Thursday, 2024-09-19

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:01
rpittauTheJulia, JayF, I've approved the release mappings change, thanks for that, and apologies for not adding that before...08:03
rpittauI took a note to add to verify release mappings to our release docs, it's been forgotten too many times, it needs to be part of the release process08:03
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update release mappings
masgharInterestingly, I am getting the same results with python 3.11: ironic.tests.unit.common.test_format_inspector.TestFormatInspectors.test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit and test_vmdk_bad_descriptor_mem_limit_stream_optimized are failing with error 12710:03
masgharIs there a pip install dependencies command I should be running before?10:03
dtantsurmasghar: I saw this in our downstream fork CI. I just removed these tests from our fork.10:04
masgharI just have a clean Centos 9 with ironic10:04
dtantsurbut it's cool that you can reproduce it locally: I could not on my Fedora10:04
dtantsurtry running the same commands its running just in the shell?10:04
masghardtantsur: you can just remove the tests? =D10:04
dtantsurmasghar: well.. format_inspector is imported code from ??nova??. We don't care about its tests too much.10:05
dtantsurrealistically, we should remove it before the next release and replace with access to some oslo library10:05
dtantsurmasghar: yeah, this is the source:
dtantsurmaybe JayF and TheJulia will appreciate help with replacing our copy of the module with oslo.utils10:06
masgharI see that this code was added to handle the CVE last month10:11
masgharAlright, I will ignore it in favor of my current task now, and hopefully circle back to this later10:12
masgharThanks dtantsur!10:12
dtantsurmasghar: correct. Since we needed to backport the CVE fix to all branches in existence, we could not rely on a new oslo.utils version.10:13
dtantsurfor the master branch though, we totally can10:13
* dtantsur is pondering Just Do It10:13
masgharYeah for the master branch we can clean things up I think10:14
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/bifrost master: Fix checksum parsing for Rocky Linux
masghardtantsur: so I switched user to root, and all is passing now10:24
masgharI have a feeling my regular user (with passwordless sudo access) didnt have permissions to create files in /tmp, which is what the qemu-img command was trying to do10:25
masgharI switched back to my old user and its passing now as well10:33
masgharThe only difference I can think of is that I now also have tox installed for root, and now its using the root/system-wide tox by default?10:35
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Replace image_format_inspector with its oslo.utils version
dtantsurTheJulia: dunno if you had it planned already, but since you already have a lot on your plate, so ^^^10:44
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/tenks master: Change default boot mode to UEFI
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tenks stable/2.0: CI: Remove CentOS Stream 8 jobs
dtantsuranyone else wants to read (disable_power_off spec)? Has 2x +2 already, I'd rather merge it by EOW if possible.11:29
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: The adoption test should not depend on the iscsi deploy
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Check inspection data and abortion in the standalone tests
dtantsurrpittau: FYI is blocked on your approval11:48
TheJuliadtantsur: I had not planned it directly, but thanks!12:26
rpittaudtantsur: ack, approved12:37
rpittaumasghar: it should still use at least tox 4.4.0 as it's the minversion required in tox.ini12:52
masgharrpittau: yep my tox was the most recent, I don't think it was <4.4.013:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Restart systemd services on failure
tkajinamdtantsur, hi ! I wonder if you have any update about the plan to retire ironic-inspector ? I guess the new inspection feature within ironic will no longer be experimental in 2025.1 but I'd like to know if that's the right expectation.14:01
tkajinam(It's not urgent but I want to understand the timeline to determine when I spare time to update puppet-ironic.14:01
dtantsurtkajinam: the new inspection is no longer experimental now, and ironic-inspector is deprecated already14:02
tkajinamdtantsur, , ah, ok. I was looking at . probably this can be removed now.14:04
tkajinam(and a few other descriptions which say the feature is experimental14:05
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/ironic master: doc: Promote built-in introspection from experimental
dtantsurtkajinam: the PXE filter itself is sorta experimental14:13
dtantsurmy hope was that someone who actually cares about PXE filters comes and provides feedback.. but it has not happened14:17
cardoeJayF: I think is in your queue14:17
JayFThat change is from me14:22
JayFI can't core review my own change14:22
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/ironic master: doc: Promote built-in introspection from experimental
dtantsurJayF: you can remove W-1 though14:24
JayFOh, that is true but I need to check to make sure I've done all the things that are needed to do for ironic14:25
JayFI forgot I was waiting for Riccardo to come back14:25
JayFI can assure you that whether that patch is merged or not, as a member of the VMT I'll make sure that ironic is treated the same way as a VMT project would be even if technically something comes up before that landed14:26
rpittauthanks for that patch JayF :)14:31
rpittauJayF, dtantsur, TheJulia: FYI I just submitted the final release for ironic for dalmatian, I guess we're good but please let me know if there's something missing14:32
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Check inspection data and abortion in the standalone tests
dtantsurfix for missing test coverage:
dtantsurrpittau: I'd like to get in but since it's failing the CI... I guess no14:39
rpittaudtantsur: I can hold the ironic release until next week14:39
dtantsurrpittau: maybe it's not worth it really14:39
dtantsuris there a way to fit into bifrost final?14:40
rpittauif it lands before EOW yes14:41
rpittauI've +2 ed it14:41
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Work around missing microversion headers on /
dtantsurError while preparing to deploy to node f040ad05-f081-427b-be20-3031e181e2e6: Image eecbaef9-2e15-4abd-a433-a9e4a133659d is unacceptable: Converted to raw, but format is now gpt: ironic.common.exception.ImageConvertFailed: Image eecbaef9-2e15-4abd-a433-a9e4a133659d is unacceptable: Converted to raw, but format is now gpt14:44
dtantsurTheJulia: I think the new version of the format inspector is broken for us ^^^14:44
rpittaugoing to include the ironic-tempest-plugion fix in the current release patch14:45
dtantsurmmm, it might be easy to fix, okay14:46
dtantsurTheJulia: nm, it comes from our code. but it's interesting that now the image format can be "gpt" or "raw"14:50
dtantsurI wonder if we need to add it to allowed formats, hmmm14:51
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Replace image_format_inspector with its oslo.utils version
TheJuliadtantsur: they likely added a gpt option as well15:03
TheJuliadtantsur: there was chatter about doing so, I haven't looked at the latest code15:04
TheJuliathat... raw no longer means raw thing is really not great for us15:04
TheJuliabecause we will have to learn that gpt also means raw15:04
clarkbwell and qcow2 can also have gpt partitioning within it?15:05
clarkbseems odd to coalesce things like that rather than say return a tuple raw,gpt qcow2,mbr15:05
JayFdtantsur: rpittau: I am -.5 to merging a change to use the oslo.utils version before we release; if for no other reason than knowing we've done a lot of testing on the existing way, and it seems late to intorduce that15:10
JayFand I think chatter in here is pretty good evidence that waiting might be wise15:11
* JayF does not want to have to backport an ironic fix via oslo utils15:11
JayFTBH with those changes re: raw/gpt it almost makes me nervous to use it /at all/ unless we cross-gate15:15
JayF(which basically means I'm saying we should cross-gate :D)15:16
rpittauJayF: I see your point, it makes sense15:17
rpittauwe can introduce the change at the beginning of the next cycle and we'll have much more time to test it15:17
JayFthat's exactly what I was thinking15:18
JayFand is why I haven't been prioritizing doing the IPA equivalent change15:18
JayFwanted to do a little refactor there too but didn't want to land it until start of epoxy15:18
rpittauI will unlock the ironic release, I don't see other patches that are blocking it15:19
rpittaudtantsur: sorry, the bifrost final release already been done at the end of  August as requested to happen before September 13th
rpittauwe can try to squeeze another minor release before end of tomorrow, a bit rushy :)15:37
JayFquestion, sorry to be the fun police, but 929770 looks nice, but the release note says explicitly it can be breaking  to existing VMs15:39
JayFdoes that mean it'd need to be a *major* bump?15:39
JayFI only ask to frontrun what might be a similar question from release team when that PR comes up15:39
rpittauJayF: that's only if you migrate the vm  from an older distro though15:40
JayFoh, so it's more like15:41
JayFif you upgrade the ubuntu on the box bifrost is running 15:41
JayFAND you upgrade bifrost (which you'd have to do to do ^^^)15:41
JayFyou will have to pat the VMs on the head to be happy again15:41
JayFif that's right, I'll +2A that right now15:41
rpittauJayF: one more small fix if you have the time, thanks!
JayFanything else you need me to poke at?15:45
rpittauactually yes :P15:47
rpittaulast one, I promise
JayFI don't mind, it's literally my job :D15:48
JayFthat change is sad and funny and sad15:48
rpittauheh :/15:48
rpittaugood night! o/15:56
TheJuliajust going to note, it is okay to backport fixes15:59
TheJuliaIt is not the end of the world15:59
TheJuliastuff happens :)15:59
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/virtualpdu master: WIP: Vendor pysnmp-lextudio into virtupdu
JayFoooh I've been waiting to see how this goes16:17
JayFthe rough equivalent of putting that project on life support, but for our use case that's probably OK16:17
dtantsurthis is how you learn how much was dependent on one person....16:18
JayFyep; also see the thread on dhcp/dnsmasq on the list: one dude in the UK16:19
JayFwe need to do a better job of reconizing impacts while folks are around, before they are gone/burned out/etc16:19
dtantsurJayF: just read it.. yeah. I'll try to be a part of this conversation: the DHCP limitations around HA have been a recurring topic in the metal3 community.16:21
JayFthe one thing I'm going to bring up in the PTG16:22
JayFis like, they are talking about pluugging it into the agent, which is good16:22
JayFbut I also wonder with the way kea has it's own set of distributed features, if there's a way to orient it where kea replaces the agent if you want16:22
JayFIDK if that's reasonable/possible yet, but I wanna ask the question16:22
dtantsurit's a good question16:22
dtantsurespecially if a lot of code will need to be written for Neutron.. it's the code we won't benefit in metal3/bifrost16:23
JayFright now, we're allocating time for cid to do  *both* an Ironic and neutron backend for kea16:25
JayFeven though in the short term only the neutron agent is directly valuable to GR16:25
dtantsurplease absolutely do reach out to me with questions like "what the hell does a standalone deployment actually need from DHCP?"16:26
JayFI don't have to ask those questions, I think16:26
JayFwe just have to implement an existing interface16:26
JayFthis is one of the things that's nice about this, hopefully we're just implementing like 4-6 methods that look roughly the same across ironic and neutron16:27
dtantsuryeah, it's probably more than enough16:27
JayF*hopefully* 🤞16:27
dtantsurmodule unmanaged inspection :-P16:27
dtantsur* modulo16:27
TheJuliaI think an ideal case is if we need to do any record prep/management in ironic, we teach ironic what to do to send it across if needed, if neutron doesn't do translation, and our own for metal3/bifrost becomes a lot easier16:31
TheJulianeutron integrated makes sense for those huge deployments though16:31
JayFhonestly if we can't implement a kea backend that is transparent to swap out with dnsmasq16:31
JayFas at least one of the options16:31
TheJuliathere is a weird matrix path there we just need to be mindful of and not ignore slightly different cases16:32
JayFI'll consider the project unsuccessful from my POV16:32
TheJulia(which we're kind of good at, really)16:32
JayF(as mentioned in mailing list, that may end up being kea+unbound)16:32
TheJuliacool cool16:33
TheJuliaalso, from one point of view, it is about learning16:33
TheJuliathere is tons of logic in doing that learning16:33
clarkbI meant to do a bit more digging to make sure my unbound setup isn't just bad, but it doesn't do online reloads of its records iirc16:33
TheJuliaand our skin internallh in ironic is mainly an option number to alias difference16:33
JayFclarkb: it works for me locally in opnsense context16:33
JayFclarkb: DHCP hostnames automatically update in unbound16:34
clarkbJayF: ya with an unbound outage16:34
JayFso there's *some* working dynamic update mechanism16:34
TheJuliaand dnsmasq core dumps on reload so....16:34
JayFwait, are you saying it restarts each time!?16:34
TheJuliapick your poison!16:34
JayFI don't wanna believe you but I know you don't make crap up LOL16:34
clarkbI'm running pfsens so it is similar, but I also run pfblockerng whcih puts a ton of records in unbound and I get like a 2 minute outage from unbound to update records16:34
dtantsurdnsmasq does have inotify support16:34
clarkbso I've completely disabled dynamic allocations and dhcp hands out static leases whcih I have statically configured in unbound to minimize the downtime16:34
JayFThis would explain so much on my network16:35
clarkbits possible that pfsense is using unbound incorrectly/poorly but its a major pain point for me locally16:35
johnsomHmm, I am pretty sure unbound does hitless reloads as well....16:35
JayFbceause I have a LOT of iot devices16:35
clarkbJayF: part of the issue to be fair is that I probably have a couple 100k records in bound due to pfblockerng16:35
clarkba lot of iot devices is still on the order of 100s and restarts might be quick and painless16:36
clarkbjohnsom: and ya it is entirely possible that pfsense is using unbound poorly. I should do more digging16:36
JayFclarkb: yeah, I see no evidence it's hard restarting, but I'll keep an eye out for blips in the future16:37
johnsomThere is even a "reload_keep_cache" unbound-control option that saves the cache16:38
JayFclarkb: one thing I've done at old jobs, to keep that problem at bay with RBL lookups, was have a two tiered DNS: first tier was local stuff that got updated, second tier caching layer was everything else + RBLs16:38
johnsomFor the ironic folks, I am starting to look at the concept of "private DNS servers" I.e. servers that handle tenant network requests. OVN has very limited support for this today. I am wondering if you have any feedback on "per-network" dns resolution or "per tenant" or "as many private DNS servers  as they want" choices.16:41
clarkbok ya looks like unbound-control should be able to do it. I wonder if pfsense is just restarting the actual service instead because why do the online thing.16:41
TheJuliadtantsur: if memory serves, the dnsmasq bug is related to the add/remove/update of records regardless of the trigger inotify or hup, but I think we were just focusing on hup because we coudl reproduce it in the code path on semi-demand (besides, neutron would hup it like 20-30 times as part of some of ironic's tempest suite runs16:41
johnsomThe systemd service also has reload implemented, not sure on the cache saving option thought16:41
clarkbjohnsom: as a non ironic user but an openstack user we've explicitly avoided any cloud provided dns because its almost always broken...16:42
JayFjohnsom: I'm not sure Ironic cares that much about DNS, aside from if users are putting hostnames in image urls and the like16:42
TheJuliajohnsom: would some PTG time help?16:42
JayF++ PTG time even if it's a quickie16:42
TheJuliaJayF: I think we care about $thing being reachable from the physical wire16:42
* JayF doesn't know what he might not know16:42
johnsomSure, happy to join16:42
TheJuliajohnsom: could you add a note to our etherpad?16:43
JayFTheJulia: I guess I didn't consider that "it works at all" was a BM-specific feature16:43
clarkband its on my todo list to look into converting to dns over tls because ov the ovn mitm "attack"/feature16:43
JayFTheJulia: but I guess we can't take anything for granted, we learned that re: OVN+MTU :(16:43
TheJuliaJayF: different approaches, thinking back to the pmtu stuffs16:43
johnsomclarkb Yeah, the OVN situation is.... interesting.16:43
clarkbI guess my feedback is that please don't subvert my decision to use external dns if you implement things closer to the cloud tenant too16:43
TheJuliaJayF: and the lack of arping dhcp responses16:43
TheJuliaJayF: "hey, this is grub, I want to arp my sever to verify.... helloooo.... helllooooooo out there *falls over"16:44
JayFYou have probably told me before and I blocked it outta my mind due to pure absurdity16:44
johnsomTheJulia Is this the right etherpad? It's blank.
TheJuliajohnsom: no, one moment16:44
JayFI'll go fix ptg16:45
TheJuliaThat one!16:45
johnsomI have the same issue with the ptg links. lol16:45
JayFptg website is fixed16:46
TheJuliathanks JayF!16:46
* JayF put a warning in the wrong etherpad16:57
JayFcid: would be a good bug to pick up if you have capacity17:03
* cid goes looking17:04
JayFI'll note there may be other docs-build related bugs which would be good to poke at, too, might be something that can be knocked out together17:05
cidI have had 2078361 in a pinned tab for a while since I triaged it.17:07
JayFyeah, that's also one that may interact with a to-be-merged requirements change17:07
JayFwe just need to make sphinx be happy in most cases17:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Support OVMF with 4M flash storage
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master failed: The adoption test should not depend on the iscsi deploy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Fix missed occurrence of SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Add inspection rules
JayF and it's backported bretheren could use a land in unmaintained branches (the MTU fix from a couple weeks abck)18:06
JayFbtw, I told the security team I'm ready for that ossa patch to merge18:31
JayFI haven't reconfigured launchpad because after spending a half hour poking at it I couldn't find the setting18:31
JayFleading me to assume: 1) I can't find it (always possible) or more likely, 2) it needs perms I don't have18:31
JayFbut i have an ask out for help18:31
TheJuliaWhat is the setting?18:43
TheJuliahmm, dunno19:52
TheJuliaI thought there was at one time19:52

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