Friday, 2024-02-16

NobodyCamI should have picked up on the service token thing :(00:02
NobodyCamThank you TheJulia 00:02
NobodyCamI'm setting up for the next test00:02
NobodyCamwill let you know how we do00:03
NobodyCamsame error on the volume detach00:24
TheJuliathat seems like states don't line up00:35
NobodyCamI'll dig in 00:40
NobodyCamthank you for the help! 00:40
NobodyCamthe states do look good.. volume status shows in-use and attachments show (a lot) but has attached_at with a date01:18
TheJuliadunno :(01:31
rpittaugood morning ironic! happy friday! o/08:27
masgharHappy Friday :D10:05
opendevreviewAfonne-CID Paul Onyedikachi proposed openstack/ironic master: Improve clarity of exception message
opendevreviewAfonne-CID Paul Onyedikachi proposed openstack/ironic master: Improve clarity of exception message
TheJuliagood morning14:24
jamesdentonhello hello14:29
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: ci: support overriding the service project name
TheJuliaMore coffee required15:25
JayFwe should land and it's attached change (909221 above) to fix some CI issues16:12
JayFI'm going AFK for a couple hours; but if it's not landed or -1'd by the time I get back landing as a single core to fix ci16:12
rpittauI have approved both16:13
cidgood evening o/.16:25
cidWorking on, wondering if I need to indicate the changes in the "API version history" docstring (and how).16:25
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Special case lenovo UEFI boot setup
TheJuliao/ cid 16:38
TheJuliaso, it wouldn't be REST api, but it would be an RPC version increment16:39
TheJuliaand in that I'd just note the method's removals in the release notes16:39
cid"I'd" as in me (CID)?16:40
TheJuliayes, if I was doing so, I would just do it as a note. I suspect we might need a version check someplace.. I'm also trying to think if we've ever removed an rpc method before16:41
TheJuliawe're quite obviously outside of the upgrade support window for those methods16:42
cidok thanks.16:46
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! o/16:58
TheJuliaAny chance I can get some reviews on ?17:25
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: add additional content for host clock skew
NobodyCam:head desk: service account roles not setup 17:43
JayFgood stuff cid, thanks!17:46
JayFlooking Julia17:46
JayF+2 on 907610; but not landing immediately as a single core since it's removing a CI job17:47
JayFif you have urgency let me know and I can forgo the waiting period :P 17:47
TheJuliaI'd just like to get the stable branch happy again17:47
TheJuliadoesn't have to be today17:48
JayFsgtm; my thought on CI for those older branches is removing a job == "if you -1 this, you volunteer to fix it"17:49
JayFso I doubt we'll have any interest in -1'ing it :D 17:49
TheJuliaYeah, with older branches, it is normal to start shedding jobs17:50
TheJuliaof course, if you want to add a job :)17:51
JayFsure; lgtm17:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: ci: allow service role CI account usage to have elevated access
TheJulia wants a review :)19:41
TheJuliaActually, previously had dmitry, and I only touched the commit message19:42
* TheJulia fixes19:42
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove unsupported rpc methods
JayF Is this rightheaded? I'm saying we should pull any release_mappings referencing RPC versions we could no longer service with the change20:16
TheJulia... without looking at the change, and only what you put in irc, likely correct20:26
JayFThen it's likely correct :)20:26
TheJuliathat should likely only co-incide with where they are removed at20:27
TheJuliasay 1.43 had and used by default the methods, but we've since has 1.44-1.65, then only mapping references for 1.43 and before should be dropped20:28
TheJuliaAnd those are just example numbers20:28
TheJuliaso also20:41
TheJuliaso unit tests likely need to be removed20:41
TheJuliacid: tox -epep8 && tox -epy3 are your friends :)20:41
jamesdenton@JayF thanks again for the help yesterday. Turns out I needed to use [inspector] extra_kernel_params in ironic.conf, since Ironic was driving inspection20:43
jamesdenton--ipa-collect-lldp=1 was the way to go20:44
cidTheJulia: noted  :D20:50
cidThanks a million JayF20:50
cidHappy weekend o/20:50
TheJuliahave a wonderful weekend20:51
* TheJulia steps away for brain sanity20:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: [stable-only] Fix tempest checkout/grenade run
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-baremetal master: [codespell] Fixing Spelling Mistakes
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: [codespell] Adding Tox Target for Codespell
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: [codespell] Adding CI target for Tox Codespell

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