Thursday, 2025-01-23

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix errors in the function erase_devices_express
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Mask all driver_internal_info in node output
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Utility functions for graphical console drivers
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add novnc-proxy service
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP add VNC auth type to novnc-proxy
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP create idrac graphical console driver
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Apply Rules: inspection rules migration
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.2: Fix errors in the function erase_devices_express
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.2 failed: Fix RAID volume name
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:36
kubajjgood morning rpittau, and ironic! o/09:00
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Run metal3 integration job using UEFI boot (default)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.2: Fix RAID volume name
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: [WIP]Add CLI support for migrated inspection rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: [WIP]Add CLI support for migrated inspection rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: DB: inspection rules migration
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Apply Rules: inspection rules migration
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.1: Fix RAID volume name
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2023.2: Fix RAID volume name
TheJuliagood morning14:13
TheJulialooks like the metal3 job might not be happy again?14:32
rpittauTheJulia: yep, looking into it14:38
rpittausome weird credentials issue14:38
TheJuliarpittau: so I figured out the start of the v6 job vailure14:39
TheJuliaerr, failure14:39
TheJuliagoes back to the change for Noble14:39
TheJuliaWas there any specific reason you took the bios boot flag off the job?14:39
rpittauit's non-voting :/14:39
TheJuliaI think I figured out one of the issues which was causing failures which kept it non-voting to begin with14:40
rpittaummm let me think about it14:40
TheJuliano rush, I'm re-building a bios stack locally now to try and reproduce it because in bios mode it just doesn't work either now14:41
TheJuliain weird/annoying/frustrating ways :)14:41
rpittauso I removed the bios flag I guess because OVMF should work with both ipv6/ipv4 noew14:43
rpittauI guess my guess was wrong :D14:43
TheJuliait works sometimes14:43
TheJulia... kind of14:43
TheJuliaand can like take close to 10 minutes to boot14:43
TheJuliaand has a giant pile of issues14:44
rpittauTheJulia: metal3 job should actually work now in legacy mode, what's the latest failure you saw ?14:45
rpittauok, looking there then14:48
rpittaulol again14:48
rpittau Failed to deploy instance: Disk volume where '/shared/tftpboot/master_images' is located doesn't have enough disk space. Required 512 MiB, only 409 MiB available space present14:48
iurygregoryredfish standards strikes again, yay \o/14:50
iurygregorywe have a bug from Intel Hardware...14:52
iurygregorywhich doesn't like when we insert the virtual media using https...14:52
* TheJulia blinks14:53
TheJuliaiurygregory: jssfr has some intel gear which requires nfs... so... yeah :(14:53
iurygregorySMB for this one it seems =( 14:54
TheJuliathat seems... awful.14:54
iurygregoryTheJulia, yeah!14:55
iurygregoryand we don't have support for that XD14:55
jssfriurygregory, oh!14:56
jssfrours can do either SMB or NFS14:56
jssfr(but not https....)14:56
iurygregoryjssfr, maybe after they upgrade the FW it can be NFS =D14:56
iurygregoryjssfr, do you use vmedia on it and via ironic or nope?14:57
jssfriurygregory, do you have logs from this room from 2025-01-16T10:56:22Z14:57
jssfrwe discussed it back then14:58
jssfriurygregory, we can't use it with ironic (yet!) because ironic can't offer NFS :)14:58
iurygregorynot sure, but I can check the irc logs 14:58
jssfrbut I intend to write patches in the next months or so.14:58
jssfriurygregory, I'll paste it, sec14:58
iurygregoryjssfr, got it =) I had this feeling14:58
TheJuliaso, somehow my local test machine is not running noble even though I'm 95% sure I used a noble ISO14:59
iurygregorynot even sure what I should tell the customer now :D 15:00
iurygregoryTheJulia, huh?! O.o maybe it boot from the disk?15:00
TheJuliano idea, on both counts15:00
jssfriurygregory, so the basic plan is to detect the error condition, and if it happens, substitute the http_url with some nfs_url template15:01
TheJuliaiurygregory: well, regarding the customer, likely going to have to tell them "unfortunately, it seems intel's virtual media requires use of CIFS or NFS, which is not presently supported"15:01
iurygregoryTheJulia, yeah...15:02
iurygregoryjssfr, nice!15:02
jssfriurygregory, but as I wrote yesterday or so, we're currently working around it a little and we will only start actually implementing it around end of february I guess.15:03
iurygregoryI like that they have "CIFS" "HTTPS" "NFS" in their docs but they also have " This action is used to attach remote media to virtual media. Media insertion currently supports SMB protocol only. Username and password are required fields in the URL"15:03
iurygregoryjssfr, ack o/ tks for the info15:03
jssfriurygregory, oof, that's more recent than what we have15:04
jssfrso I guess we should go for CIFS straight away :(15:04
jssfr*sigh* I don't want to have to debug CIFS authentication (and that seems to inevitably always happen when I touch CIFS)15:05
rpittaujssfr: Intel docs are also contradictory15:05
iurygregoryfunny that they don't say SMB in the table only in the text :D15:05
rpittaucheck page 72 here
jssfrI mean ours definitely supports NFS---I tried that and it works15:05
TheJuliacifs can also be done anonymously, fwiw15:05
rpittauTheJulia: not in this case :)15:05
rpittauanyway, another nice war story15:06
* TheJulia had the gif on standby15:06
iurygregoryone more chapter to our book of hardware horror 15:06
rpittauwe should sell the rights to make a series, it would run for at least 10 seasons15:07
TheJuliaoh, It would be perpetual15:07
TheJuliait would end up like the Simpsons15:07
rpittau"we're gonna need a bigger boat" /dev/xvda1       37G   35G  404M  99% /15:29
rpittauTheJulia: I think the issue with metal3 job is not the job itself, we're not getting consistent hardware resources15:30
TheJuliais that *all* of the storage on that machine?15:30
rpittauthis is form a successful job /dev/vda1        75G   35G   37G  50% /15:30
JayFThe rackspace machines have an ephemeral partition15:31
JayFthat can be used during ci runs iirc15:31
rpittauand the failing one is indeed rackspace15:32
rpittaualthoough I don't see any other partition available15:33
JayFcheck lsblk15:33
JayFit may not be formatted15:33
rpittauI do not have lsblk in metal3 job \o/15:35
JayFsfdisk --dump?15:35
rpittauwell I will add the output15:35
rpittauand now I remember that we always run tinyipa on rax because of the fewer resources15:36
JayFwe can ask in -infra what disk space is provided15:36
JayFand how to get more15:36
JayFthey'd at least actually know whereas I'm guessing :P15:36
rpittauyep, we don't need too much more, 10 GB more is enough15:36
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Add lsblk output to metal3 logs
TheJuliaso, it looks like noble's ipxe roms for bios mode don't support ipv6....15:42
* TheJulia goes and walks the corgi overlord15:42
rpittaugood night! o/17:06
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [doc] Add node history to admin guide
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [doc] Add project-awareness to api-ref concepts
JayFGoing to be honest, not 100% sure ^^^ is a good idea, or written well, but it always feels like a glaring omission so I took a swing at it17:46
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [doc] Add project-awareness to api-ref concepts
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Remove IPv6 testing
TheJulia^^^ feels like a gut punch, but need to bre realistic20:00
JayFTheJulia: Are those edk2 bugs the primary blocker?20:04
JayFTheJulia: if so, going to see if I can get someone GR-OSS pointed at it so maybe it won't be gone forever20:04
TheJuliaJayF: pretty much covers it20:05
TheJuliahjensas: see ^^^, I linked to two of your bugs20:05
TheJuliayou opened way back in 201920:05
JayFsgtm, I'm asking. No promises but sometimes this works :)20:05
TheJuliaYeah, I think the base problem is likely there is minimal edk2 level of caring regarding ipv620:06
rm_work[m]<JayF> "rm_work: worth noting the flip..." <- ah ok, so priority 0 is how you make something manual, and any priority above that WILL be automatic?20:48
JayFalso for automatic, it can't take arguments20:56
JayFbecause there's nobody to pass the arguments20:56
JayFone pattern I've seen: step_that_takes_args priority:zero; step_with_builtin_default_args priority:nonzero; and step_with_builtin_default_args just calls the step_that_takes_args with some default args20:57
rm_work[m]cool, ok20:59
JayFalso note that get_deploy_steps / get_clean_steps / get_service_steps are separate methods21:00
rm_work[m]yeah I see that if I don't define the method it just defaults to an empty list in the base manager class21:04
JayF(we don't have anyone who would be a good fit to look at those edk2/ipv6 issues it appears)21:38
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky21:41
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we reboot for a patch version upgrade of the software, but should return again within a few minutes22:45

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