Thursday, 2024-08-01

cardoeWhat’s the ironic-guest-metadata patch? I was reading through the runbook change and it seems like it would benefit from allowing disable_ramdisk no?04:25
kubajjGood morning o/04:35
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:33
jandershey rpittau o/06:44
rpittauhey janders :)06:44
rpittaudtantsur, JayF, TheJulia, iurygregory: any backport for 2023.1 that we want to merge soon? It's going to be unmaintained soon
masgharJayF will also take a look after finishing my current task :) and good morning ironic!08:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/26.0: Update .gitreview for bugfix/26.0
dtantsurrpittau: time flies.. I don't have anything09:48
rpittauit does indeed :/09:48
cidGood afternoon Ironic.11:10
cidcardoe: I will appreciate any feedback. You can include it on the change.11:12
cidThough, I believe the change currently allows disable_ramdisk? Not sure11:13
cardoeSo I didn’t put it on there cause it seemed like a feature creep request.11:14
cidIt's even in the specification, so if it's indeed not there (which I confirming), that needs a fix.11:15
cidThe metadata patch:
cardoeThe client doesn’t support sending that flag. I was trying to add it in
iurygregorymorning ironic11:22
iurygregoryrpittau, let me try to check a few things here 11:22
iurygregoryrpittau, do we have releases for ipa? I see we have 3 open patches (CI gave -1) and maybe the only open patch in ironic is a fix for that ... 11:49
iurygregorybut we wouldn't need ci fix for a release in ironic11:49
cidcardoe: a runbook has a `disable_ramdisk` field which will be set by an admin and the value is retreived at the api level.12:12
cidThis patch has to do with manual provisioning.12:12
* cid when using arbitrary steps12:14
rpittauiurygregory: yep, I saw that, I meant something that needs to be backported other than that CI patch12:26
iurygregoryyeah, I've looked but couldn't find anything =)12:29
cardoeSo I know there was some discussion previously on macOS / homebrew but I've gone ahead and added python-ironicclient into the homebrew package for openstack cli. Oddly only python-ironicclient breaks with Python 3.12 so I'm submitting a fix to homebrew to pin stuff at Python 3.11 for now.13:12
iurygregorycardoe, I don't think support for 3.12 landed 13:16
rpittaucardoe: how does that break? instead of inning it would be better to fix it since Python 3.12 is supposed to be supported in the next OS dev cycle13:16
cardoeSo "openstack baremetal" claims the command doesn't exist. I've gotta dig into why.13:18
rpittaucardoe: that's not ironicclient though, that's openstack cli13:19
cardoe is what I've submitted. I'm just trying to make sure homebrew users (we've got a bunch at work) can use ironic commands.13:19
cardoeokay openstack cli doesn't see the baremetal command when installed with Python 3.1213:19
TheJuliagood morning13:20
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)13:21
cardoegood morning13:21
cardoeiurygregory: the classifiers unfortunately don't mean anything to the dependency resolver13:22
iurygregorybut it means is not 100% tested or fully supported yet if i remember13:23
rpittaucardoe: I tested OSC with Py 3.12.4 and it looks good to me, well except for the missing 'pkg_resources', but I don't see the error of baremetal command missing13:24
cardoeSo I can make it happen on one machine I've got but then it doesn't happen on the other.13:25
rpittauI'm afraid that does not depend on either OSC or ironicclient then :)13:25
cardoeUsing Python 3.11 on the problematic machine makes it work.13:25
cardoeSince Python 3.12 isn't officially supported, I figured I'd pin the homebrew package back to 3.11.13:26
cardoeJust wanted to get users a working "openstack baremetal" out of the box on macOS.13:27
rpittaucardoe: it makes sense, all considered Python 3.12 is not supported yet, but the issue you're seeing does not look related13:27
cardoeI'm just throwing print()'s in here trying to figure out why13:28
rpittaucardoe: since you're there probably good to increase openstackclient to version 6.6.113:30
clarkbis it possible that issue is related to the simplejson issue that affected the CI jobs using osc?14:22
clarkbmaybe you've got simplejson installed via something else and then it works, but if not explicitly included it breaks?14:23
clarkbI think 6.6.1 should include the fix for that though14:27
clarkboh the package uses 6.6.0. So ya maybe updating to 6.6.1 will fix it?14:28
rpittauit should, I was thinking the same but cardoe said that it worked for him in a different machine14:28
rpittauit's worth trying14:28
clarkbrpittau: ya maybe that machine has simplejson installed via something else14:28
clarkbhomebrew doesn't isolate python package installs14:29
cardoeI'll give it a whirl.14:29
clarkbwhat I do personally is create virtualenvs for the tools I use then symlink commands from a dir in my path to the virtualenv bin/$command paths14:30
cardoeThat's how my setup is. But alas just trying to lower the barrier to entry for others.15:17
rpittaugood night! o/15:32
iurygregoryTheJulia, do you still have the pxe boots big sticker?17:37
TheJuliaiurygregory: I do17:38
TheJuliaiurygregory: if you send me an address, I can mail one to you17:38
iurygregoryTheJulia, can you mail to Amy? :D 17:39
iurygregoryI will be in Suwon and she can probably give me (it would be cheaper to mail =) )17:39
iurygregoryawesome! tks :D17:40
cardoeclarkb: it does. The packages are installed in their own "Cellar" directory.17:44
cardoeWhat I noticed is that "pkg_resources" isn't available in the openstackclient Cellar17:44
JayF"big sticker"17:48
* JayF is thinking life-sized17:48
iurygregoryJayF, nooooooo lol17:49
iurygregoryit would be awesome but it wouldn't be ok to put on my car :D17:50
cardoeclarkb: I can confirm that on Python 3.12, when it makes the venv in the Cellar directory it specifies "--without-pip"17:53
cardoeThe box that "worked" used Python 3.12 and used --with-pip17:53
cardoeThe default in 3.12 switched to --without-pip which is why pkg_resources is missing17:53
cardoeI'm guessing early in the 3.12 cycle the homebrew folks overrode that when I tested this out.17:54
cardoeI had 3.12.0_2 on that box17:54
cardoe6.6.1 didn't fix it17:57
cardoeAnd I can break it on my working box by using a newer Python 3.1217:58
clarkbit is possible you need 6.6.1 for the simplejson fix as well as also installing setuptools for pkg_resources18:26
cardoeJust chased down a fun IPA issue. Two interfaces were configured on the provisioning network. The one we expected and then another one was just left on there. Had intermittent network issues with the IPA commands on that box since I believe conductor connects back to IPA. We looked at traffic on the switch and both MACs replied in the ARP for the IP that IPA got. 18:38
cardoe specifically "arp_ignore"18:39
cardoeThe default is to reply back on any interface that saw the packet.18:41
cardoedhcp from the IPA image is putting the interface in promiscuous mode and it sees the packet and replies back it seems like18:42
TheJuliaJayF: a life sized sticker... HMMMMMmmmm18:49
TheJuliaJayF: My HOA may have an issue with how this idea would pan out18:49
cardoeoh this is a fun chain actually. not sure if you guys would want my tweak in ipa builder. But setting arp_ignore=1 fixes the issue.19:17
JayFcardoe: I'm really interested about the OS machinations causing that situation20:54
JayFcardoe: honestly just with my "interested in cool weird linux networking things" hat on as much as an ironic one :D 20:54
clarkbjust off the top of my head arp should only respond if an address is configured on that interface. That would imply all of those addresses are getting dhcp leases. But then it would also imply the leases are for the same IP?20:57
clarkbdefinitely a curious situation from a "linux networking behavior" perspective20:57
cardoeSo you would think clarkb but that’s not the case in Linux. It replies to all.20:58
cardoeSee the kernel doc I linked.20:58
cardoeSo it’s a timing thing.20:58
clarkbhuh arp_ignore = 1 is the behavior I would have expected to eb default20:59
iurygregoryanyone has access to Dell  PowerEdge XR11 ? to check some redfish response ?20:59
JayFdude you're not gettin' a dell (from me) :D 21:00
iurygregoryI'm really wondering if the ID for Systems on it is really 1 instead of System.Embedded.121:00
clarkbcardoe: I guess the primary issue is that both interfaces are on the same network segment so see arps originate for that l2 span21:01
cardoeSo in playing around we had 4 interfaces plugged into the provisioning network. And randomly the box got a read timeout when getting its token setup. And then would keep failing on heartbeat cause it didn’t have a token.21:01
clarkbwith multiple interfaces on different network segments this behavior wouldn't create those issues (though packets might still get delivered via unexpected paths)21:03
cardoeIPA during that token setup had already told conductor its IP. And conductor arped it and all 4 answered. So it connected back over a different interface.21:03
JayFcardoe: I can tell you that for onmetal, we explicitly only brought up one half of the bond in the prov/rescue/cleaning networks21:04
JayFcardoe: to avoid these kinds of issues21:04
cardoeYep. That’s what we’re doing as well.21:04
cardoeJust not doing that at the moment.21:04
JayFusing (some of) the same code Brad and Clif wrote ten years ago, I bet :D 21:04
cardoeMaybe. Wanna go as stock as possible. So I’m pretty judicious with the axe.21:05
cardoeAlso Brad McConnell?21:06
JayFWell, he was the network architect on the project21:07
JayFbut I'm talking about morgabra + clif, the devs on the onmetal team21:07
JayFwho wrote the ML2 plugin piece for both v1 and v2 style switches... in at least one of the cases IIRC it's just sshing in and running a script brad McC (NOC) gave us lol21:08
* JayF wonders if you still run + the cache_image patch21:11
JayFprobably not21:11
JayFpython 2.7 last supported version, I hope not lol21:12
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