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yinwei_computer | ping saggi | 06:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeremy Liu proposed openstack/karbor: Update .gitignore https://review.openstack.org/401919 | 08:54 |
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yuval | ping chenying_ | 09:26 |
chenying_ | yuval hi | 09:26 |
yuval | chenying_: is there a possibility that the python-karborclient release broke fullstack tests? | 09:27 |
yuval | chenying_: (for example, see this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/400540/ ) | 09:27 |
chenying_ | yuval: I will check. Maybe release tag broke fullstack tests. | 09:29 |
yuval | chenying_: thanks :) | 09:29 |
openstackgerrit | Jeremy Liu proposed openstack/karbor: Update .gitignore https://review.openstack.org/401919 | 09:57 |
chenying_ | yuval: I don't think that karborclient release tag broke fullstack tests. The reason is that karbor service have not been added to keystone sercies successfully. | 10:02 |
yuval | chenying_: right! must be related to: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/086272.html | 10:03 |
chenying_ | yuval: Install karbor using devstak today, these is a same error about karbor(data-protect) have not been added to keystone sercies. | 10:03 |
yuval | chenying_: you want to submit a fix? seems like the solution is similar to: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278333/4/lib/cinder | 10:05 |
chenying_ | yuval: Zhangshuai say that he will submit this patch to fix it. | 10:48 |
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yinwei_computer | chenying_, so we have got the fix patch already? | 10:53 |
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chenying_ | yinwei_computer: zhangshuai is testing this patch, and he will sbumit is. | 10:54 |
chenying_ | he will sbumit it. | 10:55 |
chenying_ | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278333/4/lib/cinder we will refer to this patch in cinder to fix it. | 10:56 |
yinwei_computer | ok, thanks! | 10:57 |
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yinwei_computer | ping saggi | 11:21 |
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saggi | yinwei_computer: pong | 11:41 |
yinwei_computer | saggi, about the complexity of the on going working flow patch, now we do hear some concern from providers | 12:00 |
saggi | yinwei_computer: The main goal is to make it simpler to write new plugins. | 12:01 |
saggi | So if there is a problem I would like to hear it | 12:02 |
yinwei_computer | as I was trying to explain the syntax of prev/post/parallel actions to others, I found it really a complex, even explained to some experts | 12:13 |
yinwei_computer | I will send a email with picture to tell the case | 12:14 |
yinwei_computer | on mail list | 12:14 |
openstackgerrit | zhangshuai proposed openstack/karbor: Fix devstack plugin https://review.openstack.org/402014 | 12:25 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/karbor: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/401142 | 18:43 |
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