Wednesday, 2022-03-09

arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Fix for verifying introspected data
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:24
arne_wiebalckhey rpittau o/07:43
rpittauhey arne_wiebalck :)07:43
jandershey arne_wiebalck rpittau and Ironic o/07:54
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/07:56
rpittauhey janders :)07:58
rpittaummm is there an issue with the  cirros image in networking-baremetal job?07:59
rpittauif we look at
rpittauwe can see
dtantsurrpittau: no configdrive08:14
dtantsurI thought I fixed the multinode job, but maybe n-b has its own configuration08:14
dtantsurwe need FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE=true (or how it's called)08:14
dtantsurmorning folks08:16
dtantsur`FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: False` WUT08:16
rpittaumornig dtantsur :)08:17
dtantsurI wonder if it was accidental08:17
dtantsurthe partition image I build does not work with nova metadata server, only with configdrive08:18
dtantsurmaybe I can fix it...08:18
dtantsurbut in reality, configdrive is required for everything but BFV/ramdisk08:18
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Improve efficiency of storage cleaning in mixed media envs
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:11
dtantsurmorning iurygregory 11:12
dtantsurI need to restart my lab machine with the IRC bouncer, hopefully back online in a few minutes.11:20
jandershey iurygregory11:21
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Improve efficiency of storage cleaning in mixed media envs
dtantsurseemingly back :)11:37
iurygregorystendulker, hey you around? we have an interesting bug happening in HPE machines when creating a redfish subscription
iurygregorydo you know if is expected that after rebooting the machine the subscription is deleted from the BMC?11:41
janderssee you tomorrow Ironic o/12:21
iurygregory_bye janders o/12:28
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory13:48
rpittauhey if someone has a moment, please check to have cs9 jobs voting in ipa-builder, thanks!14:17
TheJuliagood morning14:34
MahnoorAsgharGood morning Julia14:35
dtantsurmorning rloo, TheJulia, MahnoorAsghar 14:50
rloomornin' dtantsur, TheJulia, MahnoorAsghar, rpittau :)14:52
rpittauhey rloo :)14:52
rpittaugood morning TheJulia MahnoorAsghar :)14:52
MahnoorAsgharI am working on adding input into my extension - and there is a question14:54
MahnoorAsgharAll the API methods that are meant to be exposed, are marked with the @method.expose() decorator, right?14:54
TheJuliathat is *likely* a question best answered by sbaker14:55
TheJuliaerr, stevebaker[m] 14:55
TheJuliaso.. the secret in the framework is that it has some static method names it looks for 14:56
TheJuliaand there is some code which helps it route by path of the URL to the file and directory14:56
MahnoorAsgharI should look for that code14:56
TheJuliaso "GET /" always translates to get(), "GET /<value>" translates out to get_one()14:57
MahnoorAsgharaah, I see14:57
TheJuliaactually s/get()/get_all()/14:57
TheJuliaor soemthing like that14:57
MahnoorAsgharyes I see what you mean14:57
TheJuliait requires the brain to make that assocation which... is sometimes not easy14:57
MahnoorAsgharokay 14:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Ignore fake nodes in the power sync loop
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Make centos9 jobs voting, add to gate
iurygregoryTheJulia, dtantsur rpittau any thoughts on Elod comment's  ?16:33
TheJuliaI'd tend to agree with the comment16:34
TheJuliaI'd also like to highlight the general inconsistency which has been applied in openstack's history as to such releases16:34
TheJuliawhcih is obviously frustrating16:34
iurygregoryyeah, it also makes sense to me16:39
rpittaubye everyone, see you tomorrow o/16:43
rpiosoGood morning, ironic :)16:44
rpiosoiurygregory: Thank you for the congrats on my accepted Summit presentation proposal. Better late than never :-/16:45
* TheJulia blinks19:39
* TheJulia wonders where the day has gone off to19:39
stevebaker[m]good morning19:42
TheJuliagood morning!19:54
frigoHello Ironic! I hope you are doing great :)20:21
frigoI am thinking about deploying a stack using routed subnets, and IPv6 (I've never used any of these). I am wondering how ambitious this is.20:22
TheJuliafrigo: with dhcp forwarding?20:31
frigoyes, should be  a mix of router advertisements and dhcp relaying20:32
TheJuliaso, neutron *does* support dhcpv6, you'll need to operate in stateful mode20:35
TheJuliaI guess that should work20:35
TheJuliamy only concern, w/r/t baremetal is *actual* hardware support.20:35
TheJuliasome firmware in cards doesn't support v620:35
TheJuliaSome UEFI network stacks don't know about v6 either20:35
TheJuliabut they are generally getting better20:35
frigonormally my hardware is recent enough. I am trying both (stateful, stateless) but I did not go very far yet.  Is there a reason for using stateful mode instead of stateless ?20:36
frigoI have had issues with both today :D I used a single vlan, with different subnets per rack. With ipv6, the router advertisement get multicasted across the racks and PXE does not seem to use the right one. With stateful, ironic-inspector gave me an IP.. but from the wrong subnet. I need to try harder20:39
TheJuliafrigo: stateless i guess is viable, but you need to use dhcpv6 and your routers need to explicitly announce it20:44
TheJuliawith stateless, they can just go "oh, here is my ip based on the announcer"20:45
TheJuliastateful, it has to ask dhcpv620:45
frigook I guess that both should work if configured correctly :D20:46
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Remove config drive override
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: CI: Remove config drive override
TheJuliapointless now21:09
TheJuliasince ci now fails21:09
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Set agent_type in tests
hjensasTheJulia: Thanks for that, I was trying to reproduce the issues locally. Let's hope you nailed it!21:14
TheJuliaI read the prior discussion from right before I woke up and looked at it... and went "wait a second!"21:15
TheJuliaand then started looking through git history21:15
TheJuliait looks like a mistake, to me21:15
TheJuliaor copy/paste21:15
TheJuliadunno why it was there really21:15
* hjensas guesses self is to blame. :) Makes sense to remove it.21:17
TheJuliahjensas: nah ;)21:23
TheJuliaany core reviewers up for a relatively quick ipa reivew?
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal stable/yoga: Set agent_type in tests
TheJuliahjensas: ^^ to unbrick stable/yoga21:27
TheJuliawe likely need to backport further, maybe21:28
hjensaspossibly yes, I think the option was deprecated in ussuri so might take it atleast there.21:29
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/yoga: Fix session authentication issues
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/xena: Fix session authentication issues
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/wallaby: Fix session authentication issues
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/victoria: Fix session authentication issues
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/ussuri: Protect Connector against empty auth object
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/ussuri: Fix session authentication issues
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/train: Protect Connector against empty auth object
TheJuliaooh ahh you can now cherry pick a merge conflict22:12
TheJuliain the UI22:13
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/train: Protect Connector against empty auth object
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy stable/train: Fix session authentication issues
TheJuliaany cores around to do some quick reviews on
TheJuliawe need to cut a new fix release for networking-baremetal relatively soon23:11
JayFTheJulia: +2, leaving you to +a23:14
JayFyou need the same on the stable one?23:14
JayFchange seems simple and safe enough :shrug:23:15
TheJuliaJayF: and it is broken at present23:15
TheJuliahjensas: fyi^^23:15
JayFwell, that's literally the first ever review I've done on that repo23:15
JayFand I don't approve anything but simple changes now23:15
TheJuliaahh yeah23:15
JayFit has the +2s, you can land if/when you wish23:16
TheJuliahjensas: also, we should talk to iury about core rights :)23:20
JayFhonestly, we should talk to iury about taking away mine, too23:20
JayFyou can give them to hjensas lol23:21
TheJuliaJayF: that is evil.... and might just work!23:22
JayFalso nice to meet you hjensas lol23:22
* TheJulia needs to go to the mechanic and give them money for removing the transmission from the errand car23:23
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Improve efficiency of storage cleaning in mixed media envs

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