Monday, 2024-07-15

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:23
*** sfinucan is now known as stephenfin09:01
opendevreviewMarkus Hentsch proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement the Domain Manager Persona for Keystone
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/keystone master: Fix implied roles in the application credentials
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/keystone master: Add a release note to cover fix of implied role for application credentials
gtemathanks noonedeadpunk, I just today realized rn was missing since we were unsure which way to go13:15
noonedeadpunkI've added it in a follow-up though, and rebased the change13:16
noonedeadpunk(rebase was more accidental, but it didn't reset votes, so it's fine I guess :D)13:16
noonedeadpunkI _hope_ that reno in a follow-up will be fine for the team13:16
noonedeadpunkas change is nicely voted, don't wanna reset votes...13:17
gtemayupp, I would update the text since it is not very precise. We were discussing quite long and agreed that AppCreds are designed to be immutable. That means more correct statement is "respect implied/inherited roles during creation of Application Credentials"13:17
noonedeadpunkyeah, true13:18
gtemaexisting AppCreds are not modified since this is against their design13:18
noonedeadpunkgive a sec and will update it13:18
gtemaperfect, thks13:18
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/keystone master: Add a release note to cover fix of implied role for application credentials
noonedeadpunklooks better now?13:19
gtemaperfect, thanks13:20
noonedeadpunkd34dh0r53: would be nice if you could check for this once around, and if we can set +w for the change :)13:20
gtemaDave is in PTO this week13:20
gtemamaybe we can ask dmendiza / Grzegorz Grasza to push +w13:22
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/keystone master: Only log a small debug message for NotFound
fricklerkevko: ^^ iirc you mentioned this some time ago, and I've been annoyed by it for even longer. not sure though if treating all notfounds the same is good or whether it should only be done for some, user, domain, project, role?13:47

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