Monday, 2021-08-02

LinPeiWenHi core! When I turned on domain_specific_drivers_enabled = True, I got01:52
LinPeiWen"ldappool.BackendError: {'msgtype': 97,'msgid': 1,'result': 8,'desc':'Strong(er) authentication required','ctrls': [],'info':'BindSimple : Transport encryption required.'}"01:52
LinPeiWenMy ldap server does not have tls, what should I do01:52
gagehugoThat sounds like your ldap is requiring something additional, not sure if you don't have tls enabled.15:05
lbragstadgagehugo knikolla i took a final pass at
lbragstadand put my +2 on it - let me know if you need me to kick that through or if we want a 3rd to +W it21:17

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