Thursday, 2022-05-19

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.4: Use a pre-defined partition UUID to detect configdrive on GPT
jandersgood morning Ironic o/00:07
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: lunch++00:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/yoga: CI: use pre-existing ssh key on multinode jobs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.1: Use Xena constraints for bugfix/8.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.4: Rescan device after filesystem creation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: Fix CI
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master failed: Add yoga tests, stop testing victoria
*** mat_fechner is now known as matfechner03:59
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/sushy stable/xena: Handle weak Etags
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/sushy stable/wallaby: Handle weak Etags
jandersarne_wiebalck when you're online, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on whether the lack of ^^^ could have been causing this issue:
janders(it was failing out with "HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed" after I backported your other patch: )06:07
opendevreviewLiZekun proposed openstack/ironic-lib master: Use TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE
opendevreviewLiZekun proposed openstack/ironic-lib master: Use TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!08:50
arne_wiebalckjanders: yes, could be: http 412 is what I saw when the header was not "correct" (the etag was not accepted)08:53
jandersarne_wiebalck thank you. Would this only apply to systems using "weak etags" - and are HP DL360 one of these?09:01
jandersoops :)09:02
jandersarne_wiebalck sample eTag from the problem model: < ETag: W/"B56EA15A" - I suppose this is weak eTag and this won't work without correct?09:13
arne_wiebalckjanders: I think it depends on the implementation: w/o the patch we return "B56EA15A", with the patch we return 'W/"B56EA15A"' ... and the redfish endpoint may accept one or the other (which is a violation of the standard, but it happens).09:59
jandersarne_wiebalck do these backports look good to you: ? Is there anything else that needs to be backported along (I missed this one while doing )10:39
arne_wiebalckjanders: they look good to me, yes ... were there any change from the original patches?10:55
arne_wiebalckjanders: also: what time is it for you??10:56
arne_wiebalckjanders: :)10:56
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:10
arne_wiebalckhey iurygregory o/11:21
jandersarne_wiebalck no change from original patches (cherry pick *just worked*)11:28
jandersarne_wiebalck approaching 2130hrs local time11:28
jandershey iurygregory o/11:28
arne_wiebalckjanders: I was wondering since there is no "cherry-picked from" line ... or did I miss that?11:30
arne_wiebalckjanders: re time: I was somehow thinking it is 2am already :)11:31
jandersarne_wiebalck w/r/t no cherry-picked - it's just me copy-pasting cherry pick commands from gerrit and not adding -x11:31
jandersnot 2am yet but I feel a bit as if it were... was looking into that bug for better part of today11:32
arne_wiebalckjanders: ah11:32
arne_wiebalckjanders: there are high chances it is this ... do you have a chance to try this manually?11:35
dtantsurstevebaker[m]: keep in mind, we have some logic to manage dnsmasq in ironic-inspector. probably possible to reuse.11:41
jandersarne_wiebalck just to make sure we're on the same page - try what ? 11:48
jandersthe updated eTag code?11:48
jandersI haven't but I looked at the eTags the problem machine uses (strictly speaking, I dont have access so grabbed a near-identical one) and they do seem to use weak eTags11:48
iurygregoryjanders, I'm just puzzled that for 4.10/4.11 it works with eTags but doesn't work in 4.9/4.8...11:57
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, do you remember if you did any other patch to ironic or sushy to validate something about the ETag?11:57
* TheJulia yawns12:54
dtantsurwhich reminds me, I need another coffee :) good morning TheJulia 12:55
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)12:56
iurygregoryit's too early for the third mug of coffee?12:56
TheJuliaSo, I ended up with unsweetend soy milk this week12:56
TheJuliajust a dash of sugar makes it just as tasty and still less sugar12:57
TheJuliahjensas: so yeah, I'm thinking we need to wire in ignore_errors down into the request handling most likely13:06
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: WIP: Secure RBAC Test Concept
TheJuliahjensas: turns out we didn't have the test run so I added it13:13
TheJuliaor at least, hopefully set the stage for it13:13
iurygregorydtantsur, please correct me if I'm wrong but for the multipath issue in master all we have is 13:13
TheJuliaI *think* dtantsur had another...13:14
TheJuliabut I wasn't paying attention13:14
TheJuliawell, more like, my attention is spread across 10 things13:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/wallaby: Handle weak Etags
iurygregoryin wallaby perspective goes instead of
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/xena: Handle weak Etags
TheJuliaso for zuul, it is cookies right? Or was it cookies and the souls of contributors?13:27
hjensasTheJulia: ack, I set up devstack this morning to start looking at it. But I ended up troubleshooting instead, the dhcp for ironic-provision network does not start. (Same issue in networking-baremetal CI).13:39
TheJuliaweird that networking-generic-switch stuff seems to work just fine13:40
arne_wiebalckiurygregory: yes, there were 2 patches IIRC: the weak Etag one and the use-the-etag one13:40
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, yeah we had one missing =)13:41
arne_wiebalckI think janders had it in the list 13:41
iurygregoryyeah, we just merged \o/13:41
TheJulialooks like something just blew up tempest across the board13:41
TheJuliamirror issues :(13:42
TheJuliaE: Failed to fetch  403  Forbidden [IP: 443]13:42
arne_wiebalck"we just got it merged" ... "something blew up everyting" :-D13:42
TheJuliayup, boom13:44
dtantsurthere seems to be quite some activity on #opendev13:44
dtantsurI assume they're aware13:44
TheJulialooks like they are kind of aware13:45
TheJuliabut 30 minutes ago seeming that things might be okay13:46
TheJuliaso I chimed in13:46
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: if you have a minute, we need to fix the bifrost CI:
hjensasTheJulia: difference between networing-baremetal and ngs I guess is that ngs don't enable the neutron segments plug-in.13:55
* hjensas is asking in #openstack-neutron for help.13:55
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.4: Refactor efi_utils for easier maintaining and debugging
iurygregorydtantsur, the backports from yoga to bugfix 8.3 is not as easy as I've imagined LOL we have a few commits from yoga that are not in the bugfix branch XD14:36
dtantsuriurygregory: this is why you may want to backport from xena14:36
iurygregorywait from xena to 8.3?14:37
iurygregoryyeah makes some sense because it woldn't contain the change14:38
dtantsuryeah, it may happen that 8.3 is closer to xena than to yoga, even though it was during the yoga cycle14:39
iurygregoryenr 8.3 already has efi_utils :D14:40
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.3: Refactor efi_utils for easier maintaining and debugging
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Multipath Hardware path handling
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.3: Do not try to guess EFI partition path by its number
iurygregorydtantsur, 8.3 should be fine if we have =)15:00
iurygregoryeasier than looking at xena tbh15:00
opendevreviewJohn Garbutt proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: make port binding fatel
dtantsuriurygregory: no objections to the backport, but please double-check that all newer versions have it15:29
iurygregoryyeah, I will do the 8.4 also15:29
dtantsurand I assume yoga has it?15:29
iurygregoryyes =)15:32
TheJuliahjensas: I was close!
hjensasTheJulia: one off. :)16:05
dtantsuriurygregory: I think it's not blocking, but has to change IDs :)16:14
dtantsuralso, are you planning on a similar change for 8.4?16:14
iurygregoryfunny =X16:14
iurygregoryyes I'm re 8.416:15
iurygregorywas focusing on 8.3 since is used downstream to be sure it was open16:15
dtantsurokay, no hurry, but let's not forget it16:16
* dtantsur is trying to remember what he wanted to finish today16:17
TheJuliafinish... today...16:17
TheJuliasorry, that was too sarcastic16:18
TheJuliaI'e had nothing but people pinging me16:18
dtantsuroh I know this feeling so well16:18
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.3: Do not try to guess EFI partition path by its number
iurygregorydtantsur, I think I fixed ^16:18
dtantsurokay, gimme a few minutes, will return to it16:19
TheJuliahjensas: wrong field, nodes['nodes'] is what I should have checked16:19
dtantsurassisted folks have found another place where we use a URL in file names >_<16:20
dtantsuriurygregory: wanna abandon then?16:22
iurygregorywill do16:23
TheJuliaa url in filenames?16:23
dtantsurTheJulia: os.path.join(tmpdir, kernel_href.split('/')[-1])16:23
dtantsurdoesn't play well with URLs that look like16:23
TheJuliaoh eww16:23
dtantsurI've fixed one such issue in the image cache already, but now they hit another corner case16:24
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Don't use URLs as part of temporary file names (part 2)
dtantsurhere goes ^^16:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.1: Use a pre-defined partition UUID to detect configdrive on GPT
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Remove support for all distributions with Python 3.6
iurygregoryWe are very excited to announce our first in-person Project Teams Gathering (PTG) since Shanghai in 2019! Can’t wait to get everyone back together again this October 17-20th at the Hyatt Regency in lovely Columbus, Ohio. 16:54
* dtantsur is wondering what his chances to get a visa are16:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Use libvirt-python from the distribution on Red Hat systems
dtantsurcc shadower re PTG16:59
TheJuliadtantsur: That is a really good question :\17:00
dtantsurI guess we'll figure out the budget first anyway. then look at the situation.17:00
dtantsurthe USA hasn't gone fully NOPE like CZ17:00
dtantsurand I have a story of prior visas.. we'll see17:00
TheJuliawait? CZ went fully NOPE?17:01
TheJulialike, for everyone, or just for people with your country of birth?17:01
dtantsurfor my country of passport of course :)17:01
TheJuliaI can *kind* of get it from a security standpoint, but yeah17:02
TheJuliaalmost like you need a "Really, I'm an awesome good person" passport17:02
dtantsurmeanwhile, fixes bifrost yoga17:02
dtantsurhaha, right17:02
dtantsur"Approved by Julia"17:02
* TheJulia waits on the edge of her seat for the grenade job17:09
TheJuliawe're past cleaning, we're into upgrade17:09
TheJuliaso.... networking works \o/17:09
dtantsurmm, this Columbus is not easy to get into, is it?17:10
dtantsura very local airport, I assume17:10
TheJuliain all likelihood, a single connection in the states would beneeded17:14
dtantsuryeah, or Canada (which is not a good option for me, so I hope egencia won't force it)17:15
TheJuliaI think I saw some flights going to/from London from there17:15
dtantsuregencia's best option is DUS -> AMS -> DTW -> CMH, CMH -> JFK -> CDG -> DUS17:18
TheJuliaYeah... JFK and DTW are decent airports fwiw, as long as egencia is not going to insist on 8 hour layovers17:19
* TheJulia is still not thrilled that she now has a 5 hour layover to BER17:20
dtantsurit's not too bad, also 1 hour in AMS is risky17:20
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: DNM - Testing CI - neutron segment host mapping issue
TheJuliaAnd tempest running, but I think we have a bug in our multinode tempest test with networking17:21
TheJuliaugh, we need to pull the queue syntax17:28
shadowerI read Shanghai and got quite excited for a bit there17:30
shadowerbut thanks dtantsur noted17:30
TheJuliaI... honestly... enjoyed my 48 hours in Beijing17:34
TheJuliaThen again, I somehow ended up at this restaurant that converted over to a dance club and everything was in english and...I only now remember fragments of that evening17:36
TheJuliathe other evening, I and foundation staffers ended up at this US ex-pat's hole in the wall bar on the edge of this park lake17:39
TheJuliaand there were cats17:39
dtantsurcats are always good17:40
TheJuliait was such a surreal trip17:40
TheJuliahjensas: did you have a chance to grok the idea with the srbac tempest stuffs?17:41
hjensasTheJulia: unfortunately not, I got stuck troubleshooting. :(17:43
TheJuliaokay, I don't know how many spoons I'll have left after my 1-on-1, but I might be able to try and wire in ignore_errors logic17:44
TheJuliaso expected negative states can be tested17:44
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/wallaby: Make the standalone job voting again
hjensasok, I'll take a look again monday.17:45
TheJuliahjensas: have a good weekend17:45
hjensasTheJulia: same to you, enjoy the sparkles! :)17:46
* TheJulia is now *super* confused17:46
TheJuliamy breakfast plan!17:46
* hjensas think he remember you talking about that. 17:47
TheJuliaheh, grenade job failed on cleanup timing out17:56
TheJuliayup, cleaning18:00
dtantsurmoving into a long weekend, see you on Monday folks o/18:03
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Fix Multinode Grenade Testing
TheJuliao/ dtantsur 18:06
* TheJulia smiles at the results of getting grenade multinode in working shape...18:07
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-lib stable/train: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/wallaby: Multipath Hardware path handling
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: CI: Removing ironic job queue
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/tenks master: CI: Removing tenks job queue
TheJuliaOkay, I think that is everything in our governance18:23
iurygregorywow that was fast18:24
dtantsurthis is sad18:28
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/wallaby: Multipath Hardware path handling
TheJuliadtantsur: i know :(18:40
iurygregorydtantsur, wallaby backport is up and I've requested the downstream builds for it \o/18:41
dtantsurand oh, I haven't actually left, have I?18:41
iurygregoryno, but you should18:41
iurygregoryenjoy the recharge day18:42
TheJuliadtantsur: go! recharge18:42
TheJuliaenjoy a beer or ten18:42
dtantsurwell, actually my wife has a ladies-only cocktail party at her university, and I'm sitting here and playing guitar18:42
dtantsurnot that I'm working right now18:43
TheJuliaSometimes these are good things :)18:45
TheJuliaiurygregory: i missed networking-generic-switch18:50
iurygregoryI can push the change if you want18:51
iurygregorynow I'm free after working on some backports XD18:51
TheJuliaiurygregory: that woudl be awesome, trying to take care of some stuff before my 1-on-118:52
iurygregoryjust wondering... we will need this in all branches?!18:52
iurygregoryTheJulia, I will do now =)18:52
TheJuliaiurygregory: yes, but we can backport in waves or something18:53
TheJuliaI should have set a topic18:53
TheJuliaso we could easily track18:53
iurygregoryI will add topics on the ones you pushed =)18:53
TheJuliathat would be much appreciated18:53
iurygregoryI just noticed some are in wallaby and train :D 18:56
TheJuliaoh jeeze18:57
TheJuliaI checkout master on each branch... or at least I thoguth I did18:57
TheJuliaoh noes18:57
iurygregoryops train, not wallaby =)18:58
iurygregoryironic-lib one
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: CI: Removing job queue
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-lib master: CI: Removing job queue
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Multipath Hardware path handling
jandersgood morning Ironic o/22:04
janderslooking for a second +2 for a couple sushy backports:22:05
jandersis this the best channel to ask around, or should I be asking elsewhere?22:06
jandersthanks in advance! :)22:06
iurygregoryjanders, today is recharge day for us =)22:10
iurygregorysince is release patches the best place is #openstack-release I've asked earlier today for review22:10
iurygregoryhopefully tomorrow they can approve22:11
jandersiurygregory thank you!22:25
iurygregoryI really don't like ERROR: Cannot install ironic-python-agent==8.6.1.dev10 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.22:33
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [DNM] Test CI

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