Thursday, 2014-10-30

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wanghongMay I have a +A on these two patches:, They are simple and have had a +2 long time.00:52
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change tenant to project
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Correct tests to use strings in conf
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Auth token supports deprecated names for paste conf options
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change admin user to service user.
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change occurrences of keystone to identity server
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I tried running Angboard. The  UI rendered, but the AJAX call never returned01:46
ayoungRunning "watch" task01:48
ayoungFatal error: spawn ENOENT01:48
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change tenant to project
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change admin user to service user.
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Fix paste config option conversion for auth options
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I think that making fauxstack into a wsgi should be pretty simple, no?01:53
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: I18n
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ayoungport :35729  eh02:02
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/pycadf: Add release notes
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r1chardj0n3sayoung: hi, sorry, was napping.02:11
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, no problem02:11
r1chardj0n3sayoung: (seem to have caught a cold in time for Paris, yay!)02:11
ayoungI figured out part of it:  opened port :3572902:11
r1chardj0n3sayoung: fauxstack *is* a wsgi app, you just need to hook into it the correct way02:11
ayoungbut I think the real issue is fauxstack02:11
ayoungI run it like this:02:12
ayoung grunt serve --keystone-url=http://$HOSTNAME:5000/v2.002:12
r1chardj0n3swhat's that port for? is that liveReload?02:12
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/pycadf: Add release notes let me see what I get from Curl02:12
r1chardj0n3sright; could probably put in an option to turn it off if it breaks02:12
r1chardj0n3sbut it's too damn useful when developing ;)02:12
ayoungjust seems to han on02:14
r1chardj0n3sif you want to run the proxy as a separate wsgi thing, then you could use fauxstack.main.proxy_app in a regular WSGI setup02:14
ayoung curl
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ayounghow do I debug?02:14
r1chardj0n3sit should give you debug info on what the proxy is doing02:14
ayoungwhere is that stuck?02:14
r1chardj0n3scwd to the grunt serve command02:15
ayoungnothing there02:15
r1chardj0n3sthat would imply flask isn't even being started...02:15
ayoungwould that explain the ENOENT02:15
r1chardj0n3sdo you see "Logging to flask.log" in the grunt serve output?02:15
ayoungRunning "flask" task02:15
ayoungStarting Flask proxy server.02:15
ayoungRunning "watch" task02:15
ayoungFatal error: spawn ENOENT02:15
ayoungFatal error: connect ECONNREFUSED02:15
ayoungFatal error: socket hang up02:15
ayoungFatal error: connect ECONNREFUSED02:15
ayoungFatal error: socket hang up02:15
r1chardj0n3syiles, yeah, wtf?02:16
r1chardj0n3sthat's the proxy failing to start up02:16
r1chardj0n3sENOENT ... hmm02:16
ayoungso how can I run just the proxy?02:16
r1chardj0n3syep, so just:02:16
r1chardj0n3sactivate the venv02:16
r1chardj0n3sand run "python" to see if that works at all02:17
ayoungI'm missing .node-virtualenv02:18
r1chardj0n3sright, that should have been created with "npm install"02:18
r1chardj0n3splease run "npm install" and check for errors02:18
ayoungsudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower  ?02:18
r1chardj0n3suh, do you have Python 3.4?02:18
ayoungwhy sudo?02:18
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r1chardj0n3sin the install instructions, there's two npm install commands02:18
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r1chardj0n3sok, please git pull, I've just relaxed the python version requirement02:19
r1chardj0n3sI had it pinned to 3.4 rather unreasonably02:19
r1chardj0n3ssorry about that02:19
ayounghow do I do a clean setup no?02:20
r1chardj0n3sbut yeah, in the install, there's two npm installation invocations required, because some of the commands *must* be installed "globally" in /usr/local, but the rest can be local (node just doesn't have a venv solution like python, sadly)02:20
r1chardj0n3sjust re-run the install commands, should work02:20
r1chardj0n3sthe three install commands in the README that is02:20
ayoung sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower02:20
ayoung  ?02:20
r1chardj0n3sand the next two02:20
r1chardj0n3sjust to be sure02:20
ayoungthat is some scary listing02:20
r1chardj0n3sthey're smart enough to understand that stuff might already be installed02:21
ayoungis that all the 304s?02:21
r1chardj0n3syeah, node folk loves them their many, small dependencies02:21
r1chardj0n3syeah, there's caching up the wazoo02:21
ayoungOK, I see python3 stuff that seems to be working02:21
r1chardj0n3sagain, sorry about that 3.4 pinning02:22
ayoungCreating /opt/angboard/.node-virtualenv02:22
ayoungno problem.  I ignored it at my own peril02:22
ayoung'swhat happens when you work roung midnight02:22
ayoungRunning "watch" task02:23
ayoungOK...let's see02:23
r1chardj0n3sayoung: thanks for giving it a go; if you have any comments about how to make stuff better I'd love to know :)02:23
ayoungOK,  how do I log out?02:24
r1chardj0n3sthere should be a logout link in the sidebar02:25
ayoungGot it02:25
ayoungI think the demo account is borked02:25
ayoungadmin works though02:25
r1chardj0n3sworks for me, though I don't know the password ;)02:25
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, where is the Keystone stuff?02:26
r1chardj0n3sI don't think I've actually had two people going thru the proxy at once - nice to know that bit works ;)02:26
r1chardj0n3skeystone is implemented in app/scripts/controllers/keystone.js02:27
ayoungThis is the way Horizon should have been built from the Get go02:27
ayoungOK...let me see if I can make it work with V302:27
ayoungso we get domains, and Kerberos...02:27
r1chardj0n3sbut note, there's keystone login hacks in the proxy to cache the service catalog, I don't know whether that will need to change at all02:27
r1chardj0n3sthe service catalog caching is required so that the proxy can correctly map actions to the appropriate token-specific URLs that are in the catalog for each user :/02:28
ayoungyes it will02:28
ayounglet me look....all that is in fauxstack right?02:29
r1chardj0n3sin fauxstack/proxy.py02:29
ayoungshould be pretty similary02:29
ayoungthe service catalog looks the same02:29
r1chardj0n3s    # spy on serviceCatalog responses02:29
r1chardj0n3s    if service == 'keystone' and file == 'tokens' and \02:29
r1chardj0n3sthat bit :)02:29
ayoungso on V3 the login goes to /v3/auth/tokens02:30
ayounginstead of /v3/tokens02:30
ayoungand the response is...well different JSON02:30
r1chardj0n3swell, that's what versioning is for ;)02:31
ayoungso I think the only thing that needs to change is02:31
ayoung# spy on serviceCatalog responses02:31
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, and we can use My javascript to show it...02:32
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, you have firebug installed, I suppose?02:32
r1chardj0n3serm, hang on, I'll start firefox :)02:33 that Kinit I had you do yesterday too02:33
ayoungpassword would work too, actually, but it would be good to show you the difference02:34
ayoung  is a slightly different Keystone setup02:34
ayoungit actually talks to the same LDAP server as,  but I chose different defaults when setting it up, etc02:35
ayoungthe biggest difference with IPA/LDAP is that in this one the domain is YOUNGLOGIC.NET, whereas I had to drop the .NET for the one I'm demoing next week02:35
ayounganyway,  you remember how to get an unscoped token, then list tokens, then get a scoped token?02:36
r1chardj0n3syep, clicky clicky02:36
ayoungtake at look at the JSON response in firebug, and you'll see the diff in the scoped token02:36
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ayoungtoken.catalog[0].endpoints  for Keystone02:39
r1chardj0n3sI must be missing something, I'm looking at the net traffic for the "Get Token" bit and there's no identifying information at all being POSTed to keystone, just {"auth":{"identity":{"methods":["kerberos"],"kerberos":{}}}}02:41
r1chardj0n3sI see a www-negotiate in response - I guess the krb plugin is doing magic?02:41
ayoungok,  here's what happens02:50
ayoungfirst, it sends the request with just the negotiate, and gets back the 40302:50
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ayoungthe first time that the browser gets the 403, it goes to the kerberser server (KDC) and gets  a service ticket02:51
ayoungthat service ticket has  enough info in it that only the user and the remote server can decrypt the data that gets sent...its a key sharing mechanism02:51
r1chardj0n3sah ok02:52
ayoungso that 403 has a challenge in it, and the browser uses the info in the ticket  to respond02:52
ayoungthe challenge tells the browser that the server is the right place, and the response does the same for the server02:52
ayoungits 2 way authentication02:52
ayoungwhich is a hell of a lot safer than sending your password to some (possibly Phished) site02:53
ayoungand getting back "Sure! come on in and give me your credit card while you are at it!"02:53
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ayoungthere is a place on firebug you can see more details...I'm a lookin02:54
ayoungif you click get token you can quickly see the 401 (not 403, sorry)02:57
r1chardj0n3syeah, I see that flashing by :)02:57
ayoungthis one is set up with https02:58
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ayoungI didn't do that for yet02:58
ayounganywy,  first step is to get V3 working instead of v2, as that will let us do domains02:58
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r1chardj0n3sshouldn't be too hard02:59
ayoungthen next step is to be able to switch to kerberos for auth, and to deal with getting an unscoped token02:59
ayoungyour logic is based on SQL, where default project is set, and you always get a scoped token02:59
ayoungbut for LDAP, that is not going to be the case02:59
ayoungwithout a scoped token, you get no service catalog02:59
ayoungSo you could do something like this:02:59
ayoungget the token, look to see if it is scoped, if not, list projects (same base AUTH_URL) and select the first one03:00
ayoungthat is what Horizon does03:00
ayoungalso, you can use that list to populat a  drop down, and let people swap which token they have active.  But...03:00
ayoungthere is some issues with Policy, and we want to be able to let people select which token to use for what.  See, domain level operations require a domain token, and Horizon has no way to support that03:01
ayoungbut...that can be down the road03:02
r1chardj0n3sstill a bit of work to go then :)03:02
ayoungthis is cool....very cool03:02
ayoungnkinder, are you still awake?03:02
nkinderayoung: yep03:02
ayoungnkinder, I've got the javascript code that r1chardj0n3s wrote up and running here:03:02
nkinderayoung: angboard?03:02
ayoungnkinder, yes03:02
ayoungnkinder, give a sec03:02
ayoungserver keeps keicking me out and killing the webserver03:03
ayoungoh, wait, getting address already in use, maybe it didn't kill it?03:03
nkinderayoung: it's up03:03
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ayoungnkinder, tenant = admin, user = admin,  same password as you've been using03:04
ayoungnkinder, we were just discussing the steps to Kerberos.  Shouldn't be too bad03:04
nkinderI like that I can see my token contents03:05
ayoungnkinder, so he has a proxy running called fauxstack.  It routes all of the traffic through one server03:05
ayoungso, would still be S4U2 I think03:05
nkinderayoung: what about the other approach we were discussing about handing a token off to the dashboard?03:06
ayoungnkinder, its basically the same thing03:07
nkinderthat could get us SAML and other federation schemes03:07
ayoungthis could do it as well...probably could use the same Javascript03:07
ayoungBoth are using Angular.js03:07
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ayoungnkinder, we could still drop the proxy and go direct to Keystone, it just brings in all of the CORS requirements to do that03:08
r1chardj0n3syeah, ugh, cors03:09
ayoungthis lets the Javascript development move forward without solving CORS up front03:09
r1chardj0n3sthere's also the cookie thing which makes working with swift a lot easier03:09
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I'm trying to make that a feature of auth_token middleware so we can do it with all of the services03:10
r1chardj0n3sayoung: you're still trying to push that?03:10
ayoungthe cookie thing?  Just one of many irons in the forgre03:10
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r1chardj0n3soh, wait, cookie as a middleware thing, not CORS?03:11
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, don't forget we have many use cases03:11
ayoungCORS too, though03:11
r1chardj0n3sI like that plan a lot then :)03:11
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ayoungI think we will need it eventually03:11
ayoungthere are use cases that call for it, but it doesn't need to be a blocker03:11
r1chardj0n3sthe single-point thing that the proxy provides is also nice 'cos you only need one SSL certificate :)03:11
nkinderlooks like great weather for paris... rain Sun-Wed03:12
r1chardj0n3sgreat weather for indoors activities, which I anticipate spending most of my time in03:12
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, OK,  so what would I need to do to convert what you have to mod_wsgi?03:12
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r1chardj0n3sfind a way to use fauxstack.main.proxy_app03:12
ayoungFlask is the web server, right?03:12
r1chardj0n3sproxy_app gives you a wsgi app03:13
ayoungok,  lets say this is going on https://angboard.younglogic.net03:13
ayoungstatic code goes03:13
r1chardj0n3s"grunt build" and then yeah, put the contents of dist in there03:14
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r1chardj0n3s(that's "for realisies" deployment, not dev)03:15
ayoungthat is basically thre app subdir03:15
r1chardj0n3sand all the supporting js/css minified etc03:15
ayoungthen we'd need a wsgi file in /var/www/cgi-bin03:16
ayoungis that run_flask?03:16
ayoungduh no03:16
r1chardj0n3sjust use mod_wsgi?03:16
r1chardj0n3sto serve /api03:16
ayoungbut mod_wsgi needs a single entrypoint, like03:16
ayoungthat is what we use for keystone03:17
r1chardj0n3sright, so maybe someone needs to add paste support so it can be configured reasonably?03:17
ayoungit only requires the AUTH_URL from Keystone as a config value, right?03:17
r1chardj0n3sto be honest, I haven't given much thought to deployment; it's low on the priority list for a prototype :)03:17
r1chardj0n3slogging should also be configured03:18
r1chardj0n3sI guess03:18
ayoungyeah, just to get a demo up that I don't have to worry about crashing03:18
ayoungalso, I need it done "right" for Kerberos support03:18
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I'd be OK with Hardcoding the URL to start.  I just need it in mod_wsgi03:20
ayoungso could we use fauxstack/
ayoungor probably could merge that and proxy into just fauxstack.py03:21
r1chardj0n3sthe intention is that fauxstack grows to be able to actually fake API interaction03:21
r1chardj0n3sthat's why it's split03:21
ayoungah, so we could have a static impl03:21
ayoungI wonder if we could make it kindof a light Keystone...none of the admin functions, just the issue token piece03:23
ayoungwould clean up all of the SSO Kerberos stuff03:23
r1chardj0n3sit'll probably have to have some smarts like that, yeah03:24
ayoungI kindof want to make the token issuing its own pipeline anyway03:24
ayoungwe could, in theory, build that pipeline and fauxstack into one service03:24
r1chardj0n3swhen do you arrive in Paris, btw>03:24
ayounglet me chack03:24
ayoungArrives on Nov 2, 201403:26
ayoungCDG 8:35am03:26
r1chardj0n3sok, cool. there's a horizon gathering in the Meridien bar at 8pm if you're awake :)03:27
ayoung"Its a rainy night in Paris and I'm sitting by the's a pleasure to be soaking in the European rain..."03:27
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, You still look like your profile picture?03:28
r1chardj0n3syep, that's me03:29
r1chardj0n3sand I still likes games03:29
ayoungcool. nkinder didn't want to tell me what he looked like last summit.  If he wasn';t standing next to one of our co-workers that I did not (and grinning like a Cheshire Cat)  he would have gotten away with it.03:30
ayoungI'll bring my Go board03:30
r1chardj0n3sdoes make it difficult :)03:30
r1chardj0n3sI'm packing three boardgames :)03:30
ayoungDo you play Go?03:30
r1chardj0n3snup, never did get into it. have a board, but don't play it03:30
ayoungK...once it grabs gets you hard03:30
ayounglayers upon layers03:31
ayoungMy son recently got a game I bet you'd like03:31
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r1chardj0n3slooks neat03:32
ayoungIts like an intro to number theory.  I still haven't figured out a strategy03:32
ayoungyeah,  10 pieces, each with a number 1 to 1003:32
r1chardj0n3smy daughter quite likes her numbers. hmmm.. :)03:32
ayounga piece can only move onto a multiple of itself03:32
ayoungso 1 can move anywhere, and 10 is restricted to the 10s column03:33
ayoungits when you realize that common multiples are the strategic spaces that gets your head spinning03:33
ayoungmy 8 year old routinely beats me at it, and I'm not throwing the game when he does03:34
ayoungwhat are you bringing?03:34
r1chardj0n3ssorry, was lost trying to figure out the shipping on that ;)03:35
r1chardj0n3sI'll be bringing Dominion, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Lover Letter and Hanabi03:36
r1chardj0n3sa bunch of my co-workers will be bringing games as well. we coordinated so we didn't double-up :)03:36
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ayoungsounds good.  I'm headed to bed.  Oh, and I'll be bringing a Tenor Sax.  Just cuz.03:56
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stevemarr1chardj0n3s, hanabi is a very fun game, get to see folks stress out :)05:04
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r1chardj0n3sstevemar :)05:07
stevemarr1chardj0n3s, i think i'll bring my copy of hanabi too, it's small enough to fit in the suitcase05:07
stevemarand maybe timeline too05:07
r1chardj0n3sno idea when we'll fit gaming in, but we're keen :)05:08
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stevemari'm sure we can squeeze some in05:10
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thiagopHello henrynash. Have you had time to take a look on the PoC of Horizon using the endpoint policy?12:35
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Deep_Hello, I am getting following error while creating service in keystone with postgresql 2014-10-30 18:41:00.524 32196 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (32196) wsgi starting up on 2014-10-30 18:41:08.161 32058 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [-] SQL connection failed. 1 attempts left. 2014-10-30 18:41:18.172 32058 CRITICAL keystone [-] DBConnectionError: (OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect to MySQ14:13
Deep_what i am missing here ?14:14
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ayoungnkinder, I want to do a python-ldap call with system defaults for gssapi.14:15
ayoungthe equivalent of a ldapmodify -X gssapi14:15
ayoungmake that -Y14:16
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jamielennoxDeep_: it looks like your database connection sttring in keystone.conf is wrong14:24
jamielennoxi an't remember what the string is but if it's postgres it should start with postgres:// or something similar to indicate the driver type14:24
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Deep_connection = postgresql://keystone:Passw0rd@localhost/keystone14:26
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Deep_this is my string in the keystone.conf. db_sync is working fine14:26
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Deep_but while adding the service it is failing , few more msg 2014-10-30 19:53:38.445 1791 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi [-] (OperationalError) could not connect to server: Permission denied         Is the server running on host "dgnode2" ( and accepting         TCP/IP connections on port 5432?  None None14:28
Deep_i also added host all all md5 in pg_hba.conf14:31
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jamielennoxDeep_: weird - i was more going on the "can't connect to mysql" string being an issue14:43
jamielennoxif you start up keystone with --debug does it list the correst string?14:43
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marekdstevemar: hey. What version of osc do you think will have all the code required for federated authentication?15:15
marekd0.5 ?15:15
stevemarwhat are we at now?15:15
stevemar0.4.1 apparently15:16
stevemarthen 0.5 will have it15:16
stevemardtroyer, yo15:16
marekdthat's enough for me.15:16
stevemardtroyer, thoughts on cutting a new OSC? cc marekd15:16
stevemardtroyer, we were already talking about it before15:16
stevemarmarekd, what else needs to land15:16
marekdstevemar: did listing  federated projects/domains land?15:17
stevemarmarekd, i played with creating a protocol+mapping+idp last night :) it was great, +1 for less curls15:17
marekdi was out of sync for a little bit.15:17
stevemarmarekd, nope! but it's close15:17
stevemarmarekd, is that it? any more authN bits?15:17
marekdstevemar: ok, so this is something that needs to land.15:17
marekdstevemar: dude, I freely utilize clouds with SAML :-)15:17
marekdand with osc i merged myself. It is indeed nice15:18
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marekdreally great job /cc mhu15:19
stevemari'm so jealous you get to actually use it :)15:23
stevemarmarekd, i had 1 comment, i'll fix it and then +215:23
stevemarwe've been meaning to get a new release out anyway15:23
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stevemarmarekd, if you would be so kind15:28
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mhumarekd, stevemar : nice !15:30
mhumarekd, I am currently toying with django_openstack_auth to add ksc sessions + auth plugins15:32
mhuthe idea is to let the user choose the authentication method on the login form among preselected ones15:32
mhuso with your saml wrapper plugin some form of SAML auth would be possible in Horizon15:33
marekdmhu: it's a first step for websso?15:33
marekdmhu: i think it's more complicated15:33
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marekdthan that15:34
mhumarekd, no, it's actually15:34
marekdstevemar: looking15:34
mhumainly to support auth plugins15:34
mhumarekd, agreed, it'd be some limited form of SAML auth15:35
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marekdmhu: have you thought through whole workflow?15:35
marekdKeystone and Horizon are separate entities.15:36
marekdyou want Hoizon to be a SP, while it's keystone who need to be it.15:36
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mhumarekd, what I am doing won't fit in that workflow, it's really a limited form of SAML auth. :) It'll be a bit like a pretty GUI frontend for osc, in a way15:38
mhuso no redirection to the IdP from Horizon, etc15:39
marekdmhu: ok, i assume you know the stuff15:39
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lcurtishello all...when setting up keystone originally i forgot to add in provider = keystone.token.providers.uuid.Provider15:46
lcurtisdriver = keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token in keystone.conf15:46
lcurtisran into probs with glance, so double-checked docs, then added these lines in under token15:47
lcurtisnow when i start keystone i get ImportError: No module named persistence.backends.sql15:47
lcurtisseems to be okay if i remove driver = keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token15:48
lcurtisis this critical?15:48
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mhulcurtis which version of keystone are you deploying ?15:51
mhulcurtis, so it's icehouse, and in this version the driver is keystone.token.backends.sql.Token15:53
lcurtiswow..thank u so much15:54
lcurtisi was reading juno docs15:54
lcurtisu saved me much headache15:55
lcurtisgreatly appreciated15:55
mhulcurtis, you're welcome ! I guess it's a common error to look at the wrong doc version15:58
amakarovayoung, morganfainberg, dstanek, good day! I've modified trust redelegation patch and started docs: Can you please review it once more?15:59
ayoungwill do amakarov15:59
lcurtisyes...switching back and forth and pulling up docs...stopping and starting installation15:59
amakarovayoung, I'd really appreciate any directions about specs writing - never done it this way before )) Is there any guide available?16:00
ayoungamakarov, we are all just figuring this stuff out16:01
ayoungall that we have is the template.rst16:01
amakarovayoung, telepate_mode=on then ))16:03
ayoungpate is a term for the top of the head...I'm thinking of some dude with an old style phone growing out of there16:04
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amakarovayoung, :D16:05
amakarovayoung, btw about that Popen issue: I found your 2 year old thread about eventlet or vanilla subprocess.Popen usage16:08
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amakarovDid you try to inspect the call stack in order to determine current mode?16:10
ayoungamakarov, since we are moving to HTTPD, we can do something smarter at least on the Keystone side16:10
bknudsonwe've already moved to httpd.16:10
ayoungamakarov, I don't remember. Probably16:10
ayoungbknudson, not everyone has16:10
ayoungbknudson, but...there is the "ensure_popen" thing that we could use to select how to setup the cms call...16:11
ayoungbased on the env call...didn't you work on that?  or was it jamielennox ?16:11
amakarovayoung, I thought about it: we can write wsgi app or even apache extention to proxy HTTP call to library function16:11
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amakarovand let httpd take care about parellelism16:12
jamielennoxayoung: ?16:12
ayoungsorry to ignore, but I'm working on something on a screen that locks me out if I don;t respond quickly...and I need to get it done16:12
ayounggive me a few mintes16:12
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marekdmhu: OS_AUTH_PLUGIN is no longer supported?16:21
mhumarekd, the name was changed, it's OS_AUTH_METHOD now IIRC16:22
marekdmhu: ah-ha16:22
marekdso maybe we could reflect that change in the doc?16:22
marekdits missing now16:22
mhumarekd, you mean the help message when running openstackclient --help ?16:24
mhuor the man page ?16:24
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mhumarekd, thx16:33
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marekdmhu: openstack -h16:33
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marekdOS_AUTH_PLUGIN was changed to OS_AUTH_TYPE and it was not documented anywhere (openstack -h didn't reflect this)16:34
ayoungjamielennox, I was just thinking that we could avoid using popen alltogether based on the environment setup16:35
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jamielennoxayoung: oh - yea, probably16:36
jamielennoxmarekd: oh this is OSC?16:36
ericpetersonquestion from Horizon developer on primary project for a user.   Is that going away at some point?16:36
mhumarekd, seeing as OS_AUTH_PLUGIN was never exposed in a tagged version of osc AFAIK, the change is not really critical, but the option should be documented nevertheless16:36
ayoungericpeterson, sortof16:36
jamielennoxmhu: ah, i've been meaning to find you - i am going to try and do a big overhaul of OSC handling of plugins16:36
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ayoungericpeterson, when you have an LDAP backend, you can't count on that value being present16:37
ericpetersonwould like to have horizon respect that setting on initial login16:37
jamielennoxmhu: there is a whole heap of stuff that we provided in ksc so that all this stuff was standardized and OSC went and did it themselves16:37
amakarovayoung, imho straitforward way is to use one or another depending on current stack16:37
ayoungericpeterson, there are some other ugly related issues16:37
marekdjamielennox: yes, we are talking about OSC16:37
marekdmhu: i could see it in help msg before.16:37
jamielennoxmhu: this is how i would like it to look
ayoungfor example, with cloud-policy, you need to use a domain scoped token to do domain level operations16:37
ericpetersonmaybe if it's there then use it, otherwise the current random behavior stays?16:37
mhujamielennox, cool, I'll give it a look16:37
jamielennoxthere is no reason i can think that OSC should be using stevedore etc16:38
ayoungericpeterson, more like this:16:38
ayoungericpeterson, first, get an unscoped token16:38
ayoungthen, always conver unscoped to scoped16:38
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jamielennoxdirectly rather than using ksc supported stuff - if we want to use OS_AUTH_TYPE instead of OS_AUTH_PLUGIN (i admit a better word) then i would like to make that change in ksc so that it will be picked up by all the clients16:38
ayoungcuz in keystone, we are going to make that a requirement: no more scoped to scoped token exchanges16:38
mhujamielennox, to be honest I wasn't very familiar with stevedore so I just went with what I got working through trial and error :)16:38
david-lylebut in the unscoped token, default project isn't present is it?16:39
jamielennoxmhu: are you at summit?16:39
ayoungdavid-lyle, that is correct, you would have to make an additional query16:39
marekdjamielennox: i was also asking if osc should manage ksc plugins and load them from stevedore.16:39
mhujamielennox, yes, if all goes well16:39
ayoungwe might be able to shoehorn that info in to the unscoped token, but ugh16:39
jamielennoxmhu: all goes well? cutting that a little fine :)16:39
ericpetersonhave to possibly get 3 tokens to finally arrive, oh joy david-lyle16:39
marekdmhu: why would you miss it? it's 10 mins from your house?16:39
ayoungericpeterson, no, just two16:40
jamielennoxmarekd: i don't think it should - it should just rely on KSC16:40
ayoungericpeterson, todaym a user can't even set his own default project. we should just let you guys maintain that info16:40
mhumarekd, I might have to guard the house at enovance :) but yeah, I'd be very surprised if I can't go16:40
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david-lyledo I have access to the default project call with a domain-scoped token16:40
marekdjamielennox: that's what i once said afair16:40
jamielennoxmhu: ok - well we can talk about it there, but essentially i don't think you should do everything via stevedore. Stevedore is good for when people know the plugin they want to load specifically16:41
ayoungdavid-lyle, it won't be in the token data16:41
ayoungyou could get it with an additional call.16:41
jamielennoxif you are doing things like a default, or you want to use token_endpoint (which we already have in keystoenclient) then you can refer to those classes directly16:41
ayoungdavid-lyle we could do something interesting like this:16:41
jamielennoxalso the problem with the way it works now is that OSC is going to get additional --help entries for every plugin that gets installed on the system16:41
david-lyleayoung: understand that, question is, with a unscoped token can I get that info?16:42
ericpetersonayoung I think david-lyle and I are looking for APIs that we have today16:42
ayoungdavid-lyle, the more I think about this, the more complex it gets16:42
ayoungthe short answer is, maybe16:42
david-lyleso you're saying there's a chance16:42
ayoungso from an unscoped token, you pull the userid out, and then do a get user on that16:42
ayoungand the default project, if it exsits, would be in there16:43
ericpetersonseems kinda wierd that keystone has the default project (at least sometimes)..... and we don't get that out of an initial token16:43
ayoungwith the policy files as we've written them , I think so. let me look16:43
ayoung  get_user is admin_required16:43
ayoungand we are moving to16:43
mhujamielennox, but shouldn't the plugin options be listed through --help ?16:44
ericpetersonthat's unfortunate16:44
ayoung "rule:cloud_admin or rule:admin_and_matching_target_user_domain_id",16:44
ayoungthere is no "get my info" call16:44
jamielennoxmhu: maybe - i was thinking of that, but if so i think it should be done via KSC16:44
ericpetersonkeystone knows more about me than I do, it seems ;)16:44
lhchengayoung: for unscoped token doesn't it default to the default project in v3? or are you taking that out?16:44
ayoungbut... we can make something work here.  Since the LDAP case is already broken, and we know that domain admin is broken, lets ask:  what do we need16:44
jamielennoxmhu: so keystoneclient has auth.register_cli_options (or something), if we want that we should have KSC iterate through the plugins and add that info to --help16:45
ayoungand I think the answer is along the lines of jamielennox 's propsal to return a limited service catalog in an unscoped token16:45
david-lyleayoung: what are you doing about the admin_domain_id value in the second, tangent16:45
mhujamielennox, oh right, makes sense ... that's obviously stuff that could be reused in other clients16:45
ayoungI think we need 2 things16:45
ayoung1.  figure pout where user preferences should live16:45
jamielennoxmhu: ++, as much as possible i want OSC to be 'just another CLI', standardize this as much as possible16:45
ayoung2.  figure out what data to return with an unscoped token16:45
mhujamielennox, and this is already covered in ksc ? if so, pretty cool16:45
mhujamielennox, totally agree16:46
jamielennoxmhu: registering yes, it doesn't add the available plugins to --help at the moment16:46
ayoungdavid-lyle, yeah, I don't know about  admin_domain_id...that one is the kicker16:46
david-lyleayoung: big +1 on both from me16:46
ericpetersonayoung horizon already has some limited preferences that we take care of.   but if this setting is going to exist in keystone, it needs to actually do something useful16:46
jamielennoxmhu: i don't know what the cost of that is because you would have to iterate through stevedore all the available names and add them to the option - and it may never be used16:46
ericpetersonso I'd say the initial token should have some pointer to the default project16:47
david-lyleericpeterson: I'd rather the preferences live in keystone, if it's supported16:47
david-lyleor access to the user_preferences API call16:47
jamielennoxmhu: because --help is a static entry, and my understanding is that most things with entry points are a bit slow - but honestly its a CLI thing it probably doesn't matter at all16:47
morganfainberguser preferences for horizon shouldn't be in keystone ;)16:47
ayoungdavid-lyle, in my Javascript proof-of-concept, I did each step explicitly:  authenticate, list projects, get scoped token.  THat is not a nice user experience, but might be OK for the fist time the user logs in16:47
ericpetersondavid-lyle  thats fine too, but we don't have that right now16:47
ayoungit would be nicer to remember "last project I worked with" for people that do many projects16:48
mhujamielennox, yeah ... how many times are you going to call --help anyway ?16:48
ayoungmorganfainberg, but it is more than a horizon issue16:48
ericpetersonhorizon has a related change to store the last region in a cookie16:48
jamielennoxmhu: if we did that we could even iterate the available plugin and have them as 'choices' on --os-auth-plugin16:48
ericpetersoncould do the same for projects16:48
ayoungmorganfainberg, right now, CLI and library also assumes default project if none is specified16:48
morganfainbergayoung, i'm not talking about this specific case16:48
morganfainbergdefault project needs to die16:48
ayoungand OSC breaks due to all the domain stuff...16:48
lhchengdavid-lyle: for the user preference, can we just store it together in the user's extra field?16:48
morganfainberga horrible death16:48
jamielennoxmhu: right well that's what i mean, you would take the hit for iterating them for every CLI call, even if you didn't use --help16:48
ayounglhcheng, nope16:48
ayounglhcheng, that is not writable in LDAP16:49
morganfainberglast project i used would be a better UX imo16:49
ericpetersonif default project needs to die, that's fine.... just need to have a clear direction16:49
mhujamielennox, oh ok, didn't think of that16:49
morganfainbergand i could def. support seeing something like that16:49
ayoungdiscussion for next week16:49
morganfainbergericpeterson, i expect this to be a meetup / pod discussion16:49
lhchengayoung: ah. got in late, you guys are discussing the ldap use case. carry on16:49
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that's totally something that should be a horizon cached thing not in keystone16:49
ayounglhcheng, think more the "user data is read only" use case, but yes16:49
morganfainbergericpeterson, david-lyle maybe toss it on the Keystone meetup-etherpad ?16:49
ayoungFederation is not LDAP, but has the same issues16:49
morganfainbergjamielennox, i'd be fine with that.16:49
morganfainbergjamielennox, things to talk about.16:50
ericpetersonthis change keeps the region in a cookie, could do the same with project
morganfainbergjamielennox, and keystoneclient/osc should probably support the same cache.16:50
jamielennoxmhu: anyway - that's why it doesn't add it to --help at the moment - we can discuss ways of making that cleaner, but i'd like to see OSC reuse as much of KSC loading as possible16:50
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: hmm... not sure there16:51
mhujamielennox, ++ I'll be happy to help with that16:51
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jamielennoxmhu: well that review is massively failing all tests as i got a bit ambitious with the cleaning as you did the initial patch i'd be happy for you to have a go at integrating old and new16:52
jamielennoxi'm messing with neutronclient tests at the moment - which is going to take a while16:52
mhujamielennox, I'll add myself as a reviewer and have a look at it16:53
ayoungericpeterson,  is the direction I'm headed with this16:53
mhuouch, you weren't lying when you said it was massively failing :P16:54
lhchengwondering if this a user data that other service would also leverage other than horizon. if it would be only horizon using the user data, we could just keep it in session or cookie.16:54
ayoungericpeterson, and then Kerberos should be possible with the follow on.16:54
jamielennoxmhu: yea, i started cutting where auth_ref was used. IMO we shouldn't need that - but my opinion is fairly ruthless/not always practical in this stuff16:56
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jamielennoxmhu: I'm sure if it was done as an incremental change it wouldn't be so bad16:56
mhujamielennox, it'll provide a working base anyway16:56
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richmIs there a way to assign a user to a project using the v3 api?
richmYou can List user projects:         GET /users/{user_id}/projects16:57
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bknudsonyou can assign a user a role on a project16:57
richmok - so you have to first have a role defined16:58
richmwhen you create a user, you can set a default_project_id16:59
ayoungrichm, that is oldschool stuff, but yes17:00
jamielennoxrichm: we would prefer you didn't set a default_project_id17:00
ayoungtechincally, if the user has no role on the project, that value is meaningless17:01
ayoungbut it might implicitly add the member role17:01
richmThis is what I'm struggling with - if I have pre-existing users in LDAP, can I assign those users to projects without also assigning them to roles?17:01
ayoungactually, it is ignored in v317:02
ayoungrichm, in the past, users were members of proejcts17:02
richmok - then I need to make sure there is some role defined e.g. _member_17:02
ayoungnow they only have roles in projects17:02
ayoungotherwise we had two different forms of association17:02
ayoungrichm, yep17:03
ayoungthat should be done by the install17:03
richmList user projects:         GET /users/{user_id}/projects17:03
ayoungrichm, specifically, the value in the config file for the member role:17:03
richmor member_role_id17:03
ayoungboth should be set, but are only used by the V2 api17:04
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richmThe GET /users/{user_id}/projects seems to imply that users can be directly associated with projects - but I suppose that is just a convenience method17:04
ayoungotherwise, any role will do, but would avoid using the admin role as that gets elevated perms17:05
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ayoungrichm, it gets the set of projects for which the user has any roles17:05
ayoungneeded in order to select a project for a scoped token17:05
richmugh - the puppet code is going to need a lot of work to properly reflect the v3 relationships (and domains . . .)17:06
ayoungrichm, I would love to kill domains, and just make projects nestable17:07
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stevemari actually like domains :\17:20
nkinderstevemar: I think ayoung does too, just not calling them domains (domain == top-level project)17:22
ayoungstevemar, yes,  a project with no parent is a domain17:23
ayoungbut treat domains like projects17:23
stevemarthats one way of putting it i suppose17:23
stevemarthe word tenant must never return17:23
ayoungtenant/project/domains...they are all just namespaces17:23
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ayoungnkinder, having trouble finding 'KRB5CCNAME'  in Horizon.17:27
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ayoungOooh, maybe owner?  Unix permissions?17:27
amakarovayoung, I heard one our north nation have about 20 names for different kinds of snow :)17:27
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amakarovayoung, ++17:28
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ayoungI have at least 20 words for programming that I shouldn't share in polite company17:29
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amakarovayoung, 20 in total with variations or initial forms?17:32
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marekdstevemar: so what is basically a difference between projects and domains?18:04
marekdstevemar: business usecases or technical ones?18:05
stevemarmarekd, technical, a domain is good way to separate things, it's can contain differen groups, users and projects18:05
marekdstevemar: so, as a user when i scope my token to a domain what can i actually do?18:06
marekdstevemar: boot a vm?18:07
stevemarnot much unless you are a domain admin18:07
marekdstevemar: ok, if i am a domain admin i will then be able to manage it, right?18:09
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stevemarmarekd|away, correcto18:20
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lbragstadqq on some of the older validation stuff that lives in the manager and driver levels.18:25
lbragstadsome of the backends and managers use keystone/ for stuff like
lbragstadwhich leads to tests in places like
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lbragstadwith the jsonschema approach, should we attempt to use the same validation schema for both v2.0 and v3. Or, should we at least make sure *all* validation is done at the same layer (i.e. controller layer like for jsonschema)?18:26
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lbragstadcorrection: s/same validation schema/validation but with different schemas for different versions/18:30
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ayoungnkinder, got a public demo of the kerberos stuff19:41
morganfainbergayoung, awww i'm not authorized for that project19:41
morganfainbergayoung, btw, 10.9 and 10.10 of OSX has krb5 baked in19:42
morganfainbergno external packages needed19:42
nkinderayoung: I need to set my system up for your KDC19:42
ayoungmorganfainberg, ah, this is a new packstack install, so while your user is valid from, it needs a role on a project...19:43
ayoungnkinder, should be just the DNS entry19:43
morganfainbergi actually dont (again) remember my user for ipa.younglogic.net19:43
ayoungdns_lookup_realm = true19:43
morganfainbergwhat was my username btw?19:43
ayoungmorganfainberg, I can reset your password19:43
ayoungone sec19:44
ayoungmfainberg almost certainly19:44
morganfainberggot it19:44
ayoungmorganfainberg, OK, let me give you a role19:44
ayoungmorganfainberg, nkinder ok, it is set19:48
ayounggot move locations...back on line in a few19:48
morganfainbergnow i just need to figure out how to configure the krb5.conf19:49
morganfainberglost the config somehow19:49
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morganfainbergayoung, will bug you post food.19:54
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morganfainbergand that *just* worked20:01
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morganfainberghm, clicking the "signon" button is a bit weird.20:03
nkindermorganfainberg: yeah, that requires some hacking in Horizon to get rid of it IIRC20:05
morganfainbergnkinder, also on OS X holy crap it was easy to setup the identity20:05
morganfainbergonce i .. you know .. figured out the app20:05
morganfainbergand safari just worked.20:05
morganfainbergchrome doesn't hook into KRB5 though in OS X20:05
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morganfainbergi think FF does.20:05
nkindermorganfainberg: FF requires you to set a config option in about:config though20:06
morganfainberganyway. color me impressed with the simplicity of getting logged in20:06
nkinderSSO just seems like magic when it works20:06
* morganfainberg thinks some AD folks are going to be very happy with this.20:06
morganfainbergi think we're pretty close to having nearly the same level of friendliness for the federated stuff (e.g. SAML based)20:07
morganfainbergwont feel quite as magical though20:07
morganfainberglunch time now20:08
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ayoungnkinder, group membership seems to be messed up.  I have a group called keystoners, and from the command line:20:43
ayoungayoung wheel admins rhidm keystoners freeipa_brewers keystone_admins20:43
ayoung$ openstack --os-auth-type v3kerberos  group show 9df5b04e923a0d4a10081ccc76db25f7317784f44a6b88680a0633480a23f32c20:43
ayoung| Field       | Value                                                            |20:43
ayoung| description | Keystone Upstream Contributrors                                  |20:43
ayoung| domain_id   | YOUNGLOGIC                                                       |20:43
ayoung| id          | 9df5b04e923a0d4a10081ccc76db25f7317784f44a6b88680a0633480a23f32c |20:43
ayoung| name        | keystoners                                                       |20:43
ayoung$ openstack --os-auth-type v3kerberos  group contains user 9df5b04e923a0d4a10081ccc76db25f7317784f44a6b88680a0633480a23f32c 51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce20:43
ayoung51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce not in group 9df5b04e923a0d4a10081ccc76db25f7317784f44a6b88680a0633480a23f32c20:43
ayoung$ openstack --os-auth-type v3kerberos  role assignment list --effective --user 51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------+--------+20:44
ayoung| Role                             | User                                                             | Group | Project                          | Domain |20:44
ayoung| d7ce72b32d5f4a678edd20feda0d73bf | 51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce |       | 85b6aa1fec2349e7bf0376c604b85652 |        |20:44
ayoung| d7ce72b32d5f4a678edd20feda0d73bf | 51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce |       | b99b8eeafb634355b159d139e7827652 |        |20:44
ayoungso member ship is not being returned correctly.20:44
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nkinderayoung: turn on debug logging and see what the filter is20:55
ayoungnkinder, looks like a permissions error20:56
ayoungI don't think it got to the LDAP layer20:56
nkinderpermissions on what?20:56
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bknudsonThis isn't working for me today: openstack --os-identity-api-version=3 --os-auth-url=http://localhost:5000/v3 user list21:13
bknudsonI get "Authentication failure: Expecting to find domain in project"21:14
bknudsonclient isn't sending a domain for project or user...21:17
bknudsonI needed to set "--os-user-domain-name=Default --os-project-domain-name=Default"21:19
bknudsonstevemar: recent change to openstack cli?21:19
stevemarbknudson, i don't think it was ever defaulting it21:20
bknudson"Clean up shell authentication" -- -- hmmmm21:21
stevemarbknudson, yeah, i abandoned that effort
bknudsonstevemar: I agree it's questionable to have a default for the domain...21:22
stevemarbknudson, yeah we get all our options (most anyway) from keystoneclient now21:22
stevemarinstead of carrying our own21:22
morganfainbergayoung, you weren't here when i told nkinder this, but color me impressed on the SSO experience loging in.21:23
morganfainbergstill rough edges and all, but wow.21:23
morganfainbergayoung, well done sir!21:23
stevemarmorganfainberg, details?21:23
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morganfainbergstevemar, ayoung needs to give you a role on his horizon install, but basically kinit your principal on his ipa server then just go to the horizon login21:24
morganfainbergstevemar, then it's click a button to get a token. (the rough edge)21:24
morganfainbergbut, it's SSO... like magic21:24
morganfainbergkrb5 stuffs21:24
morganfainbergstevemar, (i think you have an account)21:24
bknudsonI'll just set "export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default" and "export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=Default"21:25
morganfainbergstevemar, smartinelli21:25
bknudsonno GUI for me.21:25
stevemarbknudson, i think that's what we advise in the docs21:25
morganfainbergstevemar, and
stevemarbknudson, scroll down a bit21:26
ayoungmorganfainberg, thanks21:26
ayoungmorganfainberg, so I was trying to just set up a group for all that, but group role assignment seems to be broken there21:26
ayoungI'm debugging21:26
morganfainbergayoung, yeah it's wonky21:26
stevemarmorganfainberg, whats the default password?21:26
morganfainbergayoung, and i get an error everytime i login21:26
ayoungstevemar, I'll give you a role directly21:26
stevemaror is there not one?21:26
ayoungstevemar, none21:27
morganfainbergError: Unauthorized: Unable to retrieve usage information.21:27
ayoungno defaults21:27
morganfainbergbut it really does almost feel like magic21:27
stevemarlet me know when i have a role :)21:27
morganfainbergyou know... like SSO is supposed to feel21:27
* morganfainberg is debating getting a laptop w/ 12hr battery life.21:28
morganfainbergi hate that i only get 6hrs on my mbp21:28
morganfainberganyone have opinions on a good travel laptop that legitimately gets serious battery life?21:29
morganfainbergi'm ok with it having a bit less power - i don't expect to need to run massive numbers of VMs.21:30
ayoungmorganfainberg, we're going to need another env var for the keystone client21:30
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ayoungone for setting the auth plugin21:30
morganfainbergayoung, ugh. really?21:30
morganfainbergayoung, ok.21:30
ayoungmorganfainberg, heh21:30
ayoungyeah,  right now I have to do21:30
morganfainbergayoung, i can buy that. though it should be easy if we already have the CLI option21:31
ayoung openstack --os-auth-type v3kerberos domain list21:31
ayoungso we need21:31
morganfainbergok so OS_AUTH_TYPE21:31
morganfainbergwait... we don't have that21:31
morganfainbergok ok so lets fix session to do the ENV var sourc if not passed on cli21:31
ayoungI don't think we have it yet21:33
ayoungthe flag changed recently, it was --os-auth-plugin21:33
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morganfainbergayoung, I'm going to be writing up a blog post re: Federation SSO etc design session results21:37
morganfainbergayoung, FYI i'm totally going to reference what you've accomplished here (and if you have an active post on your blog about it want to link to it too)21:37
morganfainbergayoung, i plan on writing it up post summit session.21:38
ayoungHeh...I have many21:38
ayoungstevemar, Ok, just added a role to your user21:38
morganfainbergi mean if you have one about *this* specific demo / current state.21:38
ayoungusername is21:38
morganfainbergotherwise i'll pick one/some of the other ones.21:38
ayoungno idea what the password is21:38
stevemarayoung, is there a default ?21:39
stevemarmorganfainberg said there might not be one?21:39
ayoungmorganfainberg, I don't think I'll be writing another one yet.  I was going to publicize the thing, but just got the public demo working21:39
ayoungstevemar, this is the kerberos setup I did with you a month or three ago21:39
ayoungI can reset your password if you need21:39
morganfainbergayoung, sounds good. i'll have ya read things over before I post it up anyway.21:39
ayoungstevemar,  if you go there, your browser might have the old password cached21:40
ayoungmorganfainberg, so, yeah, the ldap query for List-users-in-groups is returning no values21:41
morganfainbergayoung, *blink*21:41
ayoungI've executed the same thing by handin the CLI, and it seems to work21:41
morganfainbergthe *rest* API is not working or horizon's call isn't?21:42
morganfainbergor you mean you used LDAPSearch and got results21:42
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ayoung ldapsearch -s base -Y gssapi -D "cn=directory manager"  -b cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net member21:42
ayoungminus the gssapi part21:42
ayoungdeep in the ldap backend...21:42
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ayounghmmmm...using the packages, and this is slightly out of date21:44
ayoungin git that line is one function up21:44
ayoungthe line I was looking at was21:44
ayoungI wonder if there is a bug fix I'm missing21:45
morganfainbergayoung, hmm.21:47
ayoungnah...all that code change back in April21:48
ayoungand may for bknudson 's change....21:49
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ayoungmorganfainberg, anyway, on my machine it resolves to21:51
ayoungreturn conn.search_s(search_base, scope, query, attrlist)21:51
bknudsondon't git blame me.21:51
bknudsonI'm just the git messenger21:51
ayoungprint search_base21:51
ayoungscope =0 which should be 'base'21:52
ayoungquery is just21:52
ayoungprint attrlist is ['member']21:52
ayoungoh wait!21:53
ayoungnow I get a result...21:53
ayoung[(u'cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net', {})]21:53
ayoungso it found the right dn and object, but there are no members21:54
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ayoungdebug shows this query21:58
ayoung2014-10-30 21:57:31.322 13761 DEBUG keystone.common.ldap.core [-] LDAP search: base=cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net scope=0 filterstr=(objectClass=groupOfNames) attrs=['member'] attrsonly=0 search_s /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/common/ldap/
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ayoungnkinder, anything catch your eye there?22:02
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nkinderayoung: we have OS_AUTH_TYPE in OSC already22:03
ayoungdo we?22:03
ayounglet me test22:03
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ayoungnkinder, need to get it into the docstinrg then22:04
ayoungbut it works22:04
nkinderayoung: yeah, I've been using it too22:04
ayoungnkinder, so the groups thing above ^^?22:04
ayounganything jumping out at you?  from the CLI it returns the members, but not python22:04
nkinderayoung: let me get my daughter started on homework, then I'll take a look22:05
ayoungthey look like the same query to me22:05
* ayoung is jealous that kid doing homework does not require constant supervision. Not the case in my household22:05
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henrynashlooking for other peoples views on what descriptive terms that would give a piece of Keystone that looked after the crud of Domains, Projects and Role entities? Assuming that “gaggle, herd or shoal” are all unsuitable….any ideas?  Right now we have “asset” or “resource” as ideas22:11
nkinderayoung: oh, my house is no different.  I may get 2 minutes between pages though...22:12
nkinderayoung: ok, so that filter is strange22:12
henrynash(this is for splitting up the current “assignments” component into “something| + “assignments”)22:13
nkinderayoung: the filter would return every single group entry with all of their member attributes according to that debug log entry22:13
ayoung filterstr=(objectClass=groupOfNames)22:13
ayoungno, look at base22:13
nkinderayoung: oh, the base22:13
ayoungit is the actual object22:13
nkinderok, makes more sense22:13
ayoungits all about...ah forget it22:13
* ayoung can feel the groans22:13
nkinderayoung: so you are trying to list all members of a group?  What OSC command are you using?22:14
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ayoungnkinder, it gets base a DN, so I can't help but think its the attrs22:14
ayoungopenstack --os-auth-type v3kerberos  group contains user 9df5b04e923a0d4a10081ccc76db25f7317784f44a6b88680a0633480a23f32c 51dade76c252e37121c87720d183075d2ab1aa4177b87a341a58375b23e5ffce22:14
ayoungnkinder, I used rpdb and stepped through22:15
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ayoungnkinder, read up just after where bknudson says "git messenger"22:15
ayoung#define LDAP_SCOPE_BASE                 ((ber_int_t) 0x0000)22:16
ayoungso the scope is right22:16
bknudsonthere's no members in that entry22:18
ayoungbknudson, there is when I execute it from the CLI22:18
nkinderayoung: it works for me22:18
ayoungbknudson, when I execute22:18
ayoung ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -H ldap:// -s base -b cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net  "(objectClass=groupOfNames)" member22:19
ayoungI get back dn: cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net22:19
ayoungmember: uid=ayoung,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net22:19
ayoungand many more22:19
bknudsonis it that you don't have authority to get back member attribute?22:19
bknudsonor keystone doesn't have authority22:19
ayoungwas just thinking that22:19
ayoungkeystone is doing an anoymous bind22:20
ayounganonymous even22:20
nkinderayoung: ok, that could be it22:20
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ayounghow do I query the ACL on that object?22:20
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bknudson$ ldapsearch -x SIMPLE  -H ldap:// -s base -b cn=keystoners,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=younglogic,dc=net  "(objectClass=groupOfNames)" member22:20
nkinderayoung: I think I create a user with no special privs22:20
nkinderayoung: yeah, just do what bknudson says ^^^22:20
nkinderayoung: easier to just test it than to look up the ACL (which is stored at a different level than the group)22:21
ayoungno members returned22:21
nkinderayoung: now bind as a user22:21
nkinder...and do the same search22:21
ayoungI'll try an non-prived user after dinner22:21
bknudsonit's just ldapsearch -x will do simple auth, don't need SIMPLE (it was taking that as an attribute name)22:27
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ayoungnkinder, that worked.  Important safety tip22:29
ayoungand now all keystoners are members of the keystoners group22:29
nkinderayoung: my preso already says what access the bind user needs to have when configuring keystone for LDAP22:29
nkinderayoung: listing group members is one of those things :)22:30
ayoungDidn't realize that was limited by an anonymous bind, but it makes sense.  IPA has cautious defaults. As it should22:30
ayoungThere might still be an issue with listing the projects for a user.22:31
nkinderayoung: I know some deployments that completely disable anonymous binds too22:31
nkinder...or limit it to root DSE lookups22:31
ayoungAnd I see an issue with getting the usage information, not sure what that is22:31
ayoungOK..dinner and then gym for me.22:31
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