opendevreview | Merged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Fix binding l2-only ports by setting connectivity property | 00:54 |
*** jroll02 is now known as jroll0 | 06:52 | |
rpittau | good morning ironic! o/ | 08:32 |
iurygregory | good morning ironic | 11:25 |
iurygregory | I'm surprised by the numerology email on the ML XD | 11:25 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: Clean-up: Inspection Rules Testing | 12:55 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: A new 'label' field to the port object | 12:55 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: A new 'label' field to the port object | 12:56 |
TheJulia | what... what? | 13:23 |
TheJulia | Also, good morning! | 13:23 |
* cardoe waves. | 13:47 | |
cardoe | cid: you wonderfully awesome person. you implemented label before I even had a chance to tackle it. :) | 13:48 |
cid | 😊 | 13:52 |
* cid blushes and sends the compliment right back! :) | 13:53 | |
opendevreview | Satoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Create Podman DIB Element for container-based cleaning | 14:08 |
dtantsur | Did we actually approve adding label to objects? | 14:27 |
dtantsur | I don't want to be That Person who pops up after weeks of sleeping but it does feel kinda wrong to me | 14:28 |
dtantsur | cid, cardoe, what's the difference between a label and a description, just for my education? | 14:28 |
dtantsur | I mean, these words mean different things for me, but the commit messages uses them as synonyms | 14:29 |
dtantsur | My knee-jerk reaction is -1 "please call it description for consistency with nodes" but maybe I'm missing something? | 14:29 |
JayF | looking at and that change I'm more surprised it's not called "name" | 14:30 |
JayF | but it was not officially rfe-approved | 14:30 |
JayF | It makes sense to do, label seems like the wrong term given it's parallel to the concept of node name (and we use *_ident everywhere to mean name-or-uuid) | 14:31 |
* dtantsur leaves the comment | 14:31 | |
dtantsur | Yeah, my Kubernetes-infested mind treats labels as something to search on (so closer to tags) | 14:32 |
JayF | ah, we already have a port name, it has to be globally unique | 14:38 |
JayF | this would wouldn't be unique | 14:38 |
* JayF fully understands now | 14:38 | |
* JayF needs caff so it doesn't take him 10 minutes | 14:38 | |
cid | I believe cardoe, will be in the best position to provide the right answer. I see it as almost a name field without a unique constraint, so we will be able to filter by it, etc. I'll admit it also sounds like something that there are other 'unofficial' ways to achieve the same goal, such as through description or adding to the extra blob etc. | 14:39 |
dtantsur | description can also be used in filters, the problem is that ports don't have descriptions while nodes do | 14:40 |
dtantsur | What I'm objecting to is having the same thing called "description" on nodes but "label" on ports | 14:40 |
cid | Oh, so the idea is in order, just the field name? | 14:42 |
JayF | ++ dtantsur (and me at this point) are saying just change the key name from label to description :) | 14:43 |
TheJulia | +1 description | 14:43 |
dtantsur | cid: correct | 14:44 |
cid | ++ nice. I will also add 'rfe-approved' to the bug while at it (?) | 14:44 |
frickler | hmm, just crossreading, but neutron has a concept of tags for ports and other objects, wouldn't that maybe be a better fit? | 14:45 |
JayF | tag is not a term we've often used in the Ironic API; I'd want us to ensure the semantics are the same as other services if we went that way | 14:46 |
frickler | might depend a bit whether your focus is "human-readable" or "api filterable" | 14:46 |
JayF | but even if we had `tags`, having `description` as a parallel to node object makes sense | 14:46 |
JayF | I suspect we'll see more and more the port object looking like the node object as we enhance the ability to make decisions based on the port type | 14:47 |
TheJulia | I concur, there is a need, but I think in this case it is a human friendly description, not for software to make decisions using the value present in the field | 14:48 |
TheJulia | meaning, informational | 14:48 |
rpittau | #startmeeting ironic | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Mon Mar 17 15:00:10 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' | 15:00 |
TheJulia | o/ | 15:00 |
dtantsur | o/ | 15:00 |
rpittau | Hello everyone! | 15:00 |
cid | o/ | 15:00 |
rpittau | Welcome to our weekly meeting! | 15:00 |
rpittau | The meeting agenda can be found here: | 15:00 |
rpittau | | 15:00 |
frickler | \o | 15:00 |
rpittau | let's give a minute for people to join | 15:00 |
TheJulia | hmm, wiki is not responding for me :( | 15:01 |
JayF | o/ | 15:01 |
rpittau | :/ | 15:01 |
rpittau | not a lot in the agenda today anyway | 15:02 |
rpittau | #topic Announcements/Reminders | 15:02 |
masghar | o/ | 15:02 |
rpittau | #info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: | 15:02 |
rpittau | #link | 15:02 |
rpittau | I see there are still some patches to review there, epoxy release is upon us | 15:03 |
rpittau | just skipping to the most important point | 15:03 |
rpittau | #info 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule | 15:03 |
rpittau | we're at R-2 | 15:03 |
adam-metal3 | o/ | 15:03 |
rpittau | meaning we need to check for any leftover patches | 15:04 |
TheJulia | I think we just need to release at this point, change 699953 is the only one which I honestly think could be classified as a fix backport if it comes down to it | 15:04 |
rpittau | the stable branches cut patches are out already | 15:04 |
rpittau | TheJulia: sounds good | 15:04 |
TheJulia | cool cool | 15:04 |
rpittau | jsut wanted confirmation | 15:04 |
dtantsur | gimme 1 evening to see if is ready | 15:04 |
rpittau | sure | 15:04 |
masghar | We're just 2 patches away from inspection rules, I understand? | 15:04 |
dtantsur | 1 patch? | 15:05 |
TheJulia | is it just docs? | 15:05 |
masghar | too | 15:05 |
TheJulia | too late then | 15:05 |
dtantsur | well, the client missed epoxy already | 15:05 |
masghar | I see | 15:05 |
rpittau | yep | 15:05 |
rpittau | client's gone | 15:05 |
masghar | Alright | 15:05 |
rpittau | in theory we can merge only ironic and ipa now, but I left some space for ngs | 15:05 |
rpittau | oh and ironic-tempest-plugin ? | 15:06 |
TheJulia | I think ngs had a change merge this morning which would make sense, but yeah, I think its time to just get it all in order and move forward from there | 15:06 |
TheJulia | yeah, end of cycle release of i-t-p makes sense | 15:06 |
rpittau | alright | 15:06 |
JayF | Honestly not a big deal if ironicclient support for rules misses epoxy; no upper-constraint respecting project will be using that support | 15:07 |
JayF | so we just need to get it in and released for users | 15:07 |
rpittau | ok | 15:07 |
rpittau | so I'll wait until tomorrow morning before closing the releases | 15:08 |
cid | ++ | 15:08 |
TheJulia | JayF: you raise an interesting point, upper-constraints respecting projects in general shouldn't be client at this point | 15:08 |
TheJulia | they should be using the sdk | 15:08 |
TheJulia | (in other words, openstack might want to revisit the client library holds in general since they are no longer libraries, they are tools) | 15:09 |
dtantsur | a good point | 15:09 |
TheJulia | ((but this is not a discussion for this moment)) | 15:09 |
rpittau | mm interesting point | 15:10 |
rpittau | anything more to discuss on the incoming releases/branch cuts ? | 15:10 |
rpittau | alright! 2 weeks to go! :) | 15:11 |
rpittau | #info Flamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025! | 15:12 |
rpittau | dont' forget to add topics to the etherpad: | 15:12 |
rpittau | #link | 15:12 |
rpittau | and don't forget to register! | 15:12 |
rpittau | anything else to announce/remind ? | 15:13 |
JayF | Do we still need to register Ironic times? | 15:13 |
JayF | For the PTG? | 15:13 |
TheJulia | I believe we still need to | 15:14 |
rpittau | JayF: nope, that's done already | 15:14 |
TheJulia | cool | 15:14 |
JayF | no, it's not | 15:14 |
rpittau | just need to prepare the schedule | 15:14 |
rpittau | probably start reserving some dates/times this week based on what we have in the schedule | 15:14 |
JayF | yeah, that's what I'm talking about, getting the ironic times registered into the system | 15:14 |
rpittau | JayF: oh you mean that | 15:14 |
rpittau | not done yet as I was waitingto have some topics to understand how much time we need | 15:15 |
TheJulia | I would assume we're going to need a bit of time because we're getting into complex networking items where we're going to need to have some deep discussions | 15:15 |
TheJulia | so, in other words | 15:15 |
TheJulia | I wouldn't think of it as "30 minutes per topic" | 15:15 |
rpittau | yep | 15:16 |
rpittau | I will add at least 3 hours per day monday till thursday | 15:16 |
TheJulia | and I'd think... ~2 hours per complex topic | 15:16 |
rpittau | then we adjust | 15:16 |
rpittau | there's no discussion topic planned for today, any open discussion? | 15:17 |
rpittau | oh actually I forgot one very important thing! | 15:18 |
rpittau | the ironic outreachy project has been accepted and it's open for applications | 15:18 |
rpittau | masghar and myself are the designated mentors for this round :) | 15:19 |
masghar | :D | 15:19 |
rpittau | we'll try to provide updates every week, but for now we're just waiting for applications | 15:20 |
masghar | Here is the project link: | 15:21 |
rpittau | anything else to add or any other topic to discuss? | 15:22 |
rpittau | ok, thanks everyone! | 15:23 |
rpittau | #endmeeting | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Mon Mar 17 15:23:40 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:23 |
cardoe | Didn't wanna interrupt the meeting bringing up the label, name, description convo. | 15:25 |
cardoe | dtantsur, cid, TheJulia, JayF: So for me it's just a way to put an identifier on a physical port that can be used by humans in different roles and places to communicate about that physical port. | 15:26 |
JayF | yeah, it's a reasonable thing, we just want it called description since that's what that field is called on the node | 15:26 |
cardoe | Yep. +1 | 15:26 |
cardoe | I just wanted to answer the question that was posed to me. | 15:27 |
JayF | f anyone wanna review inspection rules api before approval? | 15:54 |
dtantsur | I've just promised | 15:54 |
dtantsur | just gimme a bit more time | 15:54 |
* dtantsur has a very slow Monday | 15:55 | |
JayF | yeah there's a reason I asked instead of yoloworkflow :D | 15:55 |
dtantsur | JayF, cid, left some comments, delayed an approval. There is at least one API-affecting typo, and I'd rather have the default field list and built-in question sotred. | 16:15 |
dtantsur | But I'm also not putting -1 because I'm fine with a follow-up (which rpittau and I can consider tomorrow morning). | 16:15 |
dtantsur | I'll leave it in your hands for now since I need to go afk for an hour or so (potentially for the day) | 16:15 |
cid | dtantsur, I will take a look in a moment, and probably push an update. tks! | 16:17 |
opendevreview | Verification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove IPA build on cleanup | 16:52 |
opendevreview | Verification of a change to openstack/networking-generic-switch master failed: Allow config of simulated switch | 17:06 |
opendevreview | Verification of a change to openstack/networking-generic-switch master failed: docs: add status for force10 os | 17:06 |
opendevreview | Verification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove IPA build on cleanup | 17:22 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration | 17:40 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: A new 'description' field to the port object | 17:40 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow special characters in patch field keys | 17:40 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Replace deprecated configure_auth_token_middleware | 17:42 |
opendevreview | cid proposed openstack/ironic master: A new 'description' field to the port object | 17:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: fix glance metadata layout | 18:02 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic master: doc: Update the runbook API usage | 18:02 |
cardoe | Would love some backport reviews on if folks have the time. | 18:10 |
cardoe | Hey my internet came back. | 18:10 |
opendevreview | Verification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Install and run sushy-tools within a virtualenv | 18:24 |
opendevreview | Satoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Ironic Container Cofig for IPA Integration | 18:33 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic master: Clean-up: Inspection Rules Testing | 18:43 |
opendevreview | Satoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Ironic Container Cofig for IPA Integration | 20:25 |
TheJulia | cardoe: So... when do we hire plucky duck to narrate what is going on with internets? | 20:33 |
opendevreview | Jay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Testing backported fix for image inspector | 21:05 |
opendevreview | Dominic Dumrauf proposed openstack/bifrost master: Bug #2103448: Extending to also accept new variable | 21:25 |
Amarachi_O | Hello everyone! I'm Amarachi, an Outreachy applicant. I'm excited to contribute to this project. Where should I start? | 23:52 |
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