Wednesday, 2024-05-29

opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: augment security docs
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Enhance security notes in config description
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Add Node Servicing to api-ref
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: wip: Provision aarch64 fake-bare-metal-vms
iurygregoryok, talk submitted to OIS Asia 24 (fingers crossed)03:14
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Imported Translations from Zanata
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:15
rpittauiurygregory: good luck! :)07:15
sylvrHi! I'm a bit lost with Ironic about inspection/provision using the idrac driver, I was hoping I could get some help clear some misunderstanding I have on the software07:40
JayFJust go ahead and ask your specific question, even if no contributors are currently active we'll reply as folks see it o/08:15
JayFwelcome :)08:15
sylvrThanks !08:16
sylvrSo, I'm trying to use kayobe to manage an openstack with baremetal capabilities (mix HPC and VM for users). I have 3 switches : one OOB with all of the iDRAC on it, accessible by the seed-bifrost (Ironic run on it), one for management (internal openstack) and one for traffic08:20
sylvrso, I'm trying to inspect and provision nodes with seed-bifrost (ironic) but I can't figure out how to manage any nodes as they're stuck in the "enroll" state...08:21
JayFso are you trying to get them out of enroll into another state and getting an error, or just stuck there08:21
JayFI suspect there's an error in the bifrost run because iirc they shouldn't be left in enroll08:21
sylvrI think I might misunderstood some key point of provisionning/inspection using ironic08:21
JayFSo you're using mixed HPC and VMs08:22
JayFdo you have other openstack pieces? I assume yes?08:22
sylvrwell, AFAIK, enroll state is the first one (duirng inspection, PXEboot with IPA etc)08:22
sylvrI'm using kayobe, what pieces of openstack are you refering to ?08:23
JayFwell, if you're trying to do VMs08:23
JayFthat's not something that Ironic can do 08:23
JayFso I was assuming you're likely using Nova08:23
JayFwe only have VM support in Ironic/bifrost for development purposes (they are VMs that pretend to be bare metal)08:23
sylvroh yeah, well for now I'm trying to inspect and provision the undercloud ? 08:24
JayFgot it08:24
JayFso you want to use kayobe to provision bare metal08:24
JayFwhich will eventually have an openstack cluster installed on it (via ironic)08:24
sylvror just baremetal nodes if needed, but for now yeah to host an openstack cluster08:25
JayFso if your nodes are in enroll, you have to kick them through to the next state to get them ready to provision08:25
JayFI think it's `baremetal node manage UUID` `baremetal node provide UUID`08:25
JayFbut I can find a doc08:25
sylvrgonna try this rn, I think I have an error when running one of these08:26
JayF is instructions for doing it via the bifrost ansible08:26
JayFTBH I am not so much an expert on those bits as much as the underlying Ironic08:26
JayFyeah, that error will be key to getting in a good state08:27
* dtantsur got a second of surprise to see JayF so early :D08:27
JayFwe won't move the nodes outta enroll if some config is messed up, or ironic can't talk to them08:27
JayFtrying to get you the errors as early as possible :D 08:27
JayFdtantsur: it's 9:30am, what are you talking about08:27
* JayF yawns in jet lag08:27
JayFdon't worry, I will disappear into a swarm of meetings once johnthetubaguy and friends arrive :D08:28
sylvrwell, running 'baremetal node manage UUID' don't seem to do anything08:29
sylvrbut runniong 'baremetal node provide UUID' get me : The requested action "provide" can not be performed on node "UUID" while it is in state "enroll". (HTTP 400)08:29
sylvrbtw, none of my idrac are getting IP address (they're waiting for a DHCP server to get IP)08:30
JayFso, we don't provide DHCP for the BMCs in this case08:32
JayFMost operators prefer to manage those pieces of the network; we only run DHCP servers when it's needed to provision machines specifically.08:32
JayFThat's likely your problem -- you have to ensure those BMCs are IP'd and can generally respond to a "hello world" kind of query for Ironic to start managing them08:32
JayFif you get the BMCs online, Ironic should be able to take you thru the rest08:33
JayFafter you run the `bm node manage ...` command, do a `bm node show ...` on that same node, and you may see something in the last_error field -- likely a timeout connecting to the drac08:33
sylvrFailed to validate power driver interface for node UUID. Error: Missing the following Redfish properties in node UUID driver_info: [ 'redfish_address']08:37
sylvrokay, so redfish_address should be equal to the BMC address right ? it's in the OOB network ?08:37
JayFyou should be using the redfish style, not the wsman style (wsman is old; redfish is new and awesome)08:38
JayFthat doc, and the one for the redfish driver linked, should have the information you need (if anything; too much information)08:38
JayFbut to answer your specific question: yes, I believe so08:38
JayFI believe in a bifrost world, you'd put all those properties in the inventory and it'd probably get a lot further on it's own, but if you have an installed Ironic you can probably get to where you're going manually. 08:39
sylvrokay, so just to be clear : the OOB network should have a DHCP for my BMC(idrac), ironic-inspector(and such) can communicate with the node using their BMC on the OOB network08:40
sylvryeah I am using bifrost08:40
JayFwell, DHCP is an implementation choice -- but yes, your BMC has to have a working address08:40
JayFIronic also will, at a point further down than you are now, for some inspection and provisioning tasks, will boot a ramdisk agent on the machine08:41
JayFso we use the BMC in concert with in-band to get things working (in fact, probably 75% or more of our BMC interactions are around getting the machine to boot our agent)08:41
sylvryeah okay, so the BMC is used to manage the BIOS, but the provisionning(and inspection maybe) is still done via PXEboot of the IPA08:43
JayFwell, depending on driver, sometimes one or the other, sometimes both08:43
sylvryeah okay !08:43
JayFfor an idrac, it'll be both08:43
sylvrMy idrac are a bit old, this won't be an issue with redfish ?08:44
JayFif it's older, you might have to use idrac-wsman08:45
JayFbut if at all possible, you wanna use the redfish version08:45
JayFI am not familiar enough with dell hardware to know where the line is, unfortunately08:45
sylvrhum... okay, well I'm going to provide IP address for my BMC, and I'll experiment to know what driver I should use08:46
dtantsurhow old is a bit old?08:46
sylvrPowerEdge C632008:47
dtantsurI'm not familiar with models, what's the iDRAC version and its firmware version?08:48
dtantsur(its = iDRAC's)08:48
sylvrcan I as you to proof read my (kayobe)network configuration to be sure that I'm not mistaking provision/inspect network ?08:48
dtantsurI think we're both unfamiliar with kayobe itself, but we can try08:49
sylvrI think idrac8 but I need to be sure (I don't know for sure but I expect some issue with redfish/wsman so I'll look out for that!08:50
dtantsur8 should be okay, 7 probably won't work with redfish08:51
dtantsursylvr: as I said, I'm not exactly familiar with this configuration, so I might be off, but it feels weird to me that inspection/cleaning networks match the OOB network, not the value of provision_oc_net_name08:53
sylvryeah, that's exactly what I was unsure of08:54
dtantsurmy intuition is that you should use mgnt there too08:54
sylvryeah okay, that was my first thought too, but I tried changing things to see if it would help and fix my issues08:55
sylvrthank you all a lot!08:55
JayFNo problem, good luck and we'll be here if you have any other questions. Just make sure to hang around, many of us have limited availability so happy to help but not always in this TZ09:10
* JayF is usually PDT but in BST for the week09:10
JayFPlease have a look at -- I know cid may start implementing this soon, and it'd be very annoying if the design changed afterwards09:17
JayFalso lots of low-hanging-fruit in if someone has a few minutes09:17
JayFrpittau: you likely need to un-W-1 as well fwiw, it's passing now09:19
rpittauJayF: yep, done09:20
rpittauI'm actually going through the prio list right now09:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: Fix codespell reported errors
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Update supported Python versions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Add virtual-media-boot to openstack driver
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: Fix functional test run
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master failed: Handle invalid configuration for vif test execution
* shajizad uploaded an image: (41KiB) < >11:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update front page of contributor guide
iurygregoryrpittau, tks :D hopefully people will like the abstract :fingers crossed:11:22
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix negative lookahead assertion syntax error
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: wip: Provision aarch64 fake-bare-metal-vms
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Add pre-commit configuration and docs
sylvrHi again ! So I installed and configured a DHCP server on my oob network, my idrac are getting IP addresses, but running the command `baremetal node manage UUID` I get the following error (in last_error) : "Failed to validate power driver interface for node UUID. Error: Missing the following Redfish properties in node UUID driver_info: [ 'redfish_address']"12:22
sylvrbaremetal node show UUID shows only "idrac" in driver, shouldn't it be idrac-redfish ? (as the recommanded driver is redfish)12:28
dtantsursylvr: the driver name is the same for both protocols; bifrost only configures the redfish implementations12:38
TheJuliagood morning13:07
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Advanced vmedia deployment test ops
sylvrdtantsur: thanks! maybe I should remove one then, my 3 drivers are idrac,ipmi and redfish13:31
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Flexible IPMI credential persistence method configuration
dtantsursylvr: this list is okay, you just need to provide the correct fields for your nodes13:53
dtantsurthe redfish part of
sylvrdtantsur: I'm using kayobe and I didn't see the config for redfish, maybe I'm missing something (I assume this shouldn't be a manual step, as IPMI driver got the correct address) thanks for the links!13:57
dtantsurcould be something missing from kayobe, mgoddard may know13:58
sylvrwell, I need to check if my configs aren't missing files due to update, I think I'll ask tomorrow, thanks again !14:05
sylvralso, I'm 99% sure that my iDRAC aren't supporting redfish, so I'll try the idrac-swman driver ^^14:10
TheJuliasylvr: what version of idracs do you have?14:11
JayFCI is ARM'd and almost ready to go \o/ wtg cid
JayFhopefully that patch will be cleaned up for landing soon14:25
TheJuliawow that is far faster than I woudl have ever expected14:27
JayFI think it's only running a ping test14:30
JayFand I think he had to make the VM pretty big14:30
TheJuliastill that is really fast14:30
JayFI haven't looked at it in detail yet; but am pretty thrilled to see a green14:30
TheJuliawhen I last tried to do emulated arm it was 2x slower than the host machine natively running14:30
JayFand from a cursory look at the logs it is a real-pass14:30
rpittauthat's great!14:37
TheJulia4GB ram, 2 CPUs14:45
TheJuliaYeah, that seems to be working just fine14:46
TheJulia~105 seconds for the ramdisk to really get started after the transfer. Around the 140 second mark DHCP configuration achieved. The ramdisk continued to try networking on the other interface (uhhh.. what distro is this?!) and resumed booting around the 200 second mark 14:49
TheJuliamulti-user at 214 seconds. Looks lik the actual IPA start was super slow, didn't start logging its start until 296 seconds :(14:50
TheJuliaDebian...  I guess we should be mindful of that moving forward14:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Use specific element to detect database backend
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Advanced vmedia deployment test ops
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix some typo in servicing doc
rpittaugood night! o/16:02
TheJuliacid: great job, left review feedback on the two changes. I'm leaning towards just letting it run as non-voting to start so we can get some good deta points17:26
cidTheJulia: Ok. For a moment, I felt like I was on the moon when I saw a passing test17:28
TheJuliaheh :)17:28
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: WIP: Allow cloud-init?
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Advanced vmedia deployment test ops

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