Wednesday, 2023-01-11

opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6 failed: Fix CI for bugfix/8.6
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6 failed: Drop python2 from bindep.txt
TheJuliaJayF: technically yes, but i don't think it would really need to be version guarded, more as an annoucement when done00:26
TheJuliasince previously it just wouldn't have worked and all00:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: CI: Reset VM footprint to 2.6GB
JayFyeah, that's what I thought. It really will be trivial to implement.01:04
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:26
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:43
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6: Fix CI for bugfix/8.6
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6: Drop python2 from bindep.txt
dtantsurJayF: re API version, if I understand you right, the answer is "absolutely yes"09:44
dtantsurand I'm not sure why TheJulia says it does not have to be guarded. per our rules, it absolutely does, it's a new feature.09:44
dtantsurmastodon folks, boosting very welcome:
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:49
rpittauhey iurygregory :)11:56
opendevreviewwaleed mousa proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: update NVIDIA NIC firmware images and settings by ironic-python-agent
iurygregoryrpittau, o/12:34
kubajjmorning everyone12:47
iurygregorymorning kubajj 12:55
TheJuliadtantsur: I was more thinking a) high cost for overhead area of the api, b) rules seem written to guard against a case of usage were a bit unlikely to see then, granted, it would mean it could now work if manually tried on an older client when bad input wouldn't have worked previously13:32
dtantsurTheJulia: the goal of the rules is also discoverability of API changes coupled with enforced usage of API versions13:34
dtantsuras you know, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of microversions, but we've committed to them :)13:34
TheJuliadescoverability I absolutely agree with13:34
TheJuliaI think we should at least bump the version, we don't necessarily need to do "are there any commas" and then make decisions based upon the version if we don't necessarily have to13:35
TheJuliathen again13:36
TheJuliathere is the flip side, run the logic based upon the api version13:36
TheJuliathat *should* be much lower overhead13:36
TheJuliaat least until everyone is on the newest/latest client :)13:37
opendevreviewwaleed mousa proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: update NVIDIA NIC firmware images and settings by ironic-python-agent
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add `service` role RBAC policy support
arne_wiebalckGood morning iurygregory rpittau dtantsur TheJulia kubajj o/15:14
TheJuliagood morning arne_wiebalck 15:15
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, o/15:15
arne_wiebalckpreparing a visit of another community here at CERN brings back fond memories of the Ironic team down in the CMS cavern :)15:16
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix grub config path default
TheJuliaThat was neat to see, giving us the whole scope of use really helped15:19
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Remove 'py_modules'
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Fix tox4 error
rpittaugoodnight! o/16:13
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Remove 'py_modules'
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Remove 'py_modules'
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/sushy stable/zed: Fix tox4 and setuptools errors
* TheJulia hopes the inspector patch makes it happier16:30
*** dmellado_ is now known as dmellado17:03
TheJuliaDo we have any dell folks hanging out on irc on a regular basis these days?17:59
samuelkunkel[m]Guys working for dell? Or user(s) of their products?18:00
TheJuliadell employees18:07
TheJulianot everyone here is a guy :)18:07
TheJuliasome in channel are even gender neutral bots18:08
* TheJulia looks at opendevstatus 18:08
samuelkunkel[m]I know, was just the easiest to type quickly. Sorry.18:08
TheJuliano worries :)18:09
TheJuliaJust getting a smile18:09
samuelkunkel[m];) - but anyway, nothing I could help. If you look for users of their product, thats were I could rather help as we have tons of them18:11
JayFHonestly it's nice to see a new name talking in chat18:14
TheJuliasamuelkunkel[m]: Thanks :) By chance what is the latest firmware version your using?18:17
TheJuliafor the idrac specifically18:17
samuelkunkel[m]6.00 and some 5.1018:20
samuelkunkel[m]Do you need it more specific?18:20
samuelkunkel[m]We do not run the latest (6.10) yet18:20
samuelkunkel[m]Also I dont know who created that versioning schema18:24
TheJuliayeah, apparently the report I have is 6.1018:25
JayFsamuelkunkel[m]: if you're looking for people to talk about how firmware doesn't make sense, we're professionals at that ;) 18:25
TheJulia... yeah, I've had some "huh?" "nobody knows" dialogs with them18:26
TheJuliaregarding versioning18:26
samuelkunkel[m]JayF: I will get back to this offer, trust me ;)18:44
samuelkunkel[m]TheJulia: yes, 6.10 is sounds correct as the latest. We are testing the new version somewhere during the next week(s). Not expecting big changes… from 5.10 to 6.0 only thing we noticed are bugs in regards to dhcp dns registration of the idrac…18:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove 'py_modules'
TheJuliaI know we've and some dell folks have spotted a few things, but overall it seems kind of minor in the grand scheme, what I've got a report of is that boot devices can no longer be set, but I need logging data to be able to determine if it has or has not already been fixed upstream, so you might be a good data point :)18:57
samuelkunkel[m]So during the deploy stage of the ipa? After installing the os to the selected disk? (As there is, to my knowledge, the change of the boot device)19:00
TheJuliathey hit it upon trying to introspect before even deploying19:00
samuelkunkel[m]Hmm, I can surely test this sometime next week. Does the interface matter? As we are running purely ipmitool (no redfish currently)19:02
TheJuliaoh, so redfish19:02
samuelkunkel[m]Ok, I can change that for a test (would be a good one anyway as we want to switch for most newer stuff anyway)19:03
TheJuliacool, much appreciated!19:03
samuelkunkel[m]I can have a look into it on monday. 19:06
samuelkunkel[m]Just for further clarification, whats the state of the server before starting the introspection? (I assume its started manually in this case?) 19:06
samuelkunkel[m]I assume manageable?19:06
samuelkunkel[m]And then inspect is executed and fails because it can not change the boot device?19:07
TheJuliaYeah, that appears to be the ccase19:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Remove 'py_modules'
TheJuliafun == when you write code to write tests to write code20:48
JayFI'm executing the bugfix branch retirements now in ironic20:56
JayFcompleted ironic, beginning IPA20:57
JayFIPA complete, moving to ironic-inspector21:00
JayFissues with inspector, pausing21:01
JayFlooks like maybe permissinos in gerrit21:02
TheJuliagah, our internal naming inconsistencies are going to drive me crazy21:28
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Make metrics names a little more consistent
JayFthat is a change that is constantly in a state of superposition22:56
JayFI love and hate is simultaneously22:56
JayF(it's better; but if I were an operator  I'd be extremely unhappy about having to align with a new metric name)22:57
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add release note for association proxy changes
TheJuliaJayF: internal and non-contracted naming... *shrugs*23:00
TheJuliaI.... really want to rewrite all our metric names23:00
TheJulia... like... a lot23:00
JayFyou wouldn't consider changing a metrics name some kind of api break?!23:00
TheJuliait happens anytime code is shuffled23:01
TheJuliabecause the actual decorator puts the file path in23:01
JayFI'm dead serious when I say, if you had done that (rewrite all our metric names) when I was operating dashboards against ironic, you would've created days of downstream work23:01
TheJuliaand the classpath23:01
JayFmaybe less so if they were all changed in a similar/scriptable manner23:01
TheJuliaso it is like ironic.conductor.manager.ConductorManager.whateverthehumanset23:01
TheJuliaAnyway, I've got a migraine after writing code to massage ^^^^ that ^^^ into something promethus friendly23:02
TheJuliaironic_conductormanager_check_rescuewait_timeouts_sum{component="conductor",hostname="devstack",service="ironic"} 119.9817657470703123:02
JayFI guess we should be glad that metrics moved away from this
JayFlike, tbh, if you wanted to change all the metric names23:03
JayFthat gets into "then we should see if anyone actually uses statsd and change the nature of ironic metrics" territory23:03
JayFwhich I can be onboard for23:03
TheJuliadunno, it could mean we could just directly leverage *some* of the promethus client stuff internally, and somewhat directly, which would make some things less painful, but other things with it are... still painful23:04
TheJuliaI should hit a stopping point with fresh code to review tomorrow23:05

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