Tuesday, 2025-03-11

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:45
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/oslo.limit master: Call Keystone API once to get (registered_)limits  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.limit/+/94400003:27
opendevreviewStanislav Zaprudskiy proposed openstack/keystone master: Support emitting partial hash of invalid password  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/keystone/+/93242313:25
slaweqhi gtema, may I have qq about oslo policy rules?13:33
slaweqgtema is it possible to define scope of the custom rule in the policy.yaml file somehow? I can't find it anywhere13:33
gtemahey hey, I am just trying to workaround neutron madness around policies and you come with such question ;-)13:33
slaweqor is scope only defined in code for rules and then only the check_str can be overwritten in the yaml file?13:33
slaweqhaha :)13:34
gtemalemme check13:34
gtemabut I would rather confirm you summary that it is not possible13:35
slaweqthat's what I though but I wanted to make sure asking someone more familiar with this13:35
gtemaneah, sorry. I do not see any possibility to change anything beyond the check in config file13:41
gtemaslaweq ^^13:42
slaweqthx for confirmation gtema 13:43
gtemaand btw - I am on porting ownercheck and fieldcheck to OpenPolicyAgent to actually simplify and speed up neutron. Sadly this requires also bit hacking on the policy hook of neutron13:43
slaweqif I can help you somehow, please let me know13:52
gtemasure slaweq, thanks13:52
slaweqI  know we were discussiong in the past about changes in the neutron policies to include descriptions of the apis in docstrings, but I don't have time for this at all13:52
gtemaone of the main things I am currently on about neutron policies is that it is extremely expensive when GET operation deals with many resources (filtering out records and then for every record checking multiple attrs)13:53
gtemaso in devstack for subnet with 200 ports get_ports call takes already 2.5 sec13:54
gtemaand it grows progressively13:54
gtemawith using openpolicyagent simply implementing oslo.policy checks it goes up to 5 sec since every invokation is an http request13:55
gtemabut I just found a method to upload all results to openpolicyagent and filter it there. With that necessary time for policy goes down to 0.3s13:55
gtemaso now I am trying to override a policy hook to invoke it this way in a way that is friendly for deployers13:57
gtemafor ownercheck I implemented a small binary that exposes certain attrs of those resources in question over http by doing direct DB read - this allows http caching13:58
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Testing doc job on Ubuntu Noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.policy/+/94406819:25

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