Wednesday, 2017-07-05

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openstackgerritSpencer Yu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for triggers
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liujiongchenying, yuval: we've finished openstackclient plugin for karborclient, waiting for your review!06:05
chenyingliujiong  Thanks for your contributions.06:14
openstackgerritliyanhang proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Drop - it's not needed by pbr
liujiongchenying: yeah, you're welcome! Actually, Spencer Yu did most of the work06:19
chenying Spencer Yu:  Thanks. Welcome you to contribute other bp or features for karbor.06:31
chenyingliujiong  Spencer Yu  There are some plans and bp about karbor here.
openstackgerritHuan Peng proposed openstack/karbor-dashboard master: Drop - it's not needed by pbr
liujiongchenying: OK, I see the list06:37
liujiongchenying: Are they all for Pike?06:38
chenyingliujiong most of them in pike.  Some may be in queen.06:39
liujiongchenying: I got confused with that list - I cannot find more detailed info with those items06:41
liujiongchenying: Like status(completed or not)06:42
chenyingliujiong Maybe I need add a field about the status.06:42
jiaopengjuI think create these bps in launchpad will be better06:43
liujiongchenying: That's essential - especially for newbi like me06:43
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liujiongyeah, launchpad or storyboard06:44
liujiongchenying: I see an item about deployment - RPM package06:45
liujiongchenying: I suffer a lot when I wanted to install karbor in my CentOS system06:46
chenyingliujiong: Yes  To support rpm and deb package.06:46
chenyingliujiong: Do you have any interests to do this work?06:47
liujiongDo you know how could we request for that? I just know we have some repos on github/rdo-packages06:47
liujiongchenying: I know redhat guys will make these RPMs based on every repo there06:48
liujiongchenying: And I don't see karbor or karborclient or karbor-dashboard there06:49
chenyingliujiong I have no idea about it. You could ask yuval about it. IMO, do we need add some rpm packeage script and config for karbor?06:50
chenyingliujiong: Yuval may be online at 4:00.06:50
chenyingliujiong Do you know how cinder or nova project to support rpm or deb package.06:51
yuvalhey, I'm here06:51
yuvalhey chenying and liujiong06:51
liujionghi yuval06:51
yuvalliujiong: thanks for you contributions, great work06:51
chenyingyuval Good morning!06:51
liujiongyuval: my please06:51
yuvalliujiong: is Spencer Yu on irc as well?06:51
liujiongyuval: no, not now06:52
yuvalliujiong: ok :)06:52
yuvalliujiong: regarding your question about rpm06:52
liujiongchenying: this is how cinder package an RPM  ->
yuvalliujiong: the ones in are maintained by red hat06:53
liujiongyuval: yeah, I need to know how could we request packaging RPMs for a new project in OpenStack06:54
liujiongyuval: I'm reading the wiki06:54
yuvalin OpenStack's rpm-packaging repo, there is already a spec for python-karborclient
liujiongyuval: yes, I see it there06:57
liujiongyuval: Looks like we only need to add a template for karbor to that repo06:58
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liujionghi yusb, welcome06:59
yuvalliujiong: yes, but in contrast to karborclient, karbor needs systemd services and apache config files as well06:59
yuvalhey yusb :)06:59
yusbhi, everyone :)07:01
liujiongyuval: yes, they are all needed, I just thought we got a template for apache config file in our own repo07:01
yuvalliujiong: we do, and we need to add it to the rpm-packaging07:02
liujiongyuval: OK, if anyone havn't done this work, I think I can help07:03
yuvalliujiong: great!07:03
yuvalliujiong: I was planning to do that, but I'm currently on the multiple operation engine nodes07:03
liujiongyuval: But you know I'm new to karbor, and I may need all your guys' help07:03
yuvalliujiong: we are here for you07:04
jiaopengjuhi yuval, I have some question to be confirmed in implementing the s3 bank plugin07:12
yuvaljiaopengju: sure07:12
jiaopengjus3 do not support object level expiration07:13
jiaopengjuso, the lease feature can not be implemented as swift07:14
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jiaopengjuswift-object-expirer will auto delete the expired object with header 'X-Delete-After'07:16
jiaopengjubut s3 can only set the expires time to the bucket level (or some objects under the bucket)07:17
yuvalI see07:19
jiaopengjuI think we can add a metadata which contains the expire time to the s3 object, when use 'check_lease_existence', we can check it with the expire time, but not 'if object exist' in swift, and if the object is expired, we can delete it after the check07:19
yuvalLet me look into it for a second07:19
yuvaljiaopengju: you are suggesting to put a custom 'expiry' datetime into the object metadata on acquire_lease, update the datetime on renew_lease, and if on check_lease_validity the datetime has passed, delete the object?07:25
jiaopengjuyuval: yes07:26
yuvaljiaopengju: sounds very good07:27
yuvaljiaopengju: just one thing07:27
yuvaljiaopengju: nevermind. S3 used to have an eventually consistent model, where you didn't have 'read-your-writes' consistency. This seems to be not true now07:30
yuvaljiaopengju: actually, on a second glance, there is this problem07:33
yuvaljiaopengju: s3 is eventually consistent, and after updating an object, there is change of receiving the old data07:34
jiaopengjuyuval: I understand what you mean07:34
jiaopengjuyuval: I think this is depending on the storage media you use. If using AWS S3, the problem may happen. If using Ceph S3, it is strong consistency, and will not have the issue.07:37
yuval"Ceph S3" == S3 API for Ceph? ( )07:43
jiaopengjuyuval: part of s3 api07:44
jiaopengjuyuval: ceph radosgw support S3 and Swift interface at the same time07:44
openstackgerritJeremy Liu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for scheduledoperations
yuvaljiaopengju: maybe, we can define a s3 bucket with expiry = lease_expire_window, and refresh the expiry with
jiaopengjuyuval: it seems that it's use copy object to make the object as a new one07:55
openstackgerritSpencer Yu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for checkpoint
jiaopengjuyuval: there is another issue, the unit of swift's X-Delete-After is 'second', but the lifecycle in s3 use 'day'07:58
openstackgerritJeremy Liu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Fix bug in plan deletion when using osc plugin for karbor
jiaopengjuyuval: so I think use 'metadata with datetime' may be a valid solution08:01
openstackgerritSpencer Yu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for triggers
yuvaljiaopengju: I guess so. We will have to accept the eventual consistency issue08:05
jiaopengjuyuval: Maybe yes08:05
yuvaljiaopengju: you can see a nice summary of eventual consistency occurences in object stores:
jiaopengjuyuval: thanks08:06
yuvaljiaopengju: it speaks about read immediately after another action08:06
yuvaljiaopengju: thank you :)08:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-karborclient master: Fix bug in plan deletion when using osc plugin for karbor
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for triggers
openstackgerritJeremy Liu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for scheduledoperations
openstackgerritSpencer Yu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for checkpoint
chenyinghi yuval  Could you help to review the patches about operation_log API?
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-karborclient master: Drop - it's not needed by pbr
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for checkpoint
openstackgerritJeremy Liu proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for scheduledoperations
openstackgerritchenying proposed openstack/karbor master: Integrate trove to karbor for test (don't merge)
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openstackgerritKiran Totad proposed openstack/karbor master: Use yaml.safe_load instead of yaml.load
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openstackgerritsudhir agarwal proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
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openstackgerritsudhir agarwal proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
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openstackgerritsudhir agarwal proposed openstack/python-karborclient master: Remove unused None from dict.get()
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-karborclient master: Add OpenStackClient plugin for scheduledoperations
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openstackgerritPengju Jiao proposed openstack/karbor master: Increase s3 bank plugin
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