Thursday, 2014-12-04

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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: it'd be interesting to see if that worked00:00
morganfainbergmore planning needed to make it work though.00:00
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: an entry step might be like a hangouts meeting every month or so to discuss specs in addition to IRC00:00
morganfainbergwe can discuss00:01
jamielennoxhmm - not sure how much benefit there is over irc00:01
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gyee_stevemar, still around?00:03
jamielennoxayoung: i don't see that we need in client00:04
jamielennox's no reason for consumers of the client to be building tokens00:04
jamielennoxother than testing and for that we have ksc.fixture00:04
jamielennoxah, client one:
stevemargyee, sorta, about to go eat00:06
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jamielennoxdhellmann: you here? re oslo.context00:06
stevemargyee_, ^00:07
gyee_stevemar, trying to understand k2k00:08
* stevemar runs00:08
gyee_so this ecp stuff00:08
gyee_how come its not part of the API?00:08
stevemarwhat do you mean?00:08
gyee_shouldn't we be having something like this? POST /auth/OS-FEDERATION/ecp00:09
gyee_I mean clients have to wrap saml2 with ecp00:09
gyee_and then post the stuff to SP00:09
stevemargyee_, yes, you are correct...00:10
stevemargyee_, we didn't really know that would be an issue00:10
gyee_I mean we should be able to allow clients to ask for ecp instead of saml200:10
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gyee_I am just looking at it from UX standpoint00:10
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stevemargyee_, if you look here:
stevemargyee_, rodrigods, had to do that (search for transform_assertion_into_ecp)00:11
gyee_stevemar, I am using his script to test the stuff in my setup00:12
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quack_quack_hi, i'm trying to figure out how s3_token works, and I'm having trouble understanding a portion of code that is passed on to keystone's s3tokens api00:12
quack_quack_specifically starting with this line
gyee_stevemar, I am trying to figure out how we can enhance UX by making ecp wrap transparent00:12
quack_quack_'access', 'token', 'signature' aren't really documented as far as I can tell00:12
stevemargyee_, yeah, that's definitely a possible spot for improvement00:13
quack_quack_this is the best that I can find:
stevemarwe can have a new endpoint that wraps it00:13
gyee_stevemar, right, that would be awsomer00:13
jamielennoxquack_quack_: you're almost better to ask the swift guys - i don't think anyone here has much experience with s300:14
quack_quack_thanks jamielennox00:14
jamielennoxquack_quack_: however looking at it, token is the keystone token from X-Auth-Token00:14
jamielennoxand access and signature are generally the way that AWS does auth right?00:14
stevemarquack_quack_, plus we don't like ducks00:14
gyee_quack_quack, what's the problem?00:15
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quack_quack_ok this is making more sense jamielennox00:15
rodrigodsgyee_, stevemar ++ the SP stuff for K2K will help a lot as well00:15
quack_quack_so access is the access key00:15
quack_quack_i'm wondering how signature is calculated00:15
gyee_access is access key ID00:15
gyee_signature is calculated based on ec200:15
quack_quack_gyee, I'm basically trying to figure out how to get from access key id and access secret00:15
quack_quack_to something that authenticates against keystone00:15
gyee_quack_quack, from credential API00:16
gyee_you'll need to create the credential using v3 credential API00:16
quack_quack_sorry gyee_ but what do you mean?00:16
notmynamejamielennox: quack_quack_?00:16
quack_quack_i'm somewhat new to this00:16
gyee_you'lll need to create an ec2 credential00:16
gyee_it has two components, access key ID and secret00:17
* quack_quack_ nods00:17
jamielennoxnotmyname: first time someone has asked about the s3 middleware for as long as i can remember00:17
gyee_secret is used to generate the hmac signature00:17
notmynamejamielennox: we get questions over in -swift from time to time :-)00:17
gyee_access key id is used to identify the key used to generate the signature00:17
gyee_notmyname, while you are here, can I ask you a swift question?00:17
jamielennoxnotmyname: i know that it's only keystone v2, i thought it was essentially dead00:18
* notmyname has zero idea how swift3 middleware and keystone work together00:18
notmynamegyee_: of course! (and I'm always here)00:18
quack_quack_lol notmyname00:18
gyee_notmyname, once an account is marked as deleted and before the reaper take it, can it be reversed?00:18
notmynamejamielennox: swift3 is in stackforge these days. still maintained. I've got a few customers who use it00:18
jamielennoxquack_quack_: that's true - there is an external middleware called swift3 i'd be inclined to use over the one in keystonemiddleware00:18
notmynamegyee_: ya. there's a delay in the reaper00:18
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notmynamegyee_: /me goes to look for the config/docs00:19
gyee_nomyname, what's the magic command/API to undelete it?00:19
quack_quack_jamielennox: so swift3 does the api translation from S3 API to Swift00:19
quack_quack_and then hands off the credential authentication to s3_token in the WSGI pipeline00:19
gyee_quack_quack, you'll need the s3 emulator middleware as well00:19
gyee_which no longer part of Swift :)00:19
quack_quack_yes, swift3 is in stackforge00:20
jamielennoxquack_quack_: oh, right - i'll shut up then00:20
notmynamegyee_: looking00:20
gyee_notmyname, once the reaper started, there's no turning back right?00:20
notmynamegyee_: important questions first. is this something you're currently dealing with? ie is there a fire that needs to be put out before we figure out long-term ops processes?00:21
gyee_notmyname, I am trying debug an issue in out public cloud, its trying to *reprovision* the same account for some reason which I think its wrong00:23
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quack_quack_gyee_: where does token come from?00:23
notmynamegyee_: ok. maybe we should move over to -swift to let keystone have their channel? :-)00:23
gyee_my understanding is that once the account is marked is deleted, its not *recycleable*00:23
gyee_definitely a bug on our end00:24
quack_quack_you mentioned it's x-auth-token but how00:24
quack_quack_ok i get it00:24
quack_quack_thanks gyee_00:25
gyee_quack_quack_, welcome00:26 s3 canonical string is rolled into x-auth-token00:28
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gyee_authorization header I think00:29
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gyee_let me take a look at the code00:29
quack_quack_the canonical string is an S3 calculation00:29
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: duplicate auth-url option returned by BaseGenericPlugin
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Add missing user-id option to generic.Password
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gyee_quack_quack_, right, token contains the canonicalized string00:38
gyee_authorization header contains the access key id and signature00:38
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gyee_rodrigods, your ecp temp has hardcoded "GeneratedKey"?00:41
gyee_ecp template I mean00:41
quack_quack_Thanks gyee_00:41
rodrigodsgyee_, yes00:42
gyee_rodrigods, why?00:42
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gyee_is that the reason we turned off ecp validation?00:42
jamielennoxcan someone give me some UX advice on this one: i'm ok with the idea but the syntax seems horrible00:43
rodrigodsgyee_, the ecp validation is made via the same assertion I guess00:43
rodrigodsgyee_, the difficult was to have a valid soap envelope00:44
rodrigodsgyee_, once I got that one (thx to marekd|away), used it to perform the tests00:44
gyee_rodrigods, but do we have to authenticate ecp? isn't the signature on the saml2 assertion good enough?00:45
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rodrigodsgyee_, ecp only accepts soap00:46
rodrigodsgyee_, there is a step where the SP checks the metadata from the IdP against the SAML assertion signature00:46
rodrigodswhich was failing here00:47
rodrigodswhich *is* failing =(00:47
gyee_looking at the code, I don't see any IdP metadata baked into ecp though00:48
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gyee_jamielennox, ouch! those allow_* params, shouldn't they be part of the filter?00:50
gyee_endpoint filter I mean00:51
rodrigodsgyee_ the X509 part?00:51
jamielennoxgyee_: they will end up as part of the endpoint filter00:51
jamielennoxgyee_: it's how you set it up for the client to use00:52
jamielennoxthis will mean that you could do nova.Client(session, allow_unknown=True)00:52
jamielennoxwhich i don't mind it's just ugly00:52
gyee_jamielennox, why not just a generic dict for endpoint filter00:52
jamielennoxwel lthat's what the plugin takes00:53
jamielennoxit's just how do we set that up to allow users to set it00:53
gyee_rodrigods, I am looking at transform_assertion_into_ecp()00:53
gyee_just the TEMPLATE part00:53
gyee_I don't see any IdP attributes there00:54
rodrigodsgyee_, this is just the envelope. the idp attributes are in the saml assertion generated by keystone00:55
gyee_jamielennox, what I mean is why not just **endpoint_filter or something00:55
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rodrigodswhich is included in the "body" of this envelope00:55
gyee_instead of keep adding stuff to args list00:55
gyee_rodrigods, I see00:56
jamielennoxi guess we could allow passing an arbitrary endpoint_filter there00:56
jamielennoxwe already take things like service_type at the adapter which gets added to the endpoint_filter00:56
jamielennoxso i understand why he did it that way00:57
gyee_jamielennox, my personal preference, but the Python Jadis may disagree :)00:57
gyee_Python Jedis00:57
gyee_rodrigods, how many signatures are there? just the saml2 assertion signature right?00:59
jamielennoxyea, i don't know00:59
rodrigodsgyee_, yes00:59
gyee_rodrigods, so ecp signature = saml2 assertion signature? sorry for asking rudimentary questions as I am still trying to figure out ecp01:01
rodrigodsgyee_, heh no problem, I mean, AFAIK yes01:02
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gyee_rodrigods, cool, thanks for the help!01:03
rodrigodsgyee_ np! :)01:03
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jamielennoxgyee_: if you have a minute can you look at the blocking reviews for ksc and middleware?01:06
jamielennoxthe ksc ones are mostly easy01:06
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gyee_jamielennox, sure01:07
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gyee_-1 from jenkins?01:09
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Remove test PYTHONHASHSEED setting
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct XMLEquals matcher for ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_auth_unscoped_token_project for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_get_v3_catalog test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct catalog response checker for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_identity_attribute_conflict_with_none_value for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct version tests for result ordering
jamielennoxgyee_: transient, the dependant one works01:12
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jamielennoxgyee_: assuming you mean the ksc one01:13
gyee_that's fine01:13
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Split identity server into v2 and v3
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Allow loading other auth methods in auth_token
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gyee_jamielennox, gotta run, I'll finish reviewing the rest later tonight01:27
jamielennoxgyee_: ok, juust saw your no tests comment - not sure what you really want tested there01:27
jamielennoxgyee_: i'll come up with something01:27
gyee_but you are changing the args right?01:27
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gyee_tests would make it awesomer01:27
gyee_be back in a couple of hours01:28
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jamielennoxgyee: thanks01:29
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bknudsonI feel like I just fixed a gate problem and here we go again.01:54
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adam_gbknudson, master branches should be unblocked now, /w,n,z02:16
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Pass all adapter parameters through to adapter
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Pass all adapter parameters through to adapter
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jamielennoxbknudson: are we blocked on neutron stable again?02:32
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adam_gjamielennox, the fix to master just landed, waiting on for stable02:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: sys.exit mock cleanup
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Allow fetching user_id/project_id from auth
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ayoungjamielennox, so I think we have the requirements for DOA down to either do password auth like it is now, or do a redirect  to SSO and accept a token for login.  I think the Kerberos patch is not going to be needed.05:02
jamielennoxayoung: still awake?05:05
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jamielennoxayoung: if i can figure out password auth then the rest are just substituting plugins05:08
jamielennoxi'm looking at the test code now - it's so tightly bound to the current implementation because it's mocking everywhere05:08
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jamielennoxayoung: there's no way i can write these tests in an abstract enough way that they will work with the old and new impl05:09
ayoungjamielennox, yeah, don't bother with that.05:09
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ayoungSo long as the mocking is a direct replacement, I think it will go ahead OK.  I think that the Horizon code also gets a CI of some sort, so you won't break the real thing by replacing direct client creationg with session stuff05:10
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ayoungthe mocking kindof assumes the sequence of are not going to make that seamless05:11
jamielennoxayoung: i can't find any way to isolate the tests, i can't run nose directly05:13
jamielennoxthe only way they'll work for me is under tox, and there is no filter for individual tests05:13
ayoungI recall battling through that...05:13
ayoungI might have resorted to nose05:13
ayoungactivate the venv, pip install nose and run  nosetests05:14
ayoungah, no wait05:15
ayoungjamielennox, there is a testrunner in that code base...05:15
ayoungI think I was running that directly05:15
jamielennoxayoung: isn't making a difference, currently got all but one test commented out05:16
ayoungjamielennox, yeah...its a pain.  I think I did the same thing05:17
ayoungI was running using05:17
ayoung . .tox/py27/bin/activate05:17
ayoungpython openstack_auth/tests/run_tests.py05:17
ayoungI think I might have hacked it at one point to run a specific test instead of commenting the other ones out05:17
ayounglike you, I didn't really want to put the effort into modernizing DOA05:18
jamielennoxi spent 20 minutes or so doing a first pass, just removing mox05:19
jamielennoxand got through like 2 cases05:19
jamielennoxnot my problem05:19
ayoungjamielennox, OK...gonna crash for tonight...unless you got anything else for me?05:20
jamielennoxayoung: nothing pressing i think, need to get a few reviews passed so morgan can do a release05:21
jamielennoxbut they can be tomorrows problem05:21
ayoungsend an email with the pressing ones, I'll hit in the morning05:21
jamielennoxayoung: they're in the blocking review gist in channel header05:21
openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Example Initialization scripts
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ayoungjamielennox, ^^ was a rebase to test my script still ran.  It does05:26
ayoungI'mm make the changes later, thanks for the review on it.05:27
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack/keystone: Handle SSL termination proxies for version list
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MaikeHi, I'm using stable/juno on Ubuntu 14.04. During the I got the following error: "Could not find project: alt_demo08:09
Maike".. Can anyone help me, please?08:09
bretonwhy do you ask here and not in #openstack/#openstack-dev?08:24
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Pass all adapter parameters through to adapter
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MaikeHi, I'm using stable/juno on Ubuntu 14.04. During the I got the following error: "Could not find project: alt_demo09:25
Maike".. Can anyone help me, please?09:25
bretonMaike: why do you ask here and not in #openstack/#openstack-dev?09:31
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marekdhenrynash: hey. Looks like currently identity_api doesn't allow for something like get_group_by_name(name, domain), right?10:35
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Raise proper exception in case of connection error
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openstackgerritMarek Denis proposed openstack/keystone: Identify groups by name/domain in mapping rules.
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henrynashmarked:true…at the manager level you mean?  Hmm, I think you are right…there is a get_user_by_name, but not a get_group_by_name11:46
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marekdhenrynash: yeah, checked it already. I need to implement it for the mapping enhancements.12:03
marekdhenrynash: btw, thanks for supportive comment in the spec.12:03
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Use textwrap instead of home made implementation
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Comparision of database models and migrations.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Use metadata.create_all() to fill a test database
henrynashmarekd: if you want me to wip up a quick change to idenity to add the get_group_by_name….let me know12:18
marekdhenrynash: if you think you will be able to do it quickly and have time that would be awesome.12:20
marekdhenrynash: i started working on mapping engie, but later came across lack of get_group_by_name12:21
henrynashmarekd: I guess we need a spec..maybe we add that to your spec (i.e. make it one of the actions to be done)12:21
marekdhenrynash: i think an action would be enough. I will update it12:21
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henrynashmarekd: although it will only be internal I assume, we won’t expose it in the REST APi?12:23
marekdhenrynash: it won't12:23
marekdi mean, we don't need it for my spec12:23
henrynashmarekd: interestingly the get_user_by_name is exposed by the v2 API, but not the V3 API - so agreed, not required by your spec12:24
marekdhenrynash: yes, but with v3 API everything can be resolved by name/domain12:25
svashekahi guys12:25
svashekacan you give me advice on how better to cover enforcement with automation?12:25
henrynashmarekd: well, usin a list call, yes12:25
svashekaand by automation I mean performance testing12:26
svashekawhich actions I better use for the through python bindings12:26
marekdhenrynash: it uses list, but the final call is like just pasted12:27
henrynashmarekd: yes, indeeed12:27
marekdhenrynash: where is a router/controller for that?12:27
marekdhenrynash: it looks like the logic for getting a group by name/domain is already implemented.12:28
henrynashmarekd: well it is implemented as part of filtering12:28
henrynashmarekd: but filteringis optional inthe backends….and relies on the fact that the controller will do any filtering that was not able to be done by teh backends12:29
henrynashmarekd: so today, the SQL driver WILL do the filtering, but the LDAP will not (and the final wrap_collection in does teh filter in python)12:29
marekdhenrynash: aha.12:30
marekdhenrynash: ok, i am updatng the spec, if you have time, please implement get_group_by_name and in the meantime i will get back to the mapping engine.12:31
henrynashmarekd: you’ll have a first version in less than an hour12:31
marekdhenrynash: thanks :-)12:31
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Move test_utils to keystone/tests/unit/
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openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Add an identity backend methods to get group by name.
openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Add an identity backend method to get group by name.
henrynashmarekd: see:
marekdhenrynash: looking.13:24
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone: Add an identity backend method to get group by name.
ayounghenrynash, +2.  I fixed a typo in the commit message.13:30
henrynashayoung: thx!13:30
marekdhenrynash: i still need to pass domain_id, right?13:30
henrynashmarekd: tes13:30
henrynashyes, even13:30
mzbikwhy again LDAP is "omitted"?13:30
ayoungmarekd, yep...although you could fake it for LDAP!13:30
ayoungmzbik, ?13:31
henrynashayoung: def get_group_by_name(self, group_name, domain_id)13:31
mzbikreturn without use of domain_id13:31
henrynashoops sorry, that was meant for marekd13:31
henrynashmzbik: because the domain_id is handled at the manager level13:31
mzbikjust asking13:32
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henrynashmzbik: our LDAP drivers do not support domains13:32
mzbikget_user_by_name is not really working for LDAP due to sth similar13:32
ayoungmzbik, LDAP assumes that all of the entities are in a single tree, and that tree represents one domain13:32
ayoungit maps to how the vast majority of LDAP servers are set up.  We *could* do multi domain support inside of LDAP, but it would nt be usable by the vast majority of people13:33
ayoungmzbik, so henrynash came up with a better approach:  we use the domain entry in SQL, and then have separate backends fro LDAP.  So if you really need multiple domains in LDAP, you can, its just a little more work.  But the end result maps more closely to real deployments13:33
mzbikayoung, yeah I agree just misread it13:34
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henrynashmzbik: ..and that’s what I meant by doing it at the manager level - the identity manager is really handling this domain-level indirection13:35
mzbikone LDAP = one domain looks good for me13:35
ayounghenrynash, we really should look again at handling hints in the LDAP driver, if only for users13:35
henrynashayoung: yeah, I agree….13:36
mzbikayoung, groups too ;) please...13:36
ayoungmzbik, yeah13:36
ayoungmzbik, care to take a stab at implementing it?13:36
henrynashayoung: as we scale up, without it teh performacne issues will scale too13:36
marekdhenrynash: what is we use something like ?13:36
marekdlooks like it should allow users pass either name or id.13:36
marekdhenrynash: here for instance.13:37
mzbikayoung, I tried to read code yesterday and I made sure that Im really poor programmer :(13:37
marekdunless i misunderstood something....:(13:37
ayoungmzbik, look at how hints are handled for SQL13:38
henrynashmarked: taht’s for create group...13:38
mzbikayoung, did it ;)13:38
mzbikand still stoned13:38
marekdyes, but doesn't it resolve domain_id if user passed its name?13:38
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marekdhenrynash: ^^13:38
henrynashmarekd: that’s in normalize_domain_id....13:39
mzbikayoung, I know my approach looks like "I want it!" but its not13:39
henrynashmarekd: if you haven’t specified the domain, I think the spec says we use the domain from the token if it is a domain scoped token13:39
ayoungmzbik, how strong is your LDAP kung fu?13:40
marekdhenrynash: we need t o change the spec and refuse specyfing domains by names13:40
mzbikayoung, not even white belt :/13:40
henrynashmarekd: sorry, I guess I’m not following you on what the issue is…13:40
mzbikayoung, my first encounter with LDAP was 2 weeks ago13:40
ayoungmzbik, maybe we can browbeat topol into doing it.  He loves LDAP13:41
ayoungok...I gotta run.13:41
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marekdhenrynash: so around line 130 there are local rules with domain identified either by id or name13:41
henrynashmarekd: oh, you maind DOMAIN name, I thought you were talking about group name…13:42
marekdhenrynash: previously? i was talking about group name.13:42
henrynashmarekd: so we havea  get_domain_by_name methods already13:43
marekdbut i thought we could identify the group by it's name AND domains name (like group: consumers in domain: pepsi, not group 'consumers' in domain: '342dfgd65456fghfgh')13:43
henrynashmarekd: we can....13:43
marekdhenrynash: ah, ok so i'll need to add one intermediate step.13:44
henrynashmarekd: in the code, yes13:44
marekdbefore get_group_by_name is invoked.13:44
henrynashmarekd: yep13:44
marekdhenrynash: ok13:44
marekdhenrynash: thanks for the patch13:44
marekdappreciate it.13:44
henrynashmarekd: yw13:44
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Move test_utils to keystone/tests/unit/
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marekdok, be back soon.13:48
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samuelmshenrynash, ping .. the new spec I've to create is to define the api changes of domain-roles, right?13:54
henrynashsamulems: oh, right…sorry I forgot you were going to do that!  I just started writing it in response to Guang’s comment on my sepc!13:55
henrynashsamuelms: but I only just got started!13:55
samuelmshenrynash, can I still do that?13:55
henrynashsamuelms: so happy for you to run with it13:55
samuelmshenrynash, cool .. should that be a new spec or a change on the api?13:56
henrynashsamuelms: so you (i think) propose an api spec to keystone-specs/api/v313:56
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henrynashsamuelms: actually, now extensions are dead, maybe you just proposes a chaneg to; keystone-specs/api/v3/identity-api-v3.rst13:58
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samuelmshenrynash, was about to ask that :p13:59
samuelmshenrynash, going to submit the first version in few hours13:59
henrynashsamuelms: ok :-)14:00
samuelmshenrynash, just to recap : i) domain-role will have its own CRUD ii) the grant api will be extended to accept domain-roles14:00
henrynashsamulems: so we need it own crud to great them and add roles (and other domain-roles) to them14:01
henrynashhower to questions to ponder:14:01
henrynash1) Do we need new grant apis….or can you just use a domain-role-id where you can use a role-id and we’ll figure it out?14:02
samuelmshenrynash, ++ for the 2nd :p14:02
henrynash2) Do you ahve a new CRUD to create/delete domain-roles or do you augment the current one for roels, e.g. add a domain_id to teh role create json structure14:03
henrynashsamuelms: my only reservation is that I think we are going to want different permissions on who can create gobal role and a domain role…so having them as searpate APIs might be better...14:04
samuelmshenrynash, ++14:05
samuelmshenrynash, and when/if we rename roles -> capabilities and domain-roles -> roles we'll have real rbac :p14:06
samuelmshenrynash, as we've discussed some days ago14:06
henrynashsamulems: indeed14:06
samuelmshenrynash, :-)14:06
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samuelmshenrynash, so we've agreed i) new create/delete api ii) extend grant api to support domain-role-id14:06
samuelmshenrynash, when creating a domain-role, how do you expect to receive the contained roles/domain-roles?14:07
henrynashsamuelms: so my concern on jsut acceptin domain-roles=-ids in the exitsing grant IDs…is that kind of maeans that for efficiency, we’ll want to store domain-roles nad roles in the same table14:07
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Migrate_repo init version helper
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Share engine between migration helpers.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Add primary key to the endpoint_group id column.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Add index to the revocation_event.revoked_at.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Explicit MySQL engine designation.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Comparision of database models and migrations.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Fix index name the assignment.actor_id table.
henrynashsamuelms: and I guess I get a bit twichy there….since I saw the roles table very seperate from the domain specifc roles (i.e. roles table might disappear and get_roles might end coming from the service entry or something crazy)14:09
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Use metadata.create_all() to fill a test database
henrynashsamulems: on domain-role members, I kind of expected add/remove role….. a bit liek group membership…but open to ideas14:10
samuelmshenrynash, I also see domain-roles and role tables separated .. but don't seee a big problem on accepting both when granting a permission ..14:12
samuelmshenrynash, the only impact would be when listing/getting role assignments where we have to put  a flag (I think) to say when domain-roles should be expanded to global ones14:13
henrynashsamuelms: so whcih tabel do you look in?14:13
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samuelmshenrynash, that would be used when generating tokens .. but the user can ask for role assingments with domain-roles14:14
henrynashsamuelms: yes, agreed - we need somthing liek that….one might argue that “effective” woudl mean expand everything…teh question is whether we need more fine grained control than that14:15
samuelmshenrynash, yes .. that's an issue .. if the id had a kind of namespace .. we had solved that14:15
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samuelmshenrynash, did you get what I just said?14:17
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samuelmshenrynash, suppose a domain-role named  'hn.vm-manager' .. if we had its id as something like 'hn.<whatever>' .. we could know when we have a domain-role or global role .. even when working with ids14:18
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samuelmshenrynash, this would resolve the problem of so which tabel we look in14:20
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henrynashsamuelms: sorry, was called afk14:25
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henrynashsamuelms: hmm. not too much of a fan of an id as a composite…I14:27
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samuelmshenrynash, other than that we have to ask on both tables if that role/domain-roles belongs to them14:28
henrynashsamulems: which is pretty yuk14:28
samuelmshenrynash, yep14:28
henrynashsamuelms: or we haev one table, or we distinguish it in the url   (i.e. use /domain-role/ rather than /role/)14:29
samuelmsdolphm, just abandoned that change . I'm rebasing the work on the split of assignment backend ..14:31
samuelmsdolphm, I'm talking about 'list role assignments performance'14:32
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dolphmsamuelms: ack14:32
samuelmshenrynash, yes14:33
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samuelmshenrynash, or distinghish by the namespace .. (workaround)14:34
henrynashsamuelms: yes14:34
samuelmshenrynash, I think different url's brake the ux14:34
samuelmshenrynash, since both stand for the same reason14:34
henrynashsamuelms: this is one of those “go mull on it a bit” problems14:35
samuelmshenrynash, yes, I'll write that as a single url .. and we get comments on that and start discussing14:37
samuelmshenrynash, works for you?14:37
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henrynashsamuelms: i’m still troubled by how that would work….so personally, I need to think some more before saying what I feel is best14:39
samuelmshenrynash, so what should I put on the spec.. for now?14:41
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henrynashsamuelms: so I was planning to write it up as seaprate urls, and then examiine it to see how I felt about it….that’s how I (personally) develop my thoughts….but I can’t necessarily say that’s the best way for you to do it14:45
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Remove test PYTHONHASHSEED setting
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct a v3 auth test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct version tests for result ordering
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed openstack/keystone: refactor: use _get_project_endpoint_group_url() where applicable
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dolphmlbragstad: follow up requested on !15:00
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lbragstaddolphm: cool, that looks good to me. I'm happy with that being a follow on patch15:03
dolphmlbragstad: my supertab stopped working i blame you15:04
* lbragstad has the amazing ability to break things by looking at them 15:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystonemiddleware: Make everything in audit middleware private
samuelmshenrynash, ++ .. will go thorugh that road :-)15:05
dolphmlbragstad: which leads me to
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lbragstaddolphm: you're using that instead of pathogen?15:06
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dolphmlbragstad: considering it15:06
lbragstaddolphm: you'll have to let me know how it goes15:06
dolphmlbragstad: i figured since my vim is broken i should start over, right?15:06
lbragstadhah, yes15:06
dolphmbknudson: whoa!
lbragstaddolphm: you could try reverse engineering nonameentername's dotfiles if you're ambitious15:07
dolphmare we actually there already?15:07
bknudsondolphm: yea, there were a few tests that didn't work15:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fix importing config module and classmethod params
dolphmlbragstad: actually, supertab is working for me in gvim, but not in vim15:09
dolphmbknudson: long sequence of patches though, but awesome!15:09
lbragstaddolphm: strange!15:10
bknudsondolphm: I didn't know how long it would take to merge it and figured new broken tests would be added before the final one was merged.15:10
bknudsonso might as well get the individual fixes out of the way15:10
dolphmbknudson: =) i'll try and get through the sequence today15:11
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stevemarhenrynash, one comment about the exception says group_id but you pass in group_name15:19
stevemaractually, we do that for get_user_by_name, too, so that's not a big deal15:20
bknudsonit is a big deal because it's confusing15:21
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dolphmstevemar: i'd like to fix that *everywhere* :-/15:21
dolphmpretty sure we do that for almost every not-found-by-name15:21
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stevemardolphm, probably, it's relatively harmless though15:22
bknudsonwhen you're an admin trying to figure out what went wrong and you're sent down the wrong path it's not harmless.15:23
dolphmstevemar: except devananda filed a UX bug recently with similar confusion15:23
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dolphmstevemar: the UX fix
stevemarokay okay, no need to twist my arm about it bknudson :)15:24
dolphmlbragstad: i wrote you 45 lines of tests for my UX improvement ^15:24
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stevemardolphm, bknudson so i guess we just have to introduce a new exception and fix it in certain spots15:26
lbragstaddolphm: nice!15:26
bknudsonluckily there's no limit on the number of exceptions in python.15:27
dolphmstevemar: yeah, or maybe just a new optional kwarg on the existing exceptions to say "hey this is a name, it needs a different message"? i haven't looked at what would be easier15:28
stevemardolphm, maybe, just keep in mind that with an ldap the ids can be names too15:29
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openstackgerritMarek Denis proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Mapping enhancements - direct groups mapping.
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dhellmanndolphm: I'm looking into do you have a second to discuss it?15:42
bknudsondolphm: found another one... I wonder what the HASHSEED was?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1398979 in oslo.config "oslo-config-generator omits entire sections" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:42
dolphmbknudson: that's15:42
bknudsonhere it is: PYTHONHASHSEED='123197142'15:42
dolphmbknudson: a good question. we should totally log it on init15:42
bknudsonI didn't try that one.15:42
bknudsonI only did 1 - 1015:42
dolphmbknudson: haha15:42
dolphmbknudson: get your act together, son15:43
bknudsonI'm going to need a faster computer15:43
dolphmbknudson: Dear Watson, please test all the hash seeds for me, thanks.15:44
dolphmbknudson: maybe compute the hashseed based on the day or week or something for other projects, so they're forced to fix at least one of these bugs on some ongoing basis15:45
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marekdstevemar: thanks for (another) +2 on mapping enhancements spec!15:53
stevemarnp marekd ;)15:55
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Remove test PYTHONHASHSEED setting
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_get_v3_catalog test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct catalog response checker for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct a v3 auth test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct version tests for result ordering
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darren-wanghi, are Paste filters "user_crud_extension" and "crud_extension" still necessary in v3 API?16:01
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openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Comparision of database models and migrations.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Use metadata.create_all() to fill a test database
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Remove test PYTHONHASHSEED setting
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct XMLEquals matcher for ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_auth_unscoped_token_project for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct test_get_v3_catalog test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct catalog response checker for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct a v3 auth test for result ordering
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Correct version tests for result ordering
bknudsonunfortunately the issue with the 123197142 HASHSEED was in the first commit in the chain.16:16
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bknudsonI thought sets would be sorted.16:17
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stevemardarren-wang, they shouldn't be required16:22
stevemarbut we keep them around for v2 calls16:22
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bknudsondarren-wang: they're not in the default v3 pipeline --
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openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Migrate_repo init version helper
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Share engine between migration helpers.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Add primary key to the endpoint_group id column.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Add index to the revocation_event.revoked_at.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Comparision of database models and migrations.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Fix index name the assignment.actor_id table.
openstackgerritIlya Pekelny proposed openstack/keystone: Use metadata.create_all() to fill a test database
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mfischcan someone explain what keystone needs rabbit for?16:47
mfischits in the config file but I dont have it setup16:47
openstackgerritMarek Denis proposed openstack/keystone: WebSSO implementation.
mfischmaybe its standard oslo messaging config thats unused?16:51
darren-wang+bknudson: thx +bknudson! they are not in the defualt pipeline, but we can manually add them into pipeline like "federation_extension". yet they are not related to v3, I will not do that.16:52
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samuelmsHaneef, just replied your patch on 'Add support for domain specific roles'17:33
samuelmsHaneef, I meant your comment17:33
samuelmsHaneef, just didn't understand why you -1 that if you just had a question :P17:34
samuelmsHaneef, and that doesn't mean that you disagree with something there17:34
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gyee_samuelms, I think he mean -0.5 instead of -118:00
Haneefsamuelms:  I agree with the patchset, just need little bit clarification on  inherited aspects of domain roles. I will remove -118:07
Haneefsamuelms: Won't the domain roles leak if use  inheritance in HMT  Is that fine?18:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Add an identity backend method to get group by name.
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gyee_Haneef, I think we may ended up defining the scope of inheritance18:15
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed openstack/keystone: Support for running functional federation tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: remove deprecated access log middleware
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Fixes endpoint_filter tests
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samuelmsHaneef, gyee ++18:47
samuelmsfor  HMT, we need to define the scope of inheritance, as gyee said ..18:48
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samuelmsHaneef, the answer is no .. if you use role inheritance . .that inheritance is only applied on that domain18:50
samuelmsHaneef, if the inherited role is on domain, apply that to all projects (and stop where a new domain starts, for the reseller use case)18:51
dolphmtopol: i love this quote: "run ... at scales ranging from individual developers' laptops to multiple hosts in the cloud" -
dolphm#ibm #multiplehosts18:51
samuelmsHaneef, if the inherited role is on a project, apply that to all subprojects18:51
quack_quack_hi, i'm trying to find documentation on the keystone extension for s318:53
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quack_quack_and, i can't find this anywhere18:53
quack_quack_that is, /v2.0/s3tokens18:54
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topoldolphm, refresh the link:  its says  "Docker containers, have a dynamic lifecycle, and can scale to run in concert anywhere from the developer’s laptop to hundreds of hosts in the cloud."18:55
topoldolphm, you spreading FUD? Shame on you18:56
dolphmtopol: now you done it
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topoldolphm, you know I have magic powers. I just don't brag about them18:58
quack_quack_ok i think i found my answer.  s3tokens is just an extension of ec218:59
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dolphmtopol: you can't escape copy pasta
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Haneefsamuelms:   domain_role inheritane on a project stops if the project is not part of domain. Is that correct?19:02
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samuelmsHaneef, just answered your question on the patch19:03
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samuelmsHaneef, domain_role (or global role) inheritance on a project applies to all that project's subtree19:05
Haneefsamulems: Thanks. I  have removed -119:05
samuelmsHaneef, does that answer your question? :-)19:05
samuelmsHaneef, cool .. just saw your +1, fell free to ask additional questions you have19:06
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topoldolphm. wasnt copy pasta. Toby butchered it. I refer you to the IBM press release as being the trusted source.19:17
topoldolphm, I'll work some magic in the background :-)19:18
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openstackgerritNathan Kinder proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Mapping enhancements - direct groups mapping.
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openstackgerritAndre Aranha proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Modify the policy file
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Reuse call to _get_project_endpoint_group in tests
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Authenticated Encryption Tokens
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openstackgerritAndre Aranha proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Modify the policy file
openstackgerritwerner mendizabal proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Multifactor Authentication
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone: Inherited role assignments to projects
openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone: Create, update and delete hierarchical projects
openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone: Adds correct checks in LDAP backend tests
rodrigodswe are almost there ^21:27
morganfainbergrodrigods, can almost taste it.21:28
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Authenticated Encryption Tokens
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Updated from global requirements
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ayoungbknudson, if I run tox -epep8 on keystoneclient  I get a slew of errors like: ./keystoneclient/tests/v2_0/ H302  import only modules.'from keystoneclient.tests import utils' does not import a module21:48
ayoungfrom keystoneclient.tests import utils21:48
ayoungdstanek, ^^ do you guys get that, too?21:48
morganfainbergayoung, latest master?21:48
ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah21:48
bknudsonI'll try it.21:49
ayoungmorganfainberg, I've not tried bloxing away the venv but I think I saw it last time before I blew it away, too21:49
stevemaranyone want to take bets on whether the new OSC release will break the gate?21:49
bknudsonIt's rebuilding venv now.21:50
morganfainbergayoung, didn't see it in gate - and that's pretty new21:50
morganfainbergayoung, review wise.21:50
ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah, I don't see it in gate21:50
ayoungjust local...wondering what is broken21:50
ayoungstevemar, not taking that bet21:50
morganfainbergcheck your tox.ini21:50
stevemarbknudson, you're ever the pessimist, i'll even give you favorable odds21:50
stevemarayoung, cammon!21:50
morganfainbergalso did something pickup oslo_concurrency issue?21:50
ayoungmorganfainberg, haven't touched tox.ini21:51
morganfainbergayoung, because we had H302 with that version of oslo.concurrency21:51
bknudsonstevemar: how are you going to tell if it's openstackclient or neutron?21:51
morganfainbergbknudson, easy, stevemar works on OSC, we can blame him and let him redirect to neutron as needed ;)21:51
stevemarbknudson, lol!21:52
ayoungmorganfainberg, what am Iooking for?21:52
stevemarhue hue21:52
bknudsonayoung: tox -e pep8 on keystoneclient worked for me... I'll try to wipe out .tox21:52
morganfainbergayoung, is the H302 line it's complaining about related to oslo.concurrency?21:52
* morganfainberg goes and checks21:52
bknudsonstill worked after rm -r .tox.21:52
morganfainbergor at least in your local env?21:52
morganfainbergalternatively, you have a python syntax error21:53
morganfainbergor circular imports21:53
bknudsonflake8==2.1.0 pep8==1.5.621:53
morganfainbergpep8 check fails like that in those cases21:53
ayounghmmm...that is possible21:53
morganfainbergbknudson, figured your env would work ;)21:53
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ayoungmorganfainberg, OK...figuring I straighten out the pep8, I'll resubmit the access_info patch.  I'm going to do this work in the client.  Revoke events will use it21:55
ayoungand then I'll try to hit policy21:55
morganfainbergsounds good21:55
* morganfainberg is still mired in internal stuff.21:55
ayoungI'm thinking that if policy and revoke events use it, and I can carry over the existing set of tests, we are in decent shape21:55
morganfainbergprobably going to be through tomorrow.21:55
* morganfainberg learns not to volunteer for reviewing things.21:56
ayoung' bumped the token provider rewrite to K2 anyway21:56
morganfainbergwell non-openstack things ;)21:56
ayoungOK...I wiped the venv and reran tox,  errors galore...I'll see if it is my code...21:56
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ayoungahhhh. picked up the old venv...21:57
ayoungNow it is fine....strange...ok, sorry, false alarm21:57
ayoungmust have needed to wipe the venv to pick up the concurrency fix?21:57
ayoungmorganfainberg, I know what I was going to ask you:  for policy in client, should I use the oslo for now, or have we made any progress toward hosting our own repo for policy?21:58
morganfainbergayoung, uh, i think someone was working on a spec for that21:59
morganfainbergmarekd, pass till tomorrow on ECP wrap.21:59
ayoungone from team Brazil, I think21:59
morganfainbergmarekd, sorry --- i really do want to talk about it21:59
morganfainbergworst case, i'll carve out time on monday or tues21:59
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ayoungImportError: bad magic number in 'keystoneclient.openstack.common.timeutils': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'22:14
morganfainbergayoung, annnnd there ya go22:14
ayoungImportError: bad magic number in 'keystoneclient.openstack.common.jsonutils': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'22:14
ayoungBad Magic Everywhere22:14
ayoungPython 3 issue?22:15
morganfainbergayoung, or missing a utf-8 specifier?22:15
morganfainbergis this py3k or py2 throwing the error?22:15
ayoungpy33 runtests: commands[0] | python testr --testr-args=22:15
ayoung27 ran fine22:16
morganfainbergwell you know b'' is different in py2 and 322:16
morganfainbergmy guess is that is something that can't be b'22:16
ayoung  File "./keystoneclient/tests/v3/", line 16, in <module>22:16
ayoung    from keystoneclient.openstack.common import jsonutils22:16
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ayoungnot in kc yet?22:17
morganfainbergdid somehow you get a wonky file in jsonutils?22:17
morganfainbergor some weird change?22:17
morganfainbergand shouldn't that be oslo.serialization22:18
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morganfainbergnot common.jsonutils?22:18
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ayoungmoved the code over from server, but did that change recently?22:18
morganfainbergjsonutils doesn't exist22:19
morganfainbergin master keystoneclient22:19
morganfainbergit's oslo.serialization22:19
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ayoungand timeutils moved, too22:32
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/pycadf: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Revocation event API
openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Access Info
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Fixes HEAD return code for OS-INHERIT extension
openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone-specs: API doc for Inherited Role Assignments to Projects
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystonemiddleware: Updated from global requirements

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