Friday, 2023-07-21

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/05:55
rpittaujfargen: the error you're seeing means that the schema of redfish applied by the firmware is the same as it was before, which is really odd, I would double check the version currently in use and try to verify the schema with some curl calls06:33
rpittaujfargen: basic bifrost configuration is pxe/bios/ipmi, if you need something different you'll have to configure it before running the installation, or modify the parameters in the config files06:45
rpittaujfargen: how the machines are enrolled/deployed depends on what's provided in the inventory, for example for redfish virtual media you will need to specify the redfish-virtual-media driver 06:45
rpittaujfargen: since you have dell machines though the normal redfish driver probably won't work, that may be another reason why you're seeing that error, you need to use idrac-redfish or idrac-redfish-virtual-media06:45
rpittauoh yeah, happy friday! :)06:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix retry logic logging
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Wait for secure boot state change if it's not immediate
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Wait for secure boot state change if it's not immediate
janders^ trying to pick up Dmitry's change backfired a bit, gotta clean this up08:56
samuelkunkel[m]<rpittau> "jfargen: since you have dell..." <- We have many hundreds of DELL Machines (R640, R6525, C6420, C6525, R750). All of them work fine with the generic redfish driver09:40
samuelkunkel[m]jfargen: did you check that redfish is enabled in der idrac & does the user you use have enough permissions?09:41
samuelkunkel[m](It should be enabled by default)09:41
samuelkunkel[m]I remember that we use pretty generous permissions09:41
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:35
rpittausamuelkunkel[m]: that's interesting, so you don't have idrac-redfish enabled in the ironic config?12:28
samuelkunkel[m]Not to my knowledge. The DELL Nodes have the exact same configuration as the HPE and Supermicro nodes12:30
samuelkunkel[m]And there is nothing specific enabled within the ironic configuration12:30
rpittaualright, and weird :)12:34
samuelkunkel[m]If you run the redfish ironic profile compatibility check (from the redfish dmtf repo) against the idracs its happy12:39
samuelkunkel[m]So from that I assume it supports everything ironic expects12:39
samuelkunkel[m]And I assume the ironic redfish profile is taking only the generic redfish settings / options into account12:40
jfargenAdding boot_interface to the inventory would be more idea.13:20
jfargen"boot_interface": "redfish-virtual-media",13:21
jfargenSomething like that?13:21
rpittaujfargen: that's on the node side, do you also have that enabled in the ironic config ?13:22
jfargenThis is the first time I have looked at bifrost.13:25
jfargenenabled_hardware_types: "ipmi,redfish,manual-management,ilo"13:25
jfargenNot sure if there are other parameters.13:26
rpittauthat should be enough to have generic redfish, including redfish-virtual-media13:30
rpittauI would add idrac too, just to be sure13:32
TheJuliaWe should likely add bmw dis stuffs to bifrost’s defaults13:32
rpittauit's ckind of funny that we have ilo in the defaults but no idrac13:33
jfargenFrom /etc/ironic/ironic.conf I see this as well. enabled_boot_interfaces = ipxe,pxe,redfish-virtual-media13:33
ashinclouds[m]I was at hpe when we started bifrost13:33
rpittaujfargen: yep, that looks correct13:33
rpittauashinclouds[m]: ah!13:33
TheJuliaUgh, I need to use that client more13:34
TheJuliaAnyway, what my matrix client said :)13:34
jfargenTried to set the node to provision state provide and it went into this cleaning state.13:35
jfargenGoing to get some coffee.13:36
TheJuliajfargen: that is expected13:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Correct JSON by adding missing comma
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! o/14:30
jfargenprovision state = cleaned failed14:52
jfargenwhat state should the node be in?14:53
jfargen$ baremetal node show 20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 --fit-width14:54
jfargen| Field                  | Value                                                                                                       |14:54
jfargen| allocation_uuid        | None                                                                                                        |14:54
jfargen| automated_clean        | None                                                                                                        |14:54
jfargen| bios_interface         | redfish                                                                                                     |14:54
jfargen| boot_interface         | redfish-virtual-media14:54
TheJuliaIdeally available, but something failed14:55
TheJuliaLook at the last_error field14:55
mohammedAre there periodic runs for metal3 test on ironic builds that run on master branch ? If so how can I check on zuul only these master builds not changes builds ? 15:46
jfargen| last_error             | During sync_power_state, max retries exceeded for node 20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, node state     |15:49
jfargen|                        | power on does not match expected state 'power off'. Updating DB state to 'power on' Switching node to       |15:49
jfargen|                        | maintenance mode.15:49
iurygregorymohammed, we don't have periodic runs but every patch to ironic repo will run the metal3-integration job15:50
iurygregory 15:51
mohammediurygregory: Thanks! I have been checking those but I was a bit confused if the error are on the master or caused by the change itself 15:52
iurygregoryyeah that's trye15:54
masgharHello everyone! I have some trouble trying to test my patch migrating inspection hooks to ironic (from ironic inspector, to deprecate ironic-inspector in the future). Link:
masgharI am using bifrost, and testing this on VMs made by bifrost. My nodes keep getting stuck in inspect_wait, and I am not too sure if its because the nodes' interfaces are set incorrectly..16:01
masgharFor example: One node has driver ipmi, boot_interface=ipxe, deploy_interface=ramdisk, inspect_interface=agent, network_interface=noop16:03
masgharIf anyone knows, is there something wrong with the interface values at the surface level?16:04
JayFjfargen: unset maintenance on it, baremetal node manage; baremetal node provide16:19
JayFjfargen: basically my assumption is that the machine started in the wrong power state vs what Ironic expects16:19
JayFjfargen: so you just wanna retry which means getting node.maintenance set to false (there's a special cli command just for this), and getting it to reclean which is manage (move from clean failed -> managable) then provide (move from managable -> available)16:19
* JayF is not actually here today but thought he's try to help16:20
opendevreviewVictor Morales proposed openstack/bifrost master: Fix ipaddr deprecation warning
TheJuliajfargen: is that machine enrolled in another ironic?16:44
TheJuliamohammed: looks like the latest metal3 job failure was due to the change set, whatever Jacob was doing with his change16:51
mohammedTheJulia : I thought the same ! I have built image after yesterday fix on metal3CI and I am following that so far it looks green thanks :)  16:53
iurygregorymasghar, when you have a node you can  try to validate their interfaces using /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/validate this would give an idea if you are using wrong values (there is also the option via the client)17:28
*** melwitt is now known as jgwentworth18:26
jfargenTheJulia: I was thinking the same thing, going to check on it.19:45
NobodyCamGood afternoon Ironic folks23:41
NobodyCamHappy late Friday23:41
NobodyCamdumb question will iso-image-create package IPA in a UEFI image?23:42
TheJuliaHonestly, never tried23:48

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