Wednesday, 2016-05-04

jamielennoxbknudson, stevemar, @here: so the change to add is_admin_project to all tokens, not just is_admin_project=true - can i get away with a bug for that?00:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Make all fixture project_ids into uuids
jamielennoxseems trivial for a spec, but it could be considered api00:03
bknudsondoes the API spec need to change?00:04
bknudsona bug would help explain what problem it's causing.00:04
jamielennoxbknudson: it's only referenced in the token option attributes, and doesn't say that it is only set true00:06
jamielennoxso it would be more clarifying it to say that would be always set00:06
jamielennoxbut my reading doesn't indicate i would need to update anything there00:07
bknudsonit's in the "Optional asttributes" section, so it should be moved to the "Required attributes" setion00:07
jamielennoxcan it be required when it's only introduced in a later api version?00:07
bknudsonI guess the spec should say it's required in 3.7 and optional in 3.6 ?00:09
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bknudsonI'd expect it to still be moved to required, and say it was optional in 3.600:10
jamielennoxok, but still seems like i can do that without a spec00:10
bknudsona spec seems like overkill to me.00:11
jamielennoxbknudson: me too, but i thought i'd check with others00:12
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jamielennoxbknudson: filed bug 157799600:21
openstackbug 1577996 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Unable to distinguish between not is_admin_project and feature not enabled" [Undecided,New]
jamielennoxayoung: ^00:21
ayoungjamielennox, its a feature00:22
jamielennoxthere is a question there about adding it to every token, or adding False when admin project is not defined00:22
jamielennoxayoung: everything is00:22
ayoungjamielennox, so, did you catch the hack to fix that we discussed at the summit?  Essentially what you wrote there, but...00:23
ayoungif the feature is not enabled, we put it in the token IFF the user requests an admin_token00:23
ayounga token with admin_role in it00:23
ayoungso...yeah, its on my roadmap00:23
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ayoungjamielennox, does not need to be in the token, though.00:24
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jamielennoxayoung: yea, that was in my policy discussion and what i was going for with the bug00:24
ayoungjamielennox, cool.  I just grabbed it,  assuming you wrote it for me.00:25
jamielennoxi'm happy to fix this one00:25
jamielennoxoh, depends on speed, i was going to do a quick version now00:25
jamielennoxcause i'm thinking i'll need a new cross project spec to fix policy for projects to use it00:25
jamielennoxi was just giving you the heads up because we discussed it00:26
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Revert "Revert "Unit test for checking cross-version migrations compatibility""
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jamielennoxayoung: ping - are you taking it, i was going to fix it but i don't want to repeat the work if you are doing ti01:13
ayoungjamielennox, take it01:14
ayoungits yours, assuming you are going with the solution I just wrote01:14
ayoungif tyou are doing something else, please let me know about it first01:14
ayoungjamielennox, I was going to modify things right here
ayoungsomething like:01:16
ayoungelse: if 'admin' in roles: token_data['is_admin_project'] = True01:16
ayoungand move the check
ayoungjamielennox, make sense, or do you have something else planned?01:17
jamielennoxi don't want to explicitly check admin role - i don't think we need to01:17
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ayoungjamielennox, just put it in all tokens?  That would actually work01:27
jamielennoxyea, that was the plan01:27
jamielennoxstill testing that i haven't done anything silly but basically:
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jamielennoxit's probably not a backport candidate - but it's a shame because it essentially means that is_admin_project isn't useful in this release01:32
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ayoungjamielennox, change line 277 to01:33
ayoungtoken_data['is_admin_project'] = True01:33
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ayoungif the feature is not enabled, always add that to a token01:33
ayoungthat is, essentially what we have now01:33
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jamielennoxayoung: that was the choice i was talking about in the bug, i don't mind which way we go on that01:33
ayoungjamielennox, what is the other choice?01:34
jamielennoxbecause the policy check is going to have to be token.get(is_admin_project, True) for backwards compatibility01:34
jamielennoxso so long as we have = False in there setting true doesn't matter that much01:34
ayoungI'm pretty sure that missing is OK01:35
jamielennoxhaving empty in the token can be used to indicate this feature not being used in the cloud, which i don't know if it matters we leak that anyway as it's easy to guess01:35
ayoungjamielennox, grab this review and test with it:
patchbotayoung: patch 257636 - keystone - Add is_admin_project check to policy.json01:36
jamielennoxayoung: what's adding is_admin_project to the context there01:37
jamielennoxi was thinking because of the unusual default i would want to add an is_admin_project check to oslo.policy01:37
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ayoungjamielennox, getting it right out of the token itself works01:37
ayoungwe do the same thing in cloudsample01:37
jamielennoxyea, works for keystone because we dump the entire token into policy enforcement, not true for other services01:38
ayoungwe have a test that shows it works...01:38
jamielennoxso (not knowing enough of the internals) how will that work if Is_admin_token is not present in the token?01:38
ayoungjamielennox, you sure?  I thought I checked that.01:39
ayoungI had a context patch but killed it01:39
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* ayoung can pull it back up01:39
jamielennoxi have some work to do in oslo.context to add it there as well01:39
jamielennoxand then get all services using it01:39
patchbotayoung: patch 295870 - oslo.context - Add is_admin_project check (ABANDONED)01:39
jamielennoxbecause, ugh01:39
ayoungjamielennox, should I restore that?01:40
jamielennoxayoung: so not exactly as is, i would like to add it to the from_environ check01:41
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jamielennoxwhich would probably mean passing the flag down out of auth_token middleware01:41
ayoungjamielennox, I'll restore and you can take it from there01:41
jamielennoxi don't want to have every service have to figure out what to pass to __init__ there01:41
ayoungjamielennox, yep, see bknudson 's comment, too01:42
ayoungregardless, the change can go into Keystone to start.01:42
jamielennoxyea, i don't think we do oslo.context correctly anyway01:43
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ayoungjamielennox, oslo config question. I want to make the api, the scheduler, the conductor services and  compute node to each read a different Rabbit user out of the Nova config file(s). Are there any tools to make that somewhat easy?01:47
jamielennoxayoung: not afaik if they are reading from the same actual file01:49
ayoungjamielennox, they are in devstack, and whenever co-located01:49
ayoungis there support for includes?01:50
jamielennoxbut those are very different services and the easiest thing to do is probably create a new config file for each service like glance does01:50
ayoungyeah, but they share a huge portion of the config file, I think01:50
jamielennoxi think there is some support for conf directories, but i'm not sure01:50
ayoungI really don't want to rework Nova's config file01:50
jamielennoxayoung: which is a problem for devstack but not your average config mgmt system01:50
ayoungNova core hates me.01:50
ayoungI mean, they hate everyone, but that includes me01:51
jamielennoxayoung: but apparently they had enough people complain about it last week that they are going to do it anyway01:51
jamielennoxi'm told at least the vendordata extension has been undeprecated01:51
jamielennoxand i'm sure they will do it there own way, but it might get here01:51
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ayoungvendordata is for metatdata I thought?01:57
jamielennoxi'm not sure, i just know that someone in that session complained they were using it for something like this but it got deprecated01:57
ayoungCONF(default_config_files=['app.conf', 'mything.conf'])01:58
ayoungSo I could do somethuing like01:58
jamielennoxi still think you should do it the  metadata way for now though01:58
ayoungCONF(default_config_files=['conductor.conf', 'nova.conf'])01:58
ayoungmetadata fro Rabbit?01:58
ayoungor are you tallking about autoenroll01:58
jamielennoxno i mean the instance users still01:58
ayoungcuz on autoenroll I am withh oyou01:58
jamielennoxso to change CONF for rabbit you would need to change code in all your projects01:59
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jamielennoxactually no01:59
jamielennoxyou can probably pass --config-file multiple times to the service start01:59
jamielennoxi think that's how the packages managed to have distro config in /usr/share02:00
ayoungand then each gets a common and a rabbit specific file name.02:00
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ayoungyeah, we do something horrible like that in the Keystone RPM02:00
jamielennoxall the services i think02:00
jamielennoxbecause it sometimes means the defaults are not the same as upstream which is blah02:00
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ayoung dirname = env.get('OS_KEYSTONE_CONFIG_DIR', '').strip()02:08
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harborhi, I know this isn't directly keystone related but there seem to be enough people about who might know the answer :) I'm using ipsilon to authenticate with keystone via federation - and want to map user groups from FreeIPA to keystone user groups - I'm getting everything I need from Ipsilon but in the wrong format : MELLON_group_X etc. but i need a single Var with all the groups in - I've tried a few approche02:27
harbors but seem to be hitting a brick wall?02:27
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harborturned out it was as easy as adding "MellonMergeEnvVars On" to my wsgi-keystone.conf :)03:43
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystone: Always add is_admin_project if admin project defined
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morgani think we have an issue with our migrations.05:02
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stevemarmorgan: ?05:07
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morganstevemar: nope, nvm ... 16.04 changed defaults breaks sql-alchemy-migrate out of the box :(05:07
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stevemarmorgan: weird, devstack ran fine with my 16.0405:07
morganstevemar: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes') [SQL: u'\nCREATE TABLE migrate_version (\n\trepository_id VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, \n\trepository_path TEXT, \n\tversion INTEGER, \n\tPRIMARY KEY (repository_id)\n)\n\n05:08
morganstevemar: oh wait... mariadb vs mysql05:14
morganstevemar: yep. mariadb is all sorts of wonky05:15
morganby default05:15
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stevemarmorgan: i wonder if it worked before mitaka05:16
morganstevemar: i think 16.04 changed things05:16
morganso ... likely not with xenial05:16
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jaosoriormorgan: Stumbled upon the same issue in Barbican. Had to change the the length of the index to fix the 767 bytes that are required in InnoDB databases in the migration script that was crashing. In theory it shouldn't have worked from the beginning05:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Revert "Revert "Unit test for checking cross-version migrations compatibility""
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/keystone: Fix fernet audit ids for v2.0
NeedHelpKestoneFHi all. Is any one had done POC on Keystone Federation ?07:08
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Updated from global requirements
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jamielennoxgah - glance tests run without keystonemiddleware07:22
stevemarthey do07:23
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stevemarnews to me :\07:24
stevemarwhat were they running07:24
jamielennoxthey have a paste file that is only for tests and they just skip authtoken and pass X-Tenant-Id etc as headers07:24
jamielennoxi have no idea how to fix that07:26
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Use betamax hooks to mask fixture results
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Use betamax hooks to mask fixture results
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openstackgerritGyorgy Szombathelyi proposed openstack/keystone: Allow 'domain' property for
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Make keystone exit when fernet keys don't exist
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markus_zHey, tempest sometimes fails because an authentication cannot be made:'title':%20u'Unauthorized',%20u'code':%20401,%20u'message':%20u'The%20request%20you%20have%20made%20requires%20authentication.'%7D%5C%2213:31
markus_zAnyone an idea what's happening there?13:31
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markus_zIt seems to happen only in teardowns when tenants or users get deleted13:35
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markus_zFor the sake of completeness:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1578210 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Keystone fails negative tests with unauthenticated users" [High,Confirmed]13:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Fix fernet audit ids for v2.0
bknudsonhopefully fixes
openstackLaunchpad bug 1577558 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "duplicate for #1578210 v2.0 fernet tokens audit ids are inconsistent" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Lance Bragstad (lbragstad)15:24
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D204, D205, and D207 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D202 and D203 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D200 PEP257 violation.
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raildolbragstad: hey, did you find a way to fix the 'Config file not found, using default configs.' not in u'' error?16:59
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raildolbragstad: I'm having the same problem now :(16:59
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rodrigodsdstanek, ping... care to +A ?17:22
patchbotrodrigods: patch 294201 - keystone - Add conflict validation for idp update17:22
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dstanekrodrigods: looking17:23
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dstanekrodrigods: done17:26
dstaneknice work17:26
rodrigodsthanks dstanek17:26
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stevemarchannel is quiet today17:29
rodrigodsstevemar, yeah, will start to ask for reviews17:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D301 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D211 PEP257 violation.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D208 PEP257 violation.
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stevemarnavidp's changes are landing ^_^17:33
stevemarbknudson: ksc gate should be fixed now... time to drop ksc 3.0.0? :)17:33
bknudsonstevemar: yes, but then there's a note to the mailing list that there won't be releases this week.17:34
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stevemarwomp womp17:34
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stevemarlunch time i guess, things are quiet17:36
rodrigodsbknudson, thanks for the review in
patchbotrodrigods: patch 302299 - keystone - Add identity providers integration tests17:37
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rodrigodstook a while to address everything, but i think it is much better now :)17:37
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lbragstadraildo nope, i haven't fixed that one yet17:46
raildolbragstad: I got this error during the rebase on, so I didn't send a new patch set17:47
patchbotraildo: patch 311811 - keystone - Make keystone exit when fernet keys don't exist17:47
lbragstadraildo it doesn't happen upstream in the gate17:47
lbragstadraildo I can only reproduce it locally17:47
raildolbragstad: great, so I'll send the rebase17:48
kfox1111whats the environment variable for passing a token instead of authing with username/password.17:48
openstackgerritRaildo Mascena proposed openstack/keystone: Make keystone exit when fernet keys don't exist
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone: Replace revoke tree with linear search
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stevemardolphm: if you're around, could use a quick set of eyes18:49
patchbotstevemar: patch 309491 - keystone - Fixing D105, D203, and D205 PEP25718:49
stevemarbknudson: why don't we backport and then lance's fix for fernet+v2+audit_id?18:50
patchbotstevemar: patch 306681 - keystone - Make all fixture project_ids into uuids (MERGED)18:50
bknudsonstevemar: that's one option. I don't have time to do it now.18:50
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stevemarbknudson: i can do it18:51
bknudsonI'm on a squad now so am not sure how much time I'll have to work upstream for a while.18:51
lbragstadstevemar is that going to help with some of the issues in the gate?18:51
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ayoungbknudson, an Infantry squad?18:52
bknudsonayoung: might as well be.18:52
ayoungDid they make you carry the M-60?18:52
lbragstadstevemar dolphm and I are also looking into why all the tempest.api.identity.admin.v2.test_roles_negative.RolesNegativeTestJSON tests are failing18:52
ayounglbragstad, is this more Fernet Fallout?18:53
lbragstadi'll carry an m-6018:53
lbragstadayoung possibly18:53
ayounglbragstad, just make sure the round extractor is in place out you will be carying nothing but a very heavy necklace.  True Story18:53
bknudsonI expect that the incorrect audit IDs is causing revocation to not work18:53
bknudsonsince revocation is by audit id18:53
lbragstadbknudson but we landed that patch?18:54
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bknudsonthe patch landed a couple of hours ago18:54
lbragstadaudit ids should be working for v2 + fernet now18:54
lbragstadayoung lol nice18:54
ayoungbknudson, what do you mean by Squad?18:54
stevemarbknudson: I backported the proejct id patch and rebased lance's bits on it18:55
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stevemarbknudson: upstream will miss you :(18:55
bknudsonayoung: they're making me actually do work.18:55
ayoungbknudson, pretty sure IBM can't afford to have you directed off of Keystone.18:56
stevemarbknudson: your time of idling and sitting on your hands is over!18:56
stevemarayoung: openstack as a whole can't afford that18:57
ayounglbragstad, it was a live fire exercise a Infantry Officer Basic.  I got to fire one round, and then had to pull off the barrel and treat it as a possible live, because the shell was still in the end of it.18:59
ayoungTurns out the person that had it before me lost the extractor.18:59
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lbragstadayoung ha that sucks19:01
lbragstadstevemar if you propose the backports i'll review them19:01
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lbragstadstevemar the gate would be picking this up through master though right?19:05
lbragstadstevemar just asking because there seem to be some patches still failing19:06
stevemarlbragstad: i don't follow, what's failing?19:12
patchbotlbragstad: patch 312207 - python-keystoneclient - Fixing D202 and D203 PEP257 violation.19:12
lbragstadstevemar ignore the pep8 issue19:12
stevemarlbragstad: the functional gate job was failing19:13
stevemarthe dsvm one is probably transient failure19:13
lbragstadstevemar because of fernet + v2.0 + audit_ids?19:13
stevemarlbragstad: i don't think so... cause just merged now19:14
patchbotstevemar: patch 311787 - python-keystoneclient - Fixing D208 PEP257 violation. (MERGED)19:14
openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D105 PEP257
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ayoungstevemar, Here is what I plan on working on this release
stevemarayoung: i like 119:24
stevemari like 219:24
stevemar3 is kinda out of keystone scope19:25
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ayoungstevemar, yeah.  A lot of this getting stuff into Tripleo that we have worked on in Keystone, to get it out to the deployments.19:27
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stevemarall good stuff19:28
stevemari don't quite understand the new federation routes, but hopefully i see a spec that explains it so well a dumb guy like me can understand it :)19:29
openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D204, D205, and D207 PEP257 violation.
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ayoungstevemar, yeah, I'll work with rderose on those19:34
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openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D105 PEP257
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openstackgerritRaildo Mascena proposed openstack/keystone: Make keystone exit when fernet keys don't exist
openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D202 and D203 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D200 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D105 PEP257
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: httpclient: remove unused debug kwargs
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navidpcan you review this19:57
patchbotnavidp: patch 309491 - keystone - Fixing D105, D203, and D205 PEP25719:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Remove test_invalid_policy_raises_error
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arunkantdstanek, stevemar: Can you review . It has been sitting there for quite some time.20:56
patchbotarunkant: patch 279828 - keystonemiddleware - Adding audit middleware specific notification driv...20:56
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystone: Always add is_admin_project if admin project defined
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mfischmorgan: I filed a bug on the memcache thing I found and I think it might have an impact on system resources, but the impact is just a guess for now.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1578401 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "tokens in memcache have no/improper expiration" [Undecided,New]21:50
mfischbonus ghostbusters reference in bug21:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D204, D205, and D207 PEP257 violation.
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openstackgerritNavid Pustchi proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Fix D401 PEP257 violation.
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Updated from global requirements
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mfischdolphm: do fernet tokens not get returned in the revocation list?22:16
mfischdocs says that only for PKI22:16
mfischand I dont see the middleware calling to ask for a list in my keystone logs22:17
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone: Add conflict validation for idp update
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Fixing D105, D203, and D205 PEP257
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D202 and D203 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D200 PEP257 violation.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixing D105 PEP257
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gyeeayoung, fyi, Anchor master branch is broken right now, its Pecan instantiation is outdated23:40
gyeeI got it working finally, but yak!23:41
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ayounggyee, Pecan?  REally?23:53
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