Monday, 2022-05-23

arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:22
MahnoorAsgharGood morning Arne!06:26
arne_wiebalckHey MahnoorAsghar o/06:27
dtantsurgood morning folks07:08
dtantsurbifrost yoga still broken, blocking kolla folks. please review:
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:53
*** matt__ is now known as matfechner09:58
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/bifrost stable/yoga failed: Use libvirt-python from the distribution on Red Hat systems
dtantsurI wonder if older branches are affected.. we may need to start backports from the older version that supported CS810:37
iurygregorygood morning Ironic10:54
dtantsurhey iurygregory 11:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tenks master: CI: Removing tenks job queue
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Add a metalsmith job with legacy boot
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Add yoga tests, stop testing victoria
TheJuliagood morning12:37
TheJuliao/ MahnoorAsghar 12:38
dtantsurTheJulia: good morning! will you be available to check (backport of the multipath issue) today?12:57
dtantsurwe're a bit under pressure with it, I'll take a look as well12:57
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/bifrost stable/yoga failed: Use libvirt-python from the distribution on Red Hat systems
dtantsurso, metalsmith is broken. because JSON parsing of the output no longer works. because openstacksdk started issuing a warning. and it's virtually impossible to make Python to log into stderr instead of stdout.13:15
dtantsurit's Monday, I want to drink AND scream13:15
rpittauI can share my alcoholic cough syrup13:16
rpittaudtantsur: I had a look at the wallaby backport for the multipath patch, if we agree on waiting for the backports to the other stable branches, I can approve before crawling to bed13:20
iurygregoryI will be working on the other backports as soon as I have finished my meetings today13:23
dtantsurrpittau: I think we can approve it as an exception and try to get xena/yoga/etc in asap13:26
rpittaualright, let's do it13:26
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/yoga: Multipath Hardware path handling
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix Redfish RAID to update raid_config
iurygregoryofc zuul will fail 14:30
iurygregorywhy would wallaby try to install oslo.log 5.0.0 O.o14:32
iurygregory2022-05-23 14:08:07.907730 | controller | 2022-05-23 14:08:07.907 | The conflict is caused by:14:32
iurygregory2022-05-23 14:08:07.907910 | controller | 2022-05-23 14:08:07.907 |     ironic-python-agent 8.6.1.dev10 depends on oslo.log>=3.36.014:32
iurygregory2022-05-23 14:08:07.907929 | controller | 2022-05-23 14:08:07.907 |     The user requested (constraint) oslo-log===5.0.014:32
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/wallaby failed: Multipath Hardware path handling
iurygregory(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻14:41
dtantsur5.0.0>=3.36.0 for sure14:53
dtantsura mirror glitch?14:53
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Fix logging in the baremetal CLI
dtantsurfolks, this ^^^ (when released) will hopefully fix the metalsmith job14:53
dtantsuruntil then, not sure what to do. probably hacks something together..14:53
rpittauiurygregory: that's the requirement for tempest, which is wrong as it points to master instead of wallaby14:57
iurygregoryso we need to update the jobs to point to the right version?14:58
dtantsurtempest is branchless14:58
rpittaujust had a quick look, not sure what's going on14:58
iurygregoryI put recheck because it was weird...14:59
rpittauindeeed tempest is branchless but shouldn't it use u-c from stable branches based on hte job ?14:59
iurygregorylet's see, but I will try to take a look14:59
iurygregoryit should...14:59
iurygregory#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon May 23 15:00:11 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is iurygregory. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
iurygregoryHello everyone, welcome to our weekly meeting!15:00
iurygregoryyou can find the agenda for the meeting in the wiki15:01
iurygregory#topic Announcements / Reminder15:01
iurygregory#info Please provide feedback to the Zed Themes patch15:02
* iurygregory has no idea why is on merge-conflict will check later...15:02
iurygregory#info Dinner in Berlin Etherpad - Please vote in the restaurant/pubs till EOW =)15:03
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/bifrost stable/yoga failed: Use libvirt-python from the distribution on Red Hat systems
iurygregoryFor those who will be in the OIS Berlin, we are planning to have a dinner, if you are interested please add you name in the etherpad and vote for the day you are available and the restaurants/pubs15:04
iurygregorydoes anyone have anything else to add for announcements/reminder?15:04
iurygregoryok, moving on15:06
iurygregorywe don't have any action item so skipping15:07
iurygregory#topic Review subteam status reports15:07
iurygregorystarting L6515:07
iurygregoryI think we can move on15:13
dtantsuryeah, seems so15:14
iurygregory#topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week15:14
iurygregoryI will be adding some backports I'm working on later today15:15
TheJuliaSeems reasonable15:15
kamlesh6808cCan we put priority tag for this patch
dtantsurplease add as well15:16
iurygregorykamlesh6808c, by any chance do you have some log execution that shows this problem happening? it would be good to have a story with it and add in the commit message =)15:17
iurygregoryadded both patches to the list15:18
kamlesh6808ciurygregory, Yes.Would do that.Thanks!15:18
iurygregorywe have some bifrost patches to fix CI I think15:19
TheJuliaHas the tag been added to them?15:21
iurygregoryno, I'm trying to find the patches to see if they got reviews / or add the tag15:22
dtantsur keeps failing in the gate15:22
iurygregoryyeah I just saw this patch, I added the hashtag to it, just in case we need to fix something in case of a config problem etc15:24
iurygregoryI think we can move on, if anyone has patches that will need review let us know or add the hashtag =)15:25
iurygregory#topic Baremetal SIG15:25
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, do you have any updates you would like to share?15:26
iurygregoryI think Arne is busy today =) 15:28
TheJuliaI suspect many are busy today15:28
TheJuliaAlso, presentation review deadlines and such are likely coming up for internal approvals in some orgs15:28
iurygregoryskipping rfe topic since we don't have any15:29
iurygregory#topic Open discussion15:29
iurygregoryDoes anyone have something that would like to discuss?15:30
TheJuliaSo, I've been asked to turn the "lets fix this nasty nova bug patch" in a spec for discussion15:31
ebbexa review on ?15:31
TheJuliabecause there are conflicting views on it as well as major differences of opinion on how it should be handled15:31
TheJuliaIf anyone wants to take a look15:31
iurygregoryebbex, for you case we can add the patch in the list of priority to review I would say15:32
* iurygregory looks at the spec link15:33
ebbexiurygregory: thanks :)15:34
arne_wiebalcksorry, was in another meeting: nothing for the SIG really :)15:36
iurygregoryTheJulia, the bug is ?15:38
TheJuliaiurygregory: amongst them, yes15:39
TheJuliathere are multiple bugs wrapped into one issue15:39
TheJuliaEach with implications, and not fixing them together just kind of pushes the problem around the plate as it were15:39
iurygregoryoh the other bugs in launchpad right?15:39
TheJuliaThere may be more bugs in RHBZ as well, I didn't go dig through the depths of it when I was writing the document up15:40
TheJuliaI only used what was at my finger tips15:40
iurygregorygotcha, no worries15:40
* iurygregory will need more coffee in a few minutes...15:41
iurygregorythe idea is to try to get some ironic folks to look at it and provide feedback to see if we can get a consensus on the path nova/ironic should take in the multiple issues we have documented in the spec?15:42
TheJuliaThat would be ideal yes15:43
TheJuliaNova has some... differing perceptions on acceptability, such as a knob to enable the bugfix is generally viewed as unacceptable15:44
TheJuliaThey also want to lean on only fixing the issues/state when manual action has occured15:44
iurygregoryyeah =(15:44
iurygregorywoot? O.o15:45
TheJuliaOr automatic from explicit state changes. There are a number of worries there, so it is important to try and navigate them15:45
TheJuliaAnd maybe the usage is a little different15:45
iurygregorydo they have a way to identify it was a manual action?15:45
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: it would be useful if somebody from CERN could chime in15:45
TheJuliaiurygregory: what I mean is "nova-manage ironic fix-cluster-host-fields"15:46
TheJuliaor something along those lines15:46
TheJuliaor explicitly set the compute services to disabled and then and only then would rebalance occur... or soemthing along those lines15:46
TheJuliaAll rather, abstract at the moment15:47
iurygregoryI think I understood15:47
iurygregoryI've added myself in the spec and I will try to look after finishing all backports I need to push15:48
iurygregorynp =)15:51
iurygregoryI will run the meeting next week o/15:51
iurygregoryThanks everyone!15:51
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon May 23 15:52:50 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:52
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: sorry ... chime in for ?16:04
* arne_wiebalck is reading the backlog16:04
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Use json for lsblk output
rpittaualright, not sure I'll be active a lot online the rest of the week, we'll keep an eye on things anyway16:07
rpittauby everyone! o/16:07
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: ... I will try to have a look!16:12
iurygregorybye rpittau 16:19
arne_wiebalckbye everyone o/16:22
dtantsurbloody hell, ironicclient is still testing py3.6?16:24
iurygregorywhy wallaby is doing this OGW16:35
iurygregoryyoga seems to be fine... WHY WALLABY?!16:40
iurygregory(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┻━┻ ┻━┻ 16:41
* iurygregory - more coffee is required...16:41
dtantsurwhat a lovely Monday16:41
iurygregorydo we need diskimage in the src jobs for ipa? I've checked a diff from installed things when it was green/red)16:44
dtantsurdepends on the image type, I assume16:48
iurygregorypip3-freeze diff (green|red)
iurygregoryit's a bit weird that wasn't using before, but now it's16:49
iurygregoryor maybe it's because of the cloud provider!16:49
* iurygregory checks other failures16:49
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/bifrost stable/yoga failed: Use libvirt-python from the distribution on Red Hat systems
iurygregoryERROR: Package 'ironic-python-agent' requires a different Python: 3.6.8 not in '>=3.8'17:34
iurygregorywhy this is in wallaby wtf O.o17:34
iurygregoryi like this!17:41
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/python-ironicclient master failed: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: Add Python3 zed unit tests
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Auto-populate lessee for deployments

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