Tuesday, 2018-08-21

jiaopengjugoldyfruit: Network backup is just doing the protection of the network topology. Some of the network resources are related with the actual physical environment info, like the vlan id or some other things. In different clouds, they are not always same, so it is not like the vm images or volumes, can be transfer to another cloud easily.01:02
jiaopengjugoldyfruit: actualy, the network resource backup is just doing the backup of database records.01:03
goldyfruitjiaopengju: so how can I restore a VM on the other cloud01:10
goldyfruitShould I have the same network/security group created before ?01:10
jiaopengjuwe have removed network dependency of server resource, so you can created manually or using karbor to restore the network01:24
goldyfruitSo jiaopengju if I understand correctly this should works, I should be able to "backup" my instance from cloud1 and restore it to cloud2 ?03:42
goldyfruit(cloud1) $ karbor plan-create protect001 ac9b986e-cd0a-49fb-9513-9d93a4d9dac8 '58bdc334-5485-4939-aefa-eeb3b96f444f'='OS::Nova::Server'='vm1'03:42
goldyfruit(cloud1) $ karbor checkpoint-create ac9b986e-cd0a-49fb-9513-9d93a4d9dac8 b8fdf00f-a587-4d8d-85df-bba070daf0b103:42
goldyfruit(cloud2) $ karbor restore-create ac9b986e-cd0a-49fb-9513-9d93a4d9dac8 8ba7acbc-72f3-492e-9183-feb2ddd7a09803:42
goldyfruitjiaopengju: Again, thanks for your help and tour time, I really appreciate :)03:43
goldyfruitJust tried and got this error:  "Error creating server (server_id:de3ad3c4-e38c-49f4-bc29-d95ab8dc60d3): Unable to find security_group with name or id"04:12
jiaopengjugoldyfruit: if you do not backup and restore the network to ohter cloud, you should create it manually04:27
goldyfruitjiaopengju: you mentioned that it was not possible to restore the network with Karbor, I'm confused. Do you have some command examples (would be nice to having that in the documentation) ?11:56
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