Friday, 2022-06-17

TheJuliastevebaker[m]: no, no it doesn't01:55
rpittaugood morning ironic! Happy Friday! o/06:19
rpittaudtantsur: about showing the entire output of lsblk, I just realized that using the -O option changes the output as we're used to, for example the partitions and the md devices are shown as children in the tree structure06:44
rpittauyou can see an example here
rpittauthat means that we'll have to change substantially how we parse that otherwise all the children will be excluded by the list of devices06:45
rpittaujust wondering if that amount of info is really worth the change or if we just want to add some more columns to the output with what can be of interest for us06:46
dtantsurgood morning07:04
rpittauhey dtantsur :)07:04
dtantsurrpittau: the logging output definitely becomes somewhat unmanageable..07:06
rpittauyep, it's a lot of stuff07:06
dtantsurI'm surprised it does the grouping without --tree provided07:07
dtantsuranyway, let's leave it for another day07:07
dtantsuris our CI still unwell?07:08
rpittaujust grenade AFAICS, depends on new swiftclient release07:08
rpittauI mean, the fix is in swiftclient but it's unreleased07:08
dtantsurah, okay07:10
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Remove oslo.serialization dependency
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Remove oslo.serialization dependency
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [WIP] Collect udev properties in the ramdisk logs
jandersgood morning Ironic o/08:06
jandersbeen banging my head against a wall for a couple days now trying to figure out why verify steps stopped working in my lab. Ironically, it's the same lab I recorded a demo covering verify-steps! :)08:07
jandersI wonder about this log message:
jandersI've got python-dracclient and sushy-oem-idrac installed08:07
jandersthe server I am testing against is an R640 with decent FW versions (and I used this firmware for the demo!)08:08
jandersajya I wonder what are your thoughts on that log message ( No extensions found for "manager" under namespace "sushy.resources.manager.oems" ). Would that break iDRAC verify-steps?08:09
rpittauhey janders :)08:10
ajyagood morning08:16
ajyajanders: yes, if it can't find extension, these verify steps will fail, because they're in extension08:16
ajyabut why they can't find - any issues locating sushy-oem-idrac package? (python-dracclient necessary for wsman only, not here)08:17
jandersajya hmm, maybe it's installed in the wrong place or something08:20
janderswhat is the recommended way of installing it in a bifrost environment?08:20
ajyaquestion for dtantsur ? :)08:21
dtantsurin /opt/stack/bifrost08:22
jandersthere we go08:22
jandersnot there08:22
jandersmust have gone to stack's homedir08:22
dtantsurI wonder why we don't install it when idrac is enabled.. maybe simply overlooked08:23
dtantsurhmm, we're supposed to08:24
dtantsurjanders: do you have idrac enabled on installation or manually afterwards?08:24
jandersdtantsur yes08:27
janders[DEFAULT]/enabled_hardware_types = ipmi,redfish,manual-management,idrac08:28
jandersthis one right?08:28
* dtantsur likes "yes" in response to "or" questions :D08:29
jandersI did enable it manually afterwards08:30
jandershow to enable it at install time? looking at docs, haven't spotted it yet08:31
dtantsurjanders: bifrost-cli has a parameter, for playbooks it's enabled_hardware_types IIRC08:38
opendevreviewDerek Higgins proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Gather details about bond interfaces if present
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Docs: replace nova cli calls with openstack
jandersOn another topic: can I please ask for reviews on (IIUC it is needed to fix Grenade). Thank you!08:52
rpittaujanders: not anymore, the real fix has landed in swiftclient08:52
janders(it's a Yoga backport of
rpittauwe're waiting for a release08:52
jandersrpittau thank you!08:53
rpittaujanders: if you look my last comment there you'll see the link to the fix08:53
jandersrpittau thank you!08:54
jandersdtantsur ajya I re-ran bifrost-cli install with idrac parameter, problem solved08:55
jandersit's verifying R640s now no problem08:55
jandersthank you!08:55
jandersnow I will add an older-gen box, have it fail and start looking at code improvements08:56
jandersafter reading bifrost-cli code I finally realised I was using help wrong08:59
jandersI thought there isn't much there08:59
jandersgotta specify the verb08:59
jandersTHEN it starts showing you the good stuff08:59
jandersI would have deployed it with idrac enabled but I couldn't figure out how09:00
jandersso I figured I will just enable it after the fact09:00
jandersbut then I got bitten by packages being in the wrong place and nothing worked...09:00
jandersajya (and CC dtantsur) I reproduced iDRAC8 verification issue ( ) on bifrost and thinking how to go about improving the code to resolve this. There are two distinct failure modes: 1) the server could do LC queue clear / iDRAC reset but has too old firmware and 2) it can't do LC queue clear / iDRAC09:39
jandersreset cause it's one of the older generations. We could check for presence of URLs needed to perform these tasks and skip if they are absent for both cases, that would be my default thinking.09:39
jandersOr - we could try be smarter and fail out with an error advising to upgrade firmware if the generation is right but the firmware is old - and skip on older generations.09:39
jandersit's 8pm on a Friday here (and I've been shuffling boxes around the garage in prep for IKEA truck unloading) so not at my sharpest - but wanted to make some progress on this after being bogged down in lab issues for two days - so suggestions welcome! :)09:40
ajyajanders: yes, could check presence of URLs and if missing then iDRAC version. Yesterday I mentioned that maybe do something on sushy-oem-idrac, but maybe it's not necessary09:44
jandersajya ACK. I will now see what happens if I request iDRAC reset on the older node09:45
ajyamaybe it's already enough to handle that error that sushy-oem-idrac raises in Ironic 09:45
janders(not sure yet)09:45
ajyaneed to identify which iDRAC version started to support these in redfish, don't know off hand09:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
TheJuliagood morning11:01
jandersgood morning TheJulia11:04
dtantsurmorning TheJulia 11:05
jandersajya iDRAC reset also fails out on the older iDRACs as we suspected11:13
jandersnow that I know what to look for I can start working on the fix11:13
TheJuliajanders: wrt your email, it would be helpful if you'd open an issue in the osp jira project against the openstack-ironic component11:14
jandersTheJulia ACK, on it11:17
TheJuliajanders: thanks11:17
TheJuliafwiw, I'm going to request clarification/changes I think11:18
jandersTheJulia 100%11:18
TheJuliabut visibility in jira will help our team in planning and work tracking11:18
ajyajanders: ack11:20
jandersTheJulia do I need to ask FJ to open a BZ or is it OK just with the change up for review?11:20
jandersTheJulia created issue, sent in an email11:25
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:25
TheJuliajanders: much appreciated11:26
TheJuliajanders: if they want it backported at all, a BZ will be needed11:27
TheJuliaI'm shocked people are still using snmp for this sort of stuff :(11:29
TheJuliajanders: it also needs a release note, and ideally doc changes11:35
jandersTheJulia thank you. Would you be happy to put a comment in the change covering this? I will get them to address it.11:38
TheJuliajanders: just did11:41
jandersTheJulia TY!11:41
TheJuliait is actually a bunch of small things, and questioning why we're adding two new parameters with no other options.11:41
TheJuliaI'm worried that this patch breaks upon upgrades as well11:42
TheJuliaso requested unit testing appropriate as such11:42
jandersAll valid points. Thank you TheJulia, I appreciate your help!12:00
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/virtualbmc master: Remove support for Python 3.6 and 3.7
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Remove support for Python 3.6 and 3.7
janderssee you next week Ironic, have a great weekend everyone! o/12:47
rpittauyou too janders :)12:47
sam_zheyo, out of curiosity, are there any existing plans to add nova + cinder integration into bifrost?14:08
sam_zor would that be beyond the scope of what it's intended to do14:08
dtantsursam_z: nova is definitely out of scope for bifrost14:11
sam_zmakes sense.14:12
sam_zi suppose my use case would be more of a devstack thing14:12
sam_zi just uh. don't like devstack haha14:12
dtantsurheh, understandable :)14:12
dtantsurbut yeah, bifrost is about standalone ironic14:13
EmilienMhellow - I'm wondering if there is some script i can re-use, which reproduces what devstack does to create fake bm in libvirt and import nodes into ironic. my use case: i have one beefy machine and I want to play with ironic without real hardware; i have openstack installed (all-in-one, with tripleo)14:18
dtantsurEmilienM: do you *need* to have tripleo? if not, you can try bifrost.14:19
EmilienMyeah I know I can use bifrost14:20
EmilienMyeah i'm using that cloud to run your fav k8s on top of it14:20
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Collect udev properties in the ramdisk logs
EmilienMyeah i need ooo because we will eventually use that node for CI14:20
EmilienMthink integration ci -- tripleo | ocp14:21
dtantsurEmilienM: you can look into and the accompanying python script, but they may need adjusting for non-devstack case14:21
dtantsurEmilienM: OR you can try reusing but it will pull some bifrost bits with it14:21
EmilienMthe thing with bifrost is that it installs ironic (which makes sense) but I don't need ironic, my tripleo already gives it to me14:22
dtantsurfair enough. maybe only the role I linked? although I'm not sure how easy it is, to use it without the rest of bifrost14:23
EmilienMkk, I'll look14:23
EmilienMI'll probably end up stealing the bits from there14:23
EmilienMi was hoping for an easy answer, you know, friday :)14:23
sam_zi was just in the opposite situation where i just finished adding nova + cinder to standalone ironic and for a bunch of stuff i did just kinda dig thru the bifrost ansible playbooks to try to piece together what to do lol14:24
EmilienMI'll call it hifrost14:26
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! o/14:31
dtantsurhifrost lol14:39
TheJuliaEmilienM: ... that could work ;)14:43
dtantsurhave a nice weekend folks o/15:00
* TheJulia tries to avoid unpacking the pile of post-it notes in her bag15:01
NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic folks17:22
NobodyCamhave things changed... should A review with a +1 workflow merge?17:23
iurygregory hey NobodyCam o/ happy friday20:53
iurygregoryI think you need at least one +2 and the +1 W20:54
NobodyCamhey hey iurygregory 20:54
NobodyCamyea some thing strange with the review .. I issued a recheck20:54
iurygregorydo you have the link for the review?20:55
iurygregoryI can keep an eye on it20:55
NobodyCamI just ran another recheck20:56
iurygregorysoooo, there is one thing a bit weird about this patch20:57
iurygregoryit's in chain with a change that is abandoned 20:57
NobodyCamyea the abandoned first patch20:57
iurygregoryso maybe zuul will ignore the fact it has a +W, since the first change is not merged20:58
iurygregoryI think it will need to rebase the change 20:58
NobodyCamever used the rebase button? 21:00
NobodyCamI can pull down and rebase if needed ... I'll let this last recheck complete21:00
iurygregoryI've used before21:00
iurygregoryworks most of the times =)21:01
iurygregoryI've subscribed to receive updates from it o/21:01
NobodyCamThank you21:03
iurygregorygoing to drop now, time to go to the gym, but latter I will check things o/21:08
TheJuliahmm, iury disappeared21:24
TheJuliarebase button does tend to work :)21:24
TheJuliabut will also post a bad rebase back :(21:25
TheJuliaat least in newest gerrit21:25

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