Monday, 2024-04-01

*** dmellado4 is now known as dmellado11:09
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:46
TheJuliagood morning everyone13:00
TheJuliaIt feels like this week will be quiet13:02
TheJuliaI may be projecting some hope there13:03
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)13:05
iurygregorywell, at least today it will be quiet (holiday in Europe and some other countries if I recall)13:06
iurygregoryTheJulia, I just saw, do you still need it to land ?13:09
TheJuliaI think it would be nice for anyone using wallaby from master13:09
TheJuliaerr, upstream git13:09
iurygregorymakes sense, approving it13:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Normalize relative path for emulator config file
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add note regarding metal3 ci job in CI config for stable runs
TheJuliarutro, launchpad appears down14:30
TheJuliaand back14:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix mocking for TestGenericHardwareManager
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Add get_additional_skip_list and get_skip_list
dkingJay caught a good issue there in the comments, but I see that last one is now failing some zuul tests, but I don't know that I understand why yet.15:42
iurygregorydking, if I recall Jay is out this week15:51
dkingiurygregory: Yes, he is. So, I'm open if anybody else has any information. I don't see how my updates would have caused errors in those particular tests. For all non-custom instances, things should be running exactly the same.16:05
iurygregoryif you have the link for the patch I can look after lunch o/16:05
dkingThings seemed to go well at first, but then it seems like it failed 3 tests. I have a patch to resolve the comment, but I wanted to look at those failures before submitting it again.16:08
iurygregoryyou mean the source jobs that failed right?16:25
iurygregoryjust me, or it's crazy that Jay added +W on Mar 28, and only today we got the failed jobs? O.o16:26
TheJuliapartition image issues17:01
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Try to figure out missing /bin/sh failures with partition tests
TheJuliaI have a theory, but unfortunately I didn't get any data supporting it last week17:04
dkingSo, perhaps that's an unrelated error, or could something in the change possibly be causing that? They don't look related, but I don't run those tests locally.17:06
TheJuliamy theory, because we use this really weird way to make a centos partition image, is that the image unpack process is failing17:07
TheJuliaor the image pack process is failing17:07
TheJuliaso I'm really starting to think that the partition build just is just not reliable20:26
samcat116I am trying to deploy an ironic node with Nova and it seems that for some reason placement is filtering the node out. Whats weird is if I do an allocation candidate list with the resource class on the node and in the flavor, it shows the right node as a candidate. But when deploying with nova it seems like placement returns no candidates21:05
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Try to figure out missing /bin/sh failures with partition tests
samcat116Do host aggregate groups come into play with scheduling here?21:06
samcat116As in the placement logs I see getting providers with 1 CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_SSR_120 then found 7 providers after applying required aggregates filter then found 1 providers with available 1 CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_SSR_120 then found 0 providers after applying initial aggregate and trait filters21:07
TheJuliaI guess it could, and samcat116 it sounds like you've honed in on the right place, I just don't know what aggregrate trait/filters get applied there21:09
samcat116the hard part is that placement and nova have a concept of aggregates, and they aren't the same thing21:11
TheJulia:( Unfortunately, I just don't know21:19
TheJuliasounds like you've already got placement in debug mode?21:20
TheJuliaI remember the code/logic behind each individual filter is very simple, maybe time to add a little extra logging?21:22

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