Wednesday, 2023-06-14

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:44
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow setting migrations timeout value from tox
dtantsurI wonder when we get Debian 12 nodes to start testing bifrost :)07:42
Nisha_AgarwalHi JayF 11:03
Nisha_Agarwalhi scottsol 11:16
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Handle duplicate node inventory entries per node
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Handle duplicate node inventory entries per node
rpittaugood night! o/15:23
JayFNisha_Agarwal: we are at open infra summit for the rest of the week16:06
JayFNisha_Agarwal: I'd prefer we coordinate in the public bug... It's easier since we're working across 3 tzs16:07
*** dking is now known as Guest308516:11
Guest3085Anybody at the PTG know which table we're at?16:11
Guest3085I didn't think about copying that info off of my home desktop. :-/16:12
Guest3085It was on the etherpad, but I didn't copy that link, either, or my IRCinfo16:13
JayFHey it's on Thursday we have a table booked16:20
JayFI'm happy to chat with you today about ironic if you want anyway, I'm in the marketplace room watching the presentation on sokoban16:21
JayFLook for a big dude in a blue hockey jersey16:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Handle duplicate node inventory entries per node
*** dking is now known as Guest309017:16
dking1For anybody interested, the link should be:
*** dking is now known as Guest310621:31
opendevreviewJohn Garbutt proposed openstack/ironic master: Adding NetworkOnlyDeploy driver
opendevreviewJohn Garbutt proposed openstack/ironic master: Adding NetworkOnlyDeploy driver

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