Sunday, 2022-02-27

vanouTheJulia: thank you. with such condition required to user, my concern goes away. i overlook that requirements for ironic user.01:36
vanouTheJulia: yes. containerization can bypass such concern. i'm happy to know there is a work going to handle this concern. thank you.01:39
vanouI have a question about
vanouThis commit (826576) fixes problem that is introduced by another commit in this yoga development cycle. In this case should i add release note to this commit (826576)?01:49
vanouIf these 2 commits (826576 and commit which introduced problem) happen between different release cycle, it's make sense for me to add release note to commit 826576.01:51
TheJuliavanou: generally yes,  you should always include release notes20:17
TheJuliasince we also release multiple times during an openstack development cycle20:18
vanouTheJulia: thank you. now i understand policy of release note inclusion in commit. i'll add asap21:52
jandersgood morning Ironic o/23:20

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