Tuesday, 2023-08-29

stevebaker[m]JayF: I've got a -1 on this but it would be nice to address them without blocking on TheJulia . What do you think? As a follow-up change or one of us makes the change and the other lands it? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/88478300:56
JayFI'd honestly suggest option c; we land it as-is and one of us do the followup change real quick, none of it is so difficult as to wait and churning the patch makes more ci churn00:57
TheJuliaFor what it is worth, I started on doc updates in a later patch in the series01:07
TheJuliaDidn’t make sense until the ipa change had also landed, at least to me01:08
TheJuliaI should be around tomorrow, but I have several meetings on my calendar.01:14
stevebaker[m]Alrighty, +2!01:25
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Firmware Interface support  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/89156001:39
iurygregoryJayF, fyi tested in real hardware and fixed the problems I've spoted01:40
iurygregoryDmitry had a concern about showing created_at and updated_at without using --long (details)01:40
iurygregorybut the current api doesn't have support, so I'm not 100% sure if how we want to handle =), not show at all ? 01:41
JayFoh yeah, he's gone a while isn't he01:44
iurygregorywill be back next week 01:44
JayFdo we have pattern in other parts of the code of artifically making --long work differently using fields?01:44
JayF(and if we didn't hook up fields, that *is* weird)01:45
iurygregorylong is basically used to list details01:45
iurygregorythis is the current output from patch #201:45
iurygregoryin patch #1 you would have two more columns, created at, updated at01:46
JayFCan you put all the context in the review and I'll take a look with fresh eyes in the morning?01:47
JayFI'm only looking at IRC on a fluke :)01:47
iurygregoryor, we can ignore that the api doesn't have details support yet.. and if --long is used, we include created at and updated at01:47
iurygregorysure =)01:47
JayFI think that's not too bad of a way of doing it01:47
JayFbecause the pattern works for if we add more details to the api later01:47
TheJuliaWait… is the api already returning it?01:47
JayFiurygregory: TheJulia: this is all based on the assumption that the code in question is manipulating fields=blah properly on the request01:48
JayFif we have the data not returning it seems silly01:48
JayFand if we aren't supporting field querying that's sad too but probaly not really relevant in the real world01:48
iurygregoryTheJulia, I'm testing the Redfish one in some machines :D 01:49
JayFoh I misunderstood the question :) I'm less surprised to see Iury has it working :P01:49
iurygregoryit's not no-firmware under test hehe01:49
iurygregoryit's a real test :D01:50
TheJuliaI guess I’m not I understanding the actual issue, so more details are needed01:50
JayFit was a comment on the review from dmitry; that's the context, can you link it up iurygregory ?01:50
JayFoh here it is, it was just in channel01:50
iurygregorybasically if we should include create at, updated at if `--long` is used, (we can have workaround in the code to make this happening, but the right thing is having the API supporting details, currently it doesn't)01:52
TheJuliaThis has to micro-version, basically01:53
JayFmicroversions are cheap01:54
TheJuliaSorry :(01:54
JayFthe time isn't though, sorry01:54
JayFif you can get it up I can get quick reviews? send me a direct email about it if you get one up before I'm awake01:55
JayFI'm disconnecting from irc now though o/01:55
iurygregoryJayF, I think I can work tomorrow morning on adding a new microversion for details01:55
iurygregorywill try changing in the current setup I have ironic running01:56
JayFthe real race is against the ironicclient deadline too01:56
ashinclouds[m]Perfection is impossible01:56
JayFso is there a path forward where we land the current support, add details as a fast follow up in the api and the client?01:57
JayFlike, they aren't inherently incompatible?01:57
TheJuliaCut the fields out of the client, add them back in with proper micro version handling later01:57
iurygregorythey are out the client already01:57
iurygregoryin #201:57
TheJuliaTechnically it is a breaking change on the api, but there is no good option01:57
TheJuliaI guess01:58
TheJuliaThe challenge is the real world, this is a feature, the delineation that is01:58
JayFit's never going to be released01:58
JayFthat's the race for the follow up on the ironic side, before we cut a release01:58
TheJuliaDo we really ever need that delineation01:59
iurygregorywell, currently we do return created_at, updated at via api already 01:59
JayFa minor api break, only in master for what, two weeks, on a brand new feature is not that bad01:59
JayFyeah so adding ?details and dropping them as default01:59
JayFis breaky01:59
JayFin theory01:59
JayFI say in theory because if someone is consuming that feature a week after we landed it they'd be in here talking to us now lol02:00
TheJuliaUnreleased feature, in theory02:00
JayFas long as we document it in the microversion as a bugfix 02:00
JayFI don't care, we just need to make the space between now and then as short as possible02:00
iurygregoryworking on it02:05
iurygregoryi.e microversion first, and will re-install and re-test the client02:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Adds service steps  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/88478302:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update iRMC driver vendor library version  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89279002:56
vanouThanks JayF and stevebaker[m] for review03:10
stevebaker[m]you're welcome03:13
iurygregoryhumm interesting, for port we have created at and updated at (you don't need to use --long) 03:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Introduce default kernel/ramdisks by arch  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89081904:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Add service steps call to agent logic  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89122904:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Revamp Ironic dev-quickstart documentation  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89191204:11
kubajjGood morning everyone! o/06:49
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:52
rpittauJayF: I'll be out for almost a month starting this Friday06:55
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Revert "Move metal3 integration job to non-voting temporarily"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89279708:40
rpittauyet another rebase, please merge this when you have a moment ^08:41
kubajjrpittau: I don't want to recheck something that I don't understand, but it seems that neutron did not start again for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-generic-switch/+/888051 the change seems relatively simple however and I doubt that it should influence neutron in any way09:51
rpittaukubajj: if you look at the neutron logs you'll see the error, it's quite explicit, looks like it's failing to load the netmiko plugin09:59
kubajjrpittau: Oh, I see. So the pipeline is failing? For future reference, can I get to these logs from the zuul site, or is this somewhere else?10:02
kubajjFound it here https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/ac74c9f73cda4f0985e8e3044b1fc68d/log/controller/logs/screen-q-svc.txt10:03
rpittaukubajj: I believe something wrong in the enabled plugins, so not your patch fault, you can always access the logs of each job just clicking on the job link itself10:03
rpittauthe zuul page is not the best place, the patch itself has everything you need10:03
kubajjrpittau: sorry if I am blind but which link do you mean? I can see only the zuul links on gerrit10:07
rpittaukubajj: if you link on the zuul message in your patch you'll see a list of jobs, each one with a link that you can open and where you will find the logs10:16
kubajjrpittau: oh, I see, so it is on the zuul page10:17
kubajjthe link you've sent is just when you inspect logs raw10:17
rpittaunp sorry for the confusion10:18
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:41
iurygregoryrpittau, funny thing is that metal3 failed in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/892797 .-.11:42
iurygregoryfatal: https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.28.1/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl binary checksum '\''e7a7d6f9d06fab38b4128785aa80f65c54f6675a0d2abef655259ddd852274e1'\'' differs from expected checksum '\''4685bfcf732260f72fce58379e812e091557ef1dfc1bc8084226c7891dd6028f'11:42
iurygregoryoh god11:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove instance image after deployment  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/87868011:55
rpittauah ok that's version issue12:06
rpittaulet me check again on metal312:06
iurygregoryTheJulia, JayF , so I was thinking a little bit, maybe we don't need to bump a microversion.. we already include all the information in the response see https://paste.opendev.org/show/bzY1vHVkCcsZ6xvDox1a/ , so maybe we just update the client (without --long we don't show created_at and updated_at, with --long we give all information), wdyt?12:09
iurygregorymaybe is just me, but a microversion bump would be too much .-. 12:16
rpittauiurygregory: issue on metal3 integration job is being fixed as we write :)12:30
iurygregoryrpittau, nice =)12:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Permit Ironic to notify IPA it can support MD5  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/88216812:32
TheJuliagood morning13:06
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia 13:07
TheJuliaDoes anyone remember what I was working on last week?!13:12
iurygregoryservice steps?13:14
iurygregorybut I think the patch is merged13:14
iurygregoryand I would suggest to take slow today =)13:14
TheJuliaOVN, I think13:15
TheJulia....  I feel really tired13:15
TheJuliabut I have energy, if that makes sense13:16
TheJuliacoffee, then I'll re-test13:16
TheJuliaso, looks like OVN doesn't work on the pxe-grub job for some reason13:19
TheJuliastill positive /o\13:26
iurygregorywe want to move to OVN, but OVN doesn't like us lol13:35
iurygregory=( normally takes 4-5 days I think (last time I heard)13:37
TheJuliaI suspect it is still lingering, unfortuntely13:52
iurygregory=( yeah, just take slow and get some rest13:54
TheJuliaso the ovn grub failure appears to be it never seeks a config file13:56
iurygregory<flip table>13:59
TheJuliait appears to have enough config, I'll have to pcap the vm to see what it is doing14:05
TheJuliabaed upon that I can update docs on the ovn change14:05
opendevreviewMahnoor Asghar proposed openstack/ironic master: Add inspection hooks  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89081714:58
rpittaugood night! o/16:12
iurygregorybye rpittau o/16:17
samcat116Is there any docs or a guide for using Bifrost without dhcp and relying on only redfish virtual media?16:22
TheJuliasamcat116: afaik, no. I think you'd have to populate the network_info field on the node, which would get injeccted into the ramdisk16:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Add inspection (processing) hooks  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/88755416:45
gmannJayF: need your +1 on this, please check https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/88571317:23
gmannthanks 17:24
TheJuliaso! grub is not working with ovn because it thinks is on the same broadcast domain as (i.e.) the host17:29
clarkbis it a /8?17:35
clarkbprobably not but that would explain it at least17:35
TheJuliait is /2817:38
TheJuliaI think I need to open a bug and prod grub maintainers17:39
TheJulia"dude, this makes no sense... can I paypal you beer money"17:39
JayFit makes a lot of sense if it's an intentional lack of support for routed networks ... it's a lot of code to write to support routed networks and have a gateway17:43
JayFhttps://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Network.html note no settings for gateway or subnet17:44
TheJuliait worked previously....17:44
JayFSo it worked previously on a routed network17:45
JayFthen scratch all that, but it is suspicious that they don't even have the config language to talk about routing17:45
JayFis it possible it was doing the same wrong thing before and somehow (ovs magic?) it got to it's destination anyway? No way that's possible17:45
JayFbecause it'd be breaky on real hardware17:46
JayFyeah idk17:46
JayFTheJulia: this is interesting https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=187861217:46
TheJuliaI am actually going to have to change the VM to be able to run some commands on it, but that was after I started typing out a bug17:48
TheJuliaso yeah, somehow grub believes there is as the route18:22
*** melwitt_ is now known as melwitt18:34
iurygregoryTheJulia, JayF not sure if you saw the ping I left earlier regarding microversion bump to add details... currently this is what the API returns https://paste.opendev.org/show/bzY1vHVkCcsZ6xvDox1a/ I think we could just handle things in the client itself, https://paste.opendev.org/show/bcv7SjC4rOMO5EwFtzW3/ wdyt?19:53
JayFYour comment about port not supporting details was telling19:54
JayFif it mimics what we're already doing somewhere else, I'm OK with it19:54
iurygregoryI don't think returning all of them without long would be a problem (since is not a lot of information regarding number of columns)19:57
iurygregoryif we had more things stored in DB this would probably make more sense to support I would say19:58
iurygregoryI just want to get the consensus so we can get the patch merged XD19:58
JayFThe part I struggle with 19:59
JayFand honestly I kinda hate being in this spot19:59
JayFis negative feedback without the person being here to clear it19:59
JayFI was OK with it the whole time19:59
JayFso it's hard for me to be like "yeah this satisfies dmitry's concern" 19:59
iurygregoryyeah =(19:59
JayFTheJulia: you have any opinion?19:59
JayFI sorta feel like if we get all three of us onboard it'll probably have to be fine19:59
* iurygregory goes to grab more coffee brb20:01
TheJuliacan we talk thorough it for a few minutes?20:05
TheJuliait woule be easier for me to think through outloud20:05
JayFI'm happy to jump in a sync chat if that will help20:06
* JayF writing up docs for his MLH fellow starting in a month-ish20:07
TheJuliacoffee is a good ida20:13
JayFI will turn into a pumpkin at some point, I've not been feeling great today and I'm reaching my end :) 20:14
JayFso if we wanna chat lets do it in the next 30?20:14
TheJuliaI need to self pumpkinize soon myself20:14
TheJulia~1 hr and I'm a pumpkin pie20:15
TheJuliammmm pie20:16
JayFiurygregory: you ready?20:18
* JayF starts a zoom20:25
JayFTheJulia: iurygregory: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85464940784?pwd=bkVFcHg1bkZ6MmRXd1NmWTFEdTUzUT0920:25
JayFanyone else interested in API semantics of node firmware please join :D 20:25
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add service steps and initial docs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89163020:25
iurygregoryJayF, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/891560/2/ironicclient/tests/unit/osc/v1/test_baremetal_node.py20:34
iurygregoryyou can probably add using reply and mark things as resolved20:34
* iurygregory updates the patch 20:34
JayFI put a comment there20:36
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Enable OVN CI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/88508720:43
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Firmware Interface support  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/89156020:44
iurygregoryJayF, done =) 20:44
TheJuliawell, two integration jobs working with ovn is still not bad20:45
iurygregorybetter than none20:45
TheJuliaand it is technically a feature I guess20:47
TheJuliaalbeit one where bugs were opened... many bugs20:47
JayFtwo jobs and a lot of bugs > 0 jobs and 0 bugs20:48
* iurygregory goes back to inspector client 20:54
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Fix our internal MTU settings  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89311221:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Revert "Move metal3 integration job to non-voting temporarily"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/89279721:16

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