Monday, 2022-09-19

*** akahat is now known as akahat|ruck04:37
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:22
arozmanGood morning Ironic!07:08
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:34
dtantsurlecris[m]: given your comment about older vs newer hardware, I suspect the firmware either fails to parse the DHCP options or fails to request the image correctly.10:27
dtantsurRRQ "snponly.efiM-}^DM-@M-(^ELy^N M-)M-~M-)M-~M-@M-(^Ed" is garbage10:28
lecris[m]But it is puzzling that ironic_inspector works fine10:28
lecris[m]Would it be sender or receiver issue?10:29
dtantsurit's curious indeed10:30
dtantsurboth use dnsmasq, just different instances of it10:30
dtantsurlecris[m]: if you increase verbosity, you may be able to see what exactly dnsmasq sends in its options10:31
arozmanHi all! If you have time I would really appreciate some feedback for this IPA change .10:31
lecris[m]One difference is one is tagged the other isn't10:31
dtantsurarozman: I still think we should default to lsblk rather than doing this.10:32
arozmandtantsur I made the lsblk default10:32
dtantsurI'm not hardly against working around bugs in kernel/udev/wherever, but we need to put some effort into figuring out the situation still10:32
lecris[m]dtantsur: Is it possible to do that for nova agents? i.e. by editing opts file?10:32
dtantsurarozman: I still see if prop.__contains__("SERIAL"):10:33
dtantsurmaybe you got a mix of the two approaches?10:33
arozmandtantsur the udev stuff is just an additional fallback logic 10:33
dtantsurarozman: have you tried filing a bug first?10:33
dtantsuras I said, while I'm not against working around issues in other components, we shouldn't do it by default without trying anything else10:34
dtantsurI'm also worried about hitting something like VENDOR_SPECIFIC_UNRELATED_SERIAL10:34
dtantsurlecris[m]: sorry, I meant tcpdump verbosity. at some point it should dump everything it sees.10:35
lecris[m]Also unrelated, but using disk-image-builder with `iscsi-boot` is sufficient for using ironic with cinder?10:35
lecris[m]dtantsur: Ok, let me bring that up really quick10:35
dtantsurre cinder, I don't remember, but there should be some docs10:36
lecris[m] Here is the doc about it, but it is not ideal10:36
dtantsurI haven't touched tripleo for a while, cannot comment on that (cc hjensas)10:37
lecris[m]It's the part about creating the ramdisk10:37
arozmandtantsur for systemd I have not made a bug report in relation to udev,  I am not sure if the root cause is something in systemd, udev, kernel, driver just that the sympthom appears in udev 10:37
dtantsurarozman: are you sure that lsblk also does not provide a correct serial&10:38
lecris[m]dtantsur: Thank you for the hint, it is indeed that, the tripleo docs should point to that soon10:39
arozmandtantsur based on my limited experience with this issue I have seen 2 incidents in one of them lsblk was correct while udev was not in the other case I only had second hand information that stated that serial was not correct either in lsblk nor in udev, I have detailed data about the first incident that I have shared in the storyboard issue10:40
dtantsurarozman: let's start with fixing the 1st one? chances are high that the 2nd one is a misunderstanding.10:41
arozmandtantsur okay then I will remove the all the udev related changes and leave only lsblk10:42
lecris[m]dtantsur: I've included more verbose tcpdump to the bug
lecris[m]Another iscsi question. Is it supposed to be built for the  deploy_kernel/ramdisk and/or for the image finally being booted10:56
lecris[m]And to confirm, the deploy_kernel should be having the usual ironic agent, and is it ok to be different than the final booting one?10:56
dtantsurlecris[m]: I don't think you need an agent for iscsi boot?10:58
dtantsurif you wait for TheJulia to wake up, she may remember this stuff better than me10:58
lecris[m]I am on matrix, so if someone can pass the message I can read the response later10:59
dtantsurI think TheJulia aka ashinclouds[m] will see our discussion11:00
lecris[m]But about deploy_kernel, that is only for ipa or does it have to correspond to the production image being booted?11:02
dtantsuronly IPA11:02
dtantsurthe image is configured using other properties11:02
dtantsur(nova does it for you if using nova)11:03
lecris[m]Ok, then there's another issue I need to hunt down. The booting image does not boot after deploying successfully11:03
lecris[m]Using nova with image and not creating new volume (noop storage and direct deploy)11:04
dtantsurlecris[m]: re bug: I think you pasted a DHCP request, we'd need to see the DHCP offer from the server.11:08
lecris[m]That's the only info being served, after that it crashes11:11
dtantsurhmm, nothing before that?11:11
lecris[m]Just another request identical to that11:11
dtantsurIIRC DHCP is a 3-stage exchange11:11
dtantsuror even 411:12
* dtantsur cannot think on Monday11:12
lecris[m]I've added all 3 exchanges that are served11:14
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:17
dtantsurlecris[m]: hmm. it's only stuff that client tells the server, the reverse communication is missing11:35
lecris[m]dtantsur: oh, that's because dhcp fails when it requests the giberish11:46
dtantsurit's the tftp stage, but the giberish or its meaningful part has to come from the initial DHCP response11:47
dtantsurI only see 1 and 311:47
lecris[m]Hmm, let me run a working one for comparison11:49
lecris[m]I remember that the efi file appears 2-3 times11:51
lecris[m]Hmm I'll try the command again in the container11:54
lecris[m]Nvm can't run in the container11:57
lecris[m]The correct one does not show the offer either. Probably my tcpdump command is incorrect12:06
dtantsurit looks correct to me... try -i any? maybe it's going out through a different interface?12:13
lecris[m]Well it goes on tap, but the container does not have tcpdump12:17
lecris[m]Any does not seem to help still only discover and request12:19
lecris[m]Using ovs-tcpdump, hopefully this would show everything12:33
* TheJulia begins the consumption of coffeeeeeeee13:04
TheJuliaGood morning everyone!13:05
dtantsurmornign TheJulia 13:05
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia 13:05
lecris[m]dtantsur: lol, I had to resort to running 2 tcpdumps because ovs-tcpdump only showed offer and ack, and the other only discover and request ><13:10
dtantsurbloody computers13:11
TheJuliaso, no agent is required for iscsi boot, but agent is required for cleaning after the fact13:11
dtantsurgood point Julia13:12
lecris[m]Cleaning local drives that is?13:12
TheJuliaAm I reading that lp bug correctly and seeing that it is getting requests back from hosts with incredibly malformed RRQs ?13:15
lecris[m]dtantsur: TheJulia: I've updated the bug with the replies. The replies look normal13:19
* TheJulia sips coffee faster to wake up faster13:19
dtantsurTheJulia: yeah, it looks like firmware is requesting absurd file names from TFTP13:19
lecris[m]The weird part is that inspect works fine. I'll add the tcpdump for that next13:20
TheJulialecris[m]: what is the hardware this is being experienced on?13:22
lecris[m]Some intel nic, the info is in inspector right?13:23
lecris[m]Zzz vendor: 0x8086 product: 0x152113:26
TheJuliaIf it is in UEFI mode, it is not the nic loaded firmware which is in use13:26
lecris[m]Dunno if that's searchable13:26
TheJuliait is the system firmware which is in control13:26
TheJuliai.e. EFI runtime13:26
lecris[m]Oh it's a supermicro13:26
TheJulia... Why am I not surprised?13:26
TheJuliaWhat model motherboard?13:27
lecris[m]It's 10 year old so web interface doesn't show13:28
lecris[m]I'll go boot the bios to check13:29
TheJuliaso... then it is bios booting only most likely13:34
TheJulia*most likely*13:34
TheJuliaumm.... my X8 (or was it an X9) is bios only...13:34
TheJuliaX10 and beyond are UEFI machines if memory serves13:34
TheJuliathen again, the bios will reveal all!13:35
lecris[m]For pxe it only works on uefi13:35
TheJulia... hmmmmmmm13:38
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: As of the weekend, Zuul only supports queue declarations at the project level; if expected jobs aren't running, see this announcement:
lecris[m]While I'm here, version 3.0 bios 2.15.123613:38
lecris[m]Uefi driver of the nic is pro/1000 5.6.13:40
lecris[m]Intel i35013:40
TheJuliaipmi being used?13:40
TheJuliaSo yeah, June 2013 is the date on the docs, so 9-10 years old13:41
lecris[m]I'll check the version from my pc. Too loud down here13:41
TheJuliayeah, don't stand in a server room on our account13:42
* TheJulia has hearing damage from servers and too many metal tubes13:42
* TheJulia felt old today, went shopping for jeans this weekend and couldn't hear the attendant... :(13:43
lecris[m]What they don't teach you about being a sysadmin :D13:44
lecris[m]I think ipmi version is 02.2613:44
TheJuliahmm... does the web UI use frames?13:46
* TheJulia is trying to place it on the mental timeline of supermicro gear13:46
lecris[m]Not sure what that, but probably not13:47
TheJuliaokay, so similar firmware to my 2013-2014 X1013:48
lecris[m]Probably, but got a few older ones and slightly newer ones that had no problem13:49
lecris[m]Oh, even on the inspect it looks weird13:50
lecris[m]But it works13:50
lecris[m]So the one that works, tcpdump reports 'snponly.efi^@c13:54
lecris[m]s/'/"/, s/c/"/13:54
TheJulia... freaky13:57
TheJuliaso... Interestingly enough, this specific platform string it sends... many folks have had problems with13:58
TheJuliaUEFI Bytecode, not 00009 which is x86_64 EFU13:58
TheJuliaerr, EFI13:58
TheJulialecris[m]: any chance you can re-capture with more verbose output logging?13:59
lecris[m]That's with -vvvv13:59
TheJuliatcpdump, why do you hate us14:00
lecris[m]Seems the ^@ is specific to inspector, neutron does not give that14:01
TheJuliaso your saying dnsmasq is actually repsonding with the appended strings?14:04
TheJuliaI guess that was where my brain was going, is the dhcp server returning exactly what it should be14:04
TheJuliawhich is why I was hoping for more verbose, or even just the pcap file at this point might be helpful14:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Do not install grub2 and shim on the host system
lecris[m]Yes, but only 1 character and only in inspector (which works)14:05
lecris[m]Seems to act like a end of string character for older interfaces?14:06
lecris[m]I.e. on normal without ^@ dhcp client request gibberish efi file14:07
TheJuliaI've never seen that before, which has me thinking it is time to get my hands on a pcap file of each and validate the field values14:07
lecris[m]But the dnsmasq file do not look that much different so I don't know what can trigger it14:08
TheJuliait is dynamic with neutron at that level14:09
TheJuliawe send it a string to return14:09
TheJuliato the client that is14:09
lecris[m]Isn't it in the opts file?14:09
TheJuliawhat boot_interface does htis node use?14:09
TheJulianeutron does in a network namespace14:09
lecris[m]Ipmitool I believe14:10
TheJuliacan you run `grep bootfile /path/to/ironic.conf` ?14:10
lecris[m]Oh, ipxe14:10
TheJulia you will likely need to run that inside of the containre14:10
lecris[m]Neutron or ironic?14:11
TheJulianeed to eliminate possibilities14:11
*** rcastillo|rover is now known as rcastillo14:11
TheJuliaso first, configuration then we need to ask neutron what it has been configured for on the port14:11
lecris[m]From inspector:14:13
TheJuliawell, that doesn't look right14:13
TheJuliathat is ipv4 urls with the ipv6 tags14:14
lecris[m]That's dnsmasq.conf not ironic.conf14:14
TheJuliai know14:14
TheJuliaThe lines likely get configured for that regardless of ipv6 or not14:14
lecris[m]Let me show the full dnsmasq.conf14:15
TheJuliaironic has several different pxe and ipxe parameters, all with bootfile in the name14:15
TheJuliathat would be excellent, thanks14:15
* lecris[m] sent a code block:
lecris[m]There is the !ipxe part I guess14:17
TheJuliaYeah, tag:efi,tag:!ipxe to load snponly.efi14:19
TheJuliaokay, so what does ironic.conf have in it's config file?14:19
lecris[m]Which parameter?14:20
TheJuliajust grep for bootfile14:21
TheJuliait *should* be ipxe_bootfile14:21
lecris[m]#pxe_bootfile_name = pxelinux.0... (full message at <>)14:22
lecris[m]Looks normal14:22
TheJuliawhat state is the machine now in ironic?14:24
* TheJulia is now curious what neutron thinks14:24
lecris[m]The faulty one? Manageable14:24
TheJuliaso I guess lets try to trigger cleaning, and then hunt down it's neutron port and see what configuration it shows14:25
TheJuliaopenstack port show <uuid> will include the dhcp parameters14:25
lecris[m]Otherwise deploy failed at step empty14:25
TheJuliabut, it needs to be in that state while trying to clean/deploy for those parameters to even be set14:25
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Simplify bifrost-ironic-install required_defaults
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Consolidate ubuntu/debian required_defaults
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Do not install grub2 and shim on the host system
lecris[m]Anything specific or the whole table?14:28
dtantsurhad to backport refactoring patches, I hope they're not too invasive14:28
lecris[m]Looks similar to the confs I uploaded in the bug report14:29
TheJulialecris[m]: I don't remember the fields in particular in neutron14:29
* lecris[m] sent a code block:
* TheJulia reloads bug14:31
TheJulialecris[m]: binding failed is to be expected for baremetal if the networking-baremetal agent is not running14:31
TheJuliaI think we're looking at some sort of firmware bug14:32
TheJuliaunless we can absolutely confirm dnsmasq is handing the wrong thing back to the client14:32
lecris[m]The only noteworthy thing is the additional ^@ that seems to resolve the issue14:33
TheJuliait could just be a control character which is out of spec which could be ignored14:37
TheJuliaI suspect that is outside of the ascii range permitted14:37
lecris[m]Well dnsmasq seems to append it automatically when using conf file14:38
lecris[m]Going back now, but feel free to @ me, I can read later from matrix14:40
TheJulia@lecris[m]: can we confirm that via the packet captures though? Nothing I've seen indicates that beyond what the card asks for, which seems suspect given the configuration is the same on both services14:42
lecris[m]The tcpdump shows it in the offer14:43
lecris[m]Or you want to confirm somewhere else also?14:44
JayFIs it possible there's somehow a non printable character somewhere in your configuration file?14:44
JayFThat's an absolutely wild guess, but it might be worth checking14:45
lecris[m]Hmm, would it show on vi?14:45
TheJulialecris[m]: oh, I see it uploaded14:46
TheJulianot if your terminal is in unicde14:46
* TheJulia can't type14:46
TheJuliaI already checked what was pasted, ascii14:46
JayFTry less -R14:46
lecris[m]I'll try in 30 min14:47
JayFLike I said it's a long shot but it doesn't hurt to check...14:47
JayFTrust me when I say you want that to be the problem instead of a firmware breakage lol14:47
TheJuliayeah, both are 11 chars long in the dhcp response14:48
lecris[m]Inpector is 12 though14:48
TheJuliaokay, yeah14:52
TheJuliaso one reports ^@ which is a null/empty character representing end of string14:54
TheJuliathe other doesnt14:54
TheJuliafor some... wildly weird reason14:54
lecris[m]Maybe dnsmasq appends it when reading conf file, but not on optsfile14:55
TheJuliabut however the firmware behaves, it doesn't grok it and I'm guessing the extra garabage is from other parts of memory14:55
TheJulia@lecris[m] has the firmware on this machine been updated to the latest supermicro indicates as available?14:55
lecris[m]No, don't know if it's still available to download14:56
rpittauneed to split, see you tomorrow o/14:57
iurygregory#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Sep 19 15:00:00 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is iurygregory. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
iurygregoryhello ironicers, welcome to our weekly meeting15:00
iurygregoryyou can find our agenda in the wiki page15:01
iurygregory#topic Announcements / Reminder 15:02
iurygregorywe have the result for the doodle \o/15:02
iurygregory#info Check PTG Topics - doodle result Tomorrow Sep 20 at 16 UTC15:02
iurygregoryI will send the information in the ML today (I can also send a calendar invite for those who need one =) )15:03
iurygregoryplease ping me here or send me a dm if you want the calendar invite15:04
iurygregory#info Zed release by EOW15:04
TheJulia@lecris[m]: <-- doublecheck that is right15:04
iurygregorywe will focus on Ironic, ironic-python-agent, inspector and bifrost this week 15:05
lecris[m]Maybe, saw 3.3 is available15:05
JayFiurygregory: if you need any help doing release work, lmk -- I should learn some of this15:06
iurygregoryJayF, sure =)15:06
iurygregorydoes anyone have something that would like to add to our Announcements / Reminder ?15:07
TheJuliahas everyone voted?15:08
TheJuliaat least, elegeble for voting for PTL/TC?15:08
JayFVoting closes in 7 hours, give or take, yeah?15:09
iurygregorygreat question, I heard a few people voted, other had problems to vote because they didn't have OSF membership etc15:09
* TheJulia raises an eyebrow15:10
TheJuliawe can circle back to that I guess15:10
iurygregoryI thought it would close earlier lol15:10
iurygregory#topic Review subteam status reports15:11
iurygregorywe probably don't have a lot, but would to check the SQLAlchemy 2.0 15:12
JayFI do not know how to run the bug subteam report; it's been ages since it's been properly updated. I did start going through the backlog. ~20 tickets triaged; 5 marked as merged/triaged, 9 closed invalid, rest either left alone or labelled as triage15:13
JayFI'm pretty sure at this pace I'm going to eventually get through the backlog, it just is slow work15:13
JayFAnyone who has done this kind of triage against storyboard who wants to give me advice on how to be more efficient, please reach out15:13
iurygregorynot sure how to make more efficient I find it better than jira :D15:14
JayFI don't, and I dislike jira, but hey that's life :P 15:14
TheJuliaAre there any volunteers for sqlalchemy stuffs on ironic-inspector ?15:16
iurygregoryI can help with that15:16
kubajjAm I also able to edit the white board? (line 152 says WIP, but the change has been merged)15:16
dtantsureveryone is15:16
iurygregorykubajj, yeah, everyone can update =)15:16
iurygregoryI think we can move on15:18
iurygregory#topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week15:19
iurygregoryour focus for this week is important patches for ironic, inspector, ipa, bifrost that we want to include in the Zed release15:20
TheJuliaI... think I can mark the RBAC stuffs as basically minus more tempest tests15:20
dtantsur is a fix for the last failing bifrost job15:20
TheJuliaerr, basically done15:20
iurygregoryok now I understand =), I was a bit lost with the minus15:21
kubajjI don't know how important it is, but this one passed zuul after dtantsur changed the grenade test
iurygregorytks TheJulia 15:21
JayFkubajj: I gave that #ironic-week-prio and a +215:22
kubajjthanks JayF 15:22
ajyawouldn't mind getting in Zed - it's already in the prio list15:23
TheJulia <-- would be nice as well15:25
iurygregoryajya, ack15:25
iurygregoryTheJulia, ok15:25
iurygregoryok, moving on15:29
iurygregory#topic Baremetal SIG15:29
iurygregorywondering if we have any updates for it15:29
iurygregoryJayF, tks for sending the email15:29
JayFI spoke with some of the devrel experts downstream here at GR-OSS, but didn't get much actionable feedback :| 15:30
JayFOne thing that was said, that I think we should consider -- is asking cores/contributors of Ironic to give a short talk on a new/lesser known feature when we don't have an external presentation15:30
JayFwhich I think is a decent idea; except that putting more work on contributors is probably unreasonable15:30
TheJuliaWe've also done that unless we want to do presentation on super minor things15:31
TheJuliathen again... each cycle brings new things15:31
iurygregoryit would be interesting, I think we did some presentations on this style...15:31
JayFbluntly, the presentation is just the honey to get folks in ... the real value is in discussion and getting folks in one place15:32
JayFbut AIUI there's been little interest in attending a SIG without a talk so...15:32
TheJuliaI've had some people tell me it is an issue of a lack of a standing meeting invite15:33
TheJuliaand where we *have* gotten invites sent out to end operators, we've tended to have far better participation15:33
JayFI am onboard to create and maintain such an invite, but I have no idea who to initially populate it with15:34
TheJuliacores, if it is on google, we can all edit it with a google account15:34
TheJuliaand invite more people *insert evil laugh here*15:34
iurygregoryI wouldn't mind doing this15:35
TheJuliagranted... the meetings system does icals... but that requires people to go find, and be willing to just add to their own calendar15:35
TheJuliaa few... extra steps15:35
JayFIt occurs to me both my emails are on weird TLDs (personal = .cc, work = .io) so maybe someone with a three digit TLD should own it anyway lol15:35
TheJuliaI could create something, but I think we should discuss time/day15:36
JayFOne of us should reply to the on-list thread with a doodle and the outcome of this conversation15:36
TheJuliamy limiting factor has been the use of the 2nd or third tuesday in the month which collides with higher level meetings15:37
iurygregoryI can create the doodle and answer in the thread JayF 15:37
JayFack, thank you15:37
TheJuliaand we could do some sort presentations based upon added features, I think15:38
TheJuliaat least from this past cycle15:38
iurygregorywondering if google would be the best thing to use, but we can discuss this after the meeting probably 15:38
iurygregoryalso since at the PTG we will have operators it would be good to raise this during the PTG (I think)15:39
JayFthat's actually a really good idea, and not far away15:39
JayFmaybe worth just tabling the actual scheduling until post-PTG15:40
iurygregorymore thoughts on it?15:41
iurygregoryok, let's do this =)15:44
iurygregorymoving on15:44
iurygregory#topic RFE review 15:44
iurygregoryJayF, you added a topic =)15:44
JayFI mean, I'm "up" theoretically, but this is one of the bugs I ran across in triage15:44
JayFit's a reasonable RFE, we should probably do it, I'm +1 but wanted to put it thru the process15:45
JayF!/story/2009872 optionally turn machines off after cleaning failure15:46
JayFAre there any comments or disagreements? If I don't hear any I'm going to make this as RFE-approved. It's a reasonable request, and it's smart to make it configurable so if there's any harm in powering off after some failures (e.g. firmware failure), it'll have been done by a non-default config 15:47
TheJuliathat seems like a bug as well15:47
TheJuliain that the clean fault should be cleared out upon start15:47
TheJuliawhat they are describing is behavior where it does not15:48
JayFoh, interesting, I missed that nuance15:48
JayFI'll put that comment there and split the RFE from the bug part, and ask for more details on the bug piece15:48
TheJuliawe might have quietly already fixed that without realizing that15:48
TheJuliabut worth double checking15:48
TheJuliaand fixing if not15:48
TheJuliaI think it makes sense to allow operators to say "turn off even if it failed"15:49
TheJuliabut we just need a giant warning "if you've bricked things, not our fault"15:49
TheJuliaWe can do that by conveying "why we leave power on"15:49
TheJuliain the event of a failure15:49
JayFOh yeah, absolutely15:50
iurygregoryyeah, we don't want to receive the blame :D15:50
JayFI'll split off an RFE, marked approved, for that feature and I've already asked the user in that ticket for more details on the bug 15:50
JayFyou both know I wouldn't implement this in any kind of dangerous way, I'm a hardware-chicken lol15:50
iurygregorytks JayF 15:51
iurygregory#topic Open discussion15:51
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Do not install grub2 and shim on the host system
iurygregorydoes anyone have something that would like to discuss?15:52
TheJuliaiurygregory: I've already felt horrible once when someone bricked a bunch of SSDs :(  I'm just glad we were able to help them get them recovered15:52
TheJuliaI had a thought of something semi-important, then it ran away15:52
TheJuliaI think it is standing next to the coffee maker demanding MOAR COFFEEEEEEE15:52
iurygregoryoh .-.15:52
iurygregorycoffee \o/15:53
* iurygregory is happy because he bought more coffee capsules to use in the machine :D15:53
kubajjNot to discuss, but I just wanted to let you know that now I have officially started my 4th year project and I will be working on the Integration of inspector into ironic!/story/201027515:53
iurygregorykubajj, \o/ nice15:54
JayFNice to hear it kubajj, it'll be nice to have you staying around \o/15:54
kubajjSo probably expect me asking couple of questions about inspector soon 😄15:55
JayFas long as you have a comically large magnifying glass while you ask them :P15:55
dtantsurI'm all yours, you can blame me for most of its misdesign :D15:55
TheJuliakubajj: awesome!15:56
arne_wiebalckkubajj: \o/15:56
TheJuliakubajj: if you want to solve data model stuffs first, sqlalchemy 2.0 compatability is fun! :)15:56
* TheJulia should actually look at that this week15:56
TheJuliaCan you blame me?!15:57
iurygregoryI think I heard some evil laugh15:57
dtantsurWe can even complain to Mr Corgi about your behavior15:57
iurygregorydtantsur, lol15:57
kubajjTheJulia: I need to complete the first step in the storyboard first as I defined it as a minimal objective for the project.15:57
TheJuliadtantsur: mr corgi is presently glaring at me... But I think he wants to go for a alk15:59
iurygregorycorgi wins15:59
iurygregorythanks everyone o/15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Sep 19 16:00:00 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
* arne_wiebalck is reading the backlog16:00
arne_wiebalckJayF: we have done exactly this in the SIG, cores/devs presenting Ironic features16:01
JayFyeah, that's what folks said16:01
arne_wiebalckoh, ok16:01
JayFtbh, and I see this as a positive sign of the maturity of Ironic, we're just getting boring16:01
JayFhardware provisioning was supposed to be boring all along, then we came along and started automating it16:02
JayFnow it only gets too nuts when some crazy firmware starts appending ^@ ;)16:02
arne_wiebalckthere are still people interested which have not even started with Ironic16:02
JayFI wonder if those people know if they came in here, or showed up to something like the BM SIG, that they'd have folks who wanna help16:02
arne_wiebalckI am telling everyone and invite people to the SIG or the channel16:03
arne_wiebalckit works ... sometimes  :)16:03
arne_wiebalckat the summit, in TheJulia and my session on the SIG, there were people interested ... but I never heard back from them16:04
TheJuliathe... conundrum really is closing the feedback loop16:04
TheJuliafor some reason it seems every forum session at the Summit ended up not building the connections necessary16:05
TheJuliait *really* seemed like since we didn't *force* feedback to occur and connections to be built, it fell to the bottom of everyone's radar, and it wasn't just ironic. Several cases where when I was in a packed room resulted in very little feedback/interaction even though many people in the rooms expressed interest16:06
TheJuliaI think they didn't know how to connect with us in entirety as well16:06
TheJuliaso it becomes a two way disconnect :\16:06
* TheJulia should like... paste irc link of this thought to kendall16:09
JayFhonestly I see it as a perception thing; at least from the folks I've interacted with16:14
JayFOpenStack's dated-at-this-point reputation for being hard to get code into is ingrained in folks who have been around it at that time16:15
JayFand makes people more resistant to participate16:15
TheJuliaI'm not even sure it is just that16:17
TheJuliaso we've been working to start an environmental sustainability sig16:17
TheJuliawhile semi-related, it was a bigger picture thing16:17
arne_wiebalckbye everyone, see you tomorrow o/16:18
TheJuliaand we had a packed room in Berlin... and so few people engaged after the fact :(16:18
TheJuliaArrr matties! It be talk like a pirate day!16:19
JayFYeah, admittedly my observation is skewed by the fact I usually only engage with extreme-scale deployers of Ironic as a result of what my job has been16:22
* TheJulia plays the appropriate talking like a pirate training video #116:27
TheJuliaajya: so I'm updating some of the auto notification emails for the packaging pipeline. For python-dracclient it currently lists cdearborn. I'm guessing that should be updated?17:14
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: use lsblk as a source of device serial numbers
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: prioritize lsblk as a source of device serials
JayFWhat's the preferred OS to run devstack on these days?21:29
JayFwith ironic specifically in mind21:29
JayFgoing to default to latest ubuntu lts, but if you have suggestions I am still happy to hear mm21:29
ashinclouds[m]I generally just lean towards the LTS since that is what the ci pipeline uses.21:36
JayFack, that's what I thought21:43
JayFI prefer rhel for binary distros but I prefer things working seamelessly more lol21:43
JayFour  dev docs also still default to ipmi, we might want to evaluate that22:10
JayFor at least enhance it to include redfish or w/e22:10
JayFIDK if anyone else thinks that is important; but if we do I can take some time and get a more complete devstack config22:17
JayF*config documented22:18
JayFnot trying to change stuff just write down what is :D 22:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Do not install EPEL from the internet if it's already installed
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Concurrent Distructive/Intensive ops limits
JayFTheJulia: ^ -1, a few valid nits but mainly it looks like you accidentally committed a change from another branch22:37
* TheJulia waits for gerrit...23:17
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Concurrent Distructive/Intensive ops limits
TheJuliaJayF: I looked at the query and was like "oh, I will need to re-write that for the sqlalchemy 2.0 stuffs23:32
TheJuliabut not *now*23:32
JayFTheJulia: hm. okay. It's still weird to go in with this change, but it's a comment so I guess it doesn't matter much?23:45
JayFwhat matters is good stuff ending up in the codebase so... w/e23:45

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