Monday, 2022-11-28

vanougood morning ironic02:09
arozmanhi Ironic07:02
arne_wiebalckGood morning vanou arozman and Ironic!07:26
jandershey vanou  arozman arne_wiebalck and Ironic o/07:50
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/07:50
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:25
vanouHi arozman arne_wiebalck janders rpittau o/08:35
rpittauhey vanou :)08:35
opendevreviewVanou Ishii proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Deals with migration of tox base job to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: OOB inspection timeout fix for idrac
opendevreviewVanou Ishii proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1: Deals with migration of tox base job to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewVanou Ishii proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Deals with migration of tox base job to Ubuntu Jammy
rpittauvanou: I'm not sure we want to retroactively set our tests to run on jammy08:58
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: OOB inspection timeout fix for idrac
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: OOB inspection timeout fix for idrac
vanourpittau: Without these patches, Zuul tests at 18.1 & 19.0. There was update on Zuul base job in which openstack-tox based Zuul job uses Ubuntu Jammy. And Zuul job at 18.1/19.0 get affected with these change at Zuul base job.09:16
vanou^ Without these patches, Zuul tests at 18.1 & 19.0 fail.09:17
rpittauvanou: ok, so the title is misleading then :)09:17
rpittauvanou: thanks for taking care of that, I +2 them09:19
vanourpittau: yeah, title may confuse. sorry. And thanks for +2 :)09:20
vanouAfter merge of these patches, I hope both and be merged.09:23
kubajjGood morning Ironic!10:22
dtantsurarne_wiebalck, JayF, just realized: I'll need to skip the meeting today11:06
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: ack11:06
kubajjdtantsur: what needs to be changed for the swift/no store?12:03
dtantsurkubajj: you need to create a similar backend structure as exists in Inspector12:09
dtantsuri.e. a configuration option that directs the store/load calls to a certain backend12:09
kubajjis the same backed used for ironic as well? Or is Ironic db always PostgreSQL or MySQL?12:11
iurygregorymorning Ironic o/12:21
dtantsurkubajj: ironic does not have it now12:47
dtantsurjust follow the code in Inspector, it should clarify the scope12:48
kubajjdtantsur: I am trying to figure out what is the goal. Do  we want to be able to store the data in swift on ironic side if swift was used for inspector (and not store the data if nostore is used)?12:51
dtantsurkubajj: correct13:03
kubajjdtantsur: Ok, I think I will just do it in a follow-up.13:12
kubajjdtantsur: should the configuration option be loaded from the ironic.conf? Should I check that it is the same as the option in inspector or that's unnecessary?13:39
*** rcastillo|rover is now known as rcastillo13:58
TheJuliagood morning14:20
opendevreviewDanni Shi proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Add an attestation extension
* TheJulia wonders if we have a JayF this morning14:58
JayFwe do, barely14:58
JayFor at least some fraction thereof14:59
iurygregoryAre you ok, JayF?14:59
JayFI've been travelling and am extra exhausted14:59
iurygregoryoh 14:59
JayFin my current time zone, yesterday was a 1am-9pm day15:00
JayF#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Nov 28 15:00:38 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
JayFo/ Who all is here this morning?15:00
JayF#link agenda
JayFas always our agenda is on the wiki15:01
JayF#topic Announcements/Reminders15:01
JayFReminder: if you have patches that need review; hashtag them with ironic-week-prio, and similarly please take a look at tagged patches15:02
TheJuliao/ I'm semi here, about to leave though :\15:02
JayFThat's all we've got for announcements/reminders15:02
JayF#topic Review action items15:02
JayFThere were no action items in the previous meeting, moving on.15:02
JayF#topic Review Ironic CI Status15:02
JayFanyone have anything interesting to report about CI recently?15:03
JayFI think things are running smooth-ish?15:03
* arne_wiebalck is still in another meeting, will fully join in a few minutes15:03
JayFOK; taking some silence as a no for inputs on CI issues.15:04
TheJuliaI've not noticed anything problematic CI wise15:04
JayF#topic 2023.1 Work In Progress15:04
TheJuliabut I've only pushed a few limited patches as of recent15:04
JayFLooks like there are no updates in there since last week, not a big deal, please put some updates in there if you're working on something and want status tracked in the meeting.15:05
JayF#topic Baremetal SIG15:05
rpittauci on bugfix branches is broken since the change to jammy15:05
JayFI think we have this scheduled now, yeah?15:05
JayFrpittau: ack; are you looking into that or should it go on my list?15:05
rpittauthere are 2 patches already. thanks to vanou 15:05
JayFI've got them open; will review after the meeting.15:07
JayFOK; so with Baremetal SIG, didn't we get that scheduled?15:07
JayFI think someone was going to send out meeting invites15:07
JayFbut most of the group who was working on that isn't here; I'll make sure to follow up separately with arne_wiebalck and dtantsur 15:07
arne_wiebalckthe plan was also to advertise the *new* SIG cadence on an OpenInfra live15:08
JayFThat's right15:09
JayFWe have all those dates and coordination done? Or are there further actions that need to be taken?15:09
arne_wiebalckI think we have a date for the next SIG meeting15:09
arne_wiebalckFeb 8th ?15:09
JayFthat's where our notes are, it seems15:10
JayF> Wed, Feb 8th, 2023 at 3-5pm UTC15:10
JayFI'm going to remove the BM SIG recurring topic now; I think we have it nailed down, yeah/15:10
JayFAwesome; moving on15:11
JayFThere are no items for RFE review; skipping topic.15:11
JayF#topic Open Discussion15:11
JayFany items for open discussion today before we close out the meeting15:11
TheJuliaone item from me15:11
TheJuliaI'm looking at adding more metrics collection to ironic as a "for fun thing" at the moment15:12
TheJuliaand I'm wondering if we should count every timer metric that goes to ironic lib as also a counter call15:12
JayFTheJulia: I *think* the library gives you that for free? 15:12
TheJuliaso we have "count of calls" and "milliseconds spent"15:12
TheJuliaso, the code does not from what I've read15:12
JayFcount of calls is the same as a counter, isn't it?15:12
TheJuliabut it would be super easy to do15:13
TheJuliacall counts have to use the count decorator15:13
TheJuliatimer is just time spent15:13
TheJuliaas a wallclock15:13
JayFoh I get you, you have to provide both decorators to get it15:13
TheJulia...  or just do it in one...15:13
TheJuliabut yeah15:13
JayFIf I were writing that today it'd be free :D 15:13
JayFNow, don't go the other way15:13
JayFtimer = timer+counter is nice15:13
JayFcounter should exist without timing15:13
TheJuliayeah, it does, but double decorating everything is silly15:13
TheJuliawhen it already has timer15:14
JayFyeah; I'm saying timer can imply counter and I'm onboard15:14
TheJuliacool cool15:14
JayFI'm less onboard with taking away the counter decorator15:14
JayFbeceause I think there are times when you want to count a thing that doesn't make sense to time15:14
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: oh, you were curious about logging state changes, I'm not opposed and would happilly aapprove such a patch15:14
TheJuliaJayF: yeah, definitely not taking away a decorator15:15
TheJuliabecause yes, there are times15:15
JayFgood stuff; I'm onboard then15:15
TheJuliacool cool15:15
TheJuliaAnyway, that is all I have15:17
JayFI think that's all the meeting has, too15:17
JayFlast call for anything else?15:17
TheJuliameeting.do_we_end_meeting() ?15:17
* TheJulia steps out15:18
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Nov 28 15:18:45 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:18
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
TheJuliaiurygregory: going to step away for a couple hours, I'll ping you when I'm abck15:19
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: ok, great, thanks!15:19
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack15:21
mraineridtantsur: I saw your comments on the Redfish profile; I was hoping to address some of them, but it looks like the pull request was merged15:35
mraineriIt should be an easy change though; if the "Bios" resource is truly optional for OpenStack, we can mark it as "Recommended" in a future edit15:36
mraineriThe same can also be done with IndicatorLED15:36
JayFmraineri: So it's normal practice in this community for non-blocking feedback to be acknowledged with a follow up patch15:37
JayFmraineri: feel free to make a new PR with just the changes you'd like to make15:37
mraineriSounds good!15:37
mraineriI might pass that off to ajya though :)15:38
dtantsuryeah, that was exactly my thought: no to block an important thing for something that can be fixed in a follow-up15:42
dtantsurkubajj: you should not / cannot not access the inspector configuration from ironic15:43
dtantsurso just use ironic.conf15:43
dtantsuractually, during the migration, operators may *want* to have different backends in inspector and ironic, e.g. to avoid duplicate information15:43
ajyamraineri: ok, will start a new patch, cc dtantsur JayF 15:46
kubajjdtantsur: makes sense, thanks15:49
kubajjJayF or TheJulia (when you're back) could you have a look at
JayFit's on my list15:51
JayFdon't forget you can #ironic-week-prio on that15:51
JayFif it's ready for general review15:51
mraineriThanks ajya! Please tag me on it too15:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1: Deals with migration of tox base job to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Deals with migration of tox base job to Ubuntu Jammy
kubajjJayF: how do I actually add the hashtag? Do I just comment with the hashtag in the message?16:36
JayFkubajj: click "show more" on the left side with all the other fields. hashtag is one. click edit and type in ironic-week-prio16:43
kubajjThanks JayF16:47
TheJuliaiurygregory: you around?16:55
iurygregoryTheJulia, yup17:00
TheJuliaiurygregory: do you have like 20 minutes to chat regarding ipe?17:03
iurygregoryTheJulia, yup17:04
iurygregoryJayF, ironic-prometheus-exporter17:04
iurygregorylet me just answer a bz and I will have the 20min =)17:04
TheJuliagoing to relaunch my web browser in the mean time17:05
rpittaugood night! o/17:05
iurygregoryTheJulia, ok, I'm free17:14
*** tzumainn_ is now known as tzumainn17:45
TheJuliaiurygregory: thanks for the additional context, that helped tons17:46
iurygregoryTheJulia, yw17:49
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Get inventory from Inspector
stevebaker[m]good morning20:05
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: so stable/xena is fighting with me more21:48
TheJuliaI'm reaching enospoon sooner than I thought, so maybe I'll figure out why the test is failing :(21:50
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: OK, take care21:54

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