Friday, 2022-09-23

JayFI just landed that. See you all Monday! Happy Zed!00:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Zed: Add a prelude for the release notes
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat03:46
adam-rozmanGood morning Ironic!05:39
adam-rozmanI am probably just missing it the docs but I can't to find an explanation, could somebody tell me please that what are the numbers in the name of the release note files?06:24
adam-rozmanin the docs*06:24
adam-rozmanJust to clarify not just numbers but I mean those hash looking postfixes .06:27
TheJuliaadam-rozman: the file name requirement is unique, the Reno tool appends a random id to help enforce it.06:38
adam-rozmanTheJulia Thanks!06:39
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:49
rpittauhappy friday!06:58
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Update release versions for yoga
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Update release versions for yoga
vanouHello ironic o/07:04
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Update release versions for yoga
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/sushy master: Update release versions for yoga and zed
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: prioritize lsblk as a source of device serials
*** vanou_ is now known as vanou07:54
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/bifrost stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/bifrost stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/bifrost master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/bifrost master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move vmedia job to jammy
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Upgrade from zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
iurygregoryHabemus Zed \o/12:15
iurygregoryCongratulations everyone!12:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
TheJuliaGood morning13:10
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)13:11
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: CI: Fix/Update a few more jobs
TheJulia^^^ passed, fixed commit message13:26
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia 13:54
* iurygregory thought TheJulia would be out today...13:54
TheJuliawife has an interview that prevents us from getting going early today13:55
TheJuliamight as work in the mean time13:55
JayFWe're just here today for a little bit to put on an episode of Sesame Street honoring the letter Zed13:57
iurygregorygotcha =)14:00
iurygregoryhappy birthday JayF o/14:00
TheJulia"Z is for Zed"14:00
* TheJulia wonders how to turn this into a zombies reference14:01
rpittautraditional zombies or any zombie?14:02
JayFTheJulia: I've been pondering t-shirt or sticker designs that would say from I to Zed14:02
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! o/14:11
TheJuliarpittau: dunno14:11
TheJuliaJayF: cool14:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Update release versions for yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update release versions for yoga
erbarrJayF, fungi, TheJulia, dansmith: thanks! I've forwarded the filed bug to security. 15:22
dansmithfungi: were you going to comment on that with your official VMTness? I was waiting for that before I close with explanation15:23
erbarrquestion though, so third-party CI should not run devstack then?15:28
dansmitherbarr: if third party ci wants to not install the dbcounter it's disable-able15:30
dansmithjust set that to False and it won't install and won't configure sqla to load it15:30
fungidansmith: yes, got sidetracked last night but am pulling it up now that i'm at a computer logged into lp15:30
erbarri can't know ahead of time what could pop up that i would need to disable though15:31
fungithanks for the reminder15:31
dansmithfungi: cool15:31
erbarrthanks for that flag, I'll set to false15:32
fungidansmith: JayF: so just to be clear, before i post my comment, the concern raised is that someone might run devstack, end up with its "dbcounter" plugin package installed (system-wide? i can't immediately confirm whether the pip_install function there is using a venv or not), then later do something like `pip install --upgrade` and wind up with pip incorrectly picking a malicious15:58
fungidbcounter package from pypi and installing that automatically. is it unusual/counterindicated to run `pip install --upgrade` with devstack, or simply that systems you've installed devstack onto shouldn't be trusted and you have to assume they might contain malware?15:58
erbarrcould things like these be set by default to False in devstack? From your CI perspective you can add the flag in the job definition and third party can not even be aware of it16:08
fungiwell, looking at the implementation in devstack it explicitly installs the package by local file path. ci jobs wouldn't/shouldn't "upgrade" that package later. i think the only concern is that a human with a persistent devstack environment might manually do a pip upgrade on it?16:10
fungiwhich then leaves the question of whether a persistent devstack install can really be considered trusted anyway16:11
TheJuliaeven then, there is the insider human aspect to consider16:14
TheJuliaif developer accidentally does x, does that open the risk to the an entire infrastructure?16:14
erbarrI'm thinking you can add it to devstack-base job, your CI infra inherits from it,
fungiwell, we don't want (and can't support) devstack installs in sensitive environments anyway16:15
TheJuliaI'm not even thinking a sesnitive environment16:15
TheJulialook at uber16:15
fungier, what about uber?16:16
TheJuliavpn + dev + social engineering + vpn with unknown access controls16:16
erbarrohh, uber... yea I'm glad for that keffals win16:16
fungipretty sure someone can pull that off without needing to leverage a python package name collision16:17
TheJuliawell, the overall event is going to drive posture reevaluation across the industry as more details come to light. Just something to think of16:18
fungithe report boils down to "should we forbid embedded python packages even in our test tools, and instead require every python package to be published to pypi?"16:18
TheJuliait is a valid question to ask16:19
fungiwhich isn't really a decision for the vmt (we can at most provide insights), it's up to the tc to decide if that's a requirement for being an openstack project16:19
fungiand it's a convenient enough design pattern that there would probably need to be a common linter rule to catch it16:20
fungithe alternative, i suppose, would be to have devstack install the dbcounter files into the library path without relying on pip16:21
fungiif pip is oblivious to its existence, then it can't accidentally be "upgraded" by pip16:23
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
fungianyway, i commented on the bug and recommended escalating to the tc if there are widespread concerns about this particular design pattern16:37
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, ping16:39
TheJuliaHi Nisha_Agarwal, whats up?16:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: CI: Fix/Update a few more jobs
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, Just busy in the inhouse projects...was trying anaconda deploy for redfish drivers and needed some clarity16:40
TheJuliaoh my16:40
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, I have tried two approaches: 1. Downloaded the iso dvd1 2. Mounted it. 3. Now when i am populating the url fields in instance info, i am confused what need to be given as the deploy doesnt go thru  in any case.16:42
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, second approach: i gave the url inputs as given in documentation for centos9 stream but with that i get "scheme less href error" during href validation itself16:43
TheJuliaoh, you need full urls, you can't just do a path to a file16:44
TheJuliathe first approach your taking I'm not sure I understand16:44
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, openstack baremetal node set --instance-info image_source= $NODE16:45
Nisha_Agarwalis this correct16:45
Nisha_Agarwalopenstack baremetal node set --instance-info kernel= --instance-info ramdisk= --instance-info stage2= $NODE16:45
Nisha_AgarwalThis is what i have done for first approac16:45
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, ^^^16:46
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, is this correct?16:46
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, RHEL85mnt is the mount point for RHEL 8.5 image16:47
TheJuliaI believe it is correct16:50
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, This doesnt work :(16:53
Nisha_AgarwalThe documented centos urls doesnt work as it gives scheme-less href error16:54
TheJuliawhat version are you using?16:54
Nisha_Agarwalironic version?16:55
TheJuliayeah, because the tempest test I wrote passes16:55
TheJuliaand it uses the same urls in the docs16:55
Nisha_AgarwalIt's latest ....i pulled up the ironic yest again and brought up ironic conductore16:55
TheJuliawell, first step, rebase the tempest patch16:56
Nisha_Agarwalit gives scheme-less erroe during cache cleanup16:56
Nisha_AgarwalI do not have the tempest in my setup16:56
dansmithfungi: sorry, I'm back. I totally do not get any of the parallels being drawn here, but perhaps we need more specific language around what devstack is and is not suitable for, if those don't exist16:56
dansmithfungi: nobody should be running devstack for any reason on any system other than a completely trusted development machine. I think we make plenty of other security concessions that are more severe and less discoverable16:57
Nisha_Agarwalonly ironic , glance, swift, keystone and neutron are there16:57
TheJuliaNisha_Agarwal: it hasn't merged yet, it is in merge conflict as of a few days ago16:57
dansmithfungi: like, IIRC, all the services run as the stack user which has unrestricted sudoers permission.. game over.16:58
fungidansmith: not sure what parallels there were. the main question is whether it's likely for someone to `pip install --upgrade` in the environment where debvstack has installed that dbcounter package, but also whether anyone should trust the security of a devstack system any farther than they can kick it16:58
Nisha_AgarwalTheJulia, ohk16:58
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: WIP: Use declarative reader/writer separation
dansmithfungi: the uber parallel is what I meant16:58
fungiyeah, i didn't get that either, it was probably mentioned in a news article i haven't seen16:58
fungiit sounded like someone compromised uber through social engineering, or something16:59
TheJuliasomeone owned all of uber16:59
TheJulialike.. scraped the dbs, their slack, the entire thing17:00
fungifun times17:00
TheJuliait was huge in the news last week17:00
dansmithright, I see zero parallels to this17:00
TheJuliadeveloper triggers an upgrade to a malicious package which then deploys an entrypoint or even a bot to scan/attack/extract17:02
fungidansmith: my most specific question, because i don't do a lot with devstack, was whether that dbcounter package is being installed system-wide or in a venv (it was hard for me to tell tracing through the function calls), but for the most part it's immaterial since someone could theoretically tell pip to upgrade packages whether it's system-wide or in a venv... i just also don't know17:02
fungihow likely that is (and whether we tell users not to in-place upgrade python packages in a devstack install)17:02
dansmithfungi: it needs to be installed in the same place that all the services are, so if they're not in a venv, it can't be either17:02
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Tempest test for anaconda deploy
fungithe concern there could be more of a stability-related one. pip install --upgrade could replace devstack's dbcounter with something completely different from pypi since it doesn't know any better17:03
dansmiththe package is just a package so we can hook an entrypoint which is how sqla works17:04
dansmithregistering that on pypi purely for that scenario seems almost unfair to pypi17:04
dansmithwe could name the package a UUID17:04
dansmithwe could generate that UUID on every devstack run17:05
fungipip sees "there's a package installed called dbcounter, i should check pypi to see if there's a newer version of it"17:05
dansmithit would be massively inconvenient, but..17:05
dansmithyeah I know17:05
dansmithmaybe this should be a security concern against pip, a production-ready tool, which should have a way to not upgrade locally installed packages that have flagged themselves as such? :)17:05
fungiyes, that's also a valid position17:06
TheJuliaNisha_Agarwal: so your missing 'stage2', fwiw17:06
fungidansmith: it implies that pip, in its current state, is not a good choice for this purpose anyway17:06
TheJuliaNisha_Agarwal: if adding it clears that up, then we've got an easy bug to fix in validation, except stage2 is also optional if you hand it a URL since anaconda itself can take a mirror URL and extract the mirror information from it17:07
fungiand the reliance on dist package entrypoints rather than something specific to import packages basically means you're stuck with that shortcoming17:07
TheJuliaNisha_: ^^^^^^^17:08
fungidansmith: erbarr: JayF: TheJulia: anyway, this is probably more of a topic for #openstack-qa if further discussion is warranted17:10
TheJuliaNisha_: for that it is worth, the anaconda capability is easily one of the more complex interfaces17:10
TheJuliafungi: ++17:10
dansmithheh, TheJulia is like GTFO17:10
Nisha_TheJulia, ok let me try17:13
Nisha_TheJulia, it doesnt work ... Willsee it on Monday17:56
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 1 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 2 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 3 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
TheJuliaI'm going to jet for the weekend, I've -1'ed the second patch in that series19:56
TheJulia... hmm maybe not the right thing19:57
TheJuliaanyway, thing to think of next week19:57
iurygregoryenjoy the weekend TheJulia =)21:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Update master for stable/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name

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