Friday, 2024-02-09

abelurHere are the diffs from the same repo / code base, but used JJB 5x and JJB 6x in comparion gives a lot of diff! 00:00
abelurHowever when the same exercise is performed before applying changes required by JJB 6x, I get zero diff between JJB 5x and 6x.   00:02
vsevolodYep. If there is no diff, there should be no problems from migrating to 6x07:05
vsevolodonly possible change from migration to 6 is these diffs. If there are none - no changes.07:05
vsevolodAh, one more possible problem - python-jenkins version change07:06
vsevolodjjb 6.0.0 switched to new python-jenkins07:07
vsevolodif it has new problems - they can appear07:07
abelurvsevolod: python-jenkins is on 1.8.2. Should I be using a diff version with 6.0.0? 07:22
abelurvsevolod: I'm confused with the diff being present. Should there be diff between 5x and 6x on the same code base after the changes are performed? My understanding is you will always see the diff with 5x and 6x.  I previously ensure that there are no diff with old code base on 5x vs code changes performed with 6x.  07:25
abelurThis is going to break a lot of repos :(07:25
vsevolodShould be no diff for:07:29
vsevolod- code working on 5.x07:30
vsevolod... produced by 5.x07:30
vsevolod- code adjusted for 6.x, produced by 6.x07:30
abelurvsevolod: perfect, that's what I have been following until now!   07:43
abelurThis should be documented somewhere, helpful to others folks in the same boat! :-)) 07:44
abelurvsevolod: Now the question is why the JJB update throwing errors, even through there isnt any diff, could this be the python-jenkins that requires an update ? 07:45
vsevolodIt may be07:47
vsevolodYou can try with same python-jenkins, but jjb 5.x07:47
vsevolodto see who is to blame07:47
abelurlol! :-))07:53
abelursure, thanks 07:53
abelurvsevolod: sadly both are on python-jenkins==1.8.2! :/07:54
vsevolodYou can try to update jobs one-by-one, to find out which one it is failing on08:28
vsevolodand also try to see which exactly error jenkins returns to python-jenkins08:29
vsevolodand also check out jenkins logs08:29

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