Wednesday, 2019-08-07

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SperanskiyHi there!15:05
SperanskiyI try to configure BitBucket multibranch pipeline in according to the docs. And if I set multibranch as project-type I get an error15:06
Speranskiy"Unrecognized project type: "multibranch"'15:07
SperanskiyBut if I set project-type: multijob, I get an error: "Unknown entry point or macro 'bitbucket'"15:07
SperanskiyAha! It's because in pip install jenkins-jobs-builder by default installs version 2.0.3 for some reason15:24
Speranskiywell it's not what I expected to get actuall. It's not possible to create an Organization Folder using JJB?15:58
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zxiiroSperanskiy: I think there's some limited support for folders but I don't use it myself so can't comment20:02

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