluster container to work with the clients?14:15
kfox1111much harder in base. :/14:15
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Use the standard start method for kolla-toolbox container
kfox1111rhallisey: I'm for it. :)14:15
rhalliseykfox1111, ok14:15
rhalliseywould make for a nice demo tbh14:15
rhalliseyalso for basic testing14:15
kfox1111it can maintain some state and lock things so if multiple admins are doing stuff at the same time, badness doesn't happen.14:16
rhalliseyand it could generate and openrc!14:16
rhalliseystart your container, exec in, and your good to go14:16
kfox1111I'd have a look at the new helm. they do the same, and use configmaps for storage.14:16
kfox1111so its pretty stateless.14:16
kfox1111yeah. I'd like to see a container with kolla/kolla-kubernetes in it so you can just run it and go.14:17
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Extra space in
kfox1111inc0: will putting it in base slow down the review?14:18
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Use a local docker image namespace in gate
kfox1111theres a lot more places I have to touch and following the if logic is messy.14:18
kfox1111doing it for now in just kolla-kubernetes its just in 2 places.14:18
inc0kfox1111, well, I don't think so, but if you need it *right now* you can use customizations14:18
inc0before change merges14:18
sean-k-mooneyAFKwell even before the custimisations you could always install addtional packages using the header support14:19
kfox1111no, I'm more worried about getting in for
inc0kfox1111, I think we can merge it, I'm saying you can do this at this moment14:20
inc0I'd rather you put it to base as it can be useful14:20
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inc0I'm pretty sure it will be at some point and I want to avoid having multiple installs of it14:20
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sbezverkrhallisey: it could be an option but then how you want external clients/people to use this container?14:22
rhalliseysbezverk, they won't14:22
rhalliseyit's for in cluster development14:22
rhalliseyno for production14:22
sbezverkrhallisey: got it.14:22
sbezverkrhallisey: as you know I resolved it by using external haproxy, Kevin also has a solution..14:23
rhalliseyshould document them14:23
sbezverkrhallisey: but that container will only be testing internal interactions14:24
rhalliseyya that's enough for development14:24
rhalliseyor even an AIO setup14:24
sbezverkrhallisey: which image you plan to use for it as base?14:24
rhalliseyit has all the clients14:25
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: ip tool
kfox1111inc0: I think that should move it to base.14:26
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inc0Jeffrey4l, so with kolla-k8s without net=host this thing will be needed every time you need to check local IP14:27
inc0which can be pretty often14:27
kfox1111inc0: even without net=host you may need to figure out what ip you have.14:28
inc0well not that often tho - we have ansible for that14:28
Jeffrey4linc0, the best solution is adding iproute in base-image14:28
kfox1111the container is light weight though.14:28
Jeffrey4lright? kfox111114:28
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inc0Jeffrey4l, check the latest review14:28
inc0it's in base14:28
kfox1111well, for what I need, actually the best solution might be to put crudini/jq/ip in its own super lightweightcontainer.14:29
inc0let's optimize later14:29
sbezverkinc0: ansible has no visibility of kube cluster, and in reality it does not need it14:29
inc0sbezverk, that's why I'm saying we didn't need it before14:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: repair aodh image dockerfile
sbezverkansible will use just one single entry point to api server, everything else kube takes care of it14:30
inc0ansible was our tool for the job before, and with k8s we need different14:30
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Jeffrey4lkfox1111, a nit14:30
Jeffrey4lsee the comments in
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: add iproute pacagke in base image.
kfox1111thanks for the quick reviews. :)14:32
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Jeffrey4lkfox1111, hmm typo still exist :)14:36
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kfox1111I admit to the second typo. the first was copy paste. :)14:36
Jeffrey4li am sorry for that. :)14:37
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: add iproute package in base image.
kfox1111no worries. :)14:37
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kfox1111ok. the patch seems to work.14:42
kfox1111and it fixed the kolla-kubernetes issue.14:43
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kfox1111sbezverk: with the init containers, I think we want to change /bin/sh -c ... to14:45
kfox1111 /bin/sh -ec ...14:45
kfox1111so if any of the script fails, the init container fails and blocks to whole pod creation.14:45
kfox1111much easer to debug.14:45
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openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Add option ceilometer_database_type for ceilometer
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Jeffrey4lyingjun, ping14:56
yingjunJeffrey4l, pong14:56
Jeffrey4lyingjun, about this
Jeffrey4lcould u remove remove the ceilometer_database_type variable? I do not think we need add this now.14:57
Jeffrey4lwe can add this when we really have two options.14:57
Jeffrey4lyingjun, ^^14:57
inc0Jeffrey4l, well technically we have mongo, galera and now gnocci14:57
Jeffrey4linc0, but we are not implement those now. the only one valid option is mongodb14:58
inc0anyway, I'd wait for Ocata with this merge14:58
inc0I don't want to add new config options14:58
inc0in newton14:58
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inc0so I agree, let's merge this just after newton tag14:59
Jeffrey4linc0, OK. but add the check and fail fast ( enable ceilometer without enable_mongo ) is nice to have in newton.14:59
inc0nah, I agree we shouldn't have it in newton.14:59
Jeffrey4lso i perfer to remove the variable and just add the check task.14:59
yingjunI’m ok removing the config, and upload another patch for the new option14:59
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Jeffrey4lyingjun, cool. thanks.15:00
sbezverkkfox1111: hm whenever my init was failing, it was bloking pod from being created, it was stuck on somehting like waiting for init..15:01
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Liberty is now on 1.1.2 prerelease
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Correct permissions to /etc/keystone/domains
yingjunpbourke, about, it was suggested that a simple pre-check is not enough15:07
pbourkeyingjun: Jeffrey4l: I dont see point in duplicating prechecks like that15:08
pbourkeif user runs deploy without prechecks then of course there could be a prolem15:08
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Jeffrey4lpbourke, i think it is necessary to add the the check in bootstrap.15:09
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Jeffrey4lthe pre-check only work before deploying.15:09
pbourkewhats the point in having a separate precheck playbook then15:09
Jeffrey4lafter deployed, pre-check is not work.15:09
Jeffrey4lpbourke, and some guys may do not run pre-check and run deploy directly. silence ignore is not good.15:10
yingjunYeah, that happens often for operators using kolla not running pre-check before deploying.15:12
yingjunat least for me...15:12
Jeffrey4lpre-check is not good. we need improve it in the O15:13
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Add precheck for ceilometer backend
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add gnocchi ansible role
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kfox1111sbezverk: yeah. but I think without the -e, it only does that if the last command in the script fails.15:21
kfox1111the -e causes it to always fail if any of the lines fail.15:22
Jeffrey4lkfox1111, may be we need add set -e to all scripts.15:22
inc0guys, what's best way to deploy all the stuff with k8s?15:22
kfox1111inc0: isn't one yet.15:22
Jeffrey4lfast failure is good15:22
kfox1111thats the workflow stuff. :/15:22
inc0so ansible is not there yet?15:22
kfox1111not yet.15:22
kfox1111need a dev to work on that. :)15:23
sbezverkinc0: your hands is trhe fastest way to deploy ;-)15:23
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inc0can you type in commands in order that needs to happen?15:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add Cinder api and scheduler components
inc0from "I installed k8s" to "yay it works"15:23
sdakemorning folks15:23
sbezverkinc0: the link I pasted to you yesterday15:23
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Add precheck for ceilometer backend
kbaegissdake: Morning15:24
kfox1111inc0: theres a doc in proress for that. but its still in review and in progress.15:24
sbezverkgives you very close to what you asked15:24
kfox1111inc0: need applied currently.15:26
inc0kfox1111, I feel like your private ack machine for last 2 days:P15:28
inc0there ya go15:28
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fail nova-compute init container always
kfox1111inc0: sorry. :/15:28
inc0nah, don't be15:28
inc0I want k8s to happen15:29
inc0after all...I'm supposed to demo it in Barcelona15:29
inc0with wirehead and rhallisey15:29
kfox1111then we better make sure it works. :)15:29
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yingjunpbourke, please review one more time for, new patch uploaded for code cleanup, thanks!15:31
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Jeffrey4lcurrent the gate bust. error message is (1832, u"Cannot change column 'standard_attr_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'qos_policies_ibfk_1'")15:32
Jeffrey4lit should be a bug in neutron. any one know the bug id?15:32
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Jeffrey4lmorning :)15:33
sdakeJeffrey4l ask on #openstack-neutron?15:33
sdakeJeffrey4l sounds like a databae migration script problem15:34
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add sahara ansible role
Jeffrey4lsdake, yep15:35
kfox1111wow. almost all of the kolla-kubernetes patches are merged. :)15:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: repair gnocchi  dockerfile
* kfox1111 makes note to submit some more... ;)15:37
inc0kfox1111, sbezverk I broke it:(15:37
inc0Error from server: configmaps "mariadb-configmap" already exists15:37
inc0I did bootstrap maria and run maria15:38
rhalliseyinc0, nah that's fine15:38
kfox1111I think that isn't fatal.15:38
rhalliseyinc0, you need the password patch I put in15:38
inc0well kubectl get pod is empty15:38
rhalliseyor your passwords wil be empty15:38
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kfox1111heh. messed up that order... oh well.15:39
jrich523morning guys15:39
inc0good morning15:40
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Jeffrey4lfyi: relate PS:
Jeffrey4lfor the gate bust issue.15:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: add iproute package in base image.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Extra space in
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add Barbican ansible role
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gregragenetHello - is there a way to have Kolla set up Ceph w/o dedicating an entire disk to it? like to have Ceph use an LVM volume for example?15:53
kfox1111sbezverk: I can do that, but requeres a bunch of changes...15:56
kfox1111log has to be mounted to the init container.15:56
kfox1111the nova subdir doesn't exist so I've got to create it.15:56
sbezverkkfox1111: I think it would be good for troublehooting, I was using it and it was very helpfull15:57
kfox1111probably not too bad though...15:57
kfox1111what about nova-init for the subdir though?15:57
kfox1111if I do nova, it will run into a permmission issue later.15:57
kfox1111unless I make another init container to fix the permissin.15:57
sbezverkkfox1111: does not matter where as long as in a pre-defined location :-)15:57
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: implement Ansible rally role
kfox1111say /var/log/kolla/nova-init/ip.log ?15:58
sbezverkkfox1111: super, we could then replicate it everywhere15:58
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: test the neutron db upgrade fix
zhubingbinghello guys16:01
zhubingbingping caoyuan16:02
michaudspbourke: fyi, review fixes bug which is ranked critical.16:03
openstackLaunchpad bug 1616155 in kolla mitaka "Unable to import database dump with ansible module in kolla-toolbox due to missing mysql binaries." [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Stephan Michaud (michauds90)16:03
pbourkemichauds: Im not sure I agree that is a critical bug though16:03
michaudspbourke ohhhh alright!16:04
inc0why it's toolbox issue tho?16:04
pbourkemichauds: im assuming you have some internal ansible play that can restore a database dump?16:05
inc0this seems to suggest that ansible can indeed do this16:05
pbourkeinc0: im reading it as the ansible module needs those binaries available16:06
inc0ok, interesting, we use these modules all the way16:06
inc0maybe this part is buggy16:06
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Use the standard start method for kolla-toolbox container
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fail nova-compute init container always
michaudspbourke, yes I can post an example rule that fails16:08
pbourkemichauds: sure that would be helpful16:08
michaudspbourke Alright, I'll attach it to the bug on launchpad.16:09
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Jeffrey4lpbourke, i replied
inc0sooo kfox1111 sbezverk kubectl get pods return nothniing16:12
inc0how to debug this16:12
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sdakehey - re the bandit gate16:13
sdakenow tht it is operational16:13
sdakei was thinking of making it voting16:13
sdake(and we are past the milestone 3 bump)16:13
Jeffrey4lsbezverk, you may need check this
sdakeany objections?16:13
Jeffrey4lsdake, no16:13
sdakeno objections or no dont do that :)16:14
michaudspbourke: I added the problematic playbook rule to
openstackLaunchpad bug 1616155 in kolla mitaka "Unable to import database dump with ansible module in kolla-toolbox due to missing mysql binaries." [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Stephan Michaud (michauds90)16:14
Jeffrey4lno objections :)16:14
Jeffrey4lsdake, ^16:14
sdakemichauds fwiw wee dont expect operators to interact with kolla via docker exec16:15
pbourkemichauds: monasca is not in kolla though?16:15
sdakemichauds but i dont see harm in adding a package to enable your effforts16:15
michaudspbourke: not yet :)16:15
pbourkeI dont see us backporting it16:16
sdakeright we wont backport monasca16:16
sdakepbourke i thught it was more a matter of people wantin to dump their mysql db16:16
sdakefor backup purposes16:16
pbourkesdake: even if so, my understanding of stable is we dont change it unless we have to16:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use dumb-init to manage the pid 1 process
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Added influxdb role
sdakepbourke rogere - good understanding16:17
pbourkemaybe other projects manage their stable differently, if so we can chat about changing this policy16:17
sdakepbourke - we sosrt of make our own ruels up here16:18
sdakeas long as they fit in with the stable:follows-policy framework16:18
michaudspbourke no, monasca would be new stuff16:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: fix sahara dockerfile
sdakepbourke i guess i fundamentally didn't understand the monasca link16:18
sdakepbourke again i thought it was more about db backups16:19
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sdakewhich i think we do want  to enable16:19
sdakeespecialy since its a two liner16:19
pbourkepeople can backup without kolla-toolbox in stable16:19
sdake(just woke up - your my googel:)16:20
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sdakehad rough night of drinking too much to top it off16:20
pbourkemaybe i was too quick with that last statement :)16:20
pbourkebut i have a feeling there's a way. this feels like a feature to me16:20
sdakei could see making a copy of the docker volume16:21
sdakewell pbourke make a call16:21
pbourkeI'm sticking with my -1 on this16:21
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sdakewfm - then michauds - i'm sorry for wasting your time on this :(16:22
sdakemichauds often we have to make quick judgements on backport bugs and sometimes we are imperfect16:22
sdakemichauds in this case, I misunderstood the situation - so its my blame16:22
michaudssdake, no problem. It was a good learning experience :)16:22
sdakepbourke can you fix up the bug id16:22
sdakepbourke to not target it to backports16:22
sdakeand leave a note in the backport that it was determined not necessary at this time16:23
pbourkemichauds: thanks for raising it16:23
sdakewe may need to revisit that in the future if we have a storming horde of operators angry16:23
sdakepbourke it has gone into mster - which is fine from my pov16:23
pbourkewe may revisit, im known to be easily swayed :p16:23
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coolsvapsdake: i may have missed something are we holding on +W ?16:25
sdakei think we are not super good at handling backports yet16:25
sdakecoolsvap relating to which?  features?16:25
coolsvapchanges in master16:25
sdakecoolsvap or this pbourke conversation?16:25
sdakebugs -> master16:26
sdakeblueprints in rc1 -> master16:26
coolsvapbugs in master16:26
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coolsvapalright got it16:26
sdakeblueprints not in rc1 -> -2 with the note "Procedural -2 to block merge until rc1 is tagged on September 15th, please keep working on this work.  The -2 here does not indicate the work is not vaued."16:27
sdakeany bug is free reign in master16:27
sdakeeven if its a little featury16:27
sdakebut not alot feataury16:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove unnecessary host at haproxy in site.yml
sdakecoolsvap ify ou could make a summary out of this discussion and mail to ml it owuld be appreciated16:28
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add sahara ansible role
coolsvapsdake: sure16:29
sdakecoolsvap thx :)16:30
sdakezhubingbing where are you with barbican?16:30
Jeffrey4lpbourke, inc0 coolsvap sdake please review this. a critical one
sdakeJeffrey4l on it16:30
zhubingbingkeystone +barbican16:30
zhubingbingi plan in magnum use barbican16:31
sdakeJeffrey4l you get rid of the nova volume?16:31
Jeffrey4lsdake, no the nova_compuate volume will be created automatically.16:32
sdakezhubingbing sweet I was looking for someone to tidy up magnum to use x509 certs or barbican conditionally16:32
sdakeJeffrey4l but it doesn't get cretaed in a persisstent way?16:32
sdakewhere is it created16:32
* sdake just woke up - still warming up ;)16:32
sdakeand seriously hung over :(16:32
Jeffrey4lwhen you run `docker run -v nova_compute:/var/lib/nova ...`16:32
zhubingbingsnake,sure i can help you ?16:33
Jeffrey4lno need to create manually.16:33
Jeffrey4lwhen staring/creating the container, it will be created automatically.16:33
Jeffrey4lother containers use this pattern.16:33
Jeffrey4lwe create the volume explicit when we need in some case.16:34
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sdakecool didn't know that Jeffrey4l16:34
sdakeJeffrey4l so jut to clarify - your 100% ceertain after this patch merges we will still have a nova data volume?16:35
pbourkei also didnt know that16:35
sdaketotally not what I would have expected16:35
sdakeJeffrey4l so docker volume ls will show the nova volume then?16:36
Jeffrey4lcheck the glance volume, we never create it explicit.16:36
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Jeffrey4lsdake, yep.16:36
openstackgerritMathias proposed openstack/kolla: Added grafana container
sdakeJeffrey4l - again goes against my thinking of how this stuff should work - so if its bust during the rcs, we may have to be open to a revert here16:37
Jeffrey4lpbourke, sdake when removing container, the volume will not be removed, unless you add the -v paramater when delete. like `docker rm -v nova_compute`16:37
sdakeJeffrey4l yes but what about first time startup?16:37
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sdakeJeffrey4l e.g. do a cleanup-host16:38
sdakeand then deploy16:38
sdakeis nova volume still there?16:38
Jeffrey4lsdake, when you need it for the first time. for the nova. when start the nova-compute container, it will create the automatically.16:38
sdakewhat triggers that?16:39
Jeffrey4lsdake, yes. check the glance role. we never create the glance volume explicit. But the glance volume exist all the time.16:39
Jeffrey4lsdake, docker-engine.16:39
sdakeJeffrey4l got it - so maybe its new feture of docker?16:39
sdakeJeffrey4l can you run docker --version ?16:39
sdakeour min requirement is 1.10.0 and I'd like to keep it that way if possible16:40
Jeffrey4lsdake, hmm this should exist for a long time. i am sure this work at least since docker 1.916:40
sdakeok good enough for me16:40
sdakeJeffrey4l reading through bug log i see what problem yu want to solve16:41
sdakeJeffrey4l if this solves it, then sweet :)16:41
sdakei think we have some other areas to tackle with this as well16:42
Jeffrey4lya. remove the creating named volume is side effect :)16:42
Jeffrey4lsdake, means?16:42
Jeffrey4lmore test?16:42
sdakeJeffrey4l maybe this is not the only scenario where this problem exists16:42
sdake(as described in the bug log)16:42
sdakeclearly we don't want the volume only created once if its missing16:43
sdakebtw, anyone care to explain to me how runonce owrks?16:43
sdake(under the covers)16:43
sdakeJeffrey4l also I +w your patch16:43
Jeffrey4lsdake, hmm it is the /var/lib/nova/instances folder we need create all the time, not the named volume. :)16:44
sdakeright - i get that we only want it to run once16:45
sdakewhat I dont understand bout runonce is how ansible knows to only run the bootstrap task one time16:45
sdakesince ansible keeps no state16:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Create the nova instances directory when need during starting
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sdakei asked sam once and he couldn't gie me a good explination16:46
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Jeffrey4l here how ansible control the bootstrap just run once all the time.16:47
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Jeffrey4lsdake, ^16:48
sdakeJeffrey4l how does this task know only to run only one time:
sdakeor does runnce mean run only on one host?16:49
mark-caseysdake: that. run on one host16:49
sdakeand the changed when: sorts out when to run bootstrpaping16:49
sdakemark-casey cool think i've finaly got thatone now :) thanks16:49
sdakebeen wondering that for years :)16:49
Jeffrey4lsdake, the runonce you mean is `run_once` key word in ansible or others?16:49
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sdakeJeffrey4l yup - i understand it now16:50
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mark-caseysdake: the changed_when only controls when Ansible reports "ok:" or "changed:" for a task, assuming it wasn't "skipped:"16:51
sdakemark-casey yup i understan hw that part works16:51
sdakeits come together16:51
sdakethnks ;)16:51
* sdake STILL learning ansible16:51
sdakebtw folks, milestone 3 had soething like 470 commits in it16:52
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sdaketremendous output!16:52
sdakelast cycle we had something like 1k commits in total16:52
mark-caseyI think we all are :), but yea was just clarifying that part didn't prevent repeated runs of the task - it's only an output thing16:52
sdakethis cycle we hve something like 800 commits thus far16:53
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sdakeand a few hundred more to go i think16:53
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sdakemy sons' birthday today - 12 years old16:56
* sdake getting old16:56
jrich523give it another 6 years and see how you feel :)16:57
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: test the neutron db upgrade fix
jrich523can anyone give me some guidance on setting up the networking? im getting an error about no host resources, and google is telling me its likely network related, which, makes sense since thats a hot mess for me :)17:01
Jeffrey4lmy son started school today.17:01
* Jeffrey4l getting old too. :(17:01
jrich523oh damn, summer is over17:01
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Create the nova instances directory when need during starting
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britthouserwow sdake!  My son turns 11 tomorrow17:05
sdakebritthouser i think you are either younger then you look or got started earlier then I did :)17:07
britthouserHe was born when I was 2517:07
coolsvapsdake: sent17:09
sdakeya i started around 3017:09
sdakebritthouser so I think its a case of both :)17:09
coolsvapgn guys17:09
sdakemy first child was born on a arm shot birth control, and second one on an IUD or whtever it is called17:10
sdakeya - i've got strong swimmers I guess ;)17:11
britthouserSounds like they were meant to be sdake. =)17:11
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jrich523lol or she had some plans she didnt let you in on17:11
sdakei always wanted kids but was never ready17:11
sdakefortunately it was thurst upon me, or I may never have had em :)17:11
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jrich523no one is ever ready :)17:11
sdakejrich523 I find children fairly esy to deal with :)17:12
jrich523usually it isnt the 'dealing with' thats the problem, typically more time/money related17:12
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sdakejrich523 ya - have dual income high tech worker household17:13
sdakeso swimming in cash17:13
sdakeand time - well our kids take care of themselves :)17:13
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sdakewhats cool is I work from home, which means I got to spend alot o time with them hen they were growign into young adults17:14
zhubingbing_  stake can you help review barbican role and barbican docker file17:14
jrich523yeah working from home is nice :)17:14
sdakezhubingbing_ after meeting (1 hour) you got it17:14
sdakeJeffrey4l or pbourke can you also review that17:15
sdakeor both of you actually :)17:15
sdakeneed barbican for magnum17:15
sdakezhubingbing_ can you also add the x509 cert db method for magnum17:15
sdakemadhuri implmeneted it17:15
sdakeshe can guide you - tell her I sent you her way17:15
sdakeby ping her in #openstack-containers not privatey17:15
sdakezhubingbing_ as a separate patch17:16
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zhubingbing_madhuri  what mean ?17:18
zhubingbing_madhuri is a people, she can guide me complete to add the x509 cert db method for magnum17:19
zhubingbing_and i can in #openstack-contariners contact she?17:20
Jeffrey4lzhubingbing_, i think so17:20
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla: Add Senlin Ansible role
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sdakeegonzalez90 say - wil lsenlen land before sept 15th?17:25
sdakeI'm not sure why that was descoped in our last planning meeting17:25
sdakebut seems reasonable to introduce into rc1 if its feasible17:25
egonzalez90if gets reviewed can be before 15th17:26
sdakeegonzalez90 also - it isn't necessary to sign off on blueprints17:26
sdakewith git that is17:26
sdakerather reviews.17:27
* sdake going backto bed ;)17:27
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jrich523wish i could go back to bed17:30
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Jeffrey4lfyi: the neutron bug is fixed. the gate should be all green now.17:35
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add Barbican ansible role
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add gnocchi ansible role
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sdakeJeffrey4l that was fast17:45
sdakejrich523 - ya I was just joking17:45
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla: Add Senlin Ansible role
inc0yaaaaaaaay, they just detected Ebola in Spain17:45
inc0happy summit folks17:46
sdakeinc0 ya i got that same warning rom csco internal17:46
sdakebring your DEET17:46
sdaketick bite = deadly17:46
inc0if you see someone convulsing and spreading blood all around17:46
inc0don't approach17:46
egonzalez90inc0, really?17:46
sdakeegonzalez90 serious17:46
sdake2 people hae disease, 1 dead I think now, and 200 people in quaranteen atm17:46
sdakefirst case of ebola in europe - the notice said17:47
jrich523well you do work from home, so... its possible :)17:48
jrich523im not sure how ticks and ebola are related lol17:48
sdakejrich523 ticks carry the virus17:49
jrich523they carry a lot of things17:49
sdakeTwo cases of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) have been reported from Spain. A 62-year-old man is thought to have been infected via tick bite during a walk in the Castilla-Leon region. A nurse who treated him prior to his death has also tested positive for the disease. She is currently in a stable condition in an isolation unit in Madrid. Authorities are monitoring about 200 people who had contact with either of the individuals. It is likely17:49
sdake this is the first locally acquired case reported in Western Europe. CCHF is a potentially fatal viral illness transmitted by tick bites or through direct contact with infected body fluids. Symptoms include flu-like illness, abdominal pain and bleeding often occurs. There is no vaccine. Protect yourself against tick bites to avoid the illness.17:49
sdakei dont think that is ebola17:49
sdakebut it doens't sound good17:49
jrich523lyme will do similar17:50
jrich523however it doesnt kill you in days17:50
egonzalez90spanish papers says are not ebola, is a similar bloody fever disease17:50
sdakeya - we have alot of lyme disease in arizona17:50
jrich523i have it :-/17:50
sdakeegonzalez90 ya - see above17:50
jrich523they suspect 75-80% of the population has lyme17:51
sdakejrich523 don't know much about it othe then it can be treated within 48 hours if yu have a bullseye after being bitten17:51
jrich523yeah, thats basically wrong17:51
sdakejrich523 well I am not a MD/DO/etc :)17:51
jrich523it requires a lot of antibiotics, like 6 months worth17:51
jrich523which they wont give you unless you are certain you have it, which means a test, which takes a month to come back17:51
jrich523at any rate, there is no killing it, just subduing it..17:52
sdakecan get antibiotics in mexico and come back across the border ;)17:52
jrich523lol honestly, if you think you had it, i'd advise that17:52
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sdakei've seen pictures of what the tick bite looks like17:53
sdakeit looks like a big bullseye17:53
jrich523the bullseye is rare, and if you see it, itsl ike 99% you have lyme...  if you dont see it, its like 75% chance you have lyme lol17:53
jrich523so, rash or not, you're likely screwed17:53
jrich523which is why its believed such a high portion of the population has it17:54
jrich523since symptoms are really across the spectrum, its hard to identify17:54
jrich523they believe the vast majority of hypochondriac cases are actually lyme17:55
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sdakeall the ticks in arizona carry lime dissease17:56
sdakeor most of em anyway17:56
jrich523thats the other common misconception, only deer ticks carry it17:56
jrich523all ticks do, hell even mosquitoes do17:57
jrich523we're all gonna die!17:57
jrich523wait, i mean, we're all dying!17:57
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sdakemy kids think immortality is on the horizon18:00
jrich523it is, sorta18:01
sdakeI think its within human's grasp to live much longer then we do18:01
jrich523we can keep bodies going18:01
jrich523thats "easy" really18:01
jrich523its keeping the brain functioning that we cant do18:01
sdakemy brain works better now then it ever has18:01
jrich523kidney, liver, heart, all replaceable, either with mechnical things or cell printed versions18:01
jrich523well wait till you're 8018:01
jrich523and then we can talk about your brain lol18:02
sdakei hope I dont live to 80 tbh :)18:02
sdakei want to live to a ripe old age of 65-70 and then die in my sleep ;)18:02
jrich523lol you will18:02
jrich523for our age (you're about 40?)18:02
sdakemy poor mother - she is in bad shape - broke hip and back18:02
jrich52380 will be young18:02
jrich523im fairly certain 100 will be our common dying age18:03
sdakei dont want to live without mobility when i age18:03
sdakemy grandmother lived to 10118:03
jrich523meh, self driving cars, exo skeletons, im sure you'll be fine :)18:03
sdakejrich523 frightening :)18:03
jrich523besides, you're rolling in cash, you can buy all thse fancy things to keep you moving18:03
kfox1111"what can go wrong" ;)18:04
jrich523nothing, nothing at all :)18:04
sdakejrich523 would could possibly go wrong ;)18:04
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kfox1111"imagine everything on fire...." :)18:04
sdakeI feel like I've taken enough punishment for two lifetimes :)18:04
sdakeand unfortunaely its just beginning18:04
jrich523well if you plan to live to 80, its half way over :)18:04
jrich523you're almost there!18:05
sdakecoolsvap nice email dude :)18:05
sdakeya its the second half thta sucks18:06
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jrich523can anyone provide some help with setting up networking? i think its the last part to getting this fully working18:26
sdakeas my wife says, cisco didn't build their empire because networking is easy ;)18:30
sdakejrich523 fwiw netorking works perfectly in msater as well as stable branches with either ovs or linuxbridge18:30
jrich523im fairly certain they made it hard on purpose18:31
kfox1111she's not wrong. :)18:31
sdakejrich523 unfortunately I am not  a networking expert - so  idon't know exactly how to set up your environment18:31
kfox1111jrich523: that, sometimes is true too I think. :)18:31
sdakejrich523 sbezverk may be able to help18:31
jrich523well really the problem is that there are no hosts with available resources18:31
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sdakejrich523 another person is jeffrey4l - he undrestands neutron inside and out18:31
jrich523which in reading most people get that because of network issues18:31
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sdakerun nova hypervisor-list18:32
jrich523it shows my one host, up/enabled18:32
jrich523i think what i need to do now can all be done in horizon, but, im doing something wrong i think18:33
kfox1111yeah. if the vm takes a while to launch and finally gives up after 3 attempts, thats usually a network issue.18:33
jrich523i think it was 5 attempts, but yeah... a really horrible msg that provides no details18:33
jrich523even poked around the nova logs, nothing all that useful in there18:33
kfox1111that, is something openstack really suffers from. lots of really unhelpful errors. :/18:34
jrich523right now i have no networks defined, the host is a VM with two network adapters, eth0 is the admin, has an IP assigned to it (vip 30)18:34
jrich523there is no IP assigned to eth118:34
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jrich523both adapters are sitting on the same network (bridge to my local network, 192.168.11)18:36
ntpttrping inc018:37
jrich523so i assume if i create a 'flat' network, that should work out ok?18:37
sdakejrich523 did you take a look at init-runonce script?18:38
sdakejrich523 it needs to be customized foryour environment18:38
jrich523i'll take a look now18:38
sdakejrich523 it sets up all the networks as necessary18:38
sdakealso make sure nova hypervisor-list shows your hypervisors18:38
jrich523it does18:39
sdakeand nova hypervisor-show shows its up and running18:39
sdakethe reason it is not working is probaby because you have not set up the neutron networks18:39
sdakeinit-runonce does this18:39
sdakebut it does it for *my* personal environment18:39
jrich523perfect, i'll dig in to that18:39
sdakeyou will have to customize or your environment18:39
jrich523the nova cmds are looking good18:40
sdakethats good news18:40
sdakethat means you have a functional deployment18:40
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sdakejust user error at this point18:40
jrich523yeah im getting close18:40
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jrich523ok so one thing i noticed before, is that a lot of things are referencing br10018:42
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jrich523which if i do ip a, i see i have a br-ex, br-int and br-tun18:42
inc0yaay neutron is broken18:46
sean-k-mooneyAFKbr100 isnt that a linux bridge thing?18:47
inc0no, migration issue18:47
inc0dbsync is not working18:47
jrich523sean-k-mooneyAFK: from what i've read, yes it is18:47
jrich523all the docs i've come across assume a bunch of things... like.. mostly importantly, that i know linux :)18:47
sean-k-mooneyAFKi know that br100 is one of the default bridges created when using linux bridge in devstack18:48
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: youll use have to start working on the windows install of kolla18:48
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jrich523i'd certainly be more comfortable :)18:49
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sean-k-mooneyAFKwith windows nano server you actully might be able to pull it off at somepoint18:49
jrich523however if its docker, it still uses nix under the covers, so i suspect i'll have similar issues18:49
sean-k-mooneyAFKno there is a native windows runtime for docker18:50
sean-k-mooneyAFKits part of windows server 201618:50
jrich523right, but, when you create containers on windows, that host apps for linux18:50
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jrich523it basically builds a linux kernel to run them18:50
jrich523so... its sort of garbage18:50
sean-k-mooneyAFKyes but if you were doing a windows version of kolla you would not be using linux at all18:51
jrich523i mean, its cool, but if performance matters, not so much18:51
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sean-k-mooneyAFKunfortuetly most of openstack does not run of windows currently so you could only have compute nodes18:52
jrich523so the only windows i could run, would be hyperv instead of kvm18:53
jrich523which, i guess thats cool18:53
jrich523but meh18:53
jrich523in that init script, i see it mentions physnet118:54
jrich523where is that?18:54
jrich523or what is that18:54
sean-k-mooneyAFKphysnet1 one is the default provider network in neutron18:54
jrich523hmm so when i went to do this via the gui (horizon) it populated that as "default"18:55
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jrich523is it smart enough to pull a useful name, or is default just... default18:55
sean-k-mooneyAFKbasically i think kolla maps physnet1 to the br-ex18:55
sean-k-mooneyAFKno horizon is not that smart18:55
jrich523can i "look up" physnet1?18:55
jrich523how do i see if its there?18:56
sean-k-mooneyAFKyou can check the neutron conf18:56
sean-k-mooneyAFKwell technically the ml2_conf.ini18:56
jrich523i really like how i can use powershell on linux now, at least something im use to :)18:57
sean-k-mooneyAFKi like windows but always hated powershell18:58
jrich523how can you dislike objects?!18:58
sean-k-mooneyAFKi dont but if im going to use them ill use c#18:58
jrich523well powershell is real time C#18:58
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK do yo uhave remaining patches for bifrost needed?18:58
sdakeor the bootstrap playbook18:59
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: i dont think soo at least not for this cycle. ill be addressing the techdebt bugs in the next few weeks but they will be ocata i guess18:59
jrich523so yeah, looks like physnet1 is mapped to br-ex19:00
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK you have free reign to do whatever needs to be done to make bifrost and the bootstrap playbooks work correctly all the way up to 3.0.019:00
sdakethat is about 3 days prior to summit19:00
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK that includes any tech debt or redesign that is needed19:00
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK i want to maek sure first and  foremost the api is solid (the api being kolla-ansible's commands)19:01
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: oh ok i taught it all had to completed for n3 e.g. today19:01
jrich523sdake: in this init file, is 10.0.2 your external network?19:02
jrich523which for mine would be 192.168.1119:03
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: i should be starting on the tech debt items next week. i dont think the interface will change much if at all between now and 3.0.019:04
sdakejrich523 10.0.2.z is my extrenal network19:05
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sdake10.0.0.0 is my tenat network19:05
jrich523k, thanks19:05
sdake192.168.1.z is my management network19:05
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sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake the only thing that i was considering currently was should the image build for the baremetal image be a seperate step from the deployment of the bifrost container19:06
Satya_I am facing a issue where the cinder is not able to connect to ceph cluster in kolla19:06
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK cool well thats sort that out19:07
sdakeseptember 15th is deadline for rc119:07
Satya_can anyone help?19:07
sdakeafter rc1, bug fixess only19:07
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK we moved some blueprints into rc1 via FFE19:07
jrich523bah, still no luck19:08
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: ok cool. the only part of the original bifrost blueprint that was not implmented in whats merged was bring your own image.19:09
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sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: currently bifrost build the image it deploys as part of the bootsrap of the bifrost container and you can customise that19:10
Satya_2016-09-01 19:02:58.428703 7fa718ff9700  0 -- >> pipe(0x7fa710008280 sd=3 :48845 s=1 pgs=0 cs=0 l=1 c=0x7fa7100055d0).connect protocol feature mismatch, my 83ffffffffffff < peer 483ffffefdfbfff missing 40000000000000019:11
Satya_when i do a ceph -s from cinder-volume kolla19:11
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: i have not deployed ceph recently but if you go to one of the ceph contianer and do a ceph status is the ceph cluster running correctly19:12
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Satya_my ceph is external19:15
Satya_but i can run ceph -s on the ceph cluster and thats running fine19:15
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sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: my guess is that there is a version missmatch between the version of ceph you have deployed externaly and what kolla/cinder expects19:17
jrich523hmm so according to docs, i should have a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ex, which i do not19:19
Satya_i installed jewel19:20
Satya_and on the cinder volume ceph-common-0.94.5-1.el7.x86_6419:21
jrich523how come no one told me its 12:30 :O19:23
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jrich523hmm so i think i need to create the ipcfg-br-ex which binds it to eth1... maybe...19:23
jrich523cuz physnet1 -> br-ex which currently goes no where19:24
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sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: it looks like kolla expects the hammer release
jrich523.. that broke everything19:30
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523:  no you should not need too19:31
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: are you using ovs19:31
jrich523i dont have a clue19:31
Satya_can we upgrade the release to jewel?19:31
Satya_as my ceph cluster is running on jewel19:31
sean-k-mooneyAFKdose cinder support jewl19:31
Satya_i tried with kilo release19:32
Satya_it was working like charm19:32
sean-k-mooneyAFKkilo release of kolla or cinder19:32
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sean-k-mooneyAFKoh well in that case im not sure why its not working now19:33
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: i belive ovs is the default in kolla19:33
jrich523i think i've seen mention of it19:33
jrich523so its probably that19:33
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: if you do a docker ps you should see an openvswitch container19:34
jrich523yup, a _vswitched and _db19:34
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: if you docker exec into th _db container and run ovs-vsctl show it will show you the bridge confiugration19:35
sean-k-mooneyAFKjrich523: you should see whatever interface was set as neutorn_external_interface is added to br-ex19:36
jrich523that is mapped correctly19:37
sdakeexternal ceph may be incompatible unless its the same version (hammer)19:37
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: i dont know if the ceph driver for cinder use any ceph specifc packages form the ceph repo but you could try chaning to jewle and rebuild the cinder container and see if that resolve the issue but unfortnetly my ceph knolage is limited19:38
sdakeSatya_ - the issue is the protocols change19:38
sdakeand they re not ersioned19:38
sdakeso ceph hammer and ceph jewel are incompatible19:38
sdakemay I suggest installing hammer - or use built-in ceph19:39
Satya_ohh ok19:39
Satya_got it19:39
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: is there a reason we have not bumped the ceph version in kolla to Jewel yet?19:39
Satya_sdake is there any way we can change the cinder volume container to have jewel package?19:39
jrich523im going to grab lunch, i'll bbl, thanks19:40
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: you can specify your own source.list to use when building the containers19:40
Satya_will try that19:40
sdakeSatya_ yes it can be done - but not easily19:41
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sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK no good reason other then hasn't been planned and capacity constraints19:41
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK and it appears an upgrade might be incompatible from Satya_ 's report19:42
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sdakealthough I htin ceph upgrade is a good goal to have and may be worth looking at for rc119:42
sean-k-mooneyAFKi wonder if we would have to upgrade the ceph contaienr between intermediat version of ceph19:42
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK but we have alot on our plates bug wise19:42
sdakei also dont know if ceph has sorted out an upgrade technique19:43
kfox1111anyone using the kube-dashboard?19:43
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: well i would have hoped they would have at least n-1 upgrade supprot?19:44
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sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK no idea - but worth lookign into19:44
Satya_should i raise a bug again it19:45
Satya_and another issue19:45
Satya_nova resize fails19:45
Satya_as nova is not added to the sudoers list19:45
Satya_adding nova to sudoers list works fine19:46
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Satya_this is mainly because while resize vm it runs privsep-helper code as sudo19:46
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: what conatieer didn you added nova to the sudoer list?19:46
sdakeSatya_ we have that one in the queue i think19:47
Satya_thinking of fixing it19:47
Satya_after raising a bug :)19:47
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: the issue is
sdakeSatya_ it may have already merged - moemnt19:48
sean-k-mooneyAFKSatya_: you would need to also allow sudo to the privsep helper19:49
Satya_else resize will fail19:50
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake looking at the reviews i dont see one for the suduers issue19:54
sean-k-mooneyAFKsdake: i also dont see a bug for it but i could just be blind19:55
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sean-k-mooneyAFKanyone know if this is currently being worked on.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1545389 in kolla "Multiple drivers support for nova_compute container" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Lingfeng Xiong (xionglingfeng)20:00
sean-k-mooneyAFKit would be nice if we could have ironic and kvm in the same could20:00
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aNupoiscsdake: are you there20:35
sdakeaNupoisc yes but busy atm20:35
sdakeaNupoisc you sorted out your problems didn't you?20:35
sdakeaNupoisc if not give me 20-30 mins20:35
sdakesean-k-mooneyAFK totally agree :)20:36
aNupoiscsdake: no i tried couple of things but that did not resolved the problem20:36
aNupoiscsdake: okay hover me when you get free20:36
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sdakeaNupoisc kids birthday and i'm jammed up on time21:25
sdakeaNupoisc i may have to get back to you later tonight or tomorrow21:25
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aNupoiscsdake: oh wish him from me. Ahh okay21:26
aNupoiscsdake: do we create an ansible user?21:26
sdakei do not21:26
sdakei run sudo kolla-ansible deploy21:26
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aNupoiscsdake: because docker exec command is asking me to enter password for ansible21:26
aNupoiscand that's where it is sitting forever21:27
sdakeyup i recall seeing error21:27
aNupoiscsdake: ahh then what do you call?21:27
sdakewhat do you mean what od i call21:27
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aNupoiscsdake: i mean how do you deploy then21:28
aNupoiscsdake: do you mean you deploy ceph using some different technique?21:28
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sdakeaNupoisc sametechnique21:45
sdakebut i have my public key in authorized keys for both my normal user and root for an aio deploy21:45
jrich523hey sean-k-mooneyAFK, you around?21:47
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aNupoiscsdake: oh okay seems i have that in mine too. But seems ssh is not giving a problem.21:53
aNupoiscsdake: we can find out that. I am bothering you from your son's bday celebration21:54
aNupoiscsdake: we can have webex session later tonight if possible21:54
jrich523mmmm cake21:55
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aNupoiscjrich523: cake yeah..21:58
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sdakeaNupoisc my schedule jut oepned up - parents cancelled on me21:58
jrich523i hope its chocolate cake21:58
jrich523no cake? :(21:58
aNupoiscjrich523: I love chocolate21:58
jrich523as do i21:59
aNupoiscsdake: :(21:59
sdakeaNupoisc so in 1 hour will yoube around?21:59
sdakehe gets home from school21:59
sdakethen he will want to open his presents21:59
aNupoiscsdake: yes of course21:59
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sdakehow about this21:59
sdakelets start now21:59
sdakeand when I hvet o bounce I have to bounce21:59
sdakeand can be bak after i get done with setup of his new display22:00
sdakehis presents are not yet wrapped22:00
aNupoiscsdake: yes of course22:00
sdakeand his mother is the wrapper in the household22:00
aNupoisci will come on webex22:00
aNupoiscor google talk? what do you prefer22:00
sdakewebex pls22:00
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sdakeclick connect to audio22:03
sdakethe blue button on the left22:03
aNupoiscsdake: i am calling you22:03
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jrich523hey steve, are you at all involved with metapod?22:05
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Pavo*Pavo posting sdake's webex on 1000 social sites* lol22:13
jrich523im fairly certain he'll get an email for everyone that joins it when he isnt there22:14
jrich523and i feel like if he doesnt show up it boots you out22:14
jrich523however im not sure, i do have one of my own tho, and always wondered about it22:15
Pavolol yeah was just messing around22:15
jrich523my url isnt nearly as cool tho :(22:16
jrich523seems a tad over kill22:18
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP Add cinder volume with iscsi and lvm backend to Kube
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP Add cinder volume with iscsi and lvm backend to Kube
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aNupoiscsdake: it worked!!23:19
sdakeaNupoisc as i would expect23:19
sdakegrats :)23:19
aNupoiscsdake: thanks. Versions are indeed very important to look23:20
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